Mend your broken heart
Between now and Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14), save 20% on a personal consultation or on the True Recovery from Betrayal program. Use coupon code Heart20 at checkout.

Personal Consultation and Reiki
If you need validation that you’re dealing with a sociopath, suggestions on how to handle the situation, and assistance with your emotional recovery, talk to Donna (that’s me). I was married to a sociopath and have worked with thousands of survivors, so I know exactly what you are facing. Understanding what happened, and why it happened, is the first step in recovery. But real recovery comes with releasing the emotional pain of your experience. I can help you through my guided mindfulness technique, which I call Deep Emotional Release, and Reiki. You can feel immediate relief.

True Recovery from Betrayal
If you’ve been involved with a sociopath for a long time, I’m sure that you’ve suffered multiple betrayals and have multiple problems to address. You’ll benefit from ongoing support. When you choose my True Recovery from Betrayal program, I work with you for 12 sessions — once a week, or further apart. Each time we talk, I help you with whatever you need in the moment. Over time, I can use guided mindfulness to help you release layers of emotional pain from your energetic field, and that’s when true healing takes place. Commit to your own health and wellbeing; you’ll be well on your way to recovery.