Yes, there is life and love after the sociopath (narcissist, psychopath)
Recovery from the sociopath (or narcissist, psychopath) involves two parallel paths forward. The first is solving your real-world problems, like survival. The second path is emotional healing. I offer guidance on both paths, starting with pragmatic advice for dealing with your situation. Then, as a Reiki master, I help you release the energetic disturbances caused by the sociopath, as well as older, deeper disturbances that made you vulnerable. You can have peace, joy, love and the life you truly want. I know, because I did it. You can too.
What you need to know about relationships with sociopaths and narcissists
Is your partner a sociopath?
Learn if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, sociopath or another disordered individual.
How to leave or divorce a sociopath
Sociopaths (including narcissists) often get worse when it’s over — make sure you take precautions.
How to recover from the sociopath
Both sociopaths and narcissists engage in narcissistic abuse. Yes, you can recover; Lovefraud will help you.
What’s a Sociopath?
At Lovefraud, “sociopath” is used according to its original meaning, as a term that describes people who are pathological in their social relationships, including narcissists. Clinically, they could be diagnosed with antisocial, narcissistic, borderline, histrionic or psychopathic personality disorders. Start here
5 Reasons why the sociopath’s behavior in your relationship makes no sense
UPDATED FOR 2024. Shock. Confusion. Disbelief. These are common experiences when you’re romantically involved with a sociopath. The sociopath’s behavior in your relationship makes no sense. You ask yourself, or your friends, or your therapist, questions like: Sociopathic behaviors are so confusing because your expectations about what a romantic relationship is, and how people who …
LETTERS TO LOVEFRAUD: I want the woman back that I fell in love with, but I know it is impossible
UPDATED FOR 2024. Editor’s note: Lovefraud received this e-mail from a man who posts as “Drained.’ I guess I have been in a bit of a hole for a while now and have generally been going through a rough time, which in hindsight may have made me ripe for the picking by my sociopathic ex …
Check out the thousands of helpful articles in the Lovefraud Blog
Resources for dealing with sociopaths
Recover and rebuild
Yes, you can overcome from sociopathic abuse. Donna Andersen offers you validation, practical advice and reiki to help your recovery.
Lovefraud Podcasts
Listen to survivors tell their heartbreaking stories of deception and betrayal masquerading as love.
How to recognize and escape senior sociopaths
Read Donna Andersen’s newest book on over-50 sociopaths — partners, parents, family members, friends and co-workers.
Lovefraud Bookstore
Books and personal consultations with Donna Andersen, along with money-saving bundles.
Webinars for therapists
Learn how disordered individuals affect survivors so you can better help victims of abuse.
Lovefraud Community Forum
Talk about your experience with a sociopath to people who truly get it in the Lovefraud Community Forum.
Recovery from the Sociopath Sampler
Sociopaths cannot love you; they can only use you. The experience is so devastating that you may wonder if it’s even possible to recover. Yes, it is.
Share your story and help change the world
No one tells us the truth sociopaths and narcissists — that they’re all around us, they look just like us, but they live to exploit us. Let’s break the silence to make the world a safer place for all of us.