The overall topic of the Lovefraud Blog is sociopaths—how to spot them, and how to recover if you’ve tangled with them. You are invited to contribute your story and insights to the discussion by posting comments on Lovefraud Blog articles.
You can also start a new topic in the Lovefraud Forum, or respond to topics posted by other members of the community.
You must be a registered user in order to post a comment on the blog or forum. You will be asked to submit a valid e-mail address, but Lovefraud will never sell or rent your information to anyone. Here is what to do:
1. Register as a Lovefraud Blog user
Click “Register” under “Meta” in the red footer at the bottom of the page. Choose a user name and submit a valid e-mail address. If you are at all concerned about your security, please choose a user name that does not identify you.
You will receive an email confirming your request to register. Click the link to confirm. After that, a password will be e-mailed to you within a few minutes.
If you do not receive these emails, check your spam filter, or your junk or delete mailbox; the e-mail will be from “WordPress.”
2. Log in
Click “Login” at the top of the page or under “Meta” in the bottom footer. Type in your user name and the password you received by e-mail. This will take you to your profile page.
3. Optional—change your password, nickname and add website
To change your password to something that is easy to remember, scroll to the bottom of your profile page and enter your new password into the field, then enter again to confirm. You can also add other information, such as a website.
You can choose a nickname that is different from your user name. You may designate your nickname to appear on your comments, rather than your user name. This is recommended to protect your security if you can be identified by your user name.
4. Return to the main website.
Click “Lovefraud: Learn about sociopaths” in the upper left corner of the black bar at the top of your profile screen. This will bring you back to return to the home page of the website.
5. Select blog post
Scroll to the end of the blog post. Under “Comment on this article,” you’ll see a box that says “start the discussion” or “join the discussion.” Type your comment there.
Or, you can reply to another reader’s comment by hitting the “reply” button.
- Lovefraud Community Forum – General
- Sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths as partners
- Discussion of female sociopaths
- For adult children of sociopaths
- Dealing with sociopaths in court
7. Rules for comments
This is a forum for people to learn and heal. Lovefraud has only one rule of etiquette: Do not write anything that demeans or attacks another member of the community.
8. Post
When you are satisfied with your comment, click “Submit.”Note: If your comment contains certain words, e-mail addresses or URLs, it may be held for moderation. This is an additional security measure to stop comment spam. Thank you for your patience.