How to recognize and recover from the sociopaths – narcissists in your life › Forums › For adult children of sociopaths › Eyes to see
- This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 5 months ago by sunnygal1.
July 12, 2022 at 6:10 pm #68311JewelParticipant
Rather than succumb to the “wasted life” mentality that is so strong at times, I want to see the positive outcomes of my upbringing and subsequent life choices.
For one thing, I now have eyes to see, ears that hear, and a heart that knows all about the crap that is in the hearts of humanity these days. OMG, just the patterns of speech coming through the television can be so revealing. People really don’t know what they are saying and doing.
Assigning guilt to anyone can be tricky business. Why? you ask. Because behavior patterns can be either primary or secondary. Primary when coming from a cluster B. Secondary when coming as learned coping behavior from a victim.
So how can we make correct judgments? How do we assign evil correctly? Who is truly evil? Who has a chance to recover and become truly useful for unmasking true evil?
How are we to conduct ourselves in this upside down world that celebrates evil and condemns good?
Is this concept of the world being upside down new to you?
Yeah, that’s the problem. Welcome to Mystery Babylon.
July 12, 2022 at 8:53 pm #68313Donna AndersenKeymaster
Jewel – you are correct. Although the lessons of betrayal are hard, we do learn that evil exists, and that it can masquerade as something shiny and attractive. We learn that there are sometimes reasons why people are behaving badly or defensively, and it’s because they’re coping with betrayal.
The value of this information is that now, when things seem “off,” we have empirical information that can help us discern why they’re off: The person causing problems may be disordered.
I think the best thing we can do is work on our own recovery. Because the more healed we are, and the more centered we are, the better we are at truly seeing what is going on. Our intuition is able to function, and we’re able to determine who can be trusted and who can’t. This is what enables us to know when to say yes and when to say no.
July 13, 2022 at 1:06 pm #68318Jan7Participant
Hi Jewel, yes, the world has flipped upside down…but, it has always been upside down. if not, for the internet most of us would not be able to see the evil patterns of deception by the corrupt media, tv, corrupt polticans & world leaders, celebrities, pro athletes, internet “influencers” etc.
You have done your research and connected the dots of this world.
I would recommend you watch the video “Dr Fuellmich Grand Jury Day 1 Brand new tube”
Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his team of international lawyers/scientist/reserachers/experts are fighting the world wide evil at the hands of the PURE EVIL World Economic forum/Klaus evil schwab, evil bill gates, evil Fauci, evil Biden/Trump/Clintons/Obama, Bush and ALL WORLD LEADERS, evil UN etc etc. This video is SHOCKING but, spells out the world wide massive corruption in ALL of our world governments at every level.
Everything that Donna writes about & educates us on psychopath can be applied to the World Leaders (who are ALL psychopaths!!!), including Klaus Schawab, Bill Gates, Fauci,UN officals, NATO, MOnarches across the world etc = ALL PSYCHOPATHS!! The most EVIL psychopaths ever to walk on this planet.
Did you know that 6 Billionaires own ALL of the worlds media? From newspapers, to tv news, internet news etc. They are all part of the EVIL World economic forum and puppets to Klaus Schwab and the Counsil of 13 bloodline families. Best to turn off your tv for good = avoid being brain washed & put under MK Ultra brain washing (look up)
The world is run by CULTS aka “secret societies” such as Free Mason evil cult and Illuminati evil Cult.
Once you see this YES…you can see & hear their pure evilness and now how to avoid it by reading everything Donna writes about to educate us on how to SPOT A PSYCHOPATH!
Remember ALL Psychoapths want POWER & CONTROL OVER THEIR TARGET VICTIMS…it does not matter if they are just a domestic abusive psychopath with one cult follower (their spouse) OR a Cult leader psychopaths with millions or billions of cult followers they are all the same.
Lookup Brand new tube, hugo talks, yt ch The healthy American Peggy hall (watch her videos on Civil Rights act of 1968 title 7 &11), Rumble stew peters (watch his videos on what is in these experimental vx = horrific)
The Evil Free mason cult & Illuminati cult are the cults that are running this 2 1/2 year long CORONA CON GAME..maniupulating citizens into taking EXPERIMENTAL vx using FEAR. Just like all psychopaths use FEAR to control these evil psychopaths are using FEAR to get citizens to wear mask, take PCR test and take an EXPERIMENTAL Vx.
NEVER FORGET Hitler and the evil elite families (all part of the evil Illumianti cult and other cult secret socieites of Europe) that finacially backed hitler to power used FEAR to force the Jewish to out of their their homes and into the Jewish Gettos, then forced them out of the Jewish Gettos onto death trains and forced them to take experimental vx & drugs on concentration camps with horrific out come and forced them with fear into the Gas chambers.
HISTORY IS LITERALLY REPEATING and most sadly do not see this because they are ALL brain washed by TV news & corrupt polticans. They have been conditions to be sheep and not use their critcial thinking. This is what psychopaths do…the prevent victims from thinking on their own.
NEVER FORGET All of the World leaders are all psychopaths puppets to the WOrld eocnomic Forum. NEVER FORGET The same families that fiancially backed hitler to power are ALL THE SAME FAMILIES RUNNING THE CORONA CON GAME making billions while harming citizens.
NEVER FORGET Hitler used LOCkDOWNS when occupying every city he rolled tanks into.
Lookup “Smart cities”, “Ukraine smart city” the reason why the evil elite started a “proxy war” in Ukraine with the help of Russia is to destroy buildings mainly appartment buildings to “Build back better” (have you hear that term? ifnot look it up on brand new tube) and build their evil smart cities which will track ALL citizens by using a “Social credit score’ (look up on brand new tube). Smart citizens are literally PRISONS for citizens. Look up “Russia Smart city”.
Evil Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates/fauci/World leaders etc etc will go down in histroy as the worst psychopath of all times
Sadly, most dont see this. Glad you do. Take care.
July 13, 2022 at 1:19 pm #68319Jan7Participant
lookup on you tube “Jewish forced out of their homes into gettos” free documentaries and “Jewish forced to take experimental vaccines and drugs in concentration camps”
These videos are gut wrenching to watch. And, now history is literally repeating with the exception of the corrupt polticans/health officals using our own homes as the concentration camps. They could not force citizens into concentration camps without RED FLAGS being raised so they used home lockdowns. However, many countries including the US, Australia etc have literally built concentration camps!!
look up “Austrlia Concentration camps brand new tube”
July 14, 2022 at 10:17 am #68320
July 14, 2022 at 5:55 pm #68323sunnygal1Participant
The title is our daily mm Meds how the pharmaceutical companies transformed themselves into slick marketing machines and hooked the nation on prescription drugs.
I’m having some technical issues. Exxcuse
October 10, 2022 at 9:12 am #68789fshfurnitureParticipant
October 10, 2022 at 1:13 pm #68790sunnygal1Participant
Fshfurniture. Yes it is a good book!
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