How to recognize and recover from the sociopaths – narcissists in your life › Forums › Sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths as partners › Narc or what is he?
- This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 7 months ago by Donna Andersen.
August 7, 2023 at 3:55 pm #70497SunflowerParticipant
Yet again, I find my self on this forum. 10 yrs after the first, I met another one.
The first time Donna answered me and I found peace in knowing that the guy was a psychopath. I wish I knew better after that.
6 yrs ago I met a man my age.I thought he was the love of my life, finally, he just needed to grow a bit wiser and have help with his adhd. We had really, really good times, but the bad was worse. Good times only lasted 2-3 weeks and his rage came out again.
It started with him having anger issues and dumping me 3 times a month at least. He regretted, said it was lack of impulsecontrol. He called me names, talked me down, I was worthless, a nobody, he never loved me, and the list goes on. Everything he knew about me he used against me. I didn’t deserve any better.
When he was done being mad, he would apologize, tell me how he loved me etc. He never ment any of those things.
Every birthday, x-mas, special occation I was dumped. If I ever asked him to do anything I was dumped, if I ever talked about my feelings I was dumped, if anybody at his work commented our relationship I was dumped! 2 times he broke of our engadement just because some stranger said to him that he called me way too many times during workhours (controlling where I was and with who and it was my fault he had to call bc I would be mad if he didn’t) and the second time bc he ordered me to fix our home, I said if he wanted something he could also be the adult and go out and fetch things to our home.
Everything good about me he turned into negative. I lost friends and contact with family. I withdrew and was broken. I thought I was worthless. Everything he did to me, he denied. He said I was mentally sick and needed to be hospitalized. I was the one doing it all to him. He never said or did any of that. It was all my fault, got what I deserved.
He sleepdeprieved me to the point of sickness. He dumped me for that as well.Everytime he hurt me, he ignored me while I was crying. Went to sleep, the gym, to work giving me utter silent treatment. He ment I was only acting and he had the freedom of speach to say whatever he wanted. I was the one denying him that and controlling him so my tears was just my mental illness. He had done nothing wrong!
I’ve lived under constant threats. Just the slightest thing he would split our finances, move out, take revenge. My opinions or thoughts ment nothing, it was all eyes on him. If not, he would rage. He decided when my needs were going to be met and when to shut up. If I spoke, he would end the relationship. If I didn’t do what he wanted all hell broke loose.
So here I am again, he broke up with me and I held him to it. Each time he has begged me back, but not this time. Is this the final discard ?
My 40th birthday is coming up in two weeks. Two months has gone by with him escalating and throwing new things in my face. The mental terror is exhausting. I’m waiting for him to move out, but I’m worried he will not. And I worry how I’ll react when he does. He tells my everyday how he’s looking forward to it, rubs it in my face. If he suspect I’m crying he’ll be running into my room telling me how he’s gonna leave, he will take whatever property he wants ( I bought and fixed everything) he will do a,b,c,d if he doesn’t get his way. He thinks he hasn’t ruined my birthday this year since he will not attend my party. He’ll be at home packing his bags ready to leave. He has done nothing, it’s me who controls his opinions ( if I ever cut my hair short he would dump me, I told him off) so he can’t be with a person who denies him opinions.
He tries to make me pay all expences now, threatens with not doing any chores, he accuses me of having other men, but throws tantrums if he’s not allowed to be with other women under my roof. He has now deleted me on socials. Then he suddenly does chores and is super nice, but I never know if it will last out the day or if he’ll switch the next.
I found out he went behind my back financially also. He had alot of bad Credit when he met me, I helped him fix everything. My money went into him, while he was spending his on games and friends. Even took care of his child more than I should. I have done everything for this man and each time I was nice to him he would become awfull. Screaming at me in public that I was a liar, manipulator, an abuser. He has done this several times.
He says he doesn’t have any remorse, empathy or guilt when it comes to me. I’m the only one he’s like this with. It’s because who I am. I’m to strickt with him. He was only with me until somebody better came along. He will be much better off with another person than me.
He also said He’s nice to people at work bc he have to, at home he’s really awfull.
His mood switches multiple times a day, from nice to raging in seconds. It doesn’t matter if his teen child is visiting, he’ll become worse and is more on edge to flip over to rage. To prevent this I go visit my family and stay away.
His stories switch and doesn’t add up. He changes the stories constantly, blames me for all of it, I’m the one doing it, not him. He contradicts him self in every sentence. It started really bad 6 months ago when he tried new adhd meds. He is not using meds now other than anti deppresants.
He has put his hands on me this time, that’s why it’s final draw for me. It was nothing bad, but boundary crossed. I worry if the mental abuse will end up in physical if I stay. He has become worse during the years.
I’m wondering is this a common narc trait or something else? He fits narc description to the t, but the inconsistency and so unstable?
I’m sorry for messy post, I’m so exhausted and my mind is all over the place.
August 8, 2023 at 10:21 am #70498emilie18Participant
Sunflower — I am so sorry this happened again. It is very human to want to believe the fantasy, especially when someone seems so perfect in the beginning – and also very human to believe things will get better — I have heard that called Growth Belief, which involves the belief that relationships can be maintained and problems can be overcome. We who are empaths and sensitive are very vulnerable to these behaviors. I am glad you finally got to a place where you said “enough” – and proud of you for walking away. Stay strong — your description of this person sounds awful to live with. Almost bipolar with his radical ups and downs, but also extremely manipulative with lots of gaslighting behavior with his blaming you for HIS actions. You don’t need this stress. Best thing now is concentrating on YOU. Keep posting – the people here are great at keeping you sane!
August 8, 2023 at 11:21 am #70500Donna AndersenKeymaster
Sunflower – the guy is definitely disordered – probably either psychopath or borderline personality disorder. The exact diagnosis doesn’t matter – he is an abuser and he will not change.
You need to get him out of your life. Is he living in your home? Get him out. You may also need to create a safety plan for yourself.
Since this is your second experience with an abuser, it tells me that you never fully healed after the last one. Please get him out and then work on your emotional recovery. It’s time to heal yourself.
August 8, 2023 at 5:14 pm #70501SunflowerParticipant
Thank you so much for your replies. I cried when I read them. It means so much for me that you took the time to reply.
Today I’m super confused. He’s suddenly really nice and his old self today all day.Even cooperative. It makes me wonder if I imaged the last couple of weeks. He even thanked me for doing him a favor, last night he was being really mean again. I did him a favour today just to have one day off fighting. Usually he gets really mean right after I do him favours.
Sometimes I feel like I’ve lost him to sickness and I mourn him for who he was in the good times. It feels like I dont’t know this person I lived with for 6 yrs. Was it all fake? What did really happen behind my back? What is so bad about me that makes him be like this towards me? What did I do so wrong? Was I blind or did he become worse? Did I refuse to see? So many questions, so much confusion.
I have a hard time letting go, but I know I must. I have to, it’s gone too far. The grief is unbearable.
I’m deeply ashamed I allowed my self to be here again. It makes me feel worthless. I’m so ashamed for my own behaviours during the 6 yrs, how I allowed my self to sink down to his level when I got angry. Angry as well for allowing someone to treat me as worthless.This is not who I am. I should have known better. Then again he was so mean. So confusing.
How do I start healing? What do I do?
I’ve been to therapy from age 13- 32. I have CPTSD. When I was done they said I was as well as I ever could be and had an amazing recovery.
Treatment in US is not all available in my country. Ptsd is a diagnosis fairly new (2011) and only special treatment centers with waitinglist up to 12 months can help. There are very few of them.
Deep down I feel unlovable and extremely lonely. My dream has always been to get married and create a good life with my best friend. I don’t adapt well to changes and I wanted a partner for life. The nice house with happy little feet in it. My sorrow is I know I will never experience it. I’m 40, children is off the table, it’s too late. Two times in abusive relationship, there is no room for more. I will end up alone.
Many times in my life I felt invisible to people. My mother has narc traits and was really unstable while growing up. I never experienced respected boundaries and had none for my self. It was not allowed. My job was to attend her needs at any given moment. My youngest Sister was also very ruined by our upbringing and ended up alcholic and a pilladdict. She died two years ago at age 27 by overdose/heartattack and is the greatest heartache I’ve ever experienced in my life. I will never get over it. I miss her so.
I see the same in him as I saw in her. Once the pills took over her mental state, she was gone long before her body died. She died on me twice. First her spirit, then her body. It took 5 yrs inbetween the two. She was no longer in there, she had become a whole different and mean person none of us knew. I fixed all treatment I could for her, but the system failed. She was a self harmer as well, worst case.
Now I see the same in my ex. He’s gone just as she was, but with moments of his nice self now and then. Or am I mixing the two while triggered?
These are my wounds.
I can’t afford therapy. I am open to any book I can get my hands on. I read every single thing I can.
Donna’s recovery from the sociopath book is not available in my country, I hope it will be someday bc I really want to read it. However, I’m looking for a day by day workbook with exercises and tasks for healing and recovery. Any recommandations available in other countries?
August 10, 2023 at 9:28 am #70502Donna AndersenKeymaster
Sunflower – The fact that your mother was disordered certainly had a profound negative effect on you. It is probably the root cause of why you got involved with two psychopaths and why you are having trouble disengaging.
Lovefraud has lots of material to help you. You might want to try our webinars. Our newest one is “How abusive parents affect you and how you can recover.” Also, all of my books are available right on this website. Links are below.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Donna Andersen.
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