How to recognize and recover from the sociopaths – narcissists in your life › Forums › Sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths as partners › New here, Not even sure how to start this.
- This topic has 16 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by polestar.
December 21, 2021 at 10:28 pm #66951Kat0508Participant
The past year of my life has been an emotional roller coaster. I was in the best years of my life. Doing everything I always wanted to do! In my 5th year of sobriety from alcohol, really living my dream life. I’d been single for 4yrs completely abstinent no dating just focusing on God, my son, and myself. Well, I got on online dating and met my now husband and soon to be father of my child. It has literally been a year of the most confusion in my entire life. This man in the beginning made me feel like I was the most special amazing woman in the world. He was recently divorced after a really, in his words toxic terrible relationship after getting his ex wife pregnant after I think a month of knowing each other. I only share that because now he compares me to her. In the beginning I never saw any anger toward me just complete love bomb but I started to notice he drank more than I really liked in my future partner and he was also a “recovering” addict. He made it seem like he was on this path of growth and really had the same goals and love of family as me. I started noticing some real red flags. He told me that he had actually been in another relationship while going through his divorce and kinda lived with this woman. It was very strange to me they even got matching tattoos. Talk about a red flag. I distanced myself from him even though he made it seem like it was his choice which was weird. I went a month without talking to him then he reached back out and same thing love bombing me to the max. So a few weeks go by our relationship is progressing. We go on a trip together to my lake house. What I saw there was total alcoholic drinking another red flag for me yet I gave him the benefit of the doubt but again I should have listened to my gut when he again disappears for a couple weeks and shows up at my house crying drunk how he loves me and how much he’s screwed up how he’s gonna quit drinking and change. So again I Give in. Now he confesses everything I already know about other women but he wants to be in a committed relationship with me. I agree and he moves into my home which I own. Outside of the other woman he had “briefly” been with before me he had been living at his dads with his daughter since his split/divorce. This was April and things were going well. He stopped working because he wanted to make a career change and I own a business and also have a summer seasonal job. I felt bad for him and wanted to support him in making this transition. Over the next few months things got so weird. He started what I now know to be gas lighting me, making me question everything about myself. We’d have conversation and small arguments and be like you’re so sensitive or say mean jokes and be like oh you can’t take a joke, you have no sense of humor. I really felt like I was going crazy. My family started to notice how distant I was becoming it was like I was being isolated. It was getting so bad and my gut was just like What are you doing?!! I have a somewhat bad memory when it comes to forgetting where I put things and he totally used that against me. He’s say things I never said or he would say I said things that I know I never said. I saw the first outburst of anger that was really hard to believe I was witnessing after we had just left church. He screamed at me like I was a child. Not long after that We got into another fight right before the 4th of July and he decided to just leave when he said he’d be home when I got off work. My sister and my sponsor were like it sounds like he’s been gaslighting you. That’s when I started looking up Narcissists, BPD, gaslighting. I kicked him out and told him this was over. Now I’m not even going into the depths of the psychological aspect of this but I’m sure many of y’all could relate to. I felt like I had no idea who I was anymore. Which I had spent the last 5 years at this point learning who I was and healing from my alcoholism through church and AA. Well here we go again 2wks later. I love you and the love bombs come back even harder. How he wants to be the most amazing partner for me and how he’ll spend everyday of his life loving me and being the best he could ever be. How I make him a better man and he’s the happiest he’s ever been with me. He moves back in and we start talking about having our own child together. And getting a second chance since both of us went through a rough time with our partners in the past. It was like he knew everything about me to manipulate me to get me to fall head over heals for him. I didn’t really think we could have a baby because of our age and other things. Well, right off rip I get pregnant by the end of July. Things weee going great so I thought. Boy was I wrong. He asks me to marry him and I said yes. The gaslighting and stone walling starts happening again but not as bad and I’m able to call him out on it. We get married in September start Counseling because after we get married things start to change again. He starts verbally abusing me more than ever telling me to shut the F up, screaming at me, things of that nature. Telling mean jokes again, making me question myself and my sanity. I’m always apologizing, I’m trying everything I could do to make this guy happy and support him. The only thing I really give him a hard time about is his drinking. Which I don’t ever tell him he can’t do it. I don’t ever tell him he can’t hang out with friends, but I would be disappointed and he would make me feel so bad about that. He was always accusing me of being controlling, defensive, sensitive and all these things. We did two therapy session and right before our 3rd when we were going to discuss his drinking he says we don’t need to go to counseling anymore. Two days later we get into a huge fight while we were out fishing. All this stuff unfolds and needless to say he is now moved out and basically says he wants a divorce that I’m toxic, that everything is my fault, that he isn’t going through this again, how he did everything to try and make me happy. I never nagged him, I really never told him what to do, I supported him most of our relationship and then he would say I didn’t. Now he did sell property and pay off both of our debt and took care of bills the last month we had been together. I didn’t even go into the times that he left after fights and wouldn’t talk to me for days and he’d come home apologize and the cycle would start over. So this last time he left I made him move his stuff out again and we are now separated. Im just struggling with being pregnant with his child and that I can’t just never talk to him again. I’m a Christian woman that is strong in my belief and it’s been so confusing on what to do. I want to make it work and believe he can change or that I’m strong enough to handle him for our sons sake. He says he pretty much wants the relationship to be over yet he doesn’t really say he wants a divorce yet he says he just wants space and time. That I’m pressuring him which I don’t really feel like I am. We were going to lead a disciple group together and had a training at the church. Now I hadn’t heard from him in days until the night of the training. We show up, we hug, we go into church he introduces me as his wife and how we are going to start a couples group together! I’m like we aren’t even living together! I thought we’ll maybe this is us moving forward together I’m no it’s not. I invited him to be with me and my family for Christmas because his daughter has been reaching out to me saying she’s misses and loves me and wished she was here with us at Christmas. But by me asking him it’s me pressuring him To come back and manipulating him. If anyone has advice please help me be strong and know that I’m dealing with someone that has serious issues. Even our therapist whom I’m now seeing alone agrees there is some very questionable behavior that she has witnessed with her own eyes in him. I know I need to cut communication for now but like I said any one with advice or understanding of this please words of wisdom are welcomed. Thank you and I hope everyone has a safe and merry Christmas!!
December 22, 2021 at 4:13 pm #66954emilie18Participant
Kat0508: I am so sorry to hear about your involvement with this person. He sounds horrible – his emotional ups and downs, intermittent reinforcement and recurrent lovebombing, unreliability, gaslighting and his general treatment of you is so typical of these disordered sociopaths. I know you know the answer — Get Out Now! His latest ploy is using his daughter to play on your sympathies then making YOU out to be the manipulator — what a rotten tactic! Sadly he has his claws into you because of the baby and the marriage. You absolutely need to go and stay No Contact. Find a good attorney who understands the games this guy will play – the lies and manipulation and demands he will make – and be prepared for a fight. Obviously his child means nothing to him other than a means to an end – it would not surprise me to hear he has multiple marriages and or children he is hiding from you. For your own sanity and well being, avoid all contact. Change your locks, your phone numbers and block him on all social media. Be very careful though – these types can easily escalate and become dangerous, especially when thwarted. Keep reading the great advice on this forum and reaching out with questions. Wishing you peace of mind!
December 23, 2021 at 6:27 pm #66959Kat0508Participant
Thank you! It has really been the most bizarre experience. I’ve changed locks and I do not do any social media so I am covered there. I am trying to maintain as much no contact as possible since 2 days ago. He has reached out via text but I was able to keep it to like 5 words. I have no idea what to believe with him. I don’t think he’s that extreme as I know his family but I guess you never know. And I don’t really want to even go down that rabbit hole of what could be. I’m going to focus on myself, my family and my pregnancy for now and just try to maintain as much joy in my life as I possibly can. I really appreciate you reaching out and for your support! It’s really helped me to have found y’all! It breaks my heart to know so many have been hurt by these types of people. It’s really unbelievable that so many people are affected by sociopaths, BPD, narcissists. I literally never knew about any of these things before this experience.
December 22, 2021 at 10:54 pm #66955polestarParticipant
Hi Kat –
The first thing I would like to say is congratulations on your upcoming baby ! No matter what else goes on, a child is such a beautiful blessing and one that you can treasure and enjoy. In response to the issue with your separated spouse, here are my thoughts about that. By the way, I really liked the advise emilie gave you. In any case, it is also a blessing that your ex wants to be separated from you, which is half the battle in your favor already. So you need ( in my opinion ) to do your share to finish the relationship by going through an official divorce. At the same time, you can go No Contact to the extent that it is possible to do so. It would also be important to continue your education about sociopaths so that you can heal from the confusion of having had to deal with him as long as you have and to get fortified to know what to expect so you can protect yourself and your children from him. I am sure that there is information here at Love Fraud to know how to deal with him in regards to his legal rights concerning your baby. Perhaps email Donna directly and ask her where specifically to look for that information. She has an email address on the home page I believe, but I know it is posted. About your ex and your past relationship, he brought so much disorder into your life, of which all of us here know all too well about. It is upsetting and distressing and unnerving to anyone who deals with these character disordered people. In your case, because from what I understood from your post, you are a recovering alcoholic, and that takes a lot of personal strength to maintain your sobriety even in the best of circumstances. To have had his influence around you with his drinking was so bad for you, and I am sure with all his abuse of you in all the ways you described, he was intending on pushing you over the edge of what he thought you could deal with. Luckily you have your therapist, your church, your faith and those who support you, and now us here at Love Fraud. We are all behind you. So as I said before, find out the best way you can block him from your life in terms of what his legal rights are as being a father. Even so, if he does get to see the baby due to legal rights, you can perhaps find out what the exact parameters for that are, and then have someone else there like a relative and what the time limit is etc. As I said, you will need to research that. But I can say that you have no obligation to speak to him directly. I would start the divorce proceedings immediately because then they have emailing that you correspond through the court system. So try to get all of that in place – and at the same time enjoy all the happiness that goes into preparing for a new born. Don’t allow your ex to put a damper on your beautiful life that you have worked so hard to achieve. You have much to be proud of yourself about. You definitely have the strength of character to get up from this setback of your ex coming into your life, and you can continue in the great life you created for your son and now new to be baby.
December 23, 2021 at 6:17 pm #66958Kat0508Participant
Thank you so much for responding and your words of comfort. I am grateful that he is not trying to come back. I’m treating this like I did with my alcoholism. One day at a time, reading my literature on these types of disorders, keeping my support group close, and healing myself. I waited my whole life to get married and to have made that choice with him has really affected me but I am strong and have accomplished so much in my life that I know with God I am able to move through this. The first half of my pregnancy was all about my husband and now I’m finally able to focus on myself and the baby! No matter what happens with his father I do know that this little boy is a blessing for sure! I will raise him just as a raised my oldest son whose dad left when he was 2, another guy that was abusive. I am looking inward to see things in myself on why I have now found myself here again. I know I have codependency issues. My therapist is working with me to not blame myself though. She says he just repped himself and didn’t really show his true colors. It baffles me that someone could act so in love then treat the people around him who do love him like this. Like we are all pawns in his weird game. If that makes sense at all.
December 22, 2021 at 11:06 pm #66956polestarParticipant
PS – if you respond to our posts or have any further questions, of which I love to reply, I just want to mention that I live on a mountain and have to drive into town to use the internet. And a snowstorm is supposed to be coming … just wanted you to know that if you do post, I will respond as soon as I am able. Thanks so much for sharing.
Blessings to you. -
December 28, 2021 at 4:26 pm #66962polestarParticipant
Hi Kat – I’ve been snowed in this whole time ! But anyway, I wanted to respond about your feelings of incredibly about how these people can be so obnoxious. Mira Kirshenbaum in her book about “ too good to leave, too bad to stay “ has a chapter about power, and a segment of that is called “ power – the dirty little secret “. What we don’t basically realize is how much the issue of power is involved in any relationship, because people have different priorities and different ways of seeing things. But the problem with those character disordered people is that they take power to a whole different level where instead of negotiating for what they want in relation to another person’s wants, – is that they are not concerned about any specific wants but instead are interested in having power. So they will actually set up situations so that they can “ win “ – however it is or whatever it is so that they can get their power “ fix “. So in my opinion, it is actually an addiction. And any way that the other person who is involved responds, it will just feed their addiction. They cannot have this sense of power unless there is another person to have the power over. It is different than other kinds of addictions because for example, drugs – a person can ingest which ever kind that they desire, and not necessarily involve anyone else. But with the craving for power-over, they need someone else. So that is why we need to go “ No Contact “. Because the mind games and other varying scenarios that they concoct are sometimes very subtle and we are just not versed in that mentality. As a matter of fact, people can go for years not having a clue about the power games being played on them. They usually just have this wierd feeling that things seem so wrong but can’t put their finger on what it is exactly in the more subtle manipulative cases. And in the blatant cases, there is all the trauma bonding that is involved so it is hard to escape. The whole delemna is just so foreign to most people’s life view. In any case, I’m so glad that you are now carrying on with determination and the thrill of welcoming a new little baby boy into your life and into the world. If you would like, I’d love to hear about all the updates about your pregnancy and the birth and anything you would like to share. Also, any questions or concerns are always welcome.
January 2, 2022 at 11:43 am #66976Kat0508Participant
Hope the weather has gotten better and Happy New a year to you! I will definitely keep you posted on the baby and all that’s going on! I feel hopeful that with good therapy and all the reading I’m doing that I will be able to not allow him to have any control over me. Since this separation time I’ve been getting back to me and that has been such a freeing feeling. He’s still trying to manipulate and even tried to get me to put him on my new insurance plan. Which btw I originally had him on and he freaked that I did that without consulting him and told me to take him off of it. He was acting so nice when he wanted something and the minute I told him I would not be able to add him back on he went silent. Not asking anything about my doula appointment or even offering to help pay for her, it was all about him. So annoying and really unbelievable. Now that I’m out of his grasp I’m able to see things so much clearer. I hope you are doing well.
Is your story posted on here? I’d be interested in seeing/ hearing about your experience.
January 2, 2022 at 6:05 pm #67028polestarParticipant
Hi kat –
That is so great that you have been able to stand up to your ex. I would like to gently suggest that you would feel even better if you did not speak to him at all. If it is totally necessary to communicate, I think it would be protective for you psychologically to only do so via email. Text is still too close, I think. That will also give you needed emotional distance and you can also document conversations should you need them for the divorce or if your ex starts acting out or something like that. As far as my story goes – it has been written here on the forum under my name “ polestar “. Then more recently I shared about a relationship I had that I didn’t go into really originally because I was able to get out of it so easily. It occurred a long time ago, and my way of handling the situation was to move forward without looking back. But recently it caught up with me and all the emotions that I didn’t deal with came up with force. So I was having a difficult time and was posting about all of that. And to confuse things even more – most of the feelings were of deep love. He had cheated on me unbeknownst to me for a long time – which was the problem, because I thought other than that, he was terrific. But going back and more currently dealing with all the past issues caused me to realize that he really wasn’t as wonderful as I believed him to be. I had had rose colored glasses firmly in place. So I needed to get through a lot of denial to get clarity etc. I finally feel very well now, but the whole process was extremely difficult. To tell you the truth, I have this happiness of feeling that I achieved something significant. And I am so grateful for those who have shared their knowledge and support in so many different ways, including books. I know I could never have gotten through all I have without them. So I too encourage and support you and believe in you.
Blessings -
January 7, 2022 at 7:46 am #67056Donna AndersenKeymaster
Kat0508 – Hello – sorry for the delay in responding to your post – I enjoyed a much-needed Christmas vacation.
I know this is difficult to accept, but I am confident that the guy is a complete sociopath, and the best thing you can do is cut him out of your life. Yes, he is the father of your child, but he will never be the father that your child deserves. You are better off keeping him out of your life, and your child’s life. You may even want to not put his name on the birth certificate.
He will use the child as a way to control you forever. I recommend that you raise your child on your own, with the support of your family and church. Do not ask for or accept child support from him. Keep the situation out of the courts as much as possible, because if they order him to pay support, they will also allow him access to the child, which will be a nightmare.
Know that he took advantage of your vulnerability. That was his intention all along.
You have done well for yourself in maintaining your sobriety. It is a huge challenge to do that, and you met the challenge. So you are a strong woman. You’ll be a strong mother for your child.
January 15, 2022 at 12:49 pm #67114Kat0508Participant
Hi Donna! It’s so nice to hear from you! Thank you for all the advice. At first I felt that might be too harsh but seeing how he showed up at my house this morning unannounced after blocking him on my phone yesterday it might be best. He’s calling me names and saying how an amazing husband he was and how it was all me that he tried everything. Even used a past relationship (my sons father who was verbally and physically abusive) that I confided in him about to hurt me this morning. He is just chipping away at me and it’s getting unbearable. I told him last week we can not be friends and boom again I start hearing from his daughter. I feel like I’m living a part of my past all over again and I’m so mad at myself for even being in this position. I really want to reach out to his ex wife whom he painted this terrible picture of and now I’m not sure it’s entirely true. What is your advice or anyone else’s advice on reaching out to the ex? Also, I am definitely filing for a divorce asap and luckily my father is an attorney. It is so hard to try and explain this behavior to people. Even though my dad knows what my ex is doing he takes a very cut and dry approach. My therapist and I are working on my boundaries because I am not good with that but see how crucial it is moving forward with the ex. Any other help would be really appreciated. Thank you so much!
January 7, 2022 at 6:31 pm #67060polestarParticipant
Hi Donna, I had recommended divorce to kat, but Your advise is much better ! I completely agree with your point of view. So wise, knowledgeable and informative. So glad you explained it so that Kat can take your advise.
Blessings -
January 16, 2022 at 12:03 pm #67117Donna AndersenKeymaster
Kat0508 – In my opinion, reaching out to the ex is worth a shot, although you’ll need to be prepared for whatever her reaction is.
Some exes are willing to help, and may have a lot of information that could prove useful. Some are even willing to testify, which will help you establish his pattern of conduct (if necessary).
Some exes are terrified and will not talk to you.
Some exes are still in love with the perp and will report back to him what was said.
You will have to evaluate the pros and cons of taking this step. it could be good – or it could be bad. But you never really know until you try.
January 17, 2022 at 12:18 am #67130polestarParticipant
Hi kat – good to read your latest post so as to be updated about what has been going on with you and your relationship. As always, you really do make strong decisions and choices and go to get help that you need, so I have great confidence in your ability to free yourself from this sociopathic person, who is trying to ruin your life. As far as contacting his ex wife – it seems that by doing that, you are trying to get validation that it really is him that is the problem, and that it is not you. I perceive this as that his horrible disrespect towards you has affected your sense of self trust. You know what his behavior has been and that it has been extremely abusive, but he has recently tried to turn the tables on you, to make it seem that you have been the disordered one. And it seems that you feel that if only you could speak to his ex, and she would tell you that he has treated her terribly too, and other wierd, unkind episodes, so then you would feel validated. There are some problems with that strategy though. For one thing, as Donna mentioned, results could come in so many varied ways that you could not predict. If the ex ended up not validating your ex’s problems, then you would have an extra layer of emotions to work through. And even if she came back to say that he was actually under it all, a “ good person “, you would end up doubting yourself all the more and no matter what she says it would have nothing to do with your own truth. She cannot be given the authority about what his character is. That would be to give away your own point of view and your own power. Better to let her come to you with questions etc. especially since you will not be married to him for long anyway. Also, it is important to realize that in many many cases, one person is targeted as the victim of emotional abuse, when others are not who are in the social environment, and so the victim is thus even more gas lighted because the perp seems great to others and so the other people just end up not being able to validate what has been really going on. Anyway, my opinion about contacting the ex is not to go kicking a hornet’s nest. Just by talking to her, regardless of what she may reply, she will inevitably tell someone else that you got in touch with her, and people will talk, and before you know it, it will get back to your ex, etc etc. I personally think that No Contact also means to have No Contact with their family, friends and contacts. But in any case, I am glad that you are able to move forward and that you have your therapist ( and us ) to validate that he is the one with the problem and to support you in getting away from him.
January 17, 2022 at 9:17 am #67131Kat0508Participant
Thank you! Yeah that’s true. I know she went through the same things really because she too had to go email only the whole time him and I were together. They have a daughter together. She spent 16yrs with him 10 married. He basically did the same thing with her. He was so open about the things he did in that relationship with me that it was like he was giving me a glimpse into what our relationship was going to be like but that was how he used to be, he changed, he was growing, he was different. I was different, what a mess and It just wasn’t the case. I was talking with his sister one day and she said it just seems odd and very similar to his relationship with his ex “let’s hope this time it’s different” nope because he’s the same! Any way I’ll probably hold off until the divorce is final and I have more time to heal.who knows if I’ll ever. I’ll pray for Gods timing. Now I’m just trying to get over the guilt I feel for going email contact only. I’m having a difficult time with it because I’m pregnant. But he won’t respect me not wanting to talk on the phone and text every other day, he wants to be best friends. Please give me a break. He was a terrible friend. He’s like I was a great husband and all I ever did was be nice to you. It was you that didn’t do anything. I’m like what in the actual heck this is exhausting and completely insane. I have to stay strong and keep moving forward. I really appreciate everyone’s input and I really want to stop learning the hard way with this guy. So I’m try to do better on taking y’all’s and my support around me advice.
January 17, 2022 at 5:58 pm #67132polestarParticipant
Hi Kat – he is harassing you big time. It is actually a very long Hoover. That is what they do when either you have gotten free of them, or they see that you are in the process of becoming free. So, yes, he will lay on the guilt, and assume the victim position of “ oh, how can you do this to me, who has always been so loving to you etc etc. “ – when that is just a huge lie. But he will just keep on as long as you are resisting. But if you should give in, then he will have his claws into you again and the horror will begin all over again. The fact that you are communicating at all with him ( via email ) is very generous and though he can’t appreciate it. Not that I am supporting you in even that amount of communication. But I understand that you feel vulnerable due to being pregnant, and perhaps going No Contact completely would be too upsetting for you to deal with at this point. As I have said, you have been taking very strong and empowering steps and you know best how to proceed considering especially your pregnancy. But I would like to support you in not backing down about your email only stance. I am putting you in the light.
Blessings -
January 17, 2022 at 6:58 pm #67133polestarParticipant
PS – that old “ let’s be friends “ is one of the oldest plays in the sociopathic playlist ruses. Again, it is actually a Hoover – but it has a lot of baggage attached. Because, “ let’s be friends “ sounds so reasonable and understanding of you and your space that it is difficult to see through. They can afford to put that out there because they were never a friend in the first place and do not have the capacity to be a friend. As Zari Ballard said in regards to this phenomenon, in the end the only one bringing any wisps of friendship will be you. But, he will use it once again to put guilt on you. How can you be so hard hearted and cruel not to even want to be friends? It all sounds so logical, but if you give in to that one, you will be pulled right back into the sociopathic mess.
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