How to recognize and recover from the sociopaths – narcissists in your life › Forums › Sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths as partners › What is he? I am in a trap, going crazy? Need support
- This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 2 months ago by Sunnygal.
December 27, 2018 at 9:39 am #47901inatrapParticipant
Hi. I feel like going mental. But have to be strong because of our baby. Any comment oor advice appreciated.
Our story-short as possible. We met, skyped for 1 months and then i moved to his ccountry. 3 months after we met i got pregnant. Intentionally. He manipulated me iinto having a baby. Before him i was really in a bad shape and lost. We moved back to my country because of pregnancy. I was so happy. My familiy to. They thought he saved me.
Things changed when i found out he was playing bets. Not working. I started playing a decetcitve. Never before him.. Found out that he has 4 children. With 3 woman. He also had some debts and things in a court. I spy his email and i find many many crazy things he is hiddiing from me.
He has almost all red flags. But i still cant believe that he is socio.
We opened a company. On my name. Everything is on my name. He is a liar. I earn money now and he does not. But acts like everything is his. My familie hates him now. But mostly he is overly nice to me. Bot sincere. I could go live back home but he says i must not. And he moved out.and came back in. He has no job and still playing bets. And porn watching.. He is blaming me that i am a bitch and without emphaty. That a am dangerous and psychopath. And that i wanna leave with his money..which i earned by company he helped me create. Full of big dreams and nice promises.
I would contact on of his ex and ask some thing s but he scared to death to do that. He wont leave me and our little son. I amafraid and lost and depressed full of anxiety. He says he saved me.and now i am stabbing a knife in his all of the people in his life. Because he is too good. I think he is not..dont know what is real and what not. He says i am a lunatic and the other second he adores me. I i dont know how to get out of this..and leave him without money..but i gave it to him many times..he is guilt tripping me..and has no emphaty for our child..
Any advice? *** -
December 27, 2018 at 10:16 am #47902Donna AndersenKeymaster
Inatrap – The guy is a sociopath. He is manipulating you and he will never change.
I recommend that you leave him, leave the business, take your child and go back to your family. Do not listen to anything he says.
Keep reading here on Lovefraud. You will see that many readers describe experiences like you are having. He is disordered and will not get better.
December 27, 2018 at 4:00 pm #47906Jan7Participant
Hi Inatrap, NO…you are not going “mental”…you are just dating a sociopath!! These types screw with peoples minds to make them feel like they are going crazy. Any time I read someone’s post that says they feel like they are going “crazy”, I know they are with a sociopath. My ex h, a sociopath, did the same to me.
Sending you HUGE HUGS? . Donna is correct. Get out…ASAP!! This guy will keep tearing you down mentally, emotionally, phaycially and financially if you stay with him. He is Dangerous to your mindset, to your spirit, financially, to you physically not only healthy wise but he could harm you & your baby.
PLEASE KNOW that The most DANGEROUS time for a woman in a abusive relationship is when she is ready to leave her abuser or has just left. PLEASE PLEASE PLESAE GET AN “DOMESTIC ABUSE EXIT & SAFETY PLAN” (google those words & see you tube videos also) out of this relationship with the help of your local abuse center. . Look up your country’s National Domestic abuse hotline & call them for help. USA 800-799-SAFE
Please know that when you leave him he will most likely get extremely angry and will become most likely vindictive. So have all your ducks in the row prior to leaving. Ask your most trusted family members & friends to help you with an exit plan out.
ALL sociopaths are pathological liars!!! (look up this term here at LF) ALL OF THEM!! They will lie about what they eat for breakfast even when you cooked them breakfast!! They do this to screw with our minds.
The stress you are under right now is enormous just living with a sociopath. Sociopaths create a very toxic & chaotic environment intentionally!! Sociopath want their victims stressed out so they can control us.
Be kind to yourself & also look at adrenal fatigue symptoms online & sites like Adreanlfatigue. org and Drlam. com. (I have no affiliation to these sites other then my doctor giving me Dr Wilsons vitamins after I left my ex h). You are most likely suffering from PTSD (which most victims suffer from when with a sociopath) and I believe the root issue of PTSD that needs heal to fully heal from a toxic abusive relationship like you are in now is adrenal fatigue.
Google these words in “ “ : “Super Juice me Documentary” and watch healing your body naturally. But please check with a doctor before you change your diet etc. An Endocrinologist doctor is the one that deals with adrenal gland issues. Get tested for cortisol, hormonal imbalance, vitamin & Mineral deficiency…all issues with PTSD..toxic stress etc. It’s not all in your mind…due to your toxic relationship your body is most likely producing to much cortisol and throwing your hormones off balance and also depleting your vitamins & minerals. This is what happens to your body under sociopath toxic stress
There is light at the end of the tunnel…Keep WALKING Forward with the help of your family & trusted friends and educate yourself here at Lovefraud & ask your family & trusted friends to do the same.
Believe what your friends & family are saying about him and most importantly BELIEVE YOUR GUT INSTINCT about him!! I can not stress this enough…TRUST YOUR GUT INSTINCT ABOUT HIM. (Read that statement again!!). Right now his words are playing tricks on you to turn your head from your gut instinct…but your friends & family are not emotionally bonded to him so their gut instinct is correct. So listen to what they have with an open mind.
Like Donna stated DO NOT BELIEVE HIS LYING WORDS! He is a master at lying!!! Everything he says to you is a lie!! EVERYTHING!! Remember that!!
You state:
He has no job
watches porn
Blames me
lied about his pastBelieve your gut!! These things are EXACTLY what he is doing!!
Look up the term BLAME SHIFTING and also PROJECTION. This is what he is doing to you. These are dangerous mind games he is playing on you so that your anxiety level (adrenal glands pumping out high levels of cortisol and adrenaline) to control your mind & you from leaving him.
You state:
He is blaming me that i am a bitch and without emphaty. That a am dangerous and psychopath.
HE IS USING “SOCIOPATH PROJECTION” (look this term up here at LF). This is a masterful sociopath manipulation and also brain washing. BEWARE of his intent to harm you mentally, emotionally, financially. He is running a con game on you…just like he ran on the other
women!!Ask yourself this:
IS he a masterful con artist??
Once you get him out of your life, educate yourself here at this wonderful site Lovefraud, heal your adrenal glands, and expose the “Low contact rule” and/or “No contact rule” (do a search here at love fraud) you will notice your anxiety level will decrease and over time you will feel calm again. HE IS THE ROOT OF YOUR ANXIETY ISSUES!! He is causing you anxiety intentionally.
If you go to the top of Lovefraud you can find Donna’s book “love fraud 10 signs you are dating a sociopath” and also other books that will help you to open up your mind from his brain washing (literally brain washing). Also, at the top you can find Donna’s videos and on the home page of Lovefraud look at the Yellow box for more ways to heal. In addition Donna has just posted recently that she is running a special on a education series. All of these will help educate your on what you are dealing with. This guy is bad news. So please educate yourself and ask your family to do the same.
Sending you HUGE HUGS?…you are not alone.
WE BELEIVE YOU, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU.? Keep reading everything here at Lovefraud. Donna & Terry have done a wonderful job to educate us all on the hell we were enduring. Glad you found your way to their wonderful site & had the courage to post!!
December 27, 2018 at 4:09 pm #47909Jan7Participant
ps Clearly your computer history every time you use your computer every time you use your computer so that he does not see what you are searching. Safety FIRST!!
One of the most important things you need to remember is to NOT tell him anything that you have read here at Lovefraud…this is for your safety and your baby’s safety. You NEED to bit your tongue and not let him know that you now know who he is…again for your safety until you get an Exit & Safety plan out of this toxic abusive relationship. He obviously knows who he is…this is why he is projecting. So just stay safe & get out of this relationship without fighting him now. It is not easy to not engage with him when he picks a fight with you. Sociopaths intentionally pick fights to cause chaos and to cause you anxiety…it’s all to control their victims. So dont take his bait. If he starts a fight just remain silent & most importunely dont believe anything he says about you. It’s all lies remember!!
You are stronger then you know hon. You can get out of this toxic relationship. You dont need to do this alone. Ask for help from your family, most trusted friends, your country’s National Domestic violence center and Lovefraud.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Jan7.
January 1, 2019 at 11:34 pm #47968SunnygalParticipant
Keep reading here.
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