How to recognize and recover from the sociopaths – narcissists in your life › Forums › Sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths as partners › When you realise all was a lie
- This topic has 20 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by luna.
August 28, 2019 at 7:41 am #53880lunaParticipant
I have come to this website thanks to a book that i was reading, who was mentioning the website and the support that it gives to all the women and men out there who are currently struggling or recovering from a relationship with a psycopath.
I raise my hand, for being in a relationshiop with a psycopath, for the past 4 years and a half…
We have met in fact in 2014, but nothing happend between us. We met through my work, while i was visiting another country. Back home, my future husband was expecting me. Later will i end appreciate him, more than i ever did, through our whole 6 years together.
In July 2014 i got engaged, just a few months after meeting the psycopath. He starting texting me via facebook and he was basically making his move, trying to see if i am happy and all the bla, bla stuff.
I didn’t gave him too much attention, i had a wedding to focus on, but i continued talking with him, from time to time, because i thought it will help me improve my english…LOL
If i only knew at what cost, i would have rather take classes…
Anyways, time went by, with not too much contact, basics hi, how are you, bye. We were never chatting more than 5-10 minutes, once in 2-3 weeks, maybe even less.
In february 2015 my relationship with my future husband went into a colapse, because he had another anxiety attack and he freaked me out, thinking i am only 30 and i have nobody to rely on in case of real need. Indeed, our relationship was not balanced and i was the man in the house for everything, from money, to decision, to everything… So, i felt incredible lonely.
And on 14th february, my psycopath hit.. He texted, i was low, he started saying a bunch of incredible dreamy stuff..out of nowhere…like “i don’t want you to marry another man”, “if i would have had a lover like you, i would lay you down on a bed of roses, taking you to dinner and making you gifts”.
That’s when it all started… Daily talks, hours on the phone, i use to be on the phone with him even with my ex in the house, i would only listen and text, as he would “teach me”…
I was begining to be very promiscuied and couldn’t have any contact with my future husband, because i was feeling guilty of what i knew i was doing. So i would avoid him, had no sexual contact and most of the times would sleep in another room.
One month later i wanted to cancel the wedding…i involved both the families, imagine the chaos, because i couldn’t say the reality, i would only say that i don’t want it.
They all manage to switch my decision.
In May 2015 i met with my psycopath in Milan, so it will be half way between us. How romantic, a weekend gateaway. We have to consume each other psycally, he said.
It was dreamy for the 3 days, i was the queen.
He had a way of looking at people or whoever was looking at me, that scared me, but i ignored it. Even when at one point at the table he puts a pocket knife on the table and says “i will stab that guy if he doesn’t stop starring at you”. I found it cute and protective at the time and i enjoyed his “jealousy”.
After returning home i had the second attempt to cancel the wedding, again none of the families would understand…Again, i failed to take ground.
I started going to therapy, from June. I did not want to get married, because i knew i had no love for the man i was with, if i can cheat and lie and go places with another one. I felt incredible guilty, but also struggling in owning myself.
In June i went to his country, at that time, Italy. I own a travel agency so it was very easy for me to go around, saying is for work. I have done this since i was 23, nothing weird about it, everyone trusted me.
In July i got married and left for a week in Spain with my husband. It was the first time in 6 months that i would let him touch me, thinking to myself i will never go back to the psycopath.
Wrong…in august i was back in his arms, only it was what will it start to be a nightmare.
He started abuse me, he would force me to have sex in public places, non-stop, calling me names, screaming at me in public and in private and it was also the first time he hit me and when he pulled the wheel on the curves, saying he will kill both of us.
At the end of it, i left without ever thinking i will return. I was doing therapy, but i didn’t accept the term of the psycopath imposed by my therapist to him. I was desperate to have non stop contact with him and i would fail in seeing him in reality or learning anything about psycopaths. We would stay on the phone all the time…
In October i decide to stop therapy, because i didn’t like the truth stated by my therapist at the time and i will leave my husband.
I book one way ticket to Italy, thinking i will never return.
It lasted 2 months only, because i was constanly beated and he drugged me while i was sleeping so he could have sex with me while drugged…
He was laughing when i started remembering things the next day and he was finding pleasure to tell me how he did it.
I decide to book my return home and try save my marriage. I ask my husband for support and counciling, but he refuses, he rejects me and he says i am crazy, i need to treat myself, not him.. I felt once again alone, even if he was in part right.
In April 2016 i leave my husband, move out from our house and never with the intention of returning.
In all this time, i still went back to Italy, to see my psycopath, on montly basis…
In April i leave again with only one way ticket…
Same treatment repeated, i would always do crazy things for him, for his pleasure.
I need to say that he was not having a job, he didn’t finished highschool and he was abusing drugs and alchool.
I lived a nightmare, but there were those moments when i felt the magic he has imposed to be our relationship, saying that nobody can have what we have, that we are destined to be together and forever i will be in his life.
Because the abuse continued, because he wouldn’t find a job and still leaving on his daddy money, i decide to return home. He grabbed my neck and forced me down and said he will cut my throat and burry me in the back yard and nobody will know where i dissapeared. That way he could always have me.
I was scared, i was not telling anyone about this, we were posing in the Ok couple and felt completly trapped.
After making me lose 2 flights and 2 tickets, his father interfere and asked him to let me leave. He then had another episode, when he was speeding towards the airport, saying he will kill us both.
June 2016, i was safe home. My ex was trying to get back with me, accepting to do couple therapy, but all i wanted was to divorce. And so i did, in septemebre 2016 he finally accepted my divorce, after refusing it for several months.
November 2016 i was alone, after never being alone in my whole life, trying to accomodate myself to live alone, in a new house, trying to find ground and grow from all that i experienced.
In December 2016 my psycopath repears and tries to trick me again, but i refused going to him, so he had a severe episode with his father…and the police had to come and they had to sent him back to Canada, from where he was in fact.
January 2017, i book a ticket to meet my psycopath in London, 12 hours layover before his flight to Canada. We cried, we promised to see each other again.
The year of 2017 he got himself in big troubles in Canada, had 9 assault charges and multiple break and enetering in the house of his girlfriend.
He reached out for me in December 2017, tellimg me the “whole truth” and YES, i took him back!
In 2018 he comes for 6 weeks in my home country, “to fix everything he has done wrong” and show me how much he loves me and that i am the only one for him, and i was excited for his first visit….(After 3 years of on and off, i was the only one going to him…because a bunch of excuses.)
A dream, that showed me he is still the same ugly person, in and out, and he has never learned from his mistakes.
In the summer of 2018 i was severe beaten, till the point my ribs almost crushed, bruises all over my body and he would hit my knees, not being able to walk. He would shut me out from all my friends and family and for 6 weeks i have not meet with anyone and barely talked with outside sources, because he would get mad.
When he left, i promised myself never again..
And guess what, he sold me another dream..the canadian here i am booking my flight to Canada…October 2018 – January 2019, do i need to repeat it was a nightmare? We had days in a row that we wouldn’t leave the house. He has no job still, using a lot of drugs and again he drugged me, without my consent. I pannicked, i was feeling sick and i wanted to go to the hospital..he refused and told me to chill. It was horror! On my day of departure was his grandfather funeral, and again i felt sorry for him..seeing him so sad and depressed.
I would constantly find him excuses for his behaviour, because he had such a rough childhood and such a hard life. And i felt sorry for the guy, and i would rather let him hurt me, than seeing him in pain.
I leave, AGAIN, not wanting to go back.
I tell him it is over, he refuses. I start seeing someone else and it helped me to disconnect from him, in lots of ways. I didn’t stayed with that person, because i was not ready, but he helped me see that i deserve so much better.
But, guess what, a few weeks after he starts threatening me that he will come kill me and that guy and he was telling me exactly how he will do it..
Endless messages and calls and emails.
I pannic so i broke up with the person i was seeing, saying i am not ready for more, but being more afraid, in fact.
I start sharing my drama to my friends and partially my family. I was already ready to assume my choices, my mistakes, my life and own it with dignity, not trying to find any other guilt but me staying.
I was thinking in going to the cops, but i was ashamed…
In the end, as my frieds say now, he brain washed me here i am…on a flight to CANADA myself!
May 2019 – 3 weeks in Canada
Were good. In the meanwhile, he took his licence and also his high school diploma, and manage to escape the assault charges, due to his fathers money. I am proud of him. He seems calm and happy and loving and carying and i feel like wow, he is finnaly back, the guy i felt for.
We started a job, 3 days after my arrival, wanting to show me he is capable of one. It last him 2 weeks, while i had to daily struggle with him to make him get up and go. Also, i had to stay in the house, for the whole time he was at work, because he didn’t like me wandering around.
I was obidient, in all forms.
He was no longer agressive to me, except the daily “cunt”, “whore”, “retard”, “stupid”, “fat cow” kinda of insults.
My friends were mad, because i am beautiful, independent, with so much ahead of me and i am letting a nobody to destroy my self-esteem bit by bit. They wanted to reach out to him, but i said no.
After some horror scenes, where i assisted in him stabbing his own brother, 2 days ahead of my departure, i was playing the good girl role, so i can get out.
I left, and AGAIN promised i will not return.
July 2019 he comes to Italy and starts asking me to come to him, even putting his dad asking me to come and put pressure on me. I refused, i said i was over, i didn’t want anything to do with him.
He lets me know he booked a flight and he is coming. And he did, until i shorted his stayed, left him in a hotel and change his flight ticket for an earlier day, because i caught him talking with another, soon to be victim, whom he just met in Italy.LONG STORY, STILL SHORT, i have to say. And thank you if you read it till the end.
All the things i refused seeing for so long are now SO CLEAR! I am reading about psycopaths, happy i survived one, knowing how it feels and telling you all out there that you are not crazy, you are not sick, they make you sick and until you yourself will not be ready to admit the truth and let go, without hoping or asking yourself why, they still can make their way back in.Even at times i colapse and not trust myself in going over this and being afraid he might come back and i might let him in again, I KNOW i want to move forward. I am working daily with myself, owning my choices and learning from these mistakes.
i am now ready to move forward, not ever looking back, knowing i am stronger than ever!So, hold on! Ask for help! Don’t be ashamed to say your story. Rape, abuse are not things to be ashamed of…and you need to tell it, you need to let it out, so you can be stronger than ever and maybe help others too. Make them fear, make them run, faster than you did, sooner than you were ready. Because sharing means raisig awarness and it might even save lifes.
Stay strong! -
August 28, 2019 at 2:03 pm #53967SunnygalParticipant
luna- No Contact is the way to heal. What was the book you were reading that mentioned Lovefraud?
August 28, 2019 at 2:41 pm #53970lunaParticipant
The book is in Romanian, so I don’t think it will help. You can try see if you find it in English. The title would translate in “Dangerous connections, how to recognize a psycopat and escape his charms” by Claudia Moscovici.
Yes, I blocked him on all accounts starting today, I did this before though… Only this time I feel I am strong enough to not give in, again.-
September 3, 2019 at 5:14 pm #54071regretfullymineParticipant
I have this book, mentioned in LoveFraud. You can buy it from Amazon..good book!! Also discusses the cop Drew Peterson, who killed one wife in a bathtub, killed and hid the body of another wife. Claudia’s book is worth the price. I have a sizable library of books about psychopaths. Its helped me understand more, what happened to ME…
August 28, 2019 at 2:11 pm #53969polestarParticipant
Hi luna,
Thank you so much for sharing your story and experiences. Going through all of the physical trauma that you went through was horrifying, and at the same time, it is important to consider the psychological issues as well. Denial really wrecks havoc when we are trying so hard to be strong because the mind has a mechanism whereby it will shut out information that is too painful for the rational part of ourselves to accept. So we end up in the dark, and it ends up getting worse and worse. Each episode of pain adds up and then it becomes more and more overwhelming for us to deal with, and it gets once again put away, not to be really seen so we end up acting unconsciously. I think because you have had a long history with this psychopath, that you are still in a vulnerable position. You need to slowly but surely let the steam of pain to be released from the intense pressure cooker of what you have been through. I think it would be wise for you to seek the help of a therapist to work with you about doing this and which would also give you protection. I understand that you did have therapy previously and that it didn’t work for you. There are so many different types of therapy and each therapist has their own personality. Just because they are a professional doesn’t mean that you will have a real connection with them or an affinity together. That is important. Also, some have gone through psychological pain and thus would have a more understanding attitude because they have gone through difficulties themselves, vs ones who can be judgemental. The dynamic of psychological abuse is actually a new understanding that has started on a grass roots level. Be sure to find someone who is well versed in the knowledge about it. While you are seeking for someone to work with, it would also be very helpful to you to read all about these issues here at this site, on the blogs and in the articles. There is so much offered to assist you. There are even webinars etc. Lastly, I do hope that you will continue to correspond with us her at this posting stream – remember that we are here for you.
August 28, 2019 at 2:54 pm #53971lunaParticipant
Thank you for your message.
I have already seeked help, realizing I can’t deal with all by myself, neither can I put all my experiences on my friends or family. I try to be positive and grounded and I read a lot, work with myself too and as I said reached for specialized help, because nobody can make it on their own.
I also subscribed a group for the next 3 months, who is helping in building self esteem and self grow.
So, I did 3 big steps in my opinion… Cutting the rope with my psychopath, seeking for psychological help, because pain and memories comes back in flashes, and also joining a group that I believe will help me in my healing process.
Indeed, 4 years and a half is a long time and I know it will be a hard process to heal on the inside, not fully understanding how can someone do these things to another human being…but realising I don’t need to understand someone sickness, I just need to heal and move forward. For good.
I will try to keep updates with my healing process and it helps me read all of the stories here. Realizing I am not the only one who was fooled, used or abused. Realizing I am not crazy.
Thank you, again!
August 28, 2019 at 6:59 pm #54019
August 28, 2019 at 9:37 pm #54021polestarParticipant
Hi luna,
What you are doing is just perfect! I congratulate you on your courage to face and deal with difficult issues. I think that abuse of all the ranges of the spectrum has been going on for a long long time, and most likely everybody thought they were the only ones and felt like they had to hide in shame. Now it is finally coming out that this is an enormous and prevalent problem that is affecting people world wide. It can’t remain hidden any longer! Now we can all help one another to regain our power and the happiness that we were meant to experience because that is the true essence of who we really are. It would be very inspiring to hear about your healing progress, and I know that everyone thanks you for all that you are doing. I really do believe that as each of us grows wiser and stronger, it also helps others who are striving too.
Blessings -
August 29, 2019 at 7:59 pm #54024Donna AndersenKeymaster
Luna – what a terrible story! I am so sorry for what you have experienced.
Please understand that involvements with sociopaths are addictive.That is why it was so difficult for you to get away from him.
Now that you are away, the key to staying away is NO CONTACT. Do not talk to him. Do not allow text messages or emails. Block his number on your phone – do not let him talk to you.
The longer you can maintain No Contact, the more you will recover.
You may also want to participate in our upcoming webinar:
Webinars on escaping sociopaths, narcissists and relationship abuse
It will really help you!
August 30, 2019 at 2:41 am #54028lunaParticipant
Yes, I understand that NO CONTACT is the key. I will admit it is hard…daily I am struggling with myself.
It is addictive and it has become even more addictive because we had such long time a “relationship” over the phone.
Today I am starting my therapy session and my main concern is to deal with the post traumatic stress and with the addiction of knowing how he is doing or if he is now happy or not.
In the end people don’t change, and all that it matters is that I was not safe or happy or loved, so I have NO REAL REASON to ever want to look back.
I feel I have found an incredible force within me that will help me move forward.
Nobody deserves such treatment and there is no excuse. You can’t help sick people, by destroying you.
My life is good, peaceful and easy without him. I might feel that I have lost “a special love”, but I know I was simply manipulated to think we are that.
Recovery is a daily process and it is hard, but at the end I know it will be great.
I have to say that I have never used drugs in my whole 30 years, before meeting him, and rarely alcohol at an event or something. He drugged me in his desperate search of finding a thrill, while having sex.. He is consuming drugs since he is 12… That’s why he is unable to do anything with his life and all that he thinks of is another hit.
I thought I can save him, he looked like he was trying. He stayed clean for 10 days once, but it was a daily nightmare for me. He would wake up in the middle of the night and searching the house with a knife in his hand, saying “shh, someone is in the house”. I would stay still, being at times afraid that maybe he will kill me “by accident”.
I did something though, this last time he was here, another period with no drugs because I have no such contacts for providing…
I have voice recorded him, without him knowing, when he had another crysis. It helps me hear him talk with such anger and all that he was saying, because it helps me remind myself that would have been “my future”. A very short one, for sure…
So, when I hear him saying “I am a monster, you have no idea who you are with” I end up saying it, thank you! And I listen now to his words and accept them as the truth, not a joke or anger words.
We have to listen to people. They tend to tell us who they are… We ignore or don’t accept it.
So, if you can record their maniac episodes, do so. It will help you when good memories are coming back, to remind yourself it is only temporary and people don’t really change.
They are the same people and whoever they are with, they are living the same life, maybe worse… In my case that’s why he was coming back, he would think of me as his guidance, he would say I am his safe place.
Last thing he told me on Monday was “go get married and divorce again! You are now useless to me”
So, when you hear words like this count them as true. The rest are only for manipulation, to get their way.Thank you, Donna, for your message. I know my reply is general, but I felt like sharing more with whoever is reading.
I blocked him since Monday, so still quite soon to say I am safe. Hope I can do it. Hope I can ignore all that will come from his side, if he ever returns… I hope he won’t this time, taking in consideration I took him to a hotel and changed is flight to go back in daddy’s lap.
For the moment he is “busy”, but when things will go bad, he will probably try to connect again, so he can charge his ego.
August 30, 2019 at 11:15 pm #54037polestarParticipant
Hi luna,
Congratulations on your beginning therapy! You might also want to check out Cathy O’Brien’s book called “PTSD – A Time To Heal”. In it she has actual techniques that you can use in conjunction with your therapy. She has some other books too about how she got saved from a horrific nightmare of mind control and those who did not want to let her go – but she made it! Your Ex is indeed a monster like he admitted and told you. You are wise when you said that we need to listen to people when they reveal who they really are and tell us so. It makes it difficult when they are in our ” aura ” and when by their mere presence they lower our own beautiful vibration until we even forget how beautiful we really are. So please keep protecting yourself ( by staying No Contact, no matter what ) while you are going through the process of rediscovering and remembering your true beautiful and shining self!
September 3, 2019 at 12:42 am #54066lunaParticipant
Dear Polestar, I might be not so wise at all. I know the texts, but I can’t follow the book… Like they say…
I have made contact with him last night, after a week of being ok, thinking I am going stronger. Somehow, one week is my limit in staying away.
I found out that he is indeed seeing that girl who I caught him with and for who would say I am crazy and immaginating things.
Well, I flipped out, I spew a lot of resentment that I have been collecting inside of me.
Maybe I am toxic, as he says and need help,but like he said “hell you can’t even help yourself!”
While accusing him of lies, abuse, betrayal, he used all of the things that were our story against me. Like “you should know how it is to cheat, you’ve done it to your husband” or accusing me of being a slut for sleeping with him from the first time we met in Milan, after 4 months of non stop talking and backing of, and then on again…
It hurts me the most when he mention the fact that I got married and divorced and that I have lied and cheated on a good man. He did not deserve it! I have no words for my actions or excuses, except that I am eternally sorry for it. But, even now, not a year goes by without my ex husband wish me happy B-day or send merry Christmas cards… That’s the type of man he is…
And this guy, knowing how much it hurts me keeps bringing them up, only because he can’t man up to his mistakes and points fingers at all the rest.
So, I was toxic, he should have left my ass sooner and he I am, after a couple of hours of fire messages, thinking it is something very wrong with me, maybe.
Maybe I am toxic, but I refuse to see it. My stomach hurts, I am crying and I really don’t know what to do.
I just wanted him to say he is sorry, to admit he did wrong and to really own his shits and I ended up going to zero again. Feeling like trash, feeling sorry I snapped and texted him.
Like, I know every single time I will have the same result. I know at the end of it I will be the one feeling crazy and sure acted like one…
He told me again to go die, like he told me so many times before.
I wish I never met him!
It’s a constant battle in my mind and I can’t seem to be able to let go of this addiction…
September 3, 2019 at 2:09 am #54068SunnygalParticipant
luna- If you broke No Contact start over today.
September 3, 2019 at 7:13 pm #54073SunnygalParticipant
lona- Find some positive addictions- exercise, music, movies, art.
September 3, 2019 at 11:41 pm #54078polestarParticipant
hi luna –
I would have posted to you sooner, but this is the first time I’ve been online on this date, and its actually night here. Anyway, I wanted to tell you how very very sorry I am that you were treated so hatefully by that horrific person. You did not deserve that at all, especially since you cared for him and were so kind to him by trying to help him get off of those drugs. He is just too full of hate and that kind of person needs someone to be the target of it. However, you are still in better shape than you realize and that is because it is one thing to get a load of horrific and dark energy thrown on you, and it is quite another to live with that type of person day after day, or to spend concentrated time with someone like that. Because their ultimate intention is to make you powerless and to totally destroy you. Many women find themselves so worn down by abuse while at the same time if their job or the way they earn an income gets also destroyed, then they feel very trapped, and besides dealing with abuse, then they must face the challenge of getting out. You are not trapped and that is very very good, and if he is with someone else now that is even better. I know it hurts a lot right now, but it is a saving grace that his attention is focused elsewhere and that will keep him away from you. It was interesting because today I was listening to this song about a bird of paradise whose wings turned from black to white and I thought of you. Because your wings are indeed turning to white. You had a little set back, but just start to fly again on that good course that you have set for yourself and were doing so well with. About you husband – please do not feel guilty. We all grow emotionally in relationships, and if do you feel that you made a mistake in the way you handled the divorce, then you can forgive yourself and try to grow from the experience. Maybe when you have gone through all of this trauma, you might even get back together with your ex husband, or then again you might wish not to ? Life does take unexpected turns though. Anyway, the issue now is to get past the crisis of someone ( the monster ) smearing you. Realize that it is abuse that wishes us to hate and blame ourselves instead of realizing that it is the essential harm of abuse and abusers that is the problem, not us. One of the participants of this site shared a You tube of a powerful healing song, that brings true strength from abuse . You could check it out on I Tunes or on You Tube, but it is called ” Done ” by Frazey Ford. I think that you would gain a lot of strength from that song. ( She also sings the song about the bird of paradise that I mentioned above ). Hang in there for the storm of hurt to pass, and know that it will.
Blessings to you.-
September 4, 2019 at 2:34 am #54080lunaParticipant
Thank you, polestar! Your messages are so empowering!
Yes, I had an awful day yesterday, but it is OK. It is OK if I felt like crying and it is OK if I gave in and contact him.
Now, again, I am starting my no contact period. I will try harder, I will try control myself better, because I know what it’s there. I’ve been with him for 4 years and a half, nothing changed, ever. He will not change ever. It is only our illusion that it’s better for the next one. It’s like it was for all of us in the beginning of a relationship with a psycopat. All good and roses… Then hell came along..
I have to keep my focus on myself, work on myself, to overcome my trauma and I am positive about it.
I deleted the social apps for a while, so I won’t be tempted to look things, that don’t serve me in my process of healing.
I loved this man. I would become toxic too at times, but it is not me. Everyone who knows me, and I am grateful I have friends for more than 20 years, that loves me and support me, also my family. They are all happy I got out and wake up, because I was a totally different person when he was around.
He did try to make me give up my business, for coming and be with him in Canada. He wanted to let me pregnant in spring, to catch me. Of course, I was agreeing with it all. He would say “I need to make you a baby, so you won’t run anymore”. So, he had prepared the bedroom with different types of lights and we were having sex non stop. I would called it in a joke “the sex room”. Sex was a big part of our relationship, he would also use it against me if I was doing something wrong, by not “give it to me” for days or weeks… Depending on his mood, always.
He was trying to get me high on mushrooms in spring. He kept trying since winter, but I was refusing him. He would say “I’ll make you a tea and have you drink it”. He wanted to see me “trippin and connect with the Universe”. Also, he wanted to have sex while both drugged, for a better experience. He was using LSD, mushrooms, hash, weed, oil hits and even cocaine (if he had the “chance”) – even when he was driving he would make me prepare his hits in the right seat. He couldn’t stay more than max. 2 hours without a hit. A lot of the money went into drugs. His daddy is sending him money twice a week, paying for everything… Of course he can’t keep up with a job, waking up at 6, if he was his back up by his daddy.
Thank God, I didn’t remained pregnant..
Thank God, I didn’t leave my business here to follow him, again. I was very close, but God must love me very much, cause I felt his guidance all the time.
When I refused to follow him back to Canada so we can be “forever together”, he started searching for new victims. And it fell in his lap a girl, from the country side, who is working as a cleaning lady for his father, and has not seen any other city than her own and now Italy, who of course he can manipulate in selling her the dream of a better life.
She knew about me, therefore I don’t feel sorry for her, but he showed me a conversation (when he was trying to convince me is nothing) and he was manipulate her. I could see that, because I have been there. That is when I took him to a hotel and changed his flight ticket to leave.
That is why he is accusing me of abandoning him, after he has done everything possible for me and he was accusing me of him causing self harm. In his rage he would destroy whatever was around and of course he would hurt himself too in the process of hitting things.
So, regardless of where he is or with who, what he shows now is a mask, until he gets what he wants. People like him do not change. Ever! I think we should all realize that, when we are in a relationship with a psycopat.
About my ex-husband, I am sorry for not being able to be stronger at that time and not get married. Our relationship was done for a while, but it was my comfort zone. There is no way I would want to return. I was unhappy and lonely and the differences between us were huge. He needs and hope he found already another type of girl. I have done us both a good to ask for divorce, even if he was still hoping long after that we will get back. We were far from being compatible and we were both very frustrated.
My appreciation for him is as a human, as a friend. He is the best! I respect him and appreciate him now, on a different level.
I am not afraid in being alone. In fact I am sure I won’t be, I am sure for everyone there is sunny days after storm goes away. But I need time to heal now, not bringing my trauma in a new relationship, just so I would hide in a way from the pain.
I will search for the song. Thank you, again!
September 4, 2019 at 11:52 pm #54094polestarParticipant
Hi luna,
you sound much much better after that ordeal ( all of it and the latest episode )! I loved what you said about that God must love you very much and has been guiding you through it all. So true. The problem with those ” monsters ” is that they can take even the good and twist it around so it appears ugly – whereas the good force ( or whatever you want to call it – angels?) brings us strength and courage and hope and the ability to behold the best in ourselves and the beauty within ourselves. Aside from the healing aspect of going No Contact, it also protects us from the poison which is so destructive to our deepest self. Aside from your ex’s obvious personality disorder, he has, as you described, a gigantic drug problem – it is so big that it is like a whirlpool with a deep undertow that will pull others down and unable to get up for air. So I count it as a miracle that you did get away and now are getting your breath back. I am truly happy for you as are your family and friends. I’m glad that they have stuck by you. You are a miracle and it touches my heart how so much goodness is shining on you.
Blessings -
September 6, 2019 at 10:17 pm #54111Jan7Participant
Hi Luna, just read your original post…yes!! This guy is a psychopath!!
My ex did the same with regards to driving crazy. If I asked him to slow down on an icy road he would speed up to 90 mph weaving in & out of traffic. So incredibly scary…and that’s exactly what he wanted to scare me = to control me & my mind…(this guy is doing the same to you = not normal behavior)
He did so many crazy things. Then of course he would beg for my forgiveness and then the “cycle of abuse power wheel” would continue (google). You end up on a hamster wheel to no where Ville…always spinning to chaos & drama they create. That is until you just say “I am worth so much more then what I am accepting”.
Did you know Luna, that a woman is 5 TIMES more likely to be Killed by her abuser IF HE PUTS HIS HAND ON HER NECK!!
5 Times more likely to be Killed!!!
One thing that happened me see the truth in my ex husband when I first esxcpaed is reading Steven Hassan’s book Freedom of mind (Donna has a write up of this book just do a search)…
Do you know luna this guy is your cult leader….and you were is cult follower!!
Think about that. YES!! He was a cult leader. YOU HAVE BROKEN YOUR MIND FREE FROM HIM…but, to keep your mind free from his powerful addictive fake lying manipulative words you must KEEP THE NO CONTACT RULE IN PLACE.
The NO CONTACT RULE is the only way to stay safe & to have peace & calm in your life.
THIS GUY WILL NEVER CHANGE EVER…what you see is what you get!!!!
You know this!!
Change your phone number, block him on sociol media and slam the door shut for good on him. If he ever comes around you call the Police ASAP. Dont answer your door do not engage in a conversation with him…he will such in back in. That is what they do.
It’s not easy to do this…but YOUR GUT KEEPS TELLING YOU TO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!! YOU KNOW THIS!! Your mind is awake when you tell yourself that you will never go back to him…THIS IS YOUR GUT INSTINCT KICKING INTO HIGH GEAR!! Your gut is sending off ALARM BELLS of DANGER!!
Google “Oprah Gavin Debecker you tube” to watch their powerful interview on Gavin Debeckers book “Gift of Fear” (do a search on Lovefraud on this book). This book will remind you to listen to your gut instinct the very second you meet someone.
Just like a bird or animal that does not stick around to figure out if another animal or human is a “good guy or bad guy”…nope it just runs off or flies off!! Do the same when your gut alarm goes off.
Google “Steven Hassan “Bite model” to learn how this guy brain washed you just like any cult leader does to their followers. Also up at the top of Lovefraud you can find Donna’ anderson Bookstore filled with very helpful books to help you heal and also she has created online course to help you heal. The more you read and learn the easier it is to slam the door shut on this Psychopath!! For good.
NEVER LET HIM BOOMERANG BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. HE IS DANGEROUS. Believe his words that he will kill you.
Rememer the saying also:
If someone shows you in the past who they are = believe them!!
A predictor of future behavior is in past behavior!
Also, look into Adrenal fatigue (PTSD) with sites like “Dr Lam. com & Adrenal fatigue. org. You are most likely suffering from PTSD and adrenal fatigue issues that need to be also healed and once you heal your heath you will have a clearer mind and that will help you stay away from him.
Do a search on Lovefraud for “hormones”. There are several articles on this from a counselor.
Sending you huge hugs!! Very brave of you to write your story out…it’s one of the best things you can do to make steps toward your amazing new life!!
Take care.
September 7, 2019 at 9:35 am #54113lunaParticipant
Hi, Jan7 and thank you for your message. I have search your recommendation about cult and yes, I agree I was brainwashed. I am recognizing some of the indication mention on BITE.
I am in my NO CONTACT period, the therapy I am doing also helps me stay away and as you said our body tell us when we are not safe. We just tend to ignore it most of the times and sometimes it turns out very wrong for us…
Being apart and in a no contact zone, made me escape his mind control and I am beyond grateful for being still alive and good, despite the all horrible experiences.There is no coming back from my side, knowing I have not lost a thing. I have only gained my life and positive vibe back.
As you said, he will never change.
That is what all the people who are going through this have to accept.
We all do mistakes and maybe hurt people unintentionally or sometimes intentionally, but healthy people regret it, they say sorry and mean it by never doing it again.
The psychopaths say sorry now, and best you again 5 minutes later cause in their mind you did something that they were not agreeing with.I would be beaten till put down and then he would cry and take me out for dinner or something. Cause “he was sorry”.
They break your mind till the point you want to kill yourself and they laugh…
I have experienced this…and he would laugh at the end of the line saying he enjoys seeing how karma fucks me.They are sadic.
You can not escape sick people by sticking around. You would only get sick yourself.
I am at peace now, I am better, I am calm and I know I did my best choice by leaving him.We have to be kind with ourselves and not put more guilt on us with endless thoughts of why we stayed for it all. We have to congratulate ourselves for escaping. Alive.
Mostly, we have to understand that we do need help from others and not being afraid or ashamed to ask for it.
You will see wonders!
Not everyone affords therapy, but we can try open our eyes by reading, books or other people experiences, and also always search for a real present support (a friend, a family member).Telling my story here, for as short as I could…helped me also. It made me realize I am not alone, not the only one going through this for sure.
Hope my story will help others to wake up sooner or recognize the signs and run.I know I am not off the hook yet. It is just a phase, like it was before, for him. I know he will try to get back in, but I have finally learned that I can ask for help! That police will come and that I should be concerned about my life and safety if threatened, not if he ends up in jail. He is a monster and he will continue to manipulate and use all those around him. And he will use violence on whoever is next to him (because they’ve asked for it of course).
We all know how they use the blame on us. We were beated “because of us”, always..Grateful for still being here, for my friends and family and their endless support and now thankful for this website and all of you who texted me words of support.
I wish you all sunny days and laughter! We all deserve better.
Respect, love, support…
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