How to recognize and recover from the sociopaths – narcissists in your life › Forums › Sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths as partners › Will he pay me back?
- This topic has 36 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by sunnygal1.
January 24, 2022 at 11:47 am #67152snownfireParticipant
Hey there,
I’m not ready to share my story at this point but am in between going NC and waiting for my narcissist EX to pay me back. The longer I wait for a check to come in the mail, the more afraid I become that it will never arrive. Not sure if getting a lawyer is wise or not but don’t know how long I should wait before I take more action. Also, I can’t go completely no contact with him because I am keeping one door of communication open to communicate about necessary things regarding cancelling our wedding, returning gifts, money stuff, etc. What grief it is to realize that I have been lied to and that our entire relationship was but fake love. -
January 24, 2022 at 1:07 pm #67154sept4Participant
If your ex is a true narcissist or sociopath then no he will not pay you back. People with those personality disorders do not care about contracts or your legal rights or morality. They act only in their own self interest regardless of your rights. They simply do not care about your rights.
You should definitely consult with a lawyer for advice on how to proceed. Do this in secret and do not tell him or anyone who talks to him that you are consulting a lawyer.
January 24, 2022 at 5:05 pm #67155Donna AndersenKeymaster
snownfire – do you have a document in which he has promised to pay you back? If not, be sure to get one before you go NC.
You must have, in writing, his promise to pay you back or you will not be able to collect anything.
January 25, 2022 at 3:52 pm #67162snownfireParticipant
Donna Anderson- I do not have a signed document from him. I did send a document listing the expenses he owes me though. He moved across the country very quickly after he broke up with me. Not sure if I would be able to get him to sign a document. He broke up with me two weeks before our wedding! Such a close call. I saw him once after the break up in which he said he would send me a check the following day…of course I have not yet received it. So we shall see.
January 24, 2022 at 5:06 pm #67156Donna AndersenKeymaster
In any event – it is good that you are getting out of this before you are married. Much more complicated after marriage.
January 25, 2022 at 4:00 am #67160bettylouParticipant
I am wondering the same thing… as mine stole a ton of money and stuff from me. It was only a few months, but he left me with nothing. I have a law degree, but am not a practicing lawyer. I’m wondering if I should just rep myself and pursue him civilly for all the harm he caused me.
January 25, 2022 at 4:56 am #67161sept4Participant
Hi Betty yes I think you should pursue it.
My ex stole a lot of money and a business from me in our divorce and embezzled money as well. I did not pursue it at the time because I was still too weak and loyal and afraid and trauma bonded.
Now many years later my biggest regret in life is that I did not take him to court and expose him and pursue the money he stole. Even if I had not been able to recover anything, just fighting for it would have helped my self esteem.
January 25, 2022 at 6:08 pm #67165nospParticipant
@bettylou Even though you’re not practicing, you could probably take a class from Bill Eddy’s High Conflict Institute or go get one of his books from Amazon to bone up on strategies to defeat the sociopath in court
I believe if you contact them, they can also find you an attorney in your area who has trained with them to represent you if you choose to hire someone to help you. -
January 25, 2022 at 6:14 pm #67166nospParticipant
@snownfire Congratulations on getting away from your sociopath before getting married, that’s a huge accomplishment in itself.
As far as getting paid back, that’s more difficult if he didn’t sign any contracts for wedding goods & services or other expenses that were either his alone or shared ones if for example you lived together.
A smart thing to do is to interview several of the best attorneys in your area ASAP to disqualify them from representing the ex in court. Sociopaths are sneaky, you never know when they’ll sue you (power or control or just because they can) but even if you don’t take him to court, if he turns around & tries to sue you, he won’t be able to if you consulted with the best attorneys first on the same matter. -
January 25, 2022 at 6:39 pm #67169polestarParticipant
Hi snownfire – what I am tuning into, is your pain of waiting for a check that he said he would be sending. It just is symbolic of the whole ordeal you have gone through – of his promising you something ( your marriage ) and then not coming through. So you have 2 issues to deal with – the emotional aspect of the whole trauma, and then the issue of the actual finances. I once got conned out of a lot of money, and it helped me to do everything I could legally to stand up for my rights. I felt an amazing satisfaction when the judge hit her gavel in my favor – ( even though I have not been able to collect any money – which is a different story.). So fighting legally, if possible, may be a help for you psychologically. Even efforts to get all the info you can and speaking to lawyers, As the other participants advised. On the other hand, save yourself grief by not waiting for a check that will never come because that is exactly what you have been dealing with all along. But as has been mentioned, count your lucky stars that you did not marry him !
Blessings -
January 27, 2022 at 2:50 pm #67179snownfireParticipant
polestar- I’m agreed that it is an emotional battle just as much or more than it is a financial battle. The question is if he has the money and is just not sending it to me or he lied and truly doesn’t have the money to pay me back now. I think I will consult my counselor on this one. I’m very hesitant to make it into a legal matter, I feel as if it makes the whole ordeal that much worse and yet I would be standing up for myself. Thank you for the advice. I’m so thankful God saved me from a lifetime of misery.
January 27, 2022 at 5:47 pm #67180polestarParticipant
Hi snownfire –
Yes, it is best to decide what actions you feel are in your highest interest. There is not a formula that is right for everyone. But, it was good that you posted because you were able to write out your concerns and what you are going through. That in itself is very therapeutic, plus here on Love Fraud, you also get feedback from others who have gone through what you have – not in all the particulars, but on a deep feeling level, where we are all healing and finding our core of love and inner strength. Plus I am glad you have a counselor for support. Keep up all the positive steps you are doing for your highest well being and post whenever you feel like you’d like to connect. We are actually a community healing together.
Blessings -
January 27, 2022 at 6:25 pm #67182sept4Participant
Hi again Snow I do think you should pursue your legal rights but I expect your counselor to advise you to let it go and focus on recovery.
Actually just made another thread about this topic. I feel like counselors and all the literature focus too much on recovery. I think it’s more important to pursue your legal rights first and that can help with emotional recovery as well.
I feel like counselors and literature etc inadvertently enable sociopaths/abusers/criminals etc by telling victims to focus on emotional recovery instead of making legal pursuit of justice the first priority. That essentially reinforces the lack of power of victims.
But as Donna pointed out it does depend on the victim’s strength and resources and the circumstances of the case.
January 28, 2022 at 9:45 pm #67193snownfireParticipant
I think it totally depends upon what the victim is able to do. I honestly wish there was some way that others could stand up and fight these legal battles against the narcissists and sociopaths because they don’t get enough push back. My eyes have been opened to a whole new world and my compassion is huge for victims like me. I never knew how many people there are out there like that. They need push back and yet most of all they need help!
January 29, 2022 at 4:37 am #67195sept4Participant
Snow yes I wrote about that in my other thread as well.
I think the typical pattern is:
1) sociopath targets victim and obtains emotional control over victim and then psychologically and financially abuses victim
2) relationship ends and sociopath moonwalks away while victim is left completely confused and trauma bonded and emotionally devastated
3) victim turns to counselors and self help reading and friends and family for support and everyone is focused on supporting the victim emotionally and breaking the trauma bond and emotional recovery
4) financial abuse is not really discussed or victim is encouraged to let the financial aspect go and focus on emotional recovery instead
5) no consequences at all for the sociopath who is free to continue his reign of terror over new victims and is never held accountable. Rinse and repeat.
In cases of physical abuse I think it’s actually easier to obtain accountability because it is more likely for police to get involved and for friends and family and literature etc to encourage the victim to come forward to law enforcement.
But in cases of “only” emotional abuse and financial abuse it is much harder to obtain accountability. Because there is generally not really any recourse for emotional abuse in court. There is only recourse for financial abuse (theft and failure to repay loans and dissipation of assets etc) but victims are not encouraged to seek recourse for financial abuse and are directed to emotional recovery instead.
January 31, 2022 at 2:58 pm #67201polestarParticipant
Hi snownfire – I was thinking about your considering the issue of your ex paying you back – you were wondering if your ex has the money but just isn’t paying you back ( financial abuse ) or if he doesn’t have the money and just said he would pay you back knowing full well that he could not and would not be paying you back ( gas lighting and emotional abuse ). Either way, it is totally abusive and puts you in the position of being strung along, waiting and wondering and confused about him. I am ( as you can see ) addressing the psychological aspect of the situation. It is all a whole ball of disordered sickness from your ex – so my advise is to be a wiley fox and not step into that pile of you know what ( the check scenario ). But I do understand the sadness and upset you will need to process and heal from due to the enormous disappointment about your marriage. After all, we as females have had marriage as the ultimate happiness instilled in us from a very early age with all the fairy tales of the princess marrying the prince and “ living happily ever after “. Reality of course always sets in and we face life and all the challenges. And all of it is about emotional maturity, but it was so hurtful that your marriage was taken by such cruelty. I think you should work hard at protecting your inner child princess, and realize that you will meet someone who is just right for you, and you will have your beautiful marriage.
Blessings -
January 31, 2022 at 3:37 pm #67202polestarParticipant
This is a response to sept4’s post and also for snownfire –
I liked very much what you pointed out about those steps of the sociopath’s playlist strategy. Very right on. I also wanted to commend you about what you responded to Donna in your post stream about refusing to give any more of your time to grieving. You are ready now to move on and that is fantastic. I wanted to share something that I went through that I remembered from your discussions about having not fought your ex legally. We all in your post stream discussed the pros and cons and your abilities to have been able to do so or not to have been able to do so, and the kind of support that was there and/or not there at the time. All of that is a process and you really nailed it by considering it all and now having made the decision to really move on which you are ready to do. But back to my sharing story : I got married very young and had a little girl. I, myself was quite a child anyway, but stayed in the marriage longer than I should have because of my child ( for all those reasons we are all aware of ). Finally, for a variety of reasons – the divorce could not be put off any longer and I needed to go through with it. I had been a stay at home mom and had no work skills in the world, and asked my parents to help me with the legal fees. They were very able to do so because they were very wealthy. However, they were friends with my husband’s family who all were members of the same country club etc. also they were not my biological parents ( they were my great aunt and uncle who took on the role of my parents when I was seven, but that is a different story ). In any case, they agreed to help me, but when it came time to really go after my ex in regards to finances ( legally we could have kind of let him off the hook or gone after him hard ), my dad talked to the lawyer and me and said to just kind of let it go, because he would give me any needed financial support. So we basically let my ex off the hook. I think my dad was more concerned with having harmony between himself and my husband’s parents than really considering what was best for me, because after the divorce, he became very miserly with money, and I ended up struggling so much financially to take care of my daughter and to make my way through school to be able to gain the ability to provide for us in the world. I am relating this story to highlight the importance of having one’s legal, financial rights met, and not get bamboozled into an emotional relationship mode when it takes away one’s real rights. On the other hand what was done was done and I have let the whole thing go ( even before my father passed away ). I have spent years reaching out for the beautiful in body, mind and spirit and I refuse to allow other’s to make me bitter or to keep me in a prison of the past. I started out as a child being so sweet and kind and gentle, and that is precious to me and I intend to keep that inner beauty. And I know that you both feel just the same. We can all do it.
Blessings -
January 31, 2022 at 4:38 pm #67203sept4Participant
Thank you so much Polestar for your beautiful post and I’m sorry that happened to you.
Isn’t it interesting that everyone advises victims to just let it go and move on and not pursue her legal and financial rights? I wonder if this is specific to women. Maybe it is something old fashioned in society still remaining to tell women to not worry about their legal and financial rights.
It just really struck me recently how unanimous this advice was from counselors and self help reading and friends and family. And I think it happens to other women too. Women are told to just let it go and focus on themselves. And while it is well meant advice that actually enables the abusers and further victimizes the women.
February 1, 2022 at 11:34 am #67205snownfireParticipant
sept4 and polestar, thank you to you both for sharing your thoughts as well as sharing your stories and experiences. I’m so sorry that you went through that experience, polestar. I agree that most of the time, the victims are encouraged to move on and focus on themselves, which is true, but then the abusers often get away with the wrong they have done. Fortunately, in my situation, my dad encouraged me to take legal action if my ex does not pay me back within the next couple of months. I am praying that I won’t have to do that but time will tell.
February 1, 2022 at 4:47 pm #67207snownfireParticipant
So, I feel as if sharing some of my story would be helpful to me but I hope it is helpful to someone else as well. With each new discovery I make about something my ex said or did or a memory I have of some inexplainable action, I feel sick to my stomach, am angry that he said he loved me but lied to me, and grateful that we broke up before I married him.
We grew up together as childhood friends; our families were friends and went to the same church, and our dads worked together. Then when I was 4 years old, my family moved across the country and we lost connection with them. Several years later his siblings and my siblings got reconnected and had some contact once again. I was friends with his older sister and we talked frequently. Fast forward a couple of years and my ex and I ended up going to the same gap year program where we saw each other every single day for 9 months and where we got to know each other. Prior to attending the program we were both in several different group chats where we talked every single day. I also visited his family the summer before the program started and that’s when I first noticed him. I was excited we were attending the same program as I really enjoyed his company and it was nice to have an acquaintance there in the sea of new faces. In retrospect I felt like we had a foundation as friends walking into this new season together. Little did I know, that I did not no him at all; only the person he wanted me to think he was. A couple weeks into the program he started avoiding me, ignoring me, and being super awkward. I thought about it and talked to my friends about it and they agreed that they thought it was because he liked me. I’m a straight forward person and was concerned mostly that our friendship was not going well, so I addressed him with the issue without mentioning anything about having feelings for each other. We ended with the conclusion that we didn’t want to get any closer or any farther apart in our relationship but just wanted to have each other’s backs. A couple weeks later when his awkwardness and avoidance continued I asked him if maybe we had feelings for each other and we both admitted that we did. (the program we attended was super small and strict and there was a ‘no dating policy’, which meant we had to keep any feelings for each other on the downhill until the program ended). So the next 8 months we grew in our fondness for each other and did our best to stay focused within the program. But of course we loved spending time together, talking, laughing, and connecting over shared family backgrounds. We knew things about each others past and family backgrounds that no one else would understand and that was comforting. He became very serious about his feelings for me and told me he was going to move across the country after the program ended and get a job so that we could be closer and date. He came to my family’s house for two weeks on Thanksgiving break and those were some of the best memories I have of the two of us. It was the love bombing faze. We did school together, went on several hikes, went on coffee/study dates, went shopping, hung out with my family, and talked late into the night. He gave me a beautiful gift and said really sweet things to me, sending me a really sweet love song that he said described me. Gosh, it was a marvelous two weeks. He was offered a very good position at a Christian horse camp apart of a ministry where we were going to school. He accepted and then I was offered a position as well for the summer camp which I accepted as well. Therefore, we graduated from the program in May, went on our first “official” date and started intentionally dating. That summer we worked together along side several of our friends, including his older sister, at the summer horse camp and that’s when our relationship saw it’s first bumps (or should I say red flags). -
February 1, 2022 at 7:19 pm #67208snownfireParticipant
That summer was bittersweet. It was very special to get to work together but it was difficult to spend intentional time together or even be alone together as both of our jobs were very demanding (my job was basically 24/7) but we would slip away for moments alone under the stars, walks here and there, an occasional date of sunset chasing and exploring. Both him and his sister poked fun at me alot. At first I just tried to laugh it off but it continued and became more and more intense. Just little jabs here and there and laughter that would always put me down and make me feel like I didn’t know anything. They were so critical at how everything was done and thought they knew the best of everything. I pointed it out to him one time and he felt very bad and wanted to change, but I don’t think he understood why he did it. His sister fueled his critical spirit which wore on me and put tension between me and her. I found myself apologizing a lot for things. Taking the blame for everything that went wrong.
I have had inexplainable health problems since I was 9, and my health only got worse over the year we were at school and by the end of the summer I was at my wits end. I was so exhausted and sick and knew I needed to get help. In the spring, my medical Dr. had run a ton of tests all of which came back negative, so I went to a natural path Dr. hoping he might find something the other Dr. had missed. He diagnosed me with Lymes Disease with over 10 different bacterias in my body. That was a tough diagnosis and came as a shock/relief. I started antibiotics asap and was horribly sick the entire month of September. His sister flew back home (only after spending family vacation with my family which were some of the worst days of my life as I was physically exhausted and in so much pain and my ex and his sister poked at me the entire 3 days. It was awful). At that point in our relationship, despite the strugglings, we had known each other for over a year and were talking very seriously. There was just enought good and just the right amount of love that I loved him wholeheartedly and still thought the very best of him. He told me he was at the point where he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and I agreed to the same. (Disclaimer: we both grew up in large Christian families where fast dating relationships and engagements were highly encouraged, thus we were raised with this mindset and thought it was best. I now think completely different). We planned a trip in the end of September to visit his family in the west and so he could be in his friends wedding. A week or two before our trip, he got sick and then I got sick. He got covid tested but said he got a negative result. So we flew west and I was still sick. At that point though, I was used to feeling sick and so i pulled myself together and made it work. The trip was awful. He was so quiet and grumpy and I didn’t know why. I was excited even though I felt like crap. My roommate and I talked about the trip wondering if he was going to pop the question. It was a busy crazy trip. We attended the wedding with his family and I spent two nights in a camper with his large family all the while trying to get over whatever sickness I had. He was ‘off’ the entire trip and never offered an explanation. Over the summer he always talked about introducing me to all of his friends but when the time came, he didn’t introduce me to hardly anyone. I felt so confused and was so anxious the entire time. On the 5th day he mentioned we should go up to Lyons Rock a place in the mountains we had both been too before that overlooks a couple of mountain ranges. We drove up there and he popped the big question and asked me to marry him. I was so shocked! I did not see it coming at all and he totally surprised me! I said yes!!! I was so thrilled, ecstatic. I wanted to facetime my family and tell them and he half heartedly agreed. So we did. We were both so exhausted but of course I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t stop looking at the ring! His family is not very emotional so their lack of excitement was a little hard but I called my friends and told them and they were over the moon excited for me. The day we headed home, he was SO OFF. I had no idea what was wrong but just tried to ignore it. I got a text from my mom saying that some mail had ended up at their house for Sawyer and that it was positive covid results and she wondered if he knew anything about it. I was shocked and upset thinking it was a fluke and that someone must have randomly sent it as he told me his test was negative. I looked over at him as we were sitting there in the airport terminal and asked him if he had put my parents address in at the Dr. office? and he replied that he didn’t even know our address. The day after we got home he voice messaged me and told me that he had looked at the wrong email and that it did not have a date and that his test was actually a positive covid test. I thought it was weird but didn’t think about it further. I completely trusted him. He was a Christian, He said he loved me, and had just asked me to marry him! I later figured out (after the breakup), it was all a lie. He had covid. I had covid while flying. He really did know my parents address and had put it in. He had tricked me and fooled my family. He got his desired results. I was going to marry him. Right before the trip He borrowed a couple thousand dollars and bought an old truck to fix up, bought a mustang to train, and joined the fire department as a volunteer. (I was thinking like what? We never go on dates anymore and here he has just bought into all these things and now he’s in debt, and we’re suppossed to be getting married???!!! well ok!) He told me he was leaving his job at the ministry when we got back. I was surprised not surprised as I knew he wasn’t doing super well and was struggling financially as the job didn’t pay much. He told me he had prayed about it and felt it was the best decision to make. I supported him and he left soon after and moved to a friends house and got a job in construction. A lot of people questioned his decision including my dad as he had made a commitment to stay at the job for two years and after 4 months he broke his commitment. His family was trying to control when we got married which was stressful and I was wedding planning as best i could on my own because he said he didn’t want to plan for a while. He became super manipulative and controlling without my realizing it at all. I was super stressed, anxious, sick and becoming depressed and yet the one thing i told myself I was most certain about was that we loved each other and we were getting married. I took a trip with friends out of state, and during that time I remember being so anxious. He became really bad at answering my texts or texting me at all. I talked to my friend about how insecure I was feeling and we decided it was because of my dad (who was/is a narcissist) and because of the way I was raised. Only now looking back on my sad journal entries, do I realize that my ex was the reason i was so sick and insecure. He was dragging me into a pit. I realized one day when we were talking that I didn’t know what my dreams were anymore. They were buried underneath the dreams of my ex. The future we were planning did not involve any of my wants or dreams, they were all his. And now we get to the part where finances came in. We were two months out from getting married and he finally admitted to me how bad he was doing financially. He told me he wanted to get a loan. I strongly disagreed and then finally suggested we use some of my money believing he was truly in a pinch and it would help him get his debt paid off before the wedding and help us start a life together. I ordered the money in through check. It was gone within the week I gave it to him. He told me what he was going to use it for but did not end up using it for what he said as I came to find out later. It was such a stressful time and he began to shut down emotionally, stopped showing me affection, and was unresponsive to things I said, and very snippy. I told him one night that it was affecting me badly. The following day he told me that it was a result of chronic stress and that his body had been shutting down (he was so skinny). He told me that I just needed to love him through it and that he didn’t know how long it was going to be until he could get out of that state of stress. So I continued to love him and he continued to treat me poorly and bizarely and our wedding got closer. So many contradictions in what he said, so many silent treatments, shutdowns (which I like to call funks) projections on that I wasn’t communicating when he was the one that always struggled to communicate. He pushed my physical boundaries, projected, gaslighted, lied, faked emotions and then switched emotions after getting the desired response from me.I had a pain/panic attack one monday after he projected some lies on me the evening before. At the time I didn’t know what it was as I had never had one before. He was very concerned and bought me some necessary food and supplies so that I could just rest. I had bruises showing up in strange places on my body and made an appointment with my Dr. I was in bed most of the week. Too exhausted to do much, but I did manage to throw him a surprise birthday party and invited his friends far and wide. It was a wonderful celebration but the last. Right before he left for Christmas, I gave him a few Christmas gifts but received none in return. He bought himself an expensive new cowboy hat and a shotgun and then I paid for our honeymoon, which was nonrefundable. I barely heard from him the week of Christmas we didn’t call at all even though I tried to call him on his birthday. Christmas night he told me that he couldn’t wait to see me, kiss me, and marry me. He added that only his parents were coming to the wedding instead of the whole family. My heart sank. He did not answer my questions. The following day, the day after Christmas, he rudely demanded to know when I planned to leave to pick him up from the airport. I finally told him and asked if we could call as I knew something was wrong. He called me and then proceeded to break up with me over the phone. We talked for two hours and I remained surprisingly calm as I asked a million questions and tried to reason with him about his explanations for breaking up with me that did not make sense. I had no choice in the matter and collapsed into my parents arms screaming and crying with emotional pain I didn’t know could exist. The man who said he loved me and couldn’t wait to marry me broke my heart. The following weeks were filled with cancelling the wedding trying to negotiate finances and returning gifts and such as well as unraveling what happened and realizing that the person I almost married was not the person I loved. I told him that i deserved for him to see me in person one last time to clarify to my face what really happened. He refused until a friend talked some sense into him and he texted me that he would see me once last time. Of course that whole ordeal he was completely controlling in the how and where and changed things so much. It was such a stressful experience filled with more lies and confusing talk. My mom was and is my biggest hero, showing me the truth, explaining that he is a narcissist. I didn’t want to label him with that or believe it but had no choice but to accept the truth. Almost everyday I would remember something new from our relationship that didn’t make sense, that was a lie, a projection, a gaslighting, a shutdown, a manipulation. I’m learning so much, but I’m a very hurt person and the healing process is slow and painful. My family and God’s love have been my rock in the last several weeks and will continue to be moving forward. I’m so thankful that God saved me from a lifetime of pain. -
February 1, 2022 at 8:47 pm #67209polestarParticipant
Hi snownfire – thank you so so much for sharing your story. Our stories help others so much, because when we see and understand that it is not just something unique to us that is happening – that it is an actual phenomenon, an actual pattern of behavior, that we begin to feel validated, supported and not so alone. Sociopaths are definitely mentally ill, and when we aren’t aware that this condition exists, then we try and try to cope – somehow believing that there is some rationality to their behavior and thus we respond. On the other hand, if we were a doctor in a psych ward, and a patient acted strange, the doctor would understand that strange behavior stems from their disorder. We, out in the world, fail to see the truth of the matter of the sick individual we are dealing with. So, therefore, as in the beginning of your story, when you and your ex were both involved with the same program, and he suddenly started to avoid you, and you and your friends discussed his sudden strange behavior, you all saw it through a light of believing that he was normal, and went on to attribute a normal reason for his behavior. We all do that, because we are normal, and have not learned about sociopaths and that whole character disordered spectrum, and we had nowhere in our cognition to place things that were no where near where our hearts and minds dwell. I think that there is a whole spectrum of character disordered people, and from your story, you ex seems way way over to the very sick end. The sister was horrible too. It does run in the family, science has started to find out. Having said all of that, still, nevertheless, we can’t just write off his horrendous behavior with a shrug and an “ oh well “ and “ oh, he’s a sociopath “ and be done with it. He did ruthless and horrible things that were sickening. Like putting you at risk for COVID, when he knew he was positive and lying about that. Like not getting you a Christmas gift. From the outside, it may seem like a small thing, but from the inside of a relationship, it is huge in that it is basically saying : “ I just don’t care about you or your feelings “. I can see how you would have trusted him from the start though – having known his family when growing up. That kind of connection from our early years, is like our roots, and we basically feel very safe and at home with family friends – even when, like you mentioned, there was a separation in between getting reconnected. Added to this is the fact that you both had the same religious upbringing ( essentially, it seems ). So with all of that, it is no wonder that you would go into a relationship with him, with an enormous amount of trust, evidence to the contrary not withstanding. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, we have a natural bias towards seeing others as normal. Then with the whole marriage proposal, bringing even more commitment in your heart and for loyalty to him and for the relationship and so much hope that he instilled. I think he knew exactly what he was doing in all of his manipulations of your emotions. Plus, you were not well considering the Lymes disease. You were physically exhausted from that, and that kind of fatigue leaves a person very vulnerable in many ways. So it is more than understandable that you kept on trying to maintain a loving relationship to one who was actively unkind ( cruel is actually a more accurate word ). Another thing that I want to mention is that when it comes to love in an intimate relationship, somehow we are not able to keep our reason and understanding clear. Scientists have gone forward with so many innovations in medicine and space etc. but when it comes to the working dynamics of a relationship, all seems to be black. Only very very recently has the whole subject of narcissism and sociopathy even come to light. But there is so much more too. I like Mira Kirshenbaum’s book, “ Too bad to stay, too good to leave “ for that exact reason. In that book she actually sheds light on very nuanced elements of relationships that we generally have only subconscious knowledge of. She brings so much to awareness. In any case, I understand how very hurt you are feeling now, even with the knowledge of you ex’s horrific character disorder. It all was a horrible disappointment and a horrible loss of a beautiful ideal and a dream of a happy marriage, wishing to share your life with someone who at first seemed to be such a perfect match. There are stages of grief that are well documented, which I’m sure you can find easily on line, and just by recognizing what stage you are going through would be a big help for you. Please keep posting ( if you wish to ) so we can assist you with your healing. Thanks again for sharing your story. I sincerely mean it when I said that it does so much good for many. I have a wish that we can come together to support and bring love and light to one another – enough to offset those who deprecate the beautiful.
Blessings -
February 7, 2022 at 7:11 pm #67236snownfireParticipant
polestar- you have no idea how much your words meant to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my post. I was so encouraged to hear my story validated and confirmed. You offered some awesome insight that really helped me make some sense out of what I’ve experienced. Thank you, thank you.
February 7, 2022 at 7:14 pm #67238snownfireParticipant
I could really use some insight as I am living at home with my parents and siblings now, and as I am trying to heal from my broken relationship I’m living with my Dad who is a narcissist and I’m not sure I can put up with it for long. It is so hard for me to see my Mom fight so hard for herself and to be hurt so bad by my dad for years and years. They are going to counseling and it’s so much better than it was when I was a kid, but it’s still there every day and it’s hard to watch and live with.
February 8, 2022 at 5:20 am #67240Donna AndersenKeymaster
Snowfire – It will certainly be difficult being in the same home as your narcissistic father, and seeing what your mother is enduring. I’ve spoken to many people who became involved with sociopaths, only to realize that they married their disordered parent. So your early family dynamic is probably what made you vulnerable to the sociopath.
Therefore you need to get out as soon as you can, and I’m sure you are working towards this. In the meantime, do your best to emotionally disengage from the drama. Find a way to get centered. Maybe your example will help your mother.
February 8, 2022 at 10:29 am #67242snownfireParticipant
Donna, Yes, I can completely see how I ended up with a narcissist because my Dad is a narcissist. Also, he was the only male figure in my life growing up. I was very sheltered and he was my main example of a man, which sadly was not a good example. Coming home a month and a half ago, he was my greatest protector and it meant so much for me for him to help me break things off with my fiance and fight for me financially and emotionally as a father should. But it all kind of stopped and I feel strange towards him now. I now feel the horrible realization that what I just got out of I am stepping back into yet the narcissism isn’t directed at me but at my mom and younger siblings. It’s not as horrible as it was when I was a kid but it’s just enough that i’m not sure I can watch it because I just went through such a horrible experience with my ex and it triggers me so badly. I also realizing that I have always had an excellent relationship with him, but only because I pleased him, didn’t challenge him, and spent lots of time with him and helped him. My other siblings were not so fortunate. I’m his favorite, but I don’t want to be anymore. It’s not right. It doesn’t feel right.
February 9, 2022 at 8:18 pm #67257Kat0508Participant
I know how painful this experience can be as I am going through it as well. I ended up marrying and now pregnant with his son. He married me and then a few months later discarded me like I was nothing. Blamed me for everything. I too am a Christian and he said he was too but looking back I really never saw the fruits of the spirit in him and so many other red flags. Mine left me at the end of November when I was supposed to have a big surprise birthday party for him too! It didn’t happen. At first I was devastated and was not going to get a divorce as it went against my faith but now the more I’ve learned the more I wish I could never talk to this man again. Luckily right now there has been no communication outside of seeing him at doctors appointment for the baby. It’s hard for me to even look at him. I went to therapy but financially I had to stop for now. He even showed up at my house (which thank God I own) after I blocked him from my phone and told him we could communicate through email. He showed up at 8am screaming at me, calling me names, using some of my most darkest times in my past that I thought I was confiding to him because he loved me and we had trust. Nope, it was all to use against me later on which I now know. I’m so sorry you are going through this. It is one of the most difficult things I’ve gone through but with that being said you can and will get through it. Educate yourself through Donna’s resources, podcasts, books, etc. it’s allowed me to look at myself too and ask myself how did I end up here, why did I ignore my gut feelings, not that it is our fault because it 100% isn’t but it will help in the future. God gives me the strength everyday to know I am worth more than what this man has done and will most likely continue to do to me and to other women. Stay strong, you are loved, you are not alone, and this Too shall pass!!
February 10, 2022 at 9:14 pm #67258snownfireParticipant
Kat- my heart hurts so bad reading what you went through and are now going through. I am so sorry you are going through this. It’s still so hard for me to wrap my mind around how my or your ex claims to be a Christian and see the things that they did and are still doing. I have wrestled so much with my faith through this time but have clung to the fact that I know God’s character to be good and trustworthy and that somehow good can come out of this mess.
I also understand that the Bible speaks against divorce, but if you look at the command through a bigger picture, you can see that the heart of God is not labeled to rules and regulations that would keep us in pain. They were made out of love. And separating yourself from someone who caused you harm is a form of love. Love for yourself and your unborn child. I’m so proud that you have made the decisions you have. You are so strong.
Have you been able to go not contact with him?
My ex moved across the country a couple of weeks after he dumped me over the phone but we haven’t been able to go no contact because of a difficult financial situation. I am getting a lawyer to pursue him legally to get back the money he owes me and gain some emotional freedom for myself.
Thank you for the encouragement. Keep writing if that gives you freedom. The truth will set you free! Much love- Grace
February 8, 2022 at 6:07 am #67241sept4Participant
Hi Snow yes I think you should move out as soon as you can. Make moving out your first priority.
You cannot have a good relationship with a disordered person. You cannot have a happy healthy safe peaceful wholesome life living with a disordered person.
February 10, 2022 at 9:33 pm #67260snownfireParticipant
Wondering if anyone has advice in the healing process? I know it is a slow process but feel so uncomfortable where I am at. Because I was unconditionally kind and loving to my ex, I am scared to show kindness to others, I guess out of fear that it will be abused. But that is not who I am because deep down I am a kind, caring person I just find it difficult to be who I used to be right now because it hurt me. Also, I am super defensive in a lot of things because my ex and his sister picked apart my life. Nothing was good enough and I did everything wrong in their eyes ( so it felt ) thus if someone critiques me or teases me I am so on edge even if the person did not mean to insult me. The craziest little things people don’t think twice about trigger me. Honesty has never been more important to me after being pathologically lied to for a long period of time.
Any suggestions in navigating these things? -
February 11, 2022 at 3:18 am #67261sept4Participant
Hi Snow, what really helped me in that aspect was focusing on myself and taking care of myself. Eating well, working out, counseling, hobbies, activities that I enjoy, spending time with healthy loved ones.
And I’ve kept my circle very small. I’m very selective about who I spend time with. Only people whom I’ve known a long time and who I know are genuine and trustworthy and genuinely love me and care about me.
February 11, 2022 at 9:45 pm #67263snownfireParticipant
sept4 -Thank you. All of those examples seem like very helpful, basic healing things I should implement into my life as I heal. Keeping your circle small hits home because I’m struggling feeling like I need to let a lot of my friends go in the sense that I can’t explain to everyone what has happened and invite them into my process of moving forward. I think letting that go would be very freeing for me; only having my most trustworthy caring friends and family be a part of my life during this time. Thank you for sharing!
February 12, 2022 at 6:08 am #67264sept4Participant
Hi Snow, yes I am very very selective about my friendships. I only maintain two deep friendships – two friends whom I’ve know for almost 25 years and who have shown me long term that they are genuinely good stable caring people who genuinely love me.
Everyone else I keep at acquaintance level only and I don’t invest in those other relationships. I’m polite and friendly to acquaintances but I don’t get close to them or invest time and energy in them.
I actually made a notepad list of my “inner circle” of people who I genuinely love and trust and invest in. Total is only five people, my two long time friends and the three family members that I’m closest to.
So I don’t have a lot of people in my inner circle BUT they are very high quality and have shown me over the long term that they are good people who truly love me. That is worth much more to me than a large circle of questionable people.
May 25, 2022 at 7:43 pm #68014sunnygal1Participant
Snowfire I just read your posts and hope you are doing ok
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