UPDATED FOR 2025 WITH NEW GROUP DISCUSSIONS. Lovefraud is pleased to announce new group discussions for our webinar series called, Skills training for recovery from narcissistic abuse, gaslighting and toxic stress, presented by Liane Leedom, M.D.
How do you recover from the abuse and trauma inflicted by a narcissist, antisocial or psychopath? In this 13-session program, Dr. Leedom helps you develop the skills to clear your head, deal with stress, gain control of your emotions and create deal with sociopathic behavior.
Get started with a FREE introductory session:
FREE! Your first step towards real recovery from narcissistic abuse and trauma
- Yes, recovery from narcissistic abuse is possible
- Why sociopaths crave power and can’t love
- How you fell in love with the sociopath
- Overview of four dialectical behavioral therapy skill sets
- Dialectics: Opposite truths that stand together
About Dr. Liane Leedom
Dr. Leedom is a psychiatrist and a professor of counseling and psychology at the University of Bridgeport. We’ve been friends and colleagues for almost 20 years. She, like me, was targeted by a psychopath. She reached out to me about a year after I launched Lovefraud.com in 2005.
She’d been blindsided by the experience. Even as a psychiatrist, she did not understand the true nature of psychopathy and other exploitative personality disorders. In fact, one of the things she told me early on was, “My training was deficient.”
Well, she certainly understands the disorders now — not only through her own experience and treating survivors, but through extensive research. (If you want to read her published papers, visit Dr. Leedom’s ResearchGate profile.)
Awareness of antisocial, narcissistic and psychopathic personality disorders has grown over the years. To Dr. Leedom’s frustration, this did not lead to treatment protocols for survivors. So she set out to adapt a proven form of therapy to help people who have endured narcissistic abuse.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Dr. Leedom’s approach uses the skills training aspect of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which is one of the most effective treatments available for mood problems, anxiety and issues related to trauma.
Many DBT skills are related to the practice of mindfulness. As Dr. Leedom explains, mindfulness means paying attention to everything that is happening in the present moment around and within you, on purpose and without judgment. The goal is to accurately perceive reality so you can make choices based on your own best interests.
4 webinar modules — 13 classes
After the FREE introduction, the program continues with four webinars, plus one bonus:
- Mindfulness to clear your head of sociopathic gaslighting (4 classes)
- Recovery from the bodily effects of toxic stress (2 classes)
- Strategies for reducing emotional distress and vulnerability (4 classes)
- Evidence-based tools for dealing with sociopathic behavior (2 classes)
- BONUS: Post-traumatic growth and spirituality (1 class)
The Skills Training Total program teaches you exactly how to go through the process of healing. After all, emotional recovery doesn’t just happen, it requires a conscious effort on your part — and practice. Dr. Leedom offers you the tools to recover from the victimization by the antisocial, narcissist or psychopath, so you can build a life worth living.
Group discussions
Along with the webinars, you are invited to a private online discussion group solely for people who are participating in Dr. Leedom’s Total Skills Training program. Feel free to ask questions about how to use the skills in your personal situation. The sessions are not recorded.
All discussions are on Wednesdays at 7 pm ET. Here are the dates and topics:
- March 12, 2025 — Mindfulness (Skills Module 1, Weeks 1 and 2)
- March 26, 2025 — Mindfulness (Skills Module 1, Weeks 3 and 4)
- April 9, 2025 — Recovery from Toxic Stress (Skills Module 2)
- April 23, 2025 — Emotional Distress (Skills Module 3, Weeks 1 and 2)
- May 7, 2025 — Emotional Distress (Skills Module 3, Weeks 3 and 4)
- May 21, 2025 — Dealing with Sociopathic Behavior (Skills Module 4)
This is how, after the sociopath, you take control of your recovery and your life. Start today with the FREE Introductory webinar. Click the link below to register.