Healing from an emotional trauma or extended traumatic experience is a like a long, intimate dance with reality. Or perhaps a three-act ballet. We are on the stage of our own minds, surrounded by the props of our lives, dancing to the music of our emotions. Our memories flash on the backdrop or float around like ribbons in the air. Down below the stage, in the orchestra pit, a chorus puts words to the feelings and gives us advice drawn from our parents’ rules, our church’s rules, all the rules from the movies and books and conversations that have ever colored our thinking.
And our job is to dance our way through the acts.
The first act is named “Magic Thinking.” We stumble onto the stage, stunned, confused and in pain. Our first dance is denial — the “it doesn’t matter” dance. Our second dance is bargaining — the “maybe I can persuade whoever is in power to fix this” dance. The third and last dance before the intermission is anger.
This article is about anger.
The emotional spine
Everyone here who has gone through the angry phase knows how complex it is. We are indignant, bitter, sarcastic, outraged, waving our fiery swords of blame. We are also — finally — articulate, funny, re-asserting power over our lives. We are hell on wheels, demanding justice or retribution. We are also in transition between bargaining and letting go, so all this is tinged with hope on one side and grief on the other.
Anger really deserves a book, rather than a brief article. It is the end of the first act of our healing, because it really changes everything — our way of seeing, our thinking, our judgments, the way we move forward. Like the element of fire, it can be clarifying, but it can also be destructive. To complicate the situation further, many (if not all of us) tended to repress our anger before we entered this healing process.
So it may be helpful to discuss what anger is, where it comes from. What we call anger is part of a spectrum of reactions that originates in the oldest part of our brain. The brain stem, sometimes called the lizard brain, oversees automatic survival mechanisms like breathing, heartbeat, hunger, sleep and reproduction. It also generates powerful emotional messages related to survival.
These messages travel through increasingly sophisticated layers of our emotional and intellectual processing. One of those layers, the limbic system or mammal brain, is where we keep memories of good and bad events, and work out how to maximize pleasure and avoid pain (often through addictive strategies). The messages pass through this layer on the way to our cerebral cortex.
There in the thinking layer, we name things and organize them. We maintain concepts of community and identity (right and left brain), and we manipulate them continually to run our lives as thinking, self-aware beings. Beyond the thinking brain is the even more advanced area of the frontal cortex, which maintains our awareness of the future, interconnectivity (holistic thinking), and the “high level” views that further moderate our primitive responses into philosophic and spiritual meanings.
What our thinking brains name “anger” is actually a sensation of physical and emotional changes caused by the brain stem in reaction to perceived danger. The spectrum of those danger-related sensations roughly includes alertness, fear and anger. While our higher brain may see a purpose in separating fear and anger into different categories, our lizard brain doesn’t make those distinctions. It just keeps altering our hormones and brain chemicals for all kinds of situations, depending on its analysis of what we need to do to survive.
The point of this long digression is this: alertness-fear-anger responses are a normal part of our ability to survive. They travel “up” into our higher processing as the strong spine of our survival mechanism. There is nothing wrong with feeling them. In fact, paying attention to them is better for us in every way than ignoring our feelings (denial) or trying to delude ourselves about what is happening (bargaining).
The many forms of anger
One of the most interesting things about the English language is its many verb forms, which express various conditions of timeliness and intent. I can. I could. I could have. I would have. I might have. I should have. I will. I might. I was going to.
Those same factors of timeliness and intent can be found in the many facets of anger. Bitterness and resentment are simmering forms of anger related to past and unhealed hurts. Likewise sarcasm and passive-aggressive communications are expressions of old disappointment or despair. Frustration is a low-level form of anger, judging a circumstance or result as unsatisfactory. Contempt and disgust are more pointed feelings associated with negative judgments.
When anger turns into action, we have explosive violence, plans for future revenge and sabotage. When anger is turned on ourselves, we have depression and addictions. The judgments associated with anger foster black-and-white thinking, which can be the basis for bias and all kinds of “ism’s,” especially if the anger is old, blocked for some reason, and thus diffuse or not directed primarily at its source. This typically happens when we feel disempowered to defend ourselves.
All of that sounds pretty terrible and toxic. But, in fact, the most toxic forms of anger are the ones in which the anger is not allowed to surface. The lizard brain does not stop trying to protect us until we deal with the threat, and so we live with the brain chemicals and hormones of anger until we do.
Anger can also be healthy. The anger of Jesus toward the money changers in the temple is a model of righteous anger. In response to trauma, righteous anger is a crucial part of the healing process. Anger has these characteristics:
• Directed at the source of the problem
• Narrowly focused and dominating our thinking
• Primed for action
• Intensely aware of personal resources (internal and environmental)
• Willing to accept minor losses or injuries to win
Anger is about taking care of business. At its most primitive level, anger is what enables us to defend our lives, to kill what would kill us. In modern times, it enables us to meet aggression with aggression in order to defend ourselves or our turf. We expect to feel pain in these battles, but we are fighting to win.
However, anger also has its exhilaration, a sense of being in a moment where we claim our own destiny. For those of us who have been living through the relatively passive and self-defeating agony of denial and bargaining, anger can feel wonderful.
As it should, because anger is the expression of our deepest self, rejecting this new reality. We are finally in speaking-up mode. We are finally taking in our situation and saying, “No! I don’t want this. I don’t like it. I don’t like you for creating this in my life. I don’t like how it feels. I don’t like what I’m getting out of it. And if it doesn’t stop this instant, I want you out of my life.”
Getting over our resistance to anger
Of course, we don’t exactly say that when we’re inside the relationship. In fact, we don’t exactly think it, even when we’re out of the relationship. And why is that? Because — and this only my theory, but it seems to be born out here on LoveFraud — people who get involved with sociopaths are prone to suppress their anger, because they are afraid of it, ashamed of it, or confused about its meaning.
When faced with a painful situation, they suppress their inclination to judge the situation in terms of the pain they’re experiencing, and instead try to understand. They try to understand the other person. They try to understand the circumstances. They try to interpret their own pain through all kinds of intellectual games to make it something other than pain. To an extent, this could be described as the bargaining phase. But for most of us, this is a bargaining phase turned into a life strategy. It’s an unfinished response to a much earlier trauma that we have taken on as a way of life.
Which is very good for the sociopath, who can use it to gaslight us while s/he pursues private objectives of looting our lives for whatever seems useful or entertaining. Until we have nervous breakdowns or die, or wake up.
We can all look at the amount of time it took us to wake up, or the difficulty we’re having waking up, at evidence of how entrenched we’ve been in our avoidance of our own anger. It retrospect, it is an interesting thing to review. Why didn’t we kick them out of our lives the first time they lied or didn’t show up? Why didn’t we throw their computer out of the window when we discovered their profiles on dating sites? Why didn’t we cut off their money when we discovered they were conning us? Why didn’t we spit in their eye when they insulted us? Why didn’t we burn their clothes on the driveway the first time they were unfaithful?
Because we were too nice to do that? Well, anger is the end of being nice. It may be slow to emerge. We may have to put all the pieces together in our heads, until we decide that yes, maybe we do have the right to be angry. Yes, they were bad people. No, we didn’t deserve it. And finally, we are mad. At them.
Anger in our healing process
Anger is the last phase of magical thinking. We are very close to a realistic appraisal of reality. The only thing “magical” about it is this: no amount of outrage or force we can exert on the situation can change it. The sociopath is not going to change. We cannot change the past, or the present we are left with.
But anger has its own gifts. First and foremost is that we identify the external cause of our distress. We place our attention where it belongs at this moment — on the bad thing that happened to us and the bad person who caused it.
Second, we reconnect with our own feelings and take them seriously. This is the beginning of repairing our relationships with ourselves, which have often become warped and shriveled with self-hatred and self-distrust when we acted against our own interests in our sociopathic relationships.
Third, anger is a clarifying emotion. It gives us a laser-like incisiveness. It may not seem so when we are still struggling with disbelief or self-questioning or resentment accumulated through the course of the relationship. But once we allow ourselves to experience our outrage and develop our loathing for the behavior of the sociopath, we can dump the burden of being understanding. We can feel the full blazing awareness that runs through all the layers of brain, from survival level through our feelings through our intellect and through our eyes as we look at that contemptible excuse for a human being surrounded by the wreckage s/he creates. Finally our brains are clear.
And last, but at least as important as the rest, is the rebirth of awareness of personal power that anger brings. Anger is about power. Power to see, to decide, to change things. We straighten up again from the long cringe, and in the action-ready brain chemicals of anger, we surprise ourselves with the force of our ability and willingness to defend ourselves. We may also surprise ourselves with the violent fantasies of retribution and revenge we discover in ourselves. (Homicidal thoughts, according to my therapist, are fine as long as we don’t act on them.)
It is no wonder that, for many of us, the angry phase is when we learn to laugh again. Our laughter may be bitter when it is about them. But it can be joyous about ourselves, because we are re-emerging as powerful people.
The main thing we do with this new energy is blaming. Though our friends and family probably will not enjoy this phase (because once we start blaming, it usually doesn’t stop at the sociopath), this is very, very important. Because in blaming, we also name what we lost. When we say “you did this to me,” we are also saying, “Because of you, I lost this.”
Understanding what has changed — what we lost — finally releases us from magical thinking and brings us face to face with reality. For many of us this is an entirely new position in our personal relationships. In the next article, we’ll discuss how anger plays out in our lives.
Until then, I hope you honor your righteous anger, casting blame wherever its due. And take a moment to thank your lizard brain for being such a good friend to you.
Namaste. The healing warrior in me salutes the healing warrior in you.
I’d rather be dead than be a Sociopath!!
If I surrender the White Knight fantasy, can I still be a princess? Cause damn I really want to be a princess! LOL! I’ll just sit high up in the apple tree and wait for a brave fruit picker to happen my way. It could happen, Right? Still laughing. I love you all for getting it, for getting me, and letting me know in so many ways that I am a prize, that I’m innocent equaling not guilty, and that I’m not alone in what I’ve experienced though it would be nice in some ways if we were alone as in no other victims. It sucks that there are so many of us, and yet it helps to know that you have others to build you up when you are feeling weak. Glad to say I feel strong today. You’re all my shot of fortifying vitamin.
Joy…you can still be Cinderella. But I sorta smashed that glass slipper I had…if you have an odd one…sorry. I pledged not to be the white night guy anymore. But if I’m nappin’ under the apple tree, and you fall, I’ll try to catch you…but won’t hold you against your will…no promises beyond that, nor expectations.
You can be a prize, you are a prize. Nobody can win you, especially if they cheat. You have to give yourself, with open eyes and new knowledge, to the one who “gets” you.
Glad you’re feeling strong!
Jim, So glad you are willing to cushion my fall. I like the view up here high in the tree. I’m not looking for a rescue just yet. But I’m willing to share my limb with the right good soul, and if I sit here alone for an awful long time that is fine, too. Good things come to those who wait, so they say. I’ve never thought of myself as much of a prize. I’m good a person and the ex likes to say I’m accomplished but like it’s a bad thing. I have given it some serious thought lately and in a world of frauds and fools, I think that I am a prize for those who value loyalty, honesty, and integrity. Next time, I’ll just be sure that my chosen companion has a lifetime resume of those same traits. It might be true that people change, but I won’t bet on it in love ever again. If I lose a prize, so be it. At least, I will increase the odds that I won’t be hurt. Here’s to open eyes and a like minded soul who “gets” me in more ways than one. I feel pretty good and I want to go back to work today, but the Director of nursing at my facility is not too sure she wants me back while I’m still on a heart monitor. That is her right, but I really need to work to earn the money that I need. Let’s hope I’m not in Matt’s boat and job hunting anytime soon. Fingers crossed that she let me come back.
I haven’t posted at this website for awhile, but I felt the need to do it after reading After the Sociopath: How Do We Heal?
I had an argument at work yesterday with my P. We are not seeing each other anymore, but I still have to work in the same office with him.
He still denies that he was involved with other women while we were dating (I thought exclusively) and that our whole relationship was some kind of con.
I answered the office phone last week and spoke to one of his godson’s mothers. Supposedly, he treats them like sisters. She told me that they have had an intimate relationship for years with no break. I accused him of being a liar and a cheat and all he offers is you can call me whatever you want. Of course, he will not offer any sort of explanation for his behavior so I am left as baffled as ever about why he did this.
I am convinced now that I will never receive any explanation because it would simply be because he can.
I am a rational human being, but I also have a conscience and a need to justify my actions. I believe that Gary does not possess one or he would not continue to deny the truth.
Hummingird – Sorry you have to work in the same office as your S. You’re right, you’ll never get a satisfactory explanation out of him, if he does confess it will only be to further some other agenda, smoke and mirrors. I’m not sure how closely you have to work with him at your job, but is there any way you can distance yourself from him while you’re there? Arguments at work never lead to anything good.
You’re right. YOu never will get a satisfactory explanation. More to the point, you already KNOW the truth. Any clarification you seek from your ex-S will only result in a mind-fuck for you.
For example, last May, my S vanished during a party. I went up to the roof terrace and found him drunk, stretched out on a lounge chair, shirt unbuttoned, with some guy leaning over him. His explanation? “I was hot so I unbuttoned my shirt.” The intellectual part of my brain knew exactly what I had walked in on. But, the part of me that was still bonded to the S told me “believe him.”
Or try this one on for size. Two, not one, but two friends saw S at a bar, picking up some toothless old guy. The friends didn’t know each other. Independently, they told me what S was up to. I confronted S. S to this day swears they are lying.
So, don’t let him fuck with your reality. You know all you need to know at this point about what a piece of crap he is.
Thanks for the comments.
I still have feelings for him in spite of all his lies and cheating. I know this doesn’t make any sense. I think this is why I am so easily engaged in arguing with him.
He has a way of making me feel like I don’t understand what is really happening and that somehow his behavior can be explained away. He says that I don’t know the whole story about his relationship with his godson’s mothers, but that I have made up my mind about it and won’t listen anymore.
I am sure that he has fed them some of the same lines. I think that the one lady is even speaking to him again. I am sure that he will find a way to convince her that he is true and faithful.
I feel used because he has conned me out of a lot of money with his stories of ill health and money problems. He does have health issues with his diabetes and a pancreatic tumor he had removed a couple of years ago. I am convinced that some of his illness is caused by the stress of his own lifestyle.
thanks for reminding us that we will never get a satisfactory explanation. That is the truth.
You will get their rewritten history with no empathy for you whatsover.
I hate all of this. Huge pain, fear, regret again today.
Does this e-mail that I found on the computer a few months ago not confirm my cheating accusation:
His Communication to one of his godson’s mothers:
I am writing this letter because it is truly transparent that verbal communication would prove to be fruitless. It is my desire that irregardless of this letter we will continue to be no less than sincere friends.
Many months ago when your mother was experiencing significant health challenges I wanted your attention but you vehemently stated that you were unable to share yourself at that time. Though I offered to accept whatever moment you could possibly create you were persistent in telling me to move forward and seek someone that could give me what I needed. Now unfortunately, but knowingly, by the grace of the man above our circumstances have significantly been altered and it is I who was desperately seeking a moment of mental emancipation. With this knowledge I assumed that you would be willing to accept my newly found familial obligations so I ask you to share yourself and accept my widely disperse moments. For some reason I just assumed you were going to offer a positive response. See, having that you spent the last few years of sacrificing yourself you knew, at least I assumed, my request wasn’t unreasonable. But to my amazement you said you needed more. You even went as far to state that because I couldn’t promise you at least one (1) weekend a month that I should once again move on with my life. Many discussions were held on the subject with no change. And let’s not forget that you felt that I only wanted you for sex.
Now, I tried multiple times to let you know that it wasn’t just sex but my only wanting to make love with you, but that meant little and or changed nothing. Though I believed that you were being selfish I listened to you. Many conversations later, you told me that my constant pleading with you to come by my house before work was not going to happen. That you were to fatigued to get up in the morning and come to my house and make love before going to work. Besides you wanted it to happen on your terms. That I had to spend time with you watching television, listening to music, etc. So eventually, I more than willingly, complied with your request. I truly enjoyed my visits. Yet, my wanting to see you before I went to work never happened. You continued to tell me that you are just to tired. So, I suggested that you call me and I would come to you on your day off; that to never developed. Jack, you were on vacation for twelve (12) days and I waited patiently for your call and needless to say you never called to say you were coming or to invite me to come to you. Well this let me know that you will never have time for me regardless of how much I want it to happen. Please read this with an open mind, but you are never to tired to go to the church. You once told me that if you knew you had the opportunity and were sure of my desire for you that you would willingly call out for that day. Well, what happened?
Jack, I respect your devotion to GOD but even he wants you to be happy with someone. It is my conclusion, that somewhere in your heart you mean well but just aren’t emotionally available to me at the time. It is my wish and most sincere prayer that I do nothing to bring you any undue stress. But I am tired of waiting for you to tell me not tonight. ( I say that with respect.) Maybe you will find the person that brings you some joy and to spend time but at this time it is clear that I am not that person. The frustration has progressed to the level that we must, more often that not, AGREE TO DISAGREE with each conversation. And yes, I am cognizant that I am not an avid telephone user but part of that is because our conversations tend to bring you stress. And I confess that I didn’t want to get angry with you because irregardless of how tired you are you make time for the church program but not me.
Now, I know that asking you to deal with my life at this time is unreasonable but this is my life as it exists as I must accept yours to be the church. Yes, my life may leave me physically exhausted I have refused to eliminate my emotions and need for a significant other to share those few moments. You will always be my closest friend and in my heart you are still the one but as I said, ” You never called.” I am not livid because you had to do whatever it is that gives you peace. I still look forward to hearing your voice in the morning.
Her Reply:
You told me on the phone that you did not want me to respond at least on the phone, so I’m not. You may not read this but I’m going to respond. You know I totally understand what you are going through with your family situation, but I also realize that you tell me that there are times when you can find times to spend with your friends and it’s not at 5am or 6am before they go to work. You want me to travel down my court in the dark to my car to come over to your house so we can make love. Do you ever think about the times that you didn’t go home (Philli) and stayed home for whatever reason, and don’t tell me til I call you on monday to fine out how your family was and you say I didn’t go home for whatever reason but you didn’t call me. You didn’t call me and tell me I am home this weekend, come visit me. You tell me I want to get out of my house. I’ve told you many times that we don’t have to do anything but just be together, doing whatever, but the only time you can fit me in is before work. Do you only want to make love to me before work? Only spend time with me before work? Concerning only wanting you to come over and watch tv or listen to music, the only time you call me to do anything other than before work is to go to a flee market because you want to get socks, or your looking for a specific thing such as socks, not because you know I like flea markets. Just like you say you need to spend whatever time you can with me, so do I. You don’t think I get lonely? You don”t think I don’t want to be held? You don’t think I need to be with someone who helps me to forrget what my life has become? You say it’s the way or what I want, what about you? Any relationship is about give and take, you give, I give. You say I want everything my way or my time, isn”T THAT what you do, when I feel like being bothered. Just like one of your friends can call you and request your baltimore time, you should be able to do the same for me. No matter how tired, or stressed you may be if one of your friends call and say I need you. you go, but you can’t promise me 1 day a month. when you are right here in Baltimore. You say you have been patient, waiting for me? You don’t know the opportunities I have to go out with other men, but choose not to because I’m faithful to you. You don’t know how many people tell me, How do you know that he doesn’t have a women in Philli, you don’t know how many people tell me how do you know he’s really in Philli since you don’t do drive by’s his house looking for his car? So this is all I have to say. But know that one thing about me time that I give to my church or my ministry I know that our God always has time for me, and I love doing for others. That”s the way I’ve always lived my life. You’ve known me 24 years. How many children have I been a mother to including yours.How many people have I made myself available for? Including You.