A woman who married and had children with two different sociopathic men wrote us this week. Her story and questions are timely since they allow me to mention another upcoming book, the conference Donna and I attended last weekend and to discuss vindictiveness.
It seems most women who have children with sociopaths end up with the sociopaths walking out on their children as well as the women, leaving the survivors to mop up and struggle to understand what happened on their own. From what I understand of sociopaths, the prevalent attitude they seem to behave as if they “don’t care” about anything except doing what benefits them”¦ (she told her story of marriage, children, custody battles and vindictive sociopaths)”¦ So, is vindictiveness a trait typically found in sociopaths or are these guys merely trying to maintain or regain their power and it just happens to look like vindictiveness on the surface? These guys have definitely expressed some serious rage, especially after losing as spectacularly as they did when they tried to take custody and prevent me from moving. Is anger an emotion sociopaths feel when they don’t get their own way? Do they ever “get over” it?
Many women tend to repeatedly pick sociopaths as partners
There are many women who have relationships with more than one sociopathic man. Sometimes children result from one or all of the relationships, since sociopaths like to father a lot of children. (My son’s father has 7 children I know about.) The resultant children carry the sociopath’s genes and are exposed to the sociopath’s fathering behavior.
Sociopathic/psychopathic men are at least 4 times more common than sociopathic women. The interpersonal love-relationship patterns are the means by which sociopaths replicate themselves and perpetuate sociopathy within our society. It is very important, then, to understand women who love sociopathic men. Is there anything different about them? Are they drawn to sociopaths because of prior abuse? Is it simply that sociopaths con them and they are especially gullible? These are tough questions for those of us who have had relationships with sociopathic men, but we have to ask them. The stakes are too high for everyone for us to avoid asking and answering these questions. Sandra L. Brown, M.A., and I recently conducted a survey/study that has addressed these questions and more. Stay tuned because a book with our initial findings is nearly complete. The results are enlightening and freeing.
Batterers often win custody of children
Last weekend Donna and I attended a conference, the Battered Women’s Custody Conference. This conference is held every year and so plan on attending next year if you missed it. The conference addresses one end of the spectrum of sociopaths—sociopathic men who are physically violent. It is incredible the courts often give children over to these sociopaths! Batterers are a little different from the sociopaths most of us know. These sociopaths have been referred to as secondary psychopaths, as opposed to the primary psychopaths we are most familiar with.
Primary verses secondary psychopathy
Secondary psychopaths are more insecure (than are primary psychopaths) about the status and power they so desire. Whereas primary psychopaths are grandiose and feel confident in their supremacy, secondary psychopaths are always on the lookout for threats to their status. They are also prepared to meet status threats with physical violence. Secondary psychopaths have more problems with impulse control than primary psychopaths. They also tend to be more emotional, displaying more anger. I think the average perpetrator of domestic violence fits the profile of a secondary psychopath very well.
There are other minor differences between secondary and primary psychopaths, but the similarities between them are more noteworthy than the differences. Both primary and secondary psychopaths are unable to love, have poor impulse control and impaired moral reasoning. Genetics play a substantial role in the development of both, and it is not true that one is environmental and the other genetic, as is commonly believed.
Sociopathic fathers
The parenting behavior of sociopaths has not been thoroughly studied. In my opinion the reason for this is the belief held by many researchers and clinicians that sociopaths abandon their young. This belief is related to another belief—that sociopaths are incapable of attachment. These two fallacies have stood in the way of efforts to eliminate this disorder and the suffering of victims. First of all, to those who hold on to the second misconception, If sociopaths are incapable of attachment, why do they engage in stalking? Scientists measure attachment as the tendency to seek proximity to a specific special other. Is not stalking the ultimate manifestation of attachment behavior? Sociopaths often verbally report they love others. Let’s take this to be a reflection of a longing for specific people, then we can start to understand sociopaths.
The feeling of longing
The feeling of longing sociopaths have is related to the fact that certain people in their lives have previously been a source of pleasure. We tend to get attached to things and people that have brought us pleasure in the past. There are three social pleasures: affection, dominance and sex, and possibly a separate fourth, parenting. Although sociopaths may experience a modicum of affection, the primary pleasure they derive from relationships is associated with power as opposed to love. When a sociopath says, “I love you,” he means he greatly enjoys the pleasure of possessing you and having power over you. SO how dare you question his love!
Children are also possessions sociopaths enjoy having dominion over. Part of the enjoyment of parenting they have is the prospect of turning, particularly sons, into miniature versions of themselves. For this reason, any money that the court orders your sociopath to give his children is not worth the trade off. If your sociopath will give up his possessions for a price, pay him off and be done with him. If the sociopath succeeds at his goal of turning his sons into miniature versions of himself, you will live your entire life surrounded by sociopaths, you will never escape and have peace/love.
Sociopaths are by nature extremely vindictive! Vindictiveness comes from the power/dominance system in our brains. Scientific studies show that sociopathic people derive great pleasure from revenge. Revenge is a very primitive emotion that evolved to ensure enforcement of social reciprocity. It evolved before the capacity for love. We know this because of studies of chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are very vindictive and vengeful when a comrade fails to reciprocate, and their capacity for love has not evolved much. It is only the threat of revenge that induces chimpanzees to cooperate with each other, because they do not have love bonds that motivate cooperation. When a chimpanzee shares his food, he does not likely get a warm fuzzy feeling inside, instead he knows that others will later do the same for him. If others fail to reciprocate, revenge is always taken.
Thankfully most humans receive a double reward when they cooperate with each other and a double punishment when they fail to cooperate. The double reward is the inherent pleasure in knowing we did a good for someone else, and the thought that good might someday be reciprocated. The double punishment is the guilt over harming someone and the fear that the harm will be reciprocated. Please hear me, sociopaths are like chimpanzees. They do not feel good when they do good for someone, they thus expect immediate reciprocity. They do not feel bad when they hurt someone, but they are smart enough to know revenge might follow. This is why prison is an occupational hazard for them. They also do not comprehend the guilt other people feel. This is why it is important to them to mete out huge punishments toward everyone who has offended them.
When you have to deal with sociopaths, be ever mindful that these individuals are devoid of pleasure from goodness and devoid of guilt over evil. Although they take advantage of other’s emotions, they have it in their minds that the rest of the human race is like them. They therefore feel it is necessary to get revenge in order to reduce the likelihood of future attacks on their status, power and possessions.
Oh Skylar by the way you said if his lips are moving he is lying. I totally agree with you. That is what I told his family when I gave them my brief explanation as to why none of them would ever see me again. I told them that if he is talking, then he is lying.
the navy seal joke is an old one. Basically I was just describing how much fun lying can be for the liar. It’s a hoot!
I think your spath was lying to you just for the fun of watching you incorporate his lies into your reality.
He called you a whore because he sees all women as whores. That is part of the personality disorder. My grandmother had this same personality disorder and considered all women cheap whores. She said that only a man’s mother deserved respect, but not his wife, since you can get a new wife anytime, anywhere, but a mother can’t be replaced.
So anyway, it isn’t just men with this spath PD. It’s everywhere and women will love bomb you too. It happened to me with several different women. They were all trying to manipulate me and they did it by telling me how great I was and that I was there best friend. Luckily, I caught on pretty quick because of everything I’ve learned on LF. Lovebombing is a RED FLAG.
Your spath telling you that you are a whore because __________ (fill in the blank), is just his way of warping your reality. If you had been a virgin, he would have called you a whore for the way you dress, or the way you think, or for having kissed a man, or whatever he could think of. His intent was to demoralize you and lower your self-esteem. Spaths like to put you on a pedastel, just so they can topple you from it. My spath actually told me he does this to people he hates. I just didn’t realize I was one of them.
“Sociopaths are by nature extremely vindictive! Vindictiveness comes from the power/dominance system in our brains. Scientific studies show that sociopathic people derive great pleasure from revenge.”
I’ve had the opposite experience. Do you suppose primary and secondary psychopaths view vindictiveness differently?
what was your opposite experience?
Here’s an interesting page that explains more about the subtypes of spaths. At the bottom is a description of primary and secondary.
All of this info is debatable, of course. There is still too much controversy.
Vengeance, to a psychopath, would just seem illogical, needless, and petty. It’s basically used to violently and ineffectively cope with extreme, negative emotions – emotions which psychopaths don’t have. Plus, there’s no desirable reward to show for it. If anything, a psychopath may “take vengeance” on someone not out of emotional unrest, but to serve justice and earn respect among the peers as “he (or she) who should not be f***ed with”.
Anyway… My story is a bit lengthy, so I’ll give you the cliffnote’s version. My wife and I were hit by a drunk driver. She was pregnant at the time. The baby survived. She didn’t. The bloke who hit us was let out on bail, and it was unlikely the prosecution was going to convict. I did contemplate vengeance, but someone else got to him first. Either way, I didn’t feel any better afterward. If anything, it just prolonged the pain.
Which person in your story is the psychopath Meyers? Your wife died? I’m so sorry…
Me. And, arguably, him.
Hey, I think I see a rock in my garden that needs to be moved. It’s big and gray and there aren’t enough potted plants growing around it. Great day for gardening.
Maybe you should grow more plants around it. A rock can be an excellent piece to a garden, you know.
Skylar….really? Are they even allowed in here?
Meyers…..what are you doing in a place for victims of psychopaths if you are a psychopath yourself? I cannot imagine any good intentions with your being here, if you are a psychopath like you say.