Seven steps to healing the lovesick heart.
We’ve all had them. Those icky, sticky, yucky feelings of love gone wrong. The sense of loss. Of abandonment. Of feeling devalued and discarded. Of being ”˜less than’ the light of love in our lover’s eyes. We’ve all had them and sometimes, those feelings linger for longer than is healthy for us to reclaim our sense of self-worth, of beauty, of joy in our essence of being alive.
EMBRACE yourself. You’ve got all you need to hold onto
is a seven step process that guides you through letting go of the love that was (and will never be again) into loving what is and will always be within you. You. Whole and complete. Living the 3Ms of self-eMPOWERED YOU! Magnificent! Miraculous! Marvelous!
Engage your heart. Still your mind.
Mindfully watch your words and actions.
Be honest with yourself.
Reacquaint yourself with you.
Allow yourself forgiveness.
Celebrate yourself.
Explore your world.
1. Engage your heart by stilling your mind. Meditate. Walk. Do something to get out of your thinking telling you your heart is broken. It isn’t. It’s just hurting because your breathing and thinking is tied up in thoughts of what he did to hurt you. It wasn’t about you. It was always about him.
In your meditation whisper:
Like me, he is seeking to be loved and this is the only way he knows how.
Like me, he has experienced pain, sorrow, and sadness and is looking for a way to avoid feeling them again.
Like me, he only knows this way he is choosing to behave.
And if you can say nothing else, repeat a hundred x ten times a day: I forgive him. I release him.
2. Mindfully watch everything you do and say. Become conscious of your choices knowing that they are always a reflection of your thinking and your thinking will always create how you are feeling and your experience in this moment.
Ask yourself — what do I want to feel in this moment? What is my intention for the day? Tell yourself you are capable of having what you want by reminding yourself what you’re capable of”¦
I wish to feel peace.
I want to feel peace.
I can feel peace.
I choose to be at peace in this moment now. In my choosing peace in this moment, I create the path for peace to appear in the next moment and the next and the next. I am the source of my thinking, my feelings, my actions and I choose to be responsible for my choices.
3. Be honest with yourself. Your healing will only progress to the degree that you are willing to be completely honest with yourself.
His actions were never about you. His actions, words, what he did were always about him.
You do not matter to him. He was not ”˜out to get you’. He was out to get what he wanted to make his life have meaning.
It wasn’t personal. He didn’t set out to hurt you. He set out to protect himself. He set out with the belief that ”˜you’ were a way for him to feel good about himself. You couldn’t be his way to feeling good about himself. You are not that powerful. Making him feel good about himself is not your job. Feeling good about yourself is your job. It is your responsibility. You get to choose how you feel about yourself. Be honest — are your choices making you feel better about yourself or worse? Is your thinking giving you what you want or is it taking from you what you need to Love yourself exactly the way you are?
4. Reacquaint yourself with you — remind yourself about who you were before he came into your life. Remember the things you did that said — I am a magnificent human being.
Did you used to volunteer at a hospital? At a homeless shelter? Did you used to do things that created value in your life, that created value in the world around you? Remind yourself of your power to do things that make a difference. If you could do those things then, you can do those things now. Let go of ”˜used to’ and get doing. Remind yourself of those things. You need to get moving. Get doing. Get being who you believe yourself to be. Who you say you are. Do them now. Do them again and again. Get involved and get into action.
5. Allow yourself the gift of forgiveness. Forgive yourself. Forgive him. Forgive anyone and anything who ever hurt you.
Holding onto pockets of unforgiveness limits your experience of your life free of his abuse. Forgive him. Remember, it wasn’t personal. He didn’t set out to destroy you. He was just doing what he does and you happened to be in his path. He has since, ”˜gotten over you’. He is off doing what he does in someone else’s life. What’s in it for you to hold onto his bad behavior after he’s gone? Forgive him. Forgive yourself. You didn’t know this would happen. You didn’t know you would be so hurt. So broken. So sad. And it’s okay. Forgive yourself and breathe into forgiveness all the loving kindness you possess.
6. Celebrate everything about you. Celebrate your magnificence. Your brilliance. Your light — even when the voices inside would tell you you’re not — celebrate yourself for all you’re worth! You are worth living it up for. Take yourself out on a date. Do something fun and whacky. Go to the zoo. Go bungee jumping. Take dance lessons. Learn a new skill. Celebrate everything about you in everything you do.
7. Explore life. Life isn’t about searching for the right answers, or the perfect you. Life is in the experience of living it. It’s about exploring your beliefs, what beliefs you want to hold onto and those you need to let go of because they’re not working for you any more. If believing he hurt you causes you pain, let go of the belief. If thinking of him makes you sad, explore new thoughts.
Life is in discovering where you’re at is exactly where you are meant to be. Explore this place you’re at right now. Explore your perimeters., Explore your life beyond this place where you find yourself caught up in living small, living less than your dreams.
Get up. Get moving. Quit talking about him. Quit explaining to yourself and anyone who will listen why what he did was so wrong. Wrong or right, it is what he did and all the explanations in the world will never make sense of his nonsense — so give it up. Let it go. Engage yourself in your life. Engage yourself in shining so bright upon your path the whole world lights up around you.
EMBRACE what is. And, if the thought it should be some other way interferes, embrace it and love it to death, or at least until it doesn’t hurt you any more to believe it should be some other way. It isn’t. It can’t be. Embrace what is, love yourself as you are and let yourself go to that place where you are free to explore and experience life on your terms. Free to love fearlessly. To live with abandon. To dance in the rain and run naked through wildflower strewn meadows. It is, and always has been, your choice to embrace what is and live it up for all you’re worth!
Are you willing to do it? It is your life. No one else can live it for you.
Yeah, I’m going cowboy hunting……..My son is going to meet there for the summer and I have a parttime job cleaning horse stalls.
I think my next move is going to be to New Zealand . It just seems like a goal that speaks to me.
At least until after I sell the house and untie that albatross from my neck…..Maybe I will make it a restaurant. Who knows.
I have to decide something. And not deciding will undo me.
The problem with storage is they won’t take the vehicle if the title is not in my name even if we have the same name.
So the storage has to be something PRIVATE and nobody I know ants anything to do with it. The wife doesn’t want anything to do with it.
And with no legal obligation, I wonder why I am paying for anything????
Its a mind boggling thing. Really.
I wonder if he has a girlfriend who’d come get it????? I’m hitting the I don’t give a rip, I just want to move on thing.
But, I don’t know why he shouldn’t get his stuff back if they let him out, he will need it.
He had a court appointed lawyer who isn’t on the scene anymore and a lawyer for the annulment that I have to pay for. Screw the lawyers its bee four months and I ‘m not done yet. They are just playing with me because there is nothing that HAS to happen except a hearing after he is served.
I subpoena the legal wife and the parole officer and we all go say to the judge, he was legally married to somebody else. The end.
Then, westward HO!
give the lawyer his wallet – wtf else matters?
there has to be a way for you to not take responsibility for his things. it isn’t your responsibility, how can it be? perhaps you just need to put it in the car and put the car on the street.
can you tell his lawyer the spath has 30 days to remove stuff, make provisions, or it will be abandoned on the street?
If I get the lawyer to do anything it cost the attorney fees which I have to oay plus whatever has to be done.
This is what is killin’ me. I’m still payin’ for the rat bastard.
Where is Abbie Hoffman? Where, where? Where?
If I abandon the stuff, he can sue me for money to buy it all back with. Its cheaper to store it- but I can’t!!!!!!!!!!
there HAS to be a way around this.
this issue of stuff often comes up here as a mightily triggering situation. it’s another level of commitment to letting go.
hey, how about i send you my ppath’s address and you can send his stuff there!
I think what I need to do is have the attny I am paying for now get from him the authority to open a storage locker in his name, have me send the key and the wallet to him in october and then I will sue him for what it costs.
In fact, I think I will sue him from where I am going where the court is known as a ROCKET DOCKET and they LOVE to put assholes in jail for contempt.
The other thing they do out there is GET the disordered.
The only thing is if I take action from where I am going, he will know where I am. Not sure I want that. Although he knew I have a place there. It would be a no brainer to look there if the was going to – I just don’t know if he will bother if he has supply lined up when he gets out.
Maybe I should send him that phone list??? Morally the idea of it bothers me…..
One, are you in BC?
phone list of supply? nice vengeful thought; and not worth your effort.
but, really I can send the ppaths address…now wouldn’t THAT fucking confuse her!!!1 bwahahahaa…yah. i know. not worth my effort. 🙂
my hands are shit. three days. crap crap crap. pain pain pain liek i haven’t had in years. had to drop some morphine. trying real hard not to do it again tonight. see if i can sleep. as george carlin said, cats say F*** meow behind the sofa after running intot he glass door….F**** meow!
didn’t get a damen thing done i needed to for the last three days. just watched endless tv on youtube…endless TV.
okay that’s my limit. left hand is bitching me out.
peace out.
close. not even 2 days away.