Editor’s Note: This story was submitted by a Lovefraud reader who we’ll call “Marcia.” She describes her involvement with a man who she now believes is a sociopath, and how her relationship had three distinct phases.
I met him on Chemistry.com in February of 2009. He wrote to me through the site and we corresponded several times before speaking on the phone. I liked his profile very well and enjoyed his style of writing and what he wrote in our correspondence. When we spoke on the phone, we had no problem starting and maintaining a conversation on the phone. He was articulate, intelligent and had all the time in the world for me.
We met on March 6, 2009 for a drink. I got there first and very symbolic of our relationship, he blindsided me and sneaked behind me and playfully grabbed the back of my neck. The attraction and chemistry was immediate. He was extremely charming. He looked into my eyes with such a piercing look that I felt he was seeing through me. He was fun. He made me laugh. He treated me like a gentleman. He had a great energy. I just enjoyed being around him and with him all the time.
That very same night we had dinner together and made love. Since I was an hour away from him, I was staying at a hotel that night. So he stayed with me and we had a wonderful and relaxing breakfast on the porch next morning. When I was leaving he asked me if I could see him next day. I was coming to town to see a ballet with my girlfriend so we decided to have dinner with my girlfriend. He invited me to stay at his place that night and I accepted.
Lavish flattery
Lavish flattery began immediately. There was nothing I could do wrong. I was sexy, I was beautiful, I was attractive, my energy was great, it was fun to be around me, I was the best mother, I was the best doctor, I was the best lover, I was the best friend, I had great taste for clothing and jewelry, nobody has ever loved him like I did, he had never loved anyone like he loved me, he would marry me in a heartbeat, finally he had found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, that is why he had never settled down before, he did not want to settle for less, and I was the proof he was right to wait for the right person.
Every time he would see me, he couldn’t catch his breath (he was such a great actor, there was a visible pause in the movement of his chest). I was wise, I was brave, I was evolved, I was everything he would ever wanted from a woman. I was funny. He had such a great time with me no matter what we did together. I was fit. I was strong. He would send me fifty text messages a day telling me how much he loved me and how much he missed me and how even exchanging text messages he would be aroused, and how he was so attracted to me. He would bring me roses, buy me jewelry, music, wine, etc.
The pity play
Pity play began almost at the same time. He told me how abusive his parents were. How his mom used to scream at him and beat him. How his father was always dissatisfied with him and how he was refusing to tell him that he was proud of him to this day. How his parents’ divorce when he was 20 affected him because he was put in the middle. And then it was his wife and how she cheated on him with many men including his closest friends, and how she got pregnant many times and had an abortion every time, how he knew it was because those were not his children, how she gave him a genital wart and he had to have surgery to remove it. Then it was his ex-girlfriend and how she was dependent on drugs and him and she would not let go of him and how he could not leave her because everyone in her family had abandoned her after she had disclosed that she had been sexually abused by a family member. And how his boss was treating him just like his dad did and how abusive the boss was, etc.
Read more — Seduced by a sociopath: It’s not love, it’s love fraud
From that point on, we had four months of amazing time together. Retrospectively that was the “honeymoon phase of our relationship.” Also retrospectively I see that things were moving very fast. Only a week after we met, he was telling his mother that he has found the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with and in the first month of our relationship he bought me a ring as a present. It was not an engagement ring and he did not propose but he emphasized that he had never given a woman a ring before.
Many women
Very quickly he started introducing me to his friends. He “could not wait.” We went and visited his mom in Rhode Island for Mother’s Day and she liked me and my seven-year old daughter very much. She told him “she is beautiful not only on the outside but inside.” In that trip I also met his father, his stepmother, and two of his three brothers. During my visit, his mom told me that he has brought so many women home that she had told him “no more women unless they have a ring on their hand.” I looked at him, he laughed and pointed to the ring and said, “she has a ring.”
That was the very first time I questioned him. I told him I thought taking me to his mom was something special. He became very defensive and angry. He said after his wife of five years left him 18 years earlier, he had been single and dating and “naturally” had met many women. He said he had taken about five of them home but not to introduce to his mom. He just invited them to join him in the trip to his hometown. He said he had taken only two women to introduce to his mom as people he had considered marrying. He was upset with me for a couple of days after we returned but then sent me an email and apologized for his mother’s “insensitive” remark and his own as well.
On another occasion when we were staying with one of his friends when his friend’s 8-year-old daughter asked him why he did not bring his “other girlfriends.” He asked who she was talking about and she named a few names! He did not respond but I immediately felt like a number and completely disposable. I discussed how it made me feel with him but his universal response was anger and blaming things on me, my “insecurity,” my “fears,” etc.
Borrowing money
Very soon he prepared me for borrowing money. He told me how someone had scammed him on paying his student loans and how he had all this debt to pay but it was all going to be clear in a couple of months. How he had been helping a friend in advertising for his business and how he was not paying him and how there were thousands of dollars he would be receiving soon from him. How he was so responsible with money and he would never use a credit card and only use debit card so he knows he only spends the money he has. How he would appreciate it if I put costs of all the activities we were doing together on my credit cards and once his student loan is clear, he would pay me back. Soon he would ask me to put charges related to his canoe club on my credit card promising that once he collects money from members of the club, he would pay me back. Once his boss fired him, he could not pay for his bills and rent and he would insist that he could not borrow money from me. He had gained my trust at such a deep level that I handed him a blank signed check and then he wrote close to $2000 and cashed it. Later on when I asked him to pay me back, he said he neither had the money to pay me back nor he owed me any money.
Relationship had three distinct phases
As described in any typical relationship with a sociopath/narcissist, our relationship had three distinct phases: honeymoon, tension building, and finally violent phase.
In the honeymoon phase even when we text messaged or talked he would get aroused. Whenever he saw me, whether it was an act or a true reaction, I could visibly see his chest would stop moving and he would take a deep breath and would tell me, “you take my breath away.” He could not keep his hands off me and we made love twice a day when we were together.
In the tension-building phase, our sex life suddenly went from what I would rate 10 out of 10 to 1 out of 10. This was so sudden and so drastic that I suspected he might have developed erectile dysfunction. He no longer initiated having sex with me and when I did, 9 out of 10 times he would say he was “tired.” Other excuses included being “busy” or “depressed.”
This went on until November when I found hundreds of pictures of naked women he was having “cybersex” with on his laptop. There were some emails suggesting he had invited these women to meet and have a drink and “see where it goes” but I had no proof this had actually had happened. He adamantly denied having a physical relationship with any of them. I broke up with him for a week but he asked for forgiveness, cried and said he has had sex-addiction for five years and now is going to get help and promised he would stop doing it right away. I got back with him but our sexual relationship never improved.
Regardless of how legitimate my question or concern was, his very first reaction was always becoming defensive and turning things around and attacking me. This was always followed by a few days of completely shutting me off, not contacting me and even ignoring me when I reached out. Early on in our relationship, after a couple of days, he would contact me and apologize for his reaction. But after the honeymoon phase, the days he would shut me out became longer and longer and no apology was offered. Instead, over time he would build up a grudge and become punitive. In response to many red flags in his behavior, he would accuse me of being insecure, having fear-based reactions, having no impulse control, blowing small things up to huge problems, being depressed, being anxious, not exercising enough, at one time sleeping too much, in another time sleeping too little, lack of self-confidence, etc. At the end he said I was crazy, I was fucked up, I had taken joy out of his life, I had brought negative energy into his life, I had made him depressed, he was not excited to see me anymore, he did not want to be around me and he wanted me out of his life.
By then I had recognized how self-centered he was. It was never about me and my needs. It was only and always about him and no matter how much I gave, he would feel his “deeper needs were not fulfilled.”
Violent phase
The relationship moved into violent phase and beginning mid January, on multiple occasions he tried to hit me and even choke me. This was particularly dangerous three weeks ago when I discovered many text messages on his cell phone indicating he has been sleeping with multiple women during our relationship. When confronted him, he described details of his sexual relationship with this women behind my back, without protection, like he was talking about weather. He had no remorse and no shame and did not offer an apology. He hurt me with such a righteous indignation and entitlement that it was beyond my comprehension. His absolute callous disregard for my feelings and legitimate needs were astonishing. He continued to blame everything, including his cheating and lying to me, on me.
Upon discovery of undeniable truth on his text messages and speaking with the women involved, I left him. I did file a police report but he lied through his teeth and police did not pursue the investigation. Following the tactic of offense is the best defense, he did file multiple police reports on me including one of harassment. He also filed for a protective order, which was denied. Currently I am suing him in Small Claims Court for the money he owes me.
Learn more: EFT Tapping to break your addiction to a sociopath
Lovefraud originally posted this story on March 12, 2010.
Yea, that dis-information that you can send them through the back door is interesting isn’t it? I’m doing some of the same thing with P son and egg donor….it’s a shame the “Russian Spies” are our families, not only theirs, isn’t it.
Did you hear the news this morning—I know I have to quit watchingt it!!!!! Joran PROMISED TO TELL ALL FOR ONE MILLION $$$$$$, and his mother got a 6-figure pay out from some Dutch TV show for telling her story. AND THEY SAY CRIME DOESN’T PAY!!!!
I did see yesterday that the Feebees got around to charging him with extortion finally—not that they will ever be able to try him, or even get their hands on him.
Also saw where the Callifornia legislature agreed to give the Dugan girl 20 million $$$ since both the federal and state parole agents did NOTHING for years while she was in that tent in the back yard of the known rapist and sex offender they were supposed to be monitoring.
Well, it’s coffee time! Have a good day!
First of all, this is formerly “banana”
Second of all, if I had my wits about me, I could have written this story almost to a T.
I find it hard to write clearly and concisely about what I have been through.
I think this may be because I spend most of my time trying NOT to think about the “thing” that turned my life inside out.
My relationship with the Spath took me through many milestones; engagement, home-ownership, big wedding, childbearing, child-birth and child-rearing.
(I resent that a couldn’t share such meaningful moments with someone that was deep, real and true.)
Then he left, and once caught cheating, did just as this Spath did had the nerve to describe the encounter that blew it all. And of course he blamed it on me, or my family, or his child abuse.
bla bla bla!
My question every time we share these similarities is; were they actually abused/molested/sodomized (and this may very-well contribute to their lack of empathy and their sexual addiction) or is this all part of the PLOY?
My assumption is either they really were, and this is why our society continues to “produce” more and more sociopaths, more than any other civilization, or that they say what ever furthers their agenda.
Dear Fight another day,
Darling some of them WERE Abused, but not even a hhigh percentage of abused children become abusers. Psychopathy is both a GENETIC predisposition AND some environmental components. They HAVE CHOICES THOUGH, just as a person who has a genetic predisposition to be an addict or alcoholic has a choice to DRINK/DRUG or NOT.
DO NOT FEEL SORRY for the creep. He knows what he is doing is wrong, mean, hateful, but it is about CONTROL and showing you who is “boss”—–BREATHE BREATHE and calm down. Take up Yoga or meditation, but get yourself calmed about this, letting him keep you in a TIZZY all the time will let6 him have control over your thinking and emotions. NOW is when you must keep your wits about you sweetie! Hang in there!!!! ((((hugs))))) and my prayers!
Dear FAD,
I just read your post and my ex spath was NOT sexually abused. He is what he is because he was born this way. Nothing and no one can change this fact. There is no pity to be felt here.
Ox is right. He can tell you all the stories in the world, but there are MANY who have been abused who do not grow up to be this way. While my ex was abused by the many husbands his mother had, the more I found out about my ex, the more I came to see that he is just as I said, a person born with this disorder and I also think they used their pasts as an explanation for their behavior. It’s just a COP OUT.
NO ONE has a perfect upbringing and normal people deal with what ever went on in their childhood and let it go. It’s no excuse to go around tearing up people’s lives, hearts and souls.
Sending hugs and prayers,
Whoa! Reading the post, I thought this woman and I dated the same man.. not totally but very similar beginning.. Mine’s mother loved me.. told him I was the first one that she really like and that I had class…at the end of the relationship he is saying things like “Were you raised in a barn.” If I did anything that wasn’t deemed right by him..In the beginning I could do no wrong and was told continually how beautiful, wonderful and how much he loved me and how ‘alike’ we were in sooo many things.. he was mirroring… towards the end when he knew that I was seeing through him.. he began picking me apart.. he would raise his voice and as if talking to himself.. say things, like see what you made me do..
I got out before it got worse.. they cannot stand to be seen though… and when they realize that you won’t be brought down to where ever it is that they are taking you.. they either begin the tear down or exit.. classic…
Check out http://www.womenexplode.com
OMG! This post is SO great and although I know that it is months old and no one may never check back to see my response I so can relate to this story. I discovered LF back in July and I am so addicted to it and it gives me SO much comfort.My former S always blamed everyone and never hisself. His first wife was the blame for their failed marriage. He said that she committed infidelity with his cousin and got pregnant which is something very similar to the story on this post. Every ex of his was the reason for their break up and yes the honeymoon was just as it was described in this post as well as his lies especially about the pity party he’d given me about his parents. He told me that his father was a part of the NJ Mafia and that he’d abandoned him as a young teen and left NJ to head to CA as another mafia was looking for him(lol).Man he had some imagination. I knew there was something wrong with that story after his father befriended me on FB and seeing how accomplished he was in his career(definitely not something I’d expect of a drug Lord in a mafia) not to mention in speaking with him and his new wife on the phone I knew my S was lying. So I just thank you for this post. I understand how these sick men can make you feel like you’re going crazy. I can remember my head feeling extremely tight by the end of a week after I’d discovered the many women he’d been with and all his lies and up and down moods. Also he too told me after we became engaged that his mother too no longer wanted him to bring another woman home unless he was going to marry her. You know our break up was very hard and I am SO happy that he is out of my life and I pity his new wife now. She gets tickled at the fact that he conned me out of a couple of thousand dollars, but I laugh at her because money can be made to replace that what I’ve lost, but my life and sanity is sacred to me so I feel like I gained so much more than what she thinks she’s gained from tearing him away from me:)
Dear Breathless,
I know several people on LF who would pay more than a couple of thousand to get RID of their psychopath! LOL Whatever he stole or took from you was CHEAP at twice the price if it got you rid of him!
She is the one who got the BOOBY PRIZE!!!!! You got the LOTTO of LUCK!!! LOL
I can relate to these stories.
i am still learning and reading the posts.
Unbelievable how accurate and matching these are to my experience.
Dear Truelove,
I’m glad that you are continuing to read and to learn about these monsters, because monsters they are, and so much alike in so many ways.
Learning about them and others stories too helps us validate ourselves and realize that we are not the problem. (((hugs)))
I liked what you said, “…but my life and sanity is sacred to me…”, as it should be for all of us. That is a great line, reinforcing the truth that we should fight for and defend ourselves against predators (who naturally would destroy our lives and/or sanity).