Editor’s Note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we’ll call “Ellen19.”
I got married at 16 to a guy who was supposed to be a football star. He acted like he was very moral — never lying, never carousing. He was supposed to have had a 3.89 grade average. So popular, smart and moral — his family kept backing him up, and the occasional neighbor would come by to tell me how lucky I was.
Fast forward 29 years. I finally divorce him because for the 15 years he was living off me, he had money but he refused to pay bills or provide food. I weighed 83 pounds and he weighed 220.
Once I got away from him I found out he casually had sex almost daily and he was giving me HPV. I had it my entire marriage and had cervical cancer 3 times because of him. I left him in 2013 I haven’t had it since early 2014.
I also found out he wasn’t a jock. Yeah, he played half a season, but was so violent against his players they wouldn’t let him play other kids. The coach told the kids for everyone’s safety they were to go after him till he quit. He ended up with an torn ACL and was out. He also flunked out of almost every class he took and left school in his junior year.
He was universally disliked by almost all normal people. He was only liked by people who were young and very impressionable.
He has been arrested on drug charges since I left him. I found out almost everything we had was stolen, if not by him, then one of his friends.
He is 59 years old and he can only date 18-year-old girls with drug problems. He works sporadically and his mom and oldest daughter pay all his bills, as well as provide him with food. What money he has goes to drugs to keep his girlfriends but even they won’t stay with him long.
He has forced me to have sex with objects, with men I didn’t know, with women. He has choked me to unconsciousness in front of my children. He also took a bunch of nude photos of me and passed them around via cell phone.
I have gotten a divorce but my state is a no fault divorce state. I know other people who have had relationships with him, and his own children have witnessed this.
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