A big problem we face in sizing up a partner is getting stuck on, or being seduced by, his “light side—”that is, his apparently (or genuinely) wonderful, engaging, admirable, gratifying qualities.
However, when we’re dealing with a sociopath, there is also the other side—the “dark side.”
By “dark side” I mean, essentially, the sociopath’s exploitive side. And by exploitive I mean, very specifically, his calculated use of leverage to betray you somehow; moreover, to betray you with gross insensitivity to your experience of the injury or insult he’s inflicted.
The “light side” of the man must never compensate for his “dark side,” regardless of how well-concealed, and rarely, the latter may surface.
Most of us would take six sunny days in exchange for one cold, dreary, rainy one. That’s a trade-off we’d probably gladly accept. It’s not perfect, but it’s good, and it does nothing to compromise our integrity.
Yet six days, six months, six years of the man’s light side must not mitigate a single instance, a single flash (let alone pattern) of his dark side. One act of exploitation, the very first, necessitates, however sadly, that we cut our losses with minimal delay and filibustering.
Yet, in case after case I see clients who, understandably, prefer not to see their partners’ dark side. They prefer, naturally, to see his light side—his strengths, what he can be, what he usually is, what he “really” is!
They seize on his capacity for sensitivity, thoughtfulness, tenderness, warmth, good humor, patience, soliticousness, you name it. They desperately want to convince themselves, if not others, that his capacities define his essence!
Because he can be thoughtful, his essence must be thoughtful! Because he can be sensitive, his essence must be sensitive! Because he can be unselfish and candid, his essence must be unselfish and honest! Because he can go periods when he’s not (apparently) screwing around, his essence must be faithful!
I’m not speaking here about flawed partners who screw up, who make mistakes, who lose their course, their priorities, and in so doing sometimes wound others badly. In our fallibility we can make a mess of things, and hurt the people we care and love. Whether our transgressions are forgivable is for those whom we’ve disappointed to decide.
But the man with the dark side is a different case. When he reveals the capacity to exploit, he’s not revealing his human face, but his inhuman face.
He’s revealing the face of his dark side.
And while it’s a sight you might like to avoid, you musn’t. While you’d rather turn away until the view of his “light side” resurfaces, you must not. You must, instead, see him, unmasked, and recognize him, unmasked.
You must recognize him for who he is, in his essence.
(My use of “he” in this article is for convenience’s sake and not meant to suggest that females aren’t capable of the behaviors discussed. This article is copyrighted (c) 2010 by Steve Becker, LCSW)
hens, it’s a mixed bag. I wouldn’t trade my son for anything in the world, yet it messes with my NC. Boundaries are the key and I’m learning, slowly but surely. It IS hard, but it can be done!
CAT: oh, so it’s a histamine reaction!
one step, i think we could call it that! the histamine reaction..yup that works!
as in – hiss, spath’s a mean.
one-step, that’s a good one! 🙂 yep, that’s him!
My X wife was in a really bad car wreck last nite. Both my boy’s are at her side now at the hospital now. They have been calling me with updates. She will be ok but is really beat up bad. My X wife and I have a good relationship but I will keep my boundaries and wait for her to recover then I will take her too lunch. I remember years ago when the boys were young she tried to control visitation etc on her terms..The boys let her know that despite of what she thought of me I was their Dad and she would not decide what was right for them out of her bitterness. She has told me many times she regret’s her actions back then. We now have grandchildren, school functions, weddings, funerals to attend too. I am so happy that we have developed a comfortable relationship. We even went on vacation to colorado one year together..I hope she will get better soon. I dont like seeing my boys upset and worring so—but of course my x wife is not a spath and neither am I , but all the same, we must think of our children and what they want.
hens, am sorry to hear that the boys’ mom has been injured. glad that she will be okay.
when i first glanced at your post i thought it read that your spath X had been injured. forgive me, but i hoped for death.
onestep – thank you, she will be fine I hope..As for the X spathhole, thanks for that comment as well – ~!
Wishing your X a speedy recovery. Yeah divorce is never easy, is it? But some people never get past the bitterness with their X and you and she were able to do that after time.
It is really a good thing that you are able to have a good relationship for your boys and grandchildren.
It is funny how sometimes an X can still push buttons after many, many years have passed. I divorced my OLDER sons dad about twenty years ago. He wasn’t very active in his sons life, after that. And I always felt very bad for my son because he was a great kid. And he deserved to have his dad “around” at his sports games and seeing his accomplishments as he grew up. I always thought that some day his father would regret his decision to not be there for his son.
“Cats in the Cradle”, remember that song? This song always came to my mind. And sure enough when my son grew up and his dad all of a sudden wanted his son to come around….My son was to “busy” to make the time. It was really, really sad to see…My X even mentioned that song to me once. And how he regretted not spending time with him.
My son recently got married and his father bawled like a baby during the wedding. I shed some tears myself. But I think we were each crying for very different reasons. I don’t know if I have ever had a moment in my life where I have ever been more proud of my son then that day.
I think that my Xs emotion was more about loss…..HIS loss of the time he could never get back. Those little boy years….
My X looked at me in the church with tears in his eyes and said, “ahh seems like yesterday he was just a baby”. “Where did the time go”?
I am thinking…WTF? Where the hell have you been? There were some long, challenging years involved in raising this kid? Although I felt sorry for him in a way, because he did loose out on those years….It was his choice to be to “busy”. To involved in his own life. Pushed my buttons, for sure.
I didn’t think he had that power over me anymore…To push those buttons.
But I remembered back when my son was still so young and his dad didn’t “show up” for his weekends. And how I tried to comfort my son and tell him that his dad really did love him and blah, blah….All the things you say. Regardless of what your really thinking at the time.
It was hard to take the high road that day. I just smiled when he asked. Where did the time go?
Someone once told me that bad things happen to good people…because….
Good people have the mindset to live a better, more thankful life afterwards….
Bad people take revenge out on everyone after a negative event…..
I’m sorry your former wife is suffering….I hope the ‘good’ that comes from this is your closeness with the boys and grandkids.
This is a good opporitunity for you to ‘be there’ for them all!
Your a good man hens!