If it’s easy getting into a relationship with an exploiter, getting out isn’t always so simple. What makes the getting out so difficult?
In retrospect (if we’re lucky enough to say “in retrospect”) it seems like it should have been a no-brainer. In truth there are many reasons it can be hard to leave a destructive relationship and destructive person. I’ve addressed several of them in previous posts, and the LoveFraud community in general has addressed this theme comprehensively.
But here I’d like to consider a less-appreciated factor.
I regard it as the factor of habituation. Optimally the best time to end a relationship with an exploiter is the very first signal you get that something is amiss. The next best time to leave the relationship would the second signal that something is amiss.
When we don’t act on these early signals, increasingly we are less likely to act on subsequent ones. One of many reasons for this is the process of habituation.
Habituation is basically how, through repeated exposure to something initially uncomfortable, even highly disturbing, we adjust to it. We are built, it seems, to habituate to unsettling situations and experiences.
And the key to successful habituation is exposure. Sustained exposure to almost anything increases our tolerance of, and comfort with, it.
Consider what happens when we’re willing to endure the initial shock of cold water in a lake, or pool. Our sustained exposure (non-flight) gradually results in our bodies’ adjusting, or habituating, to the cold water, which begins to feel less cold, maybe even warm.
This is great news for someone with a social phobia. We just have to be willing to intentionally expose ourselves, repeatedly and sustainedly, to disturbing social situations, and quite likely we’ll experience a gradual reduction of anxiety.
Unfortunately the same thing can be said of abusive, exploitative relationships. The longer you expose yourself to, and repeatedly tolerate, the abuse, the more habituated you become to it.
Alarming behaviors that initially signaled our self-protective response (like flight) gradually lose their activating properties as we habituate to them. The avoidance-flight signal particularly—in the face of repeated, sustained exposure—dulls and/or we become less responsive to it.
Heeding the avoidant-flight response, in other words, can be critical to our safety and self-interest. It is great to confront and conquer avoidance when the avoidance hinders our personal growth; but it is dangerous to do so in the face of real, violating circumstances.
When I work with partners of sociopaths and other abusers, I find that habituation to the exploiter’s abuse often has occurred over time and contributes to the inertia that keeps the exploited partner in the relationship.
Of course there are often many other (and sometimes more compelling) reasons that one stays in a relationship with an exploitative partner.
But habituation to the abuse, I believe, is not only real, but sometimes helps explain why an otherwise dignified individual would tolerate behaviors that, from the outside—that is, from the unhabituated’s perspective—should be (or should have been) no-brainer deal-breakers.
When relevant I encourage clients to examine this factor in their analysis of the indignities they’ve sustained sometimes for years in relationships with disturbed, violating partners.
Paradoxically (and precisely to my point) their suffering was often highest early in the relationship before, through habituation, they grew slowly more numb and inured to—more tolerant of—the abuse, and thereby less motivated to do what was advisable at the outset—flee.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
Far too many women are moving in with men and then are surprised when it doesn’t work out. If you take the time to really know a person (years!) and then get married, I think there would be a lot less problems with getting involed with the wrong type.
Jvolstad: I totally agree. I am against moving in together until marriage. My ex proposed after a year so I thought he was sincere and that’s when he moved in. Little did I know that it was a Love Fraud. I found out he had another woman right in town. When I caught him, I kicked him out and took our car back. Something registered in my brain about the SUV he used to pick up his stuff…her car. IT WAS HER CAR HE USED TO MOVE INTO MY PLACE! She had been in the picture the entire time. I’m telling you Jvolstad, when their a good liar, they’re damn good.
To me, sex is a “bonding ritual between two people who love each other.” I won’t say I have never had just “sex” for the sake of sex but it isn’t something that I find even “interesting” any more.
There are several reasons for that, the first is the possibility of diseases that “penicillian won’t cure” and there are more out there that will kill you than just AIDS and hepatitis A, B and C. I’m no longer willing to crawl in the sack with anyone who hasn’t had a complete STD test and that I KNOW is not doing someone else. Too many people have risked their lives and their health on that and lost to have me take that chance.
The other thing is that if the “relationship” isn’t MORE THAN SEX the sex won’t be very satisfying for very long, no matter how “energetic” or “technically good” it is.
I’m no ‘prude” by any stretch of the imagination but to me, if you love someone, the sex will ge good because you love them. Most of the men I have talked to on the dating sites back when I was doing that are into the “let me try out the sex and if it is good, then we will see about a relationship” COME ON, the old “well you wouldn’t buy a car unless you test drove it first” crap is just that, CRAP. No one I know likes sex better than I do, but you know what, if the investment in emotions are not there, why is it any better than “doing it yourself?” At least if you “do it yourself” you know you aren’t going to catch something. LOL
As far as a man moving in with me and ME SUPPORTING HIM, I guess I am “old fashioned” enough that I don’t “support” anyone unless I am married to him, and I expect him to “contribute to the cause” as well as I do.
I also do not intend to demand that someone support me. There was a time that I was a stay at home mom before my first husband and I divorced, and I was left high and dry in those days…I would caution any young woman even one in a happy marriage to have a “saftey net” bank account of some kind, no matter how affluent they were. Or how poor. As well as some job skills. Men leave, men die, men lose their jobs, and every person should be able to support themselves financially. I ended up going back to college after my husband left. I lived in poverty for the time to finish up my degree in nursing, with a kid on each hip.
I dated several people during this time, but no one moved in with me or my children. Most of the guys I dated were about as poor as I was but they didn’t support me and I didn’t support them. Maybe that’s just my “raising” but I don’t accept “large” gifts or give “large” gifts or even loans to guys I date. That thought never even entered my mind. IN fact, my P XBF (after my late husband died) wanted to give me some large gifts and I refused them which actually sort of upset him, turned out he gave significant gifts to all of his GFs I guess as sort of a Pay off for what he was doing to do to them. I guess it made him feel like he had “bought” them.
I have not been on here since Spring. I finally escaped my 2 year drama with my Sociopath in January and made it to October before I relapsed. I missed the “good him” still -even after being free of all the lies, stories, cheating .. so I got weak. I never would have believed I would fall back.
So I’ve been seeing him a couple weeks. He just got a fresh start in a new house and I just spent the first weekend in it with him. We began over as if we were happily in love-all the old comforting things we are and do together.
So Saturday night in the new bathroom I ran into: someone’s tampon box, someone’s shampoo (he shaves his head), someone’s toothbrush and someone’s yoga tapes in the living room. We went to dinner and I asked about it (thought you were SINGLE). Of course he didnt want me to ruin dinner by talking about such things. He briefly claimed they were his ex wifes. He’s been divorced at least 8 years I know of and why would he moved these items to his new home? Several residences later after her?? He has this thing about letting a woman leave items in his place to “mark her territory”.. so the message is loud and clear to me that she exists — I used to be the one to leave toiletries behind.. !
Last Thursday – he called me from his place “tired” at 6:30pm and was going to go to bed. This in the past was code for: “I am cheating on you, someone’s coming over so we’ll talk tomorrow and pretend nothing happened”. If you call me I wont answer and I’ll just say I must have slept right thru the phone.
Anyway – meanwhile he is acting like he is happy as a clam to be back with me and being all domesticated in his new house and wanting my help to decorate etc…. doing nice things for me etc…..calling all the time and being fully engaged in me (on the surface)
The Red Flags are flapping me in the face already. Since he doesnt want to talk about them.. I wrote my take on it all to him in an email. Two of them – brief and to the point but I see thru him type thing. Of course now I’m being punished and he has not called all day. I suppose he’s read them by now and not giving me the satisfaction of a reply.
I know I dont need one – and what could he possibly say now that hasnt been said before every time he gets nailed on his activities.
Lord help me be stronger this time. 10 months I thought I’d beat it.
OMG Findingmyselfagain: All I can say is that a leopard does not change its spots. I have these stupid thoughts in my head sometimes about my ex calling out of the blue and like magic a lightbulb went off in his head and all the sudden he changed and really wants to be right with me. Thanks for the reinforcement. Sorry you re-lapsed but I know you probably won’t go out with him again.
Oh findingmyself: When OxD comes back, she will hit you (lovingly) with her skillet. This is bringing back memories of the pathological liar I dated fabricating all kinds of stories on the spot to explain calls not returned, no shows, and other garden variety inconsistencies. When I was away from him, I remembered only the good times, and I missed him for a long time. I minimized the hurtful behaviors in my mind, and I kept second-guessing myself. “Maybe he’s not really a sociopath…..” It really helped to keep coming back here and reading. Our minds just cannot wrap around the sociopathic mind frame. I can understand why you’d want to go back. They are just so charming and appear to care so much when they’re in pursuit. Sounds like yours is playing the same games mine played.
He didn’t respond to your letter because A) He does not care about your feelings. B) He is thinking his supply may have run out (you’re onto him), or C) He’s planning his new strategy to play you again.
Yes I kind of thought that too – that he had a lightbulb moment because when it was over before he said he knew he messed us up and he didnt want to lose me..etc. Well we did that routine a few times..
This time I thought maybe he really was happy we had a chance and he was sorry enuf not to blow it. Oh and he actually said that! He was smiley all evening the first night we got together and I said why are you so smiley? He says “I am just so very happy that we have a chance again. I never thought I would see this day and I am so very lucky and so happy”. What ? happy that he won again and I came dragging back like a lost dog? it blows my mind
woah. sorry to hear that story.
really slapped my face with it; i could feel every feeling you were feeling through all the little dramas. nightmare city.
don’t beat yourself up over it. a momentary lapse of reason, is all. now you know that if it was fake once, it will be fake again.
that’s my word of the week for my ex (and it does change weekly) … he’s the most phoney friggin fake that ever was. and i’d STILL be with him if he came crawling back with that look on his face and that body and that smile and those eyes … make me stop!
they’re demons from hell. they’re not human, but otherworldly in a really BAD way. he said what you wanted to hear. it’s seductive as hell, ain’t it?
peace and healing from a sister.
Trinity: I hope you read what Findingmyself wrote.
Hey StarG! Liked the snake pix. I sent you pix of me and my dog. LOL!
LOL yes, I saw that OxD was still on here. Its funny because sometimes when I used to read on here quite a bit – I wondered why there were same people on here for sooo long. Like after months and months.. dont they heal and move on and quit reading and writing here?
Ok – ya now I get it. You have to stay with the group therapy for a long time because clearly 10 months out, feeling basically over him and happy and healthy again – look at me – I fell right back in hook, line and sinker. And I used to be the one giving out advice! Bring on the skillet OxD! lol
Actually I feel very broken hearted and sad tonight.. even though you know the smart thoughts to think.. the heartache gets you and the weepy insides stay for awhile –while you learn again that your false dream was indeed false and you must move on and find healing and happiness elsewhere.
Yep they make you doubt yourself, your attractiveness to any other man and you feel like there isnt much out there to find. I’m a strong woman and capable on my own, but there is always that little corner of your heart that is scared you wont be loved again like in the good ways that they love you.