If it’s easy getting into a relationship with an exploiter, getting out isn’t always so simple. What makes the getting out so difficult?
In retrospect (if we’re lucky enough to say “in retrospect”) it seems like it should have been a no-brainer. In truth there are many reasons it can be hard to leave a destructive relationship and destructive person. I’ve addressed several of them in previous posts, and the LoveFraud community in general has addressed this theme comprehensively.
But here I’d like to consider a less-appreciated factor.
I regard it as the factor of habituation. Optimally the best time to end a relationship with an exploiter is the very first signal you get that something is amiss. The next best time to leave the relationship would the second signal that something is amiss.
When we don’t act on these early signals, increasingly we are less likely to act on subsequent ones. One of many reasons for this is the process of habituation.
Habituation is basically how, through repeated exposure to something initially uncomfortable, even highly disturbing, we adjust to it. We are built, it seems, to habituate to unsettling situations and experiences.
And the key to successful habituation is exposure. Sustained exposure to almost anything increases our tolerance of, and comfort with, it.
Consider what happens when we’re willing to endure the initial shock of cold water in a lake, or pool. Our sustained exposure (non-flight) gradually results in our bodies’ adjusting, or habituating, to the cold water, which begins to feel less cold, maybe even warm.
This is great news for someone with a social phobia. We just have to be willing to intentionally expose ourselves, repeatedly and sustainedly, to disturbing social situations, and quite likely we’ll experience a gradual reduction of anxiety.
Unfortunately the same thing can be said of abusive, exploitative relationships. The longer you expose yourself to, and repeatedly tolerate, the abuse, the more habituated you become to it.
Alarming behaviors that initially signaled our self-protective response (like flight) gradually lose their activating properties as we habituate to them. The avoidance-flight signal particularly—in the face of repeated, sustained exposure—dulls and/or we become less responsive to it.
Heeding the avoidant-flight response, in other words, can be critical to our safety and self-interest. It is great to confront and conquer avoidance when the avoidance hinders our personal growth; but it is dangerous to do so in the face of real, violating circumstances.
When I work with partners of sociopaths and other abusers, I find that habituation to the exploiter’s abuse often has occurred over time and contributes to the inertia that keeps the exploited partner in the relationship.
Of course there are often many other (and sometimes more compelling) reasons that one stays in a relationship with an exploitative partner.
But habituation to the abuse, I believe, is not only real, but sometimes helps explain why an otherwise dignified individual would tolerate behaviors that, from the outside—that is, from the unhabituated’s perspective—should be (or should have been) no-brainer deal-breakers.
When relevant I encourage clients to examine this factor in their analysis of the indignities they’ve sustained sometimes for years in relationships with disturbed, violating partners.
Paradoxically (and precisely to my point) their suffering was often highest early in the relationship before, through habituation, they grew slowly more numb and inured to—more tolerant of—the abuse, and thereby less motivated to do what was advisable at the outset—flee.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
“It’s hard to let go of your dreams. That’s what you really miss ” your dreams of who he was, what your life together would be like, that he was the perfect person for you ” and so on and so forth.”
OMG! That is so true for me in regards to my “S” wife!!! Even now, after all she’s put me through, after all that I’ve learned about myself and her….I still find myself crying when I let myself remember those very FEW moments of Love, hopes and dreams for our future.
“They do not lose graciously”
I found that out as well. After her “first” affair, we separated and she moved out and then six months later, moved back in. At that time, we had agreed to getting a divorce pending the sale of the house. In fact, she was already engaged to some guy (who I later learned that she had a long distance relationship with for the first 4 years of our marriage!) so silly me thought I should be able to have a life outside as well. I met a wonderful woman, we went out on a couple of dates, spent some time together and before you knew it, my “wife” was in a rage! She couldn’t stand the very idea that I could actually fall in Love with someone else (nearly her exact words) and all hell broke loose at home. Mind you, she was STILL ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE THIS ENTIRE TIME. My wife eventually went so far as to confront this woman at her place of work, which needless to say, destroyed that relationship for me. That was over a year ago and I’m still trapped. My only way out right now is to walk out and lose at least $30K from the sale of the house. And with a trashed credit history (more than helped by you know who), I really need to have that money to seed a new life.
Recently, actually this happened yesterday, she was trying to pressure me to push my sister into buying our house. Even though my sister is having MAJOR problems of her own, my wife was trying to get me to blame my sister for not dropping everything she’s doing to help “me” out. When that ploy didn’t work, she then slyly used the tactic of making me feel guilty about something I said earlier in the week.
Sigh…. 🙁
Double Standard
I could’nt dump Him BUT he has no problemo dumping me and every single promise that he ever made. It’s like he does’nt even remeber WHAT?
I have asked myself a thousand times what my happiness is worth. I am faced with the same kind of dilemna. My husband exhausted approximately $33,000 (I paid his child support, restitution, the adoption of his son etc. all non marital debts) and my attorney tells me that I can either hope for a quick divorce (so that he can’t get ME for alimony) or I can spend thousands more to recover a potentially unenforceable judgment against him. I’m torn between wanting to be done with this marriage and letting the money go just on principle. I am thinking that my happiness, healing and ability to move forward with my life is worth more than $33,000 so for the sake of total and complete severance, I will walk away from it. I hope that you get the house sold soon so that you can move forward too. Good luck.
Hi everyone, I broke down the other night and called him. He answered and said my name but I didn’t say anything at all and hung up. I was feeling very alone and sad at the moment and even though I heard his voice I couldn’t even find it to say hi. He didn’t call back but sent me text messages asking if I was ok and told me he had nightmares that something happened to me and wanted to know I was ok. I didn’t answer and he wrote just call and hang up again. I did nothing. I felt stupid for calling but I’m glad I didn’t talk or cry or see him like I had many times before. The next night I seen him driving past my house at night. I feel he is trying to lure me back in by saying he is worried and wants to know I’m ok. He has done nothing to show me he really cares but give me those empty words. I’m trying to keep myself out of the vicious cycle. I keep having dreams about him every night too… either nightmares or the “kind” or should I say “fake” him and I wake up depressed. He haunts me in my mind and my dreams. Thanks for reading.
just thought of something kind of interesting.
my ex s/p/n always used to tell me that i ”hold the trump card.” every time i told him that he was in complete control of everything, that everything was on his terms, he would always tell me i have the trump card.
well, i never really knew what he meant by that, but maybe … just maybe … it’s this. that ultimately i had the power to kick HIM to the curb and never have contact with him again. he knew he was trouble. once, when we were close to the end of our relationship, he was standing at the fireplace mirror, staring at himself. i said, ”are you really that empty?” and he said, ”COMPLETELY empty!” sometimes he knew he was a lost soul. he would always say that he was going ”to hell” for all he had done to people.
the trump card. i guess i’m playing it now.
That TRUMP card is a soul,a concience,the ability to love, to care more for someone else than ourselves! AWSOME!
woah, indigo. that’s h-e-a-v-y!
oh yes they have a double standard – I could sit up all nite waiting on him and he may or may not come home – but if I was not home when he arrived – he would go into a rage and trash my house and drive off taking a few trees on the way….his recent visit after 8 months no contact has me watching my back…….dunno what he was up to -intimidation and harrassment I guess – but he will never have the best thing that ever happened to him {ME}……
It took me 10 years to finally realize that I had been had. I still feel totally stupid & worthless to this day, almost 2 years after he left me. He had been having an affair for 6 months(that I know of), before he moved out. I lost everything-my house, my credit,my money. I was left with a mound of debt, a rental car, & my personal belongings. I gave him everything, & lost everything. I go through spells about every 6 or 8 weeks, where I have nightmares about him, & relive the pain & humiliation over and over. Do you really ever get out?
sstiles54 You are not stupid or worthless – you will have scars – but we all have to work hard to rebuild our worth and self esteem – my credit is ruined but I still have my home and my family – I am so sorry for you – please you must take care of you……it will get better – you loved him – you did nothing wrong -you are not stupid – you are not worthless – you got in the path of a evil man – just be glad he is gone – please everybody – we did nothing wrong – and we will move past this!!!!!