If it’s easy getting into a relationship with an exploiter, getting out isn’t always so simple. What makes the getting out so difficult?
In retrospect (if we’re lucky enough to say “in retrospect”) it seems like it should have been a no-brainer. In truth there are many reasons it can be hard to leave a destructive relationship and destructive person. I’ve addressed several of them in previous posts, and the LoveFraud community in general has addressed this theme comprehensively.
But here I’d like to consider a less-appreciated factor.
I regard it as the factor of habituation. Optimally the best time to end a relationship with an exploiter is the very first signal you get that something is amiss. The next best time to leave the relationship would the second signal that something is amiss.
When we don’t act on these early signals, increasingly we are less likely to act on subsequent ones. One of many reasons for this is the process of habituation.
Habituation is basically how, through repeated exposure to something initially uncomfortable, even highly disturbing, we adjust to it. We are built, it seems, to habituate to unsettling situations and experiences.
And the key to successful habituation is exposure. Sustained exposure to almost anything increases our tolerance of, and comfort with, it.
Consider what happens when we’re willing to endure the initial shock of cold water in a lake, or pool. Our sustained exposure (non-flight) gradually results in our bodies’ adjusting, or habituating, to the cold water, which begins to feel less cold, maybe even warm.
This is great news for someone with a social phobia. We just have to be willing to intentionally expose ourselves, repeatedly and sustainedly, to disturbing social situations, and quite likely we’ll experience a gradual reduction of anxiety.
Unfortunately the same thing can be said of abusive, exploitative relationships. The longer you expose yourself to, and repeatedly tolerate, the abuse, the more habituated you become to it.
Alarming behaviors that initially signaled our self-protective response (like flight) gradually lose their activating properties as we habituate to them. The avoidance-flight signal particularly—in the face of repeated, sustained exposure—dulls and/or we become less responsive to it.
Heeding the avoidant-flight response, in other words, can be critical to our safety and self-interest. It is great to confront and conquer avoidance when the avoidance hinders our personal growth; but it is dangerous to do so in the face of real, violating circumstances.
When I work with partners of sociopaths and other abusers, I find that habituation to the exploiter’s abuse often has occurred over time and contributes to the inertia that keeps the exploited partner in the relationship.
Of course there are often many other (and sometimes more compelling) reasons that one stays in a relationship with an exploitative partner.
But habituation to the abuse, I believe, is not only real, but sometimes helps explain why an otherwise dignified individual would tolerate behaviors that, from the outside—that is, from the unhabituated’s perspective—should be (or should have been) no-brainer deal-breakers.
When relevant I encourage clients to examine this factor in their analysis of the indignities they’ve sustained sometimes for years in relationships with disturbed, violating partners.
Paradoxically (and precisely to my point) their suffering was often highest early in the relationship before, through habituation, they grew slowly more numb and inured to—more tolerant of—the abuse, and thereby less motivated to do what was advisable at the outset—flee.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
Hi HealingHeart – Thanks for the response, I guess I am feeling sorry for myself tonite. The last thing I want is him – just kinda miissing that illusion I guess.
Henry, I’ll be you can be MUCH better company to yourself than that P ever was for you. And you can probably give yourself better hugs too! I know I’d much rather be alone on NYE than in the company of someone who doesn’t really love me. At least I know I love myself–or at least working on it–so my own company is tolerable to me. lol Do you guys ever hug yourselves? It actually is a very nice thing you can do for yourself.
Perhaps it is the good or the percieved good times that we miss?
I know in my anti-relationship we or I had some really fun times ! And I was always trying to help but it was never enough!
I can look at a picture of me at that time and see how terable I looked , The stress of daily dealing with a P is taxing. One day at a time , I was acctually surprised he did’nt show because In the past I have always given Him a Gift regardless of his selfishness! LOVE JJ
I think we all get a little nostalgic for the sepia colored times of what we thought we had. The mind can play horrible tricks on us sometimes, putting selective memory action into play. When that happens to me, I try to give myself a cruel wake up call by remembering something I had to endure alone ’cause of him. Most often, it is (ironically enough), Valentine’s Day 2006. I worked as normal that night(2nd shift), & as a supervisor, got to deliver all the flowers other ladies got from their husbands,etc. After the shift was over, I was feeling pretty low. There had been a pretty bad snow storm over the course of the evening, a lot of drifting. I pulled into my driveway (out in the middle of nowhere), & got horribley stuck. The county plows had pushed about 3 feet of snow into the end of my driveway. I was scared as hell, all alone, with no one to call to get me out. It took me 2 hours to dig my car out, just to get it pulled up out of the road, close to the house. I was so cold, & worn out, after that ordeal, I just sat down & bawled after I finally got in the house. After the crying was over, then I got relly MAD…at him, at myself, everything. After that night, I think part of my rose colored view of the time wasted on him slipped away.
Christmas and New Years are so tough because they measure time and it is natural to compare them to theChristmas’s and New Years of the past, when you had a partner (well at least you thought you did)…I was sad and haunted by the “ghost” of my x-S on those days also… Jesus got me through those days and I look forward to a future with more CLARITY and HOPE..
God Bless and I wish a Happy and Hopeful New Year to everyone!!!
I think the holidays are also so much tougher if you had a rough upbringing and have to be NC with members (or all) of your bio family, as in my case. I cannot say why this year I’ve had no melancholy whatsoever. Usually there is some. It started to hit last year, and I just made the decision that I would work very hard on my attitude and stay positive. It worked, but with a lot of hard work. This year, I didn’t have to work at it.
It has really helped to build more of a social network in the past few months. This was a goal I set at a workshop in September. I focused my attention on doing for my friends, which seemed to take the focus off my loneliness. I hope this can give some hope to others because I have often become suicidal around this time of year. It CAN change, though you may have to work at it a little. (((Hugs)))
I wish for all of you–my Lovefraud family–much peace and prosperity in 2009.
One reason I think this article has so many posts is that it hits on what is so hard for so many of us. I mean, none of the usual advice about a “break-up” applies. Stuff like “in time, you will be able to remember the positive aspects of the relationship” “usually it is really nobody’s fault, just not a good fit”, “don’t say hurtful things when you break up, you will regret them later”, etc., etc. And partly why it IS so confusing for some (like me) is at first I kept trying to treat the whole thing like it HAD been a relationship with a person who would resist hurting me. And who would show remorse and regret and want to make amends if they accidentally did hurt me, or events caused hurt to be inevitable. A person who was being forthright and upfront. And a person who did not have any hidden agenda. A person who was functioning normally, not someone with the inability to really give and receive love.
And when you do finally figure all THAT out, that those things were not true of that person, you STILL have MORE confusion now about was it YOUR fault that you didn’t see those things? Were you just a fool with a “kick me” sign on your back? How intentionally did the other person exploit you? Do you have a right to your anger at him? Or were you simply a blind fool? Can he control it all? Does he see who he is? All aspects? Some?
In the end….god I hope I’m at the end….I am left with a few facts. I AM angry. Regardless of intentions, he DOES do bad things. He does NOT make amends. He does NOT care about the pain he caused, except to enjoy it a bit.
In the end, I just have to say to myself over and over, what part of BAD PERSON don’t you understand?
The Evil ellement
The enjoyment of the emotional pain of disbelief!
1. It is only personal to you
2. Your the one with feelings
3. You are the —-ass
4. Theres nothing you can do about it
5. It’s all your fault
Indigoblue, Your comments reminded me of Steve’s words on another blog of his: “We hope, through our awareness, prudence, and luck, never to suffer its destructiveness. But if less lucky, we can remind ourselves that the sociopath, in the final analysis, is about as pointless, worthless, and arbitrary as a natural disaster.” It’s personal in that *I* was the target, but impersonal in that he will be that way with everyone who crosses his path. The only solution is to stay out of his path, and as possible, warn others. And to stay grounded in reality, trust my perceptions and be ready to admit quickly that I’m in the presence of another one and GET OUT. Unfortunately, that applies to some in my family.
Regarding intentions, I just reread a blog by Dr. Leedom and am reminded, as she wrote, there are clear intentions:
“These individuals do not just make “choices.” They, with malice and forethought set up situations where they will be able to gratify their deviant impulses.”
And I have to admit, even giving him the benefit of the doubt, as much as possible….still the above quote is true of him and to deny that is just more minimizing on my part.
Why is that so hard for me to face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!