“Would somebody please tell me why he did this?” is one of the most common questions victims of sociopaths have. Three weeks ago I introduced the idea that the Inner Triangle can help each of us understand the individual sociopath that infected our lives. The Inner Triangle is formed by three qualities that develop in concert during childhood. These three qualities are Ability to Love, Impulse Control and Moral Reasoning. Last week I discussed the concept of Ability to Love. Lack of Ability to Love defines those with sociopathy. No less important however, is the lack of Impulse Control, also universally found in people with this disorder.
What is Impulse Control?
I’m sure many of you noticed that sociopaths have a lot of energy. Their minds come up with many plans and ideas. This energy would be a good thing if the sociopath could direct it toward positive goals. Sadly, however, the abundant energy sociopaths have leads them to pursue goals that damage others. The reason is poor impulse control. Sociopaths are unable to control the many impulses that come from their basic drives and emotions.
This poor impulse control causes sociopaths to be vulnerable to addictions of all kinds. Once these addictions are established, they are particularly resistant to treatment. Many have noted that the impulses sociopaths have are especially destructive. For example, sociopaths are often sexually driven. They may also be greedily driven to obtain possessions. However, the impulse to have power over others is the central defining impulse of sociopathy. Sociopaths expend most of their energy trying to gratify impulses related to having power and influence over others.
The desire for power
The desire for power has been very difficult for researchers to study. The reason is that unlike our other desires, there is no feeling associated with it. Think about it—when you want food, you are hungry. When you want affection, you are lonely. When you want entertainment, you are bored. When you want sex you’re”¦. The point is, how do you know when you want power? Researchers have established that this motive is completely beyond our conscious awareness!
Victims high in empathy do not recognize sociopaths
One of the main reasons why victims high in empathy do not recognize sociopaths is that the desire for power is non-conscious. People high in empathy make use of their knowledge of their own emotions to interpret the emotions of others. Can you see then why people who rely on empathy in interactions with others completely miss sociopaths? An empathetic person correctly observes that sociopaths enjoy the company of others. He/she then self-references his/her own feelings of affection with regard to enjoying other people. The victim is fooled into interpreting power motivations as affection-related motivations.
Power motivated people are high in testosterone
The power motive is directly related to testosterone levels in both men and women. This is likely also responsible for the hypersexual behavior seen in sociopaths. The relationship between testosterone and the desire for power is so strong that testosterone predicts dominance behavior better than psychological tests.
Many studies have shown that sociopaths do have higher testosterone levels both during adolescence and adulthood. This higher testosterone of male sociopaths may also make them more attractive to women. Women unconsciously sense male characteristics that indicate high testosterone and are attracted to these qualities.
Medications that “help” sociopaths
Medications that reduce overall energy and block driven behavior reduce problematic behavior in sociopaths. The medications that do this are called antipsychotic medications. They are also used to treat schizophrenia. The most commonly used anti-psychotic for adolescent and adult sociopaths is Risperdal. In the past, we used Thorazine for this purpose.
You may also wonder if castration works. Eliminating testosterone through either surgical or chemical castration does help some. However, removing testosterone does not restore Ability to Love and so does not really treat the underlying disorder.
Why me?
It is my hope that providing you with knowledge about this disorder will help you answer for yourself the “Why me?” question and will help you stop the self blame. We all can benefit from considering our own Ability to Love, Impulse Control and Moral Reasoning. The best thing for victims is to come out of this experience wiser and better.
Skylar – I hadn’t heard it put like that before but that sounded so familiar to something my ex did. Got me in a helluva load of trouble & I ended up paying for nearly 6 years.
BTW everyone I’m new to the forum. As you can tell by my name I survived a spath/ppath.
it took me 22 years of 27 year marriage to figure this out. I do feel so stupid. I dont understand I then I missed it. Looking back I can see he did this to me from day 1. The very first day I met him.now the last 9 years have been pure hell. It became very apparent there was something wrong 9 years ago,I just found out the problem 10 months ago. Thats when I found this blog & a name for what he did to me.
You were involved in this for so long…it’s going to take a lot of healing for you. It’s going to be a long road, but you can do it.
wow dont I know. On 1 of the other blogs,I think it was oxy suggested I shop for a therapist. I asked how I go about doing that,I havent gotten a reply. I really dont understand what this meant,interview a therapist?
I am not sure, but I guess that is what she meant. Even though I only have gone to one therapist (for two sessions), I think what she means by shopping is that it is very difficult to find the right one the first time. The one I went to was very nice, but she wasn’t helping me at all. I could tell after only two times that it was going to be a waste of my time and money. So she probably meant that you are going to have to try a couple of them out until you find the one who you feel can help you.
I was thinking,like when we go for a job interview. I was kinda worried how I was gonna approach it. I need to find someone that knows about spaths and what they do to us. Thanks. I feel like a piece of steak thats been run thru a grinder to make hamburger ,& Im trying to become a beautiful piece of steak again,or like a shattered tea cup,even if it is glued back together it isnt ever the same again
mommom ~ I think Oxy probably meant to try to find a therapist that has experience in dealing with psychopaths and/or sociopaths. I guess you would have to ask when you call for an appointment.
LF has a professional resource guide listing therapists who get it.
Depending on where you live, you may find one in your area.
Yes, you guys got it right “Interview” them to see just how much they know about psychopaths and how open they are to the WORD psychopath/sociopath.
My story was so bizzare my therapist asked if I’d bring someone to back up my paranoid story….and I did….so I understood that my tale sounded like some paranoid nut job “everyone in the world is out to kill me”—well, in my case, it was TRUE.
Sky’s story about her x killing people sounded pretty way out too, and frankly I wasn’t sure about it until I checked with the FAA and the NTSB and damned if it didn’t check out with the “accident” reports of the planes that went down in a way that had to have been sabotage. So you know, I can understand a therapist being a bit cautious about our way out tales, but at the same time, the therapist must be one that can ACCEPT THE TRUTH of our story when they are shown the evidence, and they must be someone who is somewhat knowledgable about psychopaths….they can’t be of the mind set that ONLY Ted Bundy-types or Charlie Manson-types are psychopaths.
Here are the questions I asked 2 therapist this morning. Do you know what psychopathy is? Do you know about physical and emotional gaslighting and the effects it has on victims? I was met with a nasty reply.
The 1 therapist I found is 4 hours away. He doesnt do therapy thru skype. I explained my situation,and he actually said,”Yeah well life really does suck sometimes”.
Ok,I am trying but I think what he said was inappropriate. 8 hours driving and maybe 1-2 in office I cant do. There just simply isnt anyone here where Im at.
When I do find someone do I add them to the resource guide? There isnt anyone for my state.
Oxy,I know what you are saying. My last councelor flat out told me I was lying. It does sound wild. He couldnt understand or knew anything about gaslighting and its effects. This is proving to harder than it was last summer.
The only things in my area that are in abundance are strip clubs,whore houses,bars, and soldiers. . The area I live in is a sodom and gamora. This is also the meth capitol of America.
I know I sound like a negative nelly,but there truly isnt anything here.