“Would somebody please tell me why he did this?” is one of the most common questions victims of sociopaths have. Three weeks ago I introduced the idea that the Inner Triangle can help each of us understand the individual sociopath that infected our lives. The Inner Triangle is formed by three qualities that develop in concert during childhood. These three qualities are Ability to Love, Impulse Control and Moral Reasoning. Last week I discussed the concept of Ability to Love. Lack of Ability to Love defines those with sociopathy. No less important however, is the lack of Impulse Control, also universally found in people with this disorder.
What is Impulse Control?
I’m sure many of you noticed that sociopaths have a lot of energy. Their minds come up with many plans and ideas. This energy would be a good thing if the sociopath could direct it toward positive goals. Sadly, however, the abundant energy sociopaths have leads them to pursue goals that damage others. The reason is poor impulse control. Sociopaths are unable to control the many impulses that come from their basic drives and emotions.
This poor impulse control causes sociopaths to be vulnerable to addictions of all kinds. Once these addictions are established, they are particularly resistant to treatment. Many have noted that the impulses sociopaths have are especially destructive. For example, sociopaths are often sexually driven. They may also be greedily driven to obtain possessions. However, the impulse to have power over others is the central defining impulse of sociopathy. Sociopaths expend most of their energy trying to gratify impulses related to having power and influence over others.
The desire for power
The desire for power has been very difficult for researchers to study. The reason is that unlike our other desires, there is no feeling associated with it. Think about it—when you want food, you are hungry. When you want affection, you are lonely. When you want entertainment, you are bored. When you want sex you’re”¦. The point is, how do you know when you want power? Researchers have established that this motive is completely beyond our conscious awareness!
Victims high in empathy do not recognize sociopaths
One of the main reasons why victims high in empathy do not recognize sociopaths is that the desire for power is non-conscious. People high in empathy make use of their knowledge of their own emotions to interpret the emotions of others. Can you see then why people who rely on empathy in interactions with others completely miss sociopaths? An empathetic person correctly observes that sociopaths enjoy the company of others. He/she then self-references his/her own feelings of affection with regard to enjoying other people. The victim is fooled into interpreting power motivations as affection-related motivations.
Power motivated people are high in testosterone
The power motive is directly related to testosterone levels in both men and women. This is likely also responsible for the hypersexual behavior seen in sociopaths. The relationship between testosterone and the desire for power is so strong that testosterone predicts dominance behavior better than psychological tests.
Many studies have shown that sociopaths do have higher testosterone levels both during adolescence and adulthood. This higher testosterone of male sociopaths may also make them more attractive to women. Women unconsciously sense male characteristics that indicate high testosterone and are attracted to these qualities.
Medications that “help” sociopaths
Medications that reduce overall energy and block driven behavior reduce problematic behavior in sociopaths. The medications that do this are called antipsychotic medications. They are also used to treat schizophrenia. The most commonly used anti-psychotic for adolescent and adult sociopaths is Risperdal. In the past, we used Thorazine for this purpose.
You may also wonder if castration works. Eliminating testosterone through either surgical or chemical castration does help some. However, removing testosterone does not restore Ability to Love and so does not really treat the underlying disorder.
Why me?
It is my hope that providing you with knowledge about this disorder will help you answer for yourself the “Why me?” question and will help you stop the self blame. We all can benefit from considering our own Ability to Love, Impulse Control and Moral Reasoning. The best thing for victims is to come out of this experience wiser and better.
Thanks, EB – I’ve just run into this again with spath son’s exwife. I contacted her to warn her that the spath, for all intents and purposes, looks as if he’s preparing to either run or be arrested and for her to be aware that he is armed, dangerous, and completely erratic.
Strangely enough, he’s been attempting to contact her for a couple of weeks, now, which is about how long ago his fiancee left, apparently for good (again). I had this pervasive feeling of iminent doom, and acted on a hunch that things were spiralling downwards, and so they are.
So the answer to my concerned warning was that there has to be someone to blame. My spouse and I didn’t handle my spath son as well as we could have (according to her assessment), and so forth. What she still doesn’t get is that there is nobody to blame. It’s the spath’s CHOICE to do the things that they do. Everyone could excuse their bad behavior and choices on something….ANYthing….and expect other’s to accept that. But, those who aren’t spath have a conscience that will not allow for them to cross that line.
(heavy sigh)…this is why there has to be more education. The spath’s ex-wife has moved on with her life, but she still just doesn’t “get it” that he beat her up because HE COULD!
Dear Buttons,
You did the honorable thing, and that was to warn her that he was on the loose and dangerous, that’s all you could do….you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. So you did the best you could. YOU are NOT responsible for what she does or does not do with your warning. And unfortunately, that is what many times even after a relationship with a P that the people do not get that the behavior is a CHOICE. It is a shame that people don’t believe the truth, but I think sometimes we are like the people who kept saying “the world is round” in a world of people who believed it was flat—no one wants to believe us AND many times they will burn us at the stake for saying what is against the PC thoughts of the time. “there is good in everyone” or “any bad behavior on the part of someone is their parents’ fault”
SHE also has a CHOICE, and it is her CHOICE to believe what she wants to believe.
Thanks, OxD – your words of wisdom are a comfort, indeed. And, I decided that I wasn’t going to allow someone else’s ignorance (willful, or otherwise) to rattle my cage. She either doesn’t know, or she can’t accept, and I can’t control that. I did, however, provide this site for her to research and learn.
I was reading the “Common Verbal Ploys of the Sociopath” by Dr. Steve, and I think it deserves the attention of every member, new or long-timer.
My recent misdirection experience was with a former female “friend” who fits the profile, TO A TEE! When I confronted her about her choice to disclose personal information to a customer that she was waiting on, her immediate response was (and, I mean: immediate): “Remember what happened last year? Well, someone told (her spouse) that I was having an affair and I got it twice as bad!”
That was an EXCELLENT article by Dr. Steve, and it was spot-on at identifying the misdirection. EXCELLENT, I say!
My 5 cents worth
….The point is, how do you know when you want power?
When you’re* /// When you’re**
a) bored /// a) feeling ambitious
b) feeling lousy /// b) feeling confident, bursting with ideas
c) threatened with exposure /// c) conscious about helping
others, powerful role model
d) [open to suggestions] /// d) self defence
* the abuser
** the non abuser
Dear Outlier,
Just my 2 cents worth! LOL
Actually, I can see a very narcissistic psychopath wanting power in ABOUT all of those situations EXCEPT helping others.
I think control of a situation is not an all bad thing, it is important to be in control when you are driving a car, or riding a horse, or flying an airplane. It is important that the primary surgeon be incontrol in a critical surgical procedure, it is important in a military operation, or when herding livestock.
ABUSIVE CONTROL, perverse control, however, in any relationship, from marriage, to parents, to working relationships to political roles is a destructive thing, when the control itself is the PURPOSE OF THE CONTROL, when there is no limit on what will be done to maintain that control, when maintaining that control itself is pleasurable.
Many times I think that psychopaths will attempt to obtain perverse and abusive control because they lack leadership skiills and will attempt to obtain status in a relationship with manipulation or force of one kind or another because they are unable to obtain what they perceive as control by any other method.
As a psychopath obtains more perverse control in their life, situations and relationships, others relinquish their own control to the psychopath for a perceived gain to themselves, either of lack of punishment or for some reward perceived as positive.
When we embrace No Contact, we are reestablishing CONTROL., healthy control, over our own lives with the psychopath and setting a boundary. Refusing to relinquish ourselves and our freedom to their perverse control. They will use every thing they can think of to break our control, from manipulative punishment, to manipulative claims of deep love.
Taking back our own control empowers us to continue to make decisions for our own welfare which threatens the stability of the psychopath’s world of perverse control.
I’ve just read this, OxDrover. Powerful reading. I’ll get back. Worth every 2 gold cents of my time.
I should point out I’m aware of the NPD (my father). Been his supplier since a teen…. oh dear.
The key word “Perverted’. I learned that word from elder sister (whom he targetted). Naughty family :-O they taught me all the bad words! Heh.
Buttons – great description of the pity play they pull on us – mine was also maudlin about his childhood – poor me!
Erin I kept cards and emails – the flowery language of them disgusts me now …
“To the keeper of my heart …
You truly are the most beautiful woman in the world and I am so blessed to have you in my life.”
“Darling I am so sorry for my attitude earlier – it was rude and uncalled for and I apologise.
(this upcoming line was his catchphrase …)
“I know things have been tough lately but I JUST ASK THAT YOU BE PATIENT WITH ME” (caps are from me for emphasis)
Now what kind of woman could bitch at a man who had identified he needed some patience? it was a smooth move on his part – if he defined his ‘needs’ then I backed off – simple and easy. In the end I said to him “I have no more patience for you and no more time – you used it all up.”
Anyone else get manipulation like that?
Oooohh NO…..
Spath only ‘cried’ when he knew I was lost and going…..
He saved the major infractions and humiliation of his soul for those times….ONLY.
Pollyannanomore, I got the manipulation from day 1, but it was mostly written in emails. He couldn’t do it face to face and he was too cheap to send cards, lol. Never met a cheaper man. I hate calling him a man. He isn’t.
When a friend of mine tried to warn me that this boy wasn’t quite the ticket I contacted his ex g/f, who had just written a blog about WORDS being meaningless and ACTIONS being all. She said that if somebody loves you you know and all the words in the world don’t make a bit of difference. He is a writer and words were his main method of seduction. Think he used every trick in the book The Art of Seduction. The poetic and the flowery, he did a lot of that. But in the flesh … afraid. Woman-hater through and through.
When I left and he was trying to get me back … full ON. A bunch of flowers picked from a meadow near his home, no less. It made my heart melt at the time but now I only see it as a tactic. Manipulation is the man’s middle name. He even wrote on his forum once that he could pretty much get people to do whatever he wanted. He’d made an art out of it.