Although we think of love as an emotion, it is really more like a drive. Emotions come and go, whereas drives, like love, tend to persist. All emotions are associated with distinct facial expressions, whereas love is not. Love (like all of the basic drives I have discussed in this blog) is difficult to control. Furthermore, the most recent scientific research indicates that all drives, including love, are associated with activation of the brain pathway called the mesolimbic dopamine pathway.
Attraction: the first stage of love
Love, like other drives, is associated with wanting to get something. That something we are talking about here is a partner. The first stage of love, then, involves seeking out a partner. Scientists have called this the attraction phase. It is important for each person to understand how the attraction phase works within himself/herself. There are both conscious and unconscious parts to attraction.
The attraction phase involves the senses, primarily sight and smell. There may be chemicals that activate the brain through smell that we are not consciously aware of. Similarly, we may like the way someone looks and not be sure why. Our conscious mind and unconscious mind may be looking for different things in a partner. The unconscious mind plays a big role in our partner selection process.
It is important to realize that we can be taken over and captivated by attraction. Some of the symptoms of attraction or falling in love are “butterflies in the stomach,” clammy hands and racing heart. These symptoms are direct evidence of the physical nature of the love drive.
There is pleasure associated with getting the objects of our drives. In the brain, this pleasure involves many important chemicals like dopamine and the endorphins. Contact with the lover is also pleasurable because it releases oxytocin. This chemical produces reward by calming us down. (It doesn’t matter that it is the lover’s fault that we need calming.) Oxytocin is a powerful, natural anti-anxiety chemical.
The attraction phase usually lasts no more than 18 months. The reason for this is that it is too consuming. People have to be able to function, and when our energies are over focused on a lover, we aren’t as productive in other areas. Furthermore, the attraction phase has only one purpose. That is to get us hooked. When the pleasure chemicals and anxiety relieving chemicals are released in the brain, a compulsion is formed. That compulsion is to be with the lover. So the love that starts out as pleasure in the company of the lover becomes a compulsion. When the compulsion phase sets in, we feel compelled to stay with our lover no matter what. That is when we know “bonding” has taken place.
So the stages of love basically involve attraction, followed by great pleasure, followed by bonding. I would add a fourth stage, caretaking. Normal people feel an urge to take care of others toward whom they feel bonded.
Sociopaths and love
Ability to love, then, involves attraction, pleasure, bonding and caretaking. How is the sociopath’s experience of love different from what I have described? First, I never met a sociopath who did not do exactly what he/she wanted. I have to conclude from this that the attraction phase operates relatively normally in the sociopath. In fact, many sociopaths hang around only as long as the attraction phase lasts. There is evidence that emotional arousal is abnormal in sociopaths. So I would also assume they experience the pleasures of attraction without the “butterflies.”
It is blatantly obvious that sociopaths do not bond in the usual sense. Their love drive is thus stuck in the attraction gear and they can go no further than attraction. But don’t stop there! As the sociopath experienced the pleasures of his/her latest object of attraction, his/her drive for conquest was also activated.
The sociopath simultaneously experiences pleasure in attraction and pleasure in conquest or power. In other words, although the sociopath cannot form a love bond, he/she can acquire a possession which he/she strongly believes belongs to him/her.
If I enjoy something and I work very hard to get that thing, it is mine! I feel entitled to something I enjoy and work for. That thing also should keep giving me pleasure and satisfaction in order to stay wanted. If a possession is no longer pleasant and appealing to me, I throw it in the garbage. Now, if someone breaks in and tries to steal my possessions, I am angry and feel violated. Does any of this sound familiar?
Unlike the caretaking of the true love bond, the caretaking behavior of sociopaths is only self serving. I take care of my stuff because I have to. If I want people to envy me, I make the outside of my house look good and wax my car. Then people driving by see the great looking house with the new car in the driveway and think I really have it made. My stuff gives me status. If I don’t take care of my stuff, my status goes down.
So again we see that although sociopaths have a rudimentary love drive, in the end their drives are all about power and status. Don’t be fooled by the occasional care taking behavior, it is not motivated by empathy or a true love bond.
BigDude: It does make a difference knowing others have gone through horrific experiences and survived.
I feel for those folks that didn’t have computers, the Internet and of course LF to help them in their time of need.
You have already contributed and I’m sure you will continue to do so … this site can be addictive (I mean that in a positive way Donna, if you’re reading).
Hi Henry,
After that stunt yesterday, I’m wondering if the jerk is going to show up again. There had to have been a motive. He could have mailed that bill to you. You think he just happened to be in the neighborhood?? Doubt it.
IWONDER – He had the address changed on the acct.. last oct.23 and then when he got the bill he brought it to me. It was planned….I guess he needed an excuse too come here..He is up too something..Intimadation I think….but this has erased any romantic feelings I had – this proves with out a doubt he is weird (as if I needed more proof) duh~~!! Now I know he does have a very dark side and this is harrasment in my book.. Well I will just get the bill paid off – have a plan to get that done in two months. Maybe he won’t change the address again as he didnt get a reaction out of me this time -just a door slamed in his face – I dunno maybe that turned him on who knows—–BIGDUDE – live a good life and (IF) you ever see the beeitch again be the confident happy man you are and that will hurt her more than anything….
Henry, He could have put the bill in an envelope and mailed it to you. I think he was looking for a reaction. I’m laughing so hard. I wish I could have seen you slam the door in his face. It must have felt wonderful…spectacular!
You should have seen my ex’s face when I dropped those tv’s off right at his girlfriend’s house. Here was this used-to-be strong aggressive man actually studdering to find a few useless words looking up at the sky while babbling some BS about how sorry he was he couldn’t get the things sooner but the company van broke down. I said “shame” and turned my back, got into the car and left. That was all I said…”shame.” He is a shame.
I remember you wrote once how worried you were about how you would feel if you ever ran into him again. Now you know.
Sure he had a plan !
He should have paid the Bill! but no! he has to hand deliver it so you are face to face ! And YOU DID IT ! Hurray! I bet he thought you would crumble and cave in BUT NOPE ! Not Henry!
Henry can you Email me so me gas at 1.89 gal I need 16 gal and can I get my teeth done and I need a credit card with my name on it ! just your acct. I LOVE you buddy jere
yep now I know – he is a dark – evil – thing -that I had the misfortune to get in his path – he wont get a reaction out of me – at least not the one he want’s – I am done – over it …..he is a criminal in my books a con artist — hope he get’s the crab’s……
indigoblue – don’t rub it in – it was not all a free ride for him – he did give me money – I will give you Mike but not a credit card
Dear Henry,
Hey, babe, have I EVER BEEN WRONG? Am I not ALWAYS right, and smart and know it all? Of course I do!@....... LOL
All you have to do is look in the Psychopath’s play book, page 104, line 25, and it says “get bill changed to your address so you can hand deliver it to his/her address as an excuse to go see them”
NC is the ultimate punishment for them, really. I wish you guys could have read the letters and know the lengths my P-son went to to try to get someone in the family to answer his letters and “let him explain”—after the Trojan Horse’s and his plot to kill me went south! What a hoot! He just did NOT get it that we wouldn’t give him a chance to “fix” things. He has spent his entire adult life in Prison and yet he thinks that HE is the perfect person to run the family, tell us what to do and how to do it, and make all the decisions in his “infinate wisdom”—being in prison has, after all, given him the insight and experience to be the family “boss.” LOL ROTFLMAO Whew, had to get my breath there, laughing too hard. And the thing is, HE BELIEVES THAT! Talk about arrogance.
Henry, they think they are SOOOO smart, Sooooo cool, and that you are an idiot child that doesn’t have the sense God gave a goose (not much)!
I am really, glad that Mike did come over, and that he was stupid enough to think he could change the address and you couldn’t figure it out (you are, according to him, stupid and he is soooo smart) Well, just for his information, you are not as dumb as he thinks! ha ha At least NOW YOU KNOW HOW YOU WILL REACT! No more worry or wondering about how you will react. Now you know! You passed that test with FLYING COLORS HENRY! What a piece of chit he is!
Hi Oxy: I don’t know why sociopaths lie and think they’ll never be found out that they are liars. The truth always comes out in the end. Why don’t they get that it’s really not worth lying because they get found out anyway. Also, God knows. You can’t hide from Him. You can lie your arse off to people who you think are easily fooled and take advantage of their money, hearts and souls, but you can’t fool God. Who do they think they’re kidding? They don’t play by the rules because of Greed, Lust, etc. but look where it leads: To prison, to unhappiness, to loneliness. They are the stupid ones.
I promise this is the last on this subject. But the more I think of it the more I know what he was up too. It was intimadation..he is pissed that I kicked him out – he is pissed that I changed my phone number’s – he is pissed the guy he has been with since me has kicked him out – he is pissed that I am not trying to find him – he made sure I saw his address – he can’t use pity anymore – so it was intimidation – his demeanor was like he was ready too fight – now tell me if I am wrong but if he can’t love me then he is going to intimadate and harrass me? – so I think this is the end cause he did not get the reaction he wanted but if he comes here one more time – I can get a vpo served on him