Editor’s note: A reader who identified himself as a sociopath recently posted this comment on the Lovefraud Blog, and sent it to me in an email. I am posting this piece because it provides a good description of how sociopaths view themselves, and explains why they are quite comfortable taking advantage of the rest of us. Be sure to read the question I asked him, and his response, at the end.
We are uniquely gifted
“Sociopath” is a misleading word: it implies a disorder, something wrong and unnatural with the person, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. We, the people you refer to as sociopaths, have nothing wrong with us. We are instead, the uniquely gifted. Our gifts have been mischaracterized and maligned and it’s time someone set the record straight.
What the experts call superficial charm, I call having a natural ability to win friends and influence people. What experts call manipulative and conning, I call an affinity for persuasion based upon an innate ability to pinpoint others personality strengths and weaknesses. What the experts decry as a lack of compassion, I call pragmatism and clarity. What experts call a “problem with authority”, I call embracing personal power and celebrating the independent spirit. What experts call “delusions of grandeur”, I call self confidence and optimism. What experts call “shallow emotional affect,” I call freedom from the tyranny of irrational emotions. And finally, while the experts say that guiltlessness is a disorder (because it is the lack of guilt that separates the sociopath, psychopath and Machiavellian from the general population), I say it is the enhanced ability to do the things that build civilizations and keep societies going, the very things that the guilt afflicted shy away from. It is no coincidence that our lack of guilt so often comes with abnormally high intelligence and charisma.
We are born to lead and many of our traits support this conclusion. We are born knowing this and the rest of you know it when you see us. It is these very traits that make us necessary for the survival and success of the human species, especially since the dawn of civilization. It’s why you elect us, follow us, and often give your very lives by our command. Though we are found disproportionally in prisons we are found with even greater frequency in your governments, your corporations, your military. Who else but someone devoid of conscience could order thousands of soldiers to die, regardless of how noble the cause? Who can fire hundreds of workers to save a company from bankruptcy and then sleep peacefully that night? Who can so elegantly tell the lies that must be told, to protect the very people to whom the lies are told? It takes one of us to make those calls, the calls that the rest of humanity cannot make.
And yet a distressing number of us become the very thing you fear us all to be; criminals and abusers. This creates a cycle of ignorance, as all the “sociopaths” identified by the news are killers or wife-beaters, and so we identify this collection of gifts as evil, as pathological, and thus those of us in our proper roles feel the need to disguise ourselves for fear of being labeled evil. A similar cycle of ignorance has kept homosexuals oppressed for decades; homosexuality has been associated with child molesters and perverts, drug use and disease, and it was called “evil” for this.
We are not evil; you simply do not recognize the “good” ones as the same phenomena. Google “sociopath” and all you find are ways to recover from contact with a sociopath, information advising you to run from relationships with sociopaths, and misinformation that will claim that “sociopaths cannot feel love” or that we “cannot think of others as human beings” or that we are “parasitic”.
It is very distressing to discover, for a child who has always known that he was different, that he is a monster… that he is doomed to live a loveless life and become a criminal, that he will never be able to hold a job or raise a family. Indeed, one must wonder how often do one of us accepts the mischaracterization of our abilities and instincts as things to be repressed and rejected due to ignorance? How often do the young among our frequently demonized minority discover what he is, buys into the paranoid misinformation and simply does what he is expected to do, withholding from society the very qualities it needs and secretly wants to maintain itself and imprisoning himself in a state of confusion and needless pain as a result?
What is the so called sociopath? A sociopath is one of your potential leaders, labeled by the fearful and unreasoning masses as something sick and evil. “Sociopath” is a negative label which only serves to further alienate people who simply need to be allowed to embrace their gifts. Getting rid of this misleading term should be the first step towards fully understanding who we are and the role we play in this world. We are not the embodiment of a pathology. On the contrary; we are instead the uniquely gifted.
Editor’s note: I sent the author this question: “How do you justify lying and deception?” His reply:
Justify? Did you forget the “no guilt, no remorse” part already? We have no need to justify the lying, as we don’t see anything inherently wrong with it. Deception is merely a means to an end. Nor is it necessarily malevolent. We simply act in our own self-interest. We know what we want and the easiest way to get it. It’s a gift.
Alexander Lowen talks about people fearing the loss of their identity is the same or worse than the fear of death.
Peoples’ beliefs are a large component of their identities. Consider that these people paid large sums of money for their beliefs and they got a piece of paper to prove it and a new identity. People don’t say they HAVE a PhD, they say they ARE a PhD.
So when you bring any new knowledge that wasn’t part of their (very expensive) belief system, it threatens their identity and status. It also threatens their belief that they got good value for their money!
People will fight tooth and nail to protect their belief system and the “authority” that bestowed them with their beliefs. Their only other option is the disintegration of everything they believed in.
It’s not much different from the way WE protected our beliefs in our spaths…
Skylar, as bad as I hate to admit it….You are right on! LOL Sometimes though PhD means PILED HIGHER AND DEEPER! LOL
What ticked me off about “the suggestion to apologize,” which was so patronizing, was it came after a very longwinded, “sensitive” explanation about how some of the posters have suffered abuse. Really? Ya think? The spiel was textbook manipulation with the real goal delivered by a contempful zing at the end. Did he think we were too stupid to notice or did he want us to know how much contempt he has for us? (MiLo, your response broke my heart. I wanted hug and hold you. I figured they got you on a bad day. You didn’t deserve that.)
Clearly, that poster was a troll who infiltrated the site. Instead of respecting us and our observations, we were put in our place for taking very healthy actions, i.e, setting boundaries, not accepting the crap. We were taking care of ourselves.
I couldn’t believe how dysfunctional the “apology instructions” were. Shame on all you naughty children. Gag! You’re right -we are respected as adults here.
And oh, they were so santimonious about “we welcome everyone.” Say what? Why would they do that? Isn’t the purpose of learning about Ps so we don’t keep getting roped in by them? We learn who to let into our lives and who is dangerous? Sheesh.
You can’t offer santuary to victims if you’re willing to let the perpetrators in as well. What’s that about? Observing the interactions? Lies, lies, lies. I was sick over it. Talk about us being betrayed again.
I kept asking, if the site was meant to help victims, why weren’t there any members on the board? What about their input? Their needs? One day I must have used “victims” instead of “members” because then I finally got a response. I was told that some of the board members had been victims as well. BUT they are all Ph.D.s and none of them participating on our level. Not the same thing at all.
Were any of you asked to start threads? I was. Several times. That’s when it started dawning on me that the site isn’t there to help the members; it is there for them to observe and exploit the members’ stories for their purposes. I think we’ve been damaged enough without being lied to again.
I asked who our postings belonged to-that’s my personal information. Sharing it to help fellow victims is fine, but I didn’t offer it to be analyzed and used elsewhere without my knowledge and permission. The answer was “I haven’t really thought about that, the school I guess.” Bull. They’ve thought about it. Really, I had better not see anything related to me in somebody’s book. I’ve fought this fight, got the wounds and scars to prove that, and they don’t get to benefit from my pain. I don’t need another kick in the face from anyone.
Thanks, Sky, for your information. I had no idea. That was before my time. I was told that I was posting too many links. Their grad students have to check and read every one for “appropriateness” and to determine if the board would permit the outside site to be associated with theirs. What’s wrong with putting up a simple disclaimer, “You are now leaving this site”? The US Department of Justice didn’t make their cut. What was I thinking? Grad students the age of our children are determining what we can and cannot read. They are judging the websites of the world. Like I am going to take my kid’s judgment before mine. I saved his life-twice!
Sky & Oxy, you’re right about some Ph.D.s. I found that out when I got my MS. I was told by several Ph.D.s that if I went on (never could find a Ph.D. program for what I wanted to study,) that I would meet plenty of Ph.D.s who would work against my achieving my degree. They like to keep their club exclusive. Nope, I’ve never heard anyone claim that they are a Master.
I was warned by an excellent therapist years ago that at least 50% of the people who become therapists or go into the psychology field do so to avoid addressing their own issues. They expect to magically heal themselves by vicariously sitting in on other people’s struggles. They’re more screwed up than many of their clients.
I’m beyond my supersaturation point when it comes to lies. Don’t tell me that you’re there to help me when that isn’t the motive at all.
We could all individually write to the ethics department of American Psychiatric Association (APA) and ask for the ethical standards for websites hosted by their members. I wonder if any guidelines even exist for this sort of thing. Websites might be too new for the APA to have made any guidelines yet. At least if we all wrote, they might pay attention, look into it, and create something.
I hope this isn’t considered “bad mouthing.” I needed to vent and get this off my chest so I can heal. 🙁 I didn’t mean to offend or upset anyone.
For those of you who don’t know me, I process things by sorting things out and lining the ducks up in a row. That’s one reason I write so much.
Wow…that letter is just so chillingly creepy, particularly the response about lying and manipulating. Spaths apparently genuinely see no problem with lying and manipulating, or with doing anything it takes to get them what they want at that moment. Its all about winning, period, end of sentence.
There’s a TV show I’ve been watching on NetFlix, called “Lie To Me” and its about a guy who is an expert at being able to read people and tell if they’re lying or not, and in one episode he nearly gets killed by a psychopath. This episode really “nails” the psychopathic mind-set, the arrogance, the contempt for the “ungifted” (aka, the normal people with empathy.) Its truly just blood-curdling.
I ran across a website called “Sociopath World” that is for those who consider themselves psychopaths or sociopaths, and the posts there really echo the letter you posted from the ‘spath: full of the most arrogant posts that detail with great delight how they’ve manipulated and used other people. The spaths are bragging, competing with each other about who pulled off the biggest con job. Its really amazingly blood-curdling stuff.
hi there; so do you feel psychopaths are the result of genetics or their enviorment?
take care
Freakingravy, who cares whether it’s genetic or environmental? Even the “experts” cannot come to a rational conclusion. The main goal is to heal from their devastation and avoid them when they can be identified.
Hi there truthspeak;
I feel you on healing from damage done-I know it is not an easy process…from your reaction I assume you have been directly or indirectly affected…may I ask how you’re recovering from such an experience?
Started my garden and the garlic is sprouting.
They say that garlic wards off the bloodsuckers – mosquitos and vampires. But will it ward off spaths?
Only gray rock does that. Use it.
Skylar, thanks for starting the garden….I only planted half as much garlic this year as I did last year, I ended up with a bushel basket full LOL But maybe I may plant more next year.
Gardening! I am just working on mine now! Ox, how much did you plant to get that much back??! Wow.
I’ve actually wondered it it would grow perenially if seeded into the general landscape?