Editor’s note: A reader who identified himself as a sociopath recently posted this comment on the Lovefraud Blog, and sent it to me in an email. I am posting this piece because it provides a good description of how sociopaths view themselves, and explains why they are quite comfortable taking advantage of the rest of us. Be sure to read the question I asked him, and his response, at the end.
We are uniquely gifted
“Sociopath” is a misleading word: it implies a disorder, something wrong and unnatural with the person, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. We, the people you refer to as sociopaths, have nothing wrong with us. We are instead, the uniquely gifted. Our gifts have been mischaracterized and maligned and it’s time someone set the record straight.
What the experts call superficial charm, I call having a natural ability to win friends and influence people. What experts call manipulative and conning, I call an affinity for persuasion based upon an innate ability to pinpoint others personality strengths and weaknesses. What the experts decry as a lack of compassion, I call pragmatism and clarity. What experts call a “problem with authority”, I call embracing personal power and celebrating the independent spirit. What experts call “delusions of grandeur”, I call self confidence and optimism. What experts call “shallow emotional affect,” I call freedom from the tyranny of irrational emotions. And finally, while the experts say that guiltlessness is a disorder (because it is the lack of guilt that separates the sociopath, psychopath and Machiavellian from the general population), I say it is the enhanced ability to do the things that build civilizations and keep societies going, the very things that the guilt afflicted shy away from. It is no coincidence that our lack of guilt so often comes with abnormally high intelligence and charisma.
We are born to lead and many of our traits support this conclusion. We are born knowing this and the rest of you know it when you see us. It is these very traits that make us necessary for the survival and success of the human species, especially since the dawn of civilization. It’s why you elect us, follow us, and often give your very lives by our command. Though we are found disproportionally in prisons we are found with even greater frequency in your governments, your corporations, your military. Who else but someone devoid of conscience could order thousands of soldiers to die, regardless of how noble the cause? Who can fire hundreds of workers to save a company from bankruptcy and then sleep peacefully that night? Who can so elegantly tell the lies that must be told, to protect the very people to whom the lies are told? It takes one of us to make those calls, the calls that the rest of humanity cannot make.
And yet a distressing number of us become the very thing you fear us all to be; criminals and abusers. This creates a cycle of ignorance, as all the “sociopaths” identified by the news are killers or wife-beaters, and so we identify this collection of gifts as evil, as pathological, and thus those of us in our proper roles feel the need to disguise ourselves for fear of being labeled evil. A similar cycle of ignorance has kept homosexuals oppressed for decades; homosexuality has been associated with child molesters and perverts, drug use and disease, and it was called “evil” for this.
We are not evil; you simply do not recognize the “good” ones as the same phenomena. Google “sociopath” and all you find are ways to recover from contact with a sociopath, information advising you to run from relationships with sociopaths, and misinformation that will claim that “sociopaths cannot feel love” or that we “cannot think of others as human beings” or that we are “parasitic”.
It is very distressing to discover, for a child who has always known that he was different, that he is a monster… that he is doomed to live a loveless life and become a criminal, that he will never be able to hold a job or raise a family. Indeed, one must wonder how often do one of us accepts the mischaracterization of our abilities and instincts as things to be repressed and rejected due to ignorance? How often do the young among our frequently demonized minority discover what he is, buys into the paranoid misinformation and simply does what he is expected to do, withholding from society the very qualities it needs and secretly wants to maintain itself and imprisoning himself in a state of confusion and needless pain as a result?
What is the so called sociopath? A sociopath is one of your potential leaders, labeled by the fearful and unreasoning masses as something sick and evil. “Sociopath” is a negative label which only serves to further alienate people who simply need to be allowed to embrace their gifts. Getting rid of this misleading term should be the first step towards fully understanding who we are and the role we play in this world. We are not the embodiment of a pathology. On the contrary; we are instead the uniquely gifted.
Editor’s note: I sent the author this question: “How do you justify lying and deception?” His reply:
Justify? Did you forget the “no guilt, no remorse” part already? We have no need to justify the lying, as we don’t see anything inherently wrong with it. Deception is merely a means to an end. Nor is it necessarily malevolent. We simply act in our own self-interest. We know what we want and the easiest way to get it. It’s a gift.
Blue Jay,
when you say “he is an embarrassment” you are saying that You are embarrassed for him. You are owning his shame.
Realize that he picked you as a target because of your overactive sense of responsibility. He knew he could embarrass you. Most dupes are so embarrassed in the end, that they won’t ever tell what happened.
You do not own his shame. He owns his shame. It was his behavior, not yours. This is key to removing the slime that he left on you. It’s part of having boundaries too. You are not him and you don’t have to take responsibility for what he did. Those are your boundaries. Shore them up.
Sky, so very true….I probably wouldn’t have fallen for Manson, but I can tell you I would have fallen for Bundy. My personal thing is not dirty long haired guys who want to sleep with multiple women…so I probably wouldn’t have fallen for Old charlie…but helping the guy with the broken leg/arm, yea, I would sure have fallen for that line.
I did fall for my P sperm donor’s con line though, and in fact, he does look a lot like Charlie, and smelled like I imagine charlie did too, and like yours he conned millionaires out of big bucks for years…LOL So who knows! LOL
I just know if they set the BAIT RIGHT they can get us, and if not us, then some other poor smuck!
Yep, educating the public is going to be difficult because it really is an individual thing. It’s about looking realistically into yourself and into the state of humanity. Too bad they don’t teach that in school.
Sky, they don’t teach a lot of math, history and English in school, and we expect them to teach social skills as well? Teachers are complaining that kids show up for first grade not potty trained, and we expect WHAT?
ohhhhh, you’re right!
makes me sad.
Hi Skylar & Oxy,
Today I got a new client and when I looked at what she did for a living my eyebrows went up. A probation officer…
Lawd, I couldn’t help myslef. She started chatting and I said “So, you’re a probation officer? How exactly does that happen?” She laughed. I wasn’t laughing at all the STRESS in her back..ugh. She told me a couple of horror stories and then I ugred her to stop talking! 🙂
Me too….Some schools are actually teaching kids, but there are too many who are baby sitting and trying to socialize and potty train them. I’ve done historical programs in some great schools, but there are others I just shake my head.
My adopted son’s bio sister is going to Manhattan, NY, to teach for “Teach America” to pay off some of her student loans before she goes to law school, fortunately they have relatives there to sort of look after her. She is gonna be a “babe in the woods” when she gets there I am afraid. Never lived in a large town before…only small towns. It will be a culture shock for her I am sure. LOL She’s very bright and went to a good college so I am sure she will do okay, but gosh I dread the culture shock for her. LOL I was sure culture shocked when I moved to Los Angeles. LOL
Ana I can’t even imagine just how much stress that woman had in her back and I’m sure it woujldn’t have gone away if she had kept talking! OUCH! I wish you were here to give me a massage right now!
I’m starting to try to get some mobility back after 8 weeks of inactivity have left me weak as a kitten, stuff and sore. In fact, I may just spring for a massage. I sure need one. My legs felt like tree trunks today when I went for my walks, pushing just a little further each time…but walking with my cane in my hand in case Ii stepped wrong. With son D gone for the rest of the week I can’t afford to get completely “down” so I can’t take care of the critters.
I was able to play mine at his own game for quite a while at the end. I did a good job of making his life miserable, not nearly as much as he had mine, but just enough to get my own strength back. They don’t like to be reminded of their wrongdoings, so I reminded him every day for months and months….in great detail. He put up with it because he obviously thought there was still something to be gained with me. Little did he know.
His game had become so apparent to me at every turn that I started calling him Captain Obvious. He didn’t like that. I didn’t punch him or choke him or cheat or steal like he did to me, but I did lie to him. Honesty is a two-way street. He was not getting that from me any longer.
After all the research I’d done into his illness, I knew what I had to do. He wasn’t going to dump me when I was vulnerable. I built him up, stroked his ego just like he liked me to, raised him up just like he’d done to me soooo many times, and then just dumped him…out of nowhere and overnight. One day everything peachy keen, then the next day it’s over. His ability to ever contact me again is nonexistent.
I’m sure the way he feels about it doesn’t compare to that of someone who actually has a heart. What I do know is that he’s pissed and knows that I was the orchestrator of betrayal for a change, that he got played at his own game.
But I took it a step further and was able to contact his new girlfriend, whom he was living with at the time. I had emails and texts from him that I forwarded to her that he’d sent after she’d moved in. They professed his undying love for me and were deplorable in the way he spoke of her, that she was just a financier for him and that he couldn’t even stand to kiss her. Her reaction to that was to move out. Too bad, so sad….for him, because he can’t afford the rent alone. My intent was in no way to harm her, but to help her get out before he could do any more damage. And she appreciated it.
And now I’ve succeeded in moving forward with my life knowing that I spared at least one person a world of pain and misery. I warned her that if he did suck her back in again, to be very careful not to EVER confront him about a lie in person. Bad, bad idea unless she enjoys getting choked and punched in the face. There’s nothing I can do about all the other women he’ll lure into his disgusting web going forward, but I think I saved one. Or at least she’s aware of so many things that I wasn’t in the beginning. It’s better than nothing. And no, I’m not afraid of him and any retaliation. He’s a weak coward.
So sorry to hear about your sore body. At least you know it’s little steps at a time to get better. I’d be glad to give you a massage, but I hope you do get one, you’ll feel much better after.
How the heck are you caring for animals???