A relationship with a sociopath is a traumatic experience. The definition of physical trauma is a serious injury or shock to the body, as with a car accident or major surgery. It requires healing.
On an emotional level, a trauma is wound or shock that causes lasting damage to the psychological development of a person. It also requires healing.
To some degree, we can depend on our natural ability to heal. But just as an untreated broken bone can mend crooked, our emotional systems may become “stuck” in an intermediate stage of healing. For example we may get stuck in anger, bitterness, or even earlier stages of healing, such as fear and confusion.
This article is about my personal ideas about the healing path for full recovery from the emotional trauma caused by a relationship with a sociopath. I am not a therapist, although I have training in some processes and theories of personal and organizational development. My ideas are also the result of years of research into personality disorders, creative and learning processes, family dynamics, childhood development, recovery from addictions and trauma, and neurological research.
After my five-year relationship with a man I now believe to be a sociopath, I was physically and emotionally broken down. I was also terrified about my condition for several reasons. In my mid-fifties, I was already seeing evidence of several age-related diseases. But more worrisome than the premature aging was my social incapacitation. I was unable to talk about myself without crying, unable to do the consultative work I lived on, desperately in need of comfort and reassurance, unable to trust my own instincts.
I had been in long-term relationships almost my entire life. My instinct was to find another one to help me rebuild myself. But I knew that there was no safe “relationship of equals” for me now. I was too messed up. No one would take on someone as physically debilitated and emotionally damaged as I was, without expecting to be paid for it. Likewise, I was afraid of my inclination to bond sexually. The only type of person I could imagine attracting was another predator who would “help” me while draining whatever was left of my material and financial resources.
My challenge
So, for the first time in my life, I made a decision to be alone. Knowing that the relationship with the sociopath had involved forces in my personality that were out of my control, I also decided that my best approach to this recovery was to figure out what was wrong with me and fix it. At the time, I did not understand my role in fostering this relationship, except that I couldn’t get out of it. But I knew that what happened to me with the sociopath wasn’t just about him. It was also about me.
I also made a decision to manage my own recovery. I made this decision for several reasons. One was that no one else really understood the mechanics of this relationship. My friends offered emotional support, but they were as confused as I was about his hold on me and why I could not extricate myself. Second, I found no meaningful assistance from therapists who seemed unable to grasp that this was a traumatic relationship. Third, everyone I knew wanted me to get over it and get on with my life, which was simply impossible to do.
So I was not only alone, but proceeding on a path that no one else supported. I’m not sure where I found the certainty that it was the right thing to do. But I was certain, and I held onto that certainty through the years it took. Today, when I’m essentially at the end of the process, except for the ongoing work on myself that has little to do with the sociopath anymore, I look back at it as the greatest gift I ever gave myself. It was the hardest thing I ever did. And in its own weird way, the most fun.
Here is where I started. I knew that I wanted to discover and neutralize the causes of my vulnerability. I knew that my vulnerabilities pre-dated the sociopath, although he had exploited them and made them worse. I felt like my battered state and particularly the sharp emotional pain gave me something to work with that was clear and concrete, and possibly the emergence from my subconscious of a lot buried garbage that had been affecting my entire life. Ultimately, I did engage a therapist to assist me in uncovering some childhood memories, and then went back to my own work alone.
My personal goal may have been more ambitious than others who come to this site. I not only wanted to heal myself from the damage of this relationship. I intended to accomplish a deep character transformation that would change the way I lived. Before I met him I was superficially successful, but I was also an over-committed workaholic with a history of relationship disasters. Except for a lot of unpublished poetry and half-written books, I had made no progress on lifelong desire to live as a creative writer. I wanted to come out of this as a strong, independent person who could visualize major goals and manage my resources to achieve them.
Because I had no model for what I was trying to do, I did things that felt very risky at the time. For example, I consciously allowed myself to become bitter, an emotion I never allowed myself to feel before, because I was afraid of getting stuck there. I’ll talk about some of these risks in future pieces — what I did and how it came out. I learned techniques that I hear other people talking about here on Lovefraud, things that really helped to process the pain and loss. Some of them I adapted from reading about other subjects. Some of them I just stumbled upon, and later learned about them from books, after I’d begun practicing them.
Though not all of us may think about our recovery as deep transformation work, I think all of us recognize that our beliefs, our life strategies and our emotional capacities have been profoundly challenged. We are people who are characteristically strong and caring. Personal characteristics that seemed “good” to us brought us loss and pain. After the relationship, our challenge is to make sense of ourselves and our world again, when what we learned goes against everything we believed in.
What I write here is not a model for going through this recovery alone. I say I did this alone, but I recruited a therapist when I needed help. I encourage anyone who is recovering from one of these relationships to find a therapist who understands the trauma of abusive relationships, and that recommendation is doubled if, like me, you have other PSTD issues.
The healing path
Given all that, this article is the first of a series about the process of healing fully. I believe that Lovefraud readers who are far down their own recovery paths will recognize the stages. Those who are just recently out of their relationships may not be able to relate to the later stages. But from my experience, my observations of other people’s recovery, and from reading the personal writings on Lovefraud, I think that all of our recovery experiences have similarities.
Since my own intention in healing was to figure out what was wrong with me and fix it, this recovery path is about self-healing, rather than doing anything to or about the sociopath. However there is a stage when we do want that. We want to understand who we were dealing with. We may want recognition of our victimization, revenge or just fair resolution. There is nothing wrong with feeling that way. It is a stage of recovery, and an important one.
My ideas owe a lot to the Kubler-Ross grief model, as well as to recovery processes related to childhood trauma, codependency and addiction. I also owe a great deal to the writing of Stephen M. Johnson, whose Humanizing the Narcissistic Affect and Characterological Transformation: the Hard Work Miracle provided invaluable insights and encouragement.
Here is the path as I see it.
1. Painful shock
2. Negotiation with pain
3. Recognition with the sociopath
4. Anger
5. Measurement of damage
6. Surrender to reality of damage
7. Review of identity after damage
8. Rebuilding life strategies
9. Practice
The words here are very dry, and I apologize for that. The experience, as we all know, is more emotional than intellectual, though it taxes our thinking heavily.
From what I’ve experienced and seen, some of these stages may occur simultaneously. We may feel like we’re in all of them, but working particularly in one stage more than the others. In my case, I often found that I was “going around and around the same mountain,” returning to a previous stage but at a higher level than before.
There is no specific mention of depression in this list. This is because I regard it as a kind of brown-out of our emotional system, when we are simply too overwhelmed by facts and feelings that conflict with our beliefs and identities. Depression can happen at any time in this path, but feelings of depression are most likely to occur in Stage 6. Terrible as depression may feel, I believe it is evidence of a deep learning process, where our conscious minds are resisting new awareness that is developing at a deeper level.
This path is a model of adult learning. It would be equally valid in facing and surmounting any major life change. If you are familiar with the Kubler-Ross grief model which was developed to describe the challenges involved with bereavement, this model will look familiar. It is essentially an extension of Kubler-Ross into a post-traumatic learning model. The trauma may be the loss of a loved one, a divorce, a job loss or change, or any of the major stressors of life.
This is all about learning and evolving. If the path is traveled to its end, we emerge changed but improved and empowered. We have given up something to gain something more. The fact that this change is triggered by trauma may cause us to think that it’s a bad thing for a while, but ultimately we come to realize that we have not only recovered from a painful blow, we have truly become more than we were before.
What drives us to heal
The future articles in this series will explore the stages, their value to us and how we “graduate” from one to the next.
Our struggle to get over this experience involves facing our pain, which is the flip side of our intuitive knowledge of we need and want in our lives. Those needs draw us through the recovery process, like beacons on a far shore guide a ship on a stormy sea. To the extent that we can bring these needs up into conscious awareness, we can move through the path more directly, because it programs our thinking to recognize what helps and what does not.
Here are a few ideas about where we think we’re going. I hope they will stimulate some discussion here, and that you will add your own objectives to the list.
1. To relieve the pain
2. To release our unhealthy attachment to the sociopath
3. To recover our ability to love and trust
4. To recover confidence that we can take care of ourselves
5. To recover joy and creativity in our lives
6. To gain perspective about what happened
7. To recover the capacity to imagine our own futures
Finally, I want to say again how grateful I am to be writing here on Lovefraud. As you all know, it is not easy to find anyone who understands our experience or what it takes to get over it.
I have been working on a book about this recovery path for several years. The ideas I’m presenting here have been developed in solitude, and “tested” to a certain extent in coaching other victims of sociopathic relationships who entered my life while I was working on my own recovery. But I’ve never had the opportunity before to share them with a group of people who really know and understand what I am talking about.
I respect every stage of the recovery path — the attitudes and voices of those stages, their perspectives and the value they provide to us. So if you find me more philosophic, idealistic or intellectual than you feel right now, believe me that I have been through every bit of it. If you had met at different places on the path, you would have found a stunned, weepy, embittered, distraught, outraged or depressed person. I was in the angry phase for a very long time. I had reason to feel that way, and it was the right way for me to be at the time.
I believe the stages are a developmental process that builds, one stage to the next, to make us whole. I also believe that this healing process is natural to us, and what I’m doing here is describing something that has been described by many people before me, but not necessarily in this context.
Your thoughts and feedback are very important to me.
Namaste. The healing wisdom in me salutes the healing wisdom in you.
gem, in fact, could it have been one of her friends or family members? I hope they get to the bottom of it quickly. i would hate to see this child suffer because of something done without her consent or knowledge.
that said, your boundaries were good and towanda strong! xxxxo
Thanks Star: hope you are well and doing alright this day.
I think that little word: CHOICE makes all the difference in the world; doesn’t it? OUR CHOICE. THEY have a choice too but they don’t care because they LIKE being who they are….
“Self awareness” is the only ground I have to stand on right now, Star. I am literally re building myself from the ground up. 60 years worth of ‘rebuilding’…kind of like an earthquake retrofit! 😉
Have a great day ~ going to be out of here soon.
I will pop back in after my SPECIAL DATE for the day!
mwahhhhhhhhhhh! xxoo
It will be 3 months soon that I have not spoken a PEEP to x sp….
That is about “ITs” limit before “IT’ tries to contact me again. “IT” will get bored and feel lonely and lost, having exasperated all the new connections for a bit…”IT” only contacts me when “IT” is up to something…..or has no where else to go. “IT” never ‘gets it’ when I tell “IT” to just go away. “IT” never listens but just keeps barging “ITs” way back into my life, over and over again. I WANT IT TO STOP and WILL MAKE IT STOP THE NEXT TIME. I do not bother “IT”, in anyway whatsoever, “IT” should NOT be bothering ME. That is what I requested and THAT is what I expect.
I just know, though, at any moment, “IT” is going to be checking in with me again; trying to see if I will respond. It only stopped trying to taunt me a few weeks ago and I have not responded, not once. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT DESERVES. “IT” earned that. They don’t like it when YOU are the one who throws them away, before THEY have a chance…hahahahahaha
It was classic and if I could have gotten it on tape, I would definitely post it up on YOUTUBE so you all could see it. IT WAS GREAT and “IT” sent me a message, afterwards that it was just so totally unexpected. “IT” never thought I would so completely END IT; just like that. ;o
I don’t want “IT” to contact me anymore. I will never speak another word to it again, as long as I live. I think if the sky opened up, angels descended, doves flew and trumpets blared, I would STILL not want “IT” around me, ever again. I GOT THAT MUCH DOWN! 🙂
Okay….I am outta here!
Take care of each other….
See you all on the ‘flipside’.
I just don’t know HOW I am going to respond to the next intrusion. I know it’s coming, just don’t know ‘when’ or ‘how’. I know how I FEEL about it: no response but will my instantaneous reactions overtake me and will I get mad and hateful and speak like a demon back to it. I think everything has already been said that needs to be said. I am tired of talking to “IT” and dealing with “IT” and perhaps I could be ‘so forgiving’ to overlook a murder attempt but I really don’t think so. There comes a moment where you draw the line no matter how you feel or have felt and you stick to it.
Have a happy day you guys.
I am not looking forward to “ITs” next contact and plan on avoiding it at all costs, if possible. If I get a surprise visit,
“IT” will have five seconds to remove ITSELF from my doorway before the police arrive.
Vanilla ice cream with whipping cream and EXTRA HOT FUDGE, please….X-X-HOT FUDGE! 🙂
The reason I do NOT “sponsor” a child through these groups who play on your sentiments, is that first of all, in general only a SMALL fraction of the money you send actually gets to the kid….the organizations, many of them, have highly paid executives who live high on the hog and the kids are like “Pity ploys” that get people to send in a “sponsorship” payment every month for YEARS!
I have spent considerable time in third-world countries and have visions of starving children etched forever on my retina that can never be erased….but my charity dollars go 100% directly to people who are in need, and they may never know where the money came from but they get it ALL, there is no “middle man” to take a cut to pay for advertising on the late night television or hire a private jet for the CEO of the “non-profit” organization.
To start with, even if it IS THE CHILD sending these messages, a 16 yr old in that world is an “adult” and she is obviously learning to be a CON. My suggestion is that you not only block her or anyone else from FB, but to CUT OFF the sponsorship completely and if you want to do some good, take that same amount of money and give it to your local DV shelter, or food bank for DV victims or whatever the other charity of your choice is.
I too have my concerns about “nonprofits” as this does not mean the executives of such organizations do not make a lot of money.
While there are many good ones, anyone making a donation to do some research beforehand.
I watched the mump and smoot youtube. Pretty funny. I was intrigued by the faces being made by the doctor guy (not sure if he is mump or smoot). In the last couple of years, my spath began to make a similar facial expression when he was working on projects. He would stick his tongue against his upper lip and put on a face of intense concentration. Now understand, that I had known him for 25 YEARS and he never made that face before. A facial expression like that is a part of your personality that you are likely to have for most of your life. It’s like wrinkling your brow, or biting the inside of your cheek. But this came on suddenly. I now understand that he was just trying on another persona, doing something he saw others do.
The last few years of knowing him, were like this. His mask was coming undone, more and more. I think that’s the real reason he had to get rid of me. He couldn’t stand to see me peak under the mask and see him as anything less than magnificent. Several weeks after we broke up, I went to the airport and saw him He looked and smelled worse than a homeless person. He was really upset that I saw him that way. He wanted me to leave so badly, but I stayed and kept talking to him. It made him visibly uncomfortable. He had not been maintaining his mask.
Dear Duped,
How are you? Glad to see that you are getting out of the house a little bit – ice cream sounds like just the thing! It’s almost ninety out here in the East, so I can only imagine how hot it must be out there in SoCal…
It’s good to see that you are keeping up your resolve about N/C. It looks like you have the right idea. However, I think you should take it even one step further, and stop asking yourself “What will I do?/ How will I respond?” etc. In other words, it doesn’t have to be a mystery WHAT you will do. Because – as Oxy is always pointing out – it isn’t a matter of chance, but of CHOICE. Remember, YOU are the one who is in control here!
Here’s my two cents worth of advice: If he calls, don’t answer the phone. If he keeps calling, change your number (inconvenient, but worth the effort). If he comes to the door, don’t answer. (And DON’T SAY A SINGLE WORD TO HIM THROUGH THE DOOR!) In fact, don’t even say “I’m calling the police now” – just call them and wait silently. (And if you don’t have a PFA, get one.) Yes, Duped, silence is the only appropriate response here – SILENCE, SILENCE SILENCE, AND MORE SILENCE. (Meaning Absolute and unequivocal Silence.) Even if you happen to meet outside, just put your head down and walk away – but not one word, not one syllable. Anything less than that and he/IT wins. (Harsh but true.)
Just remember, Duped, that YOU can determine how this thing plays out – if you WILL it and follow your resolution through to the end. I think you will succeed at this, you just need to keep reminding yourself how you can’t ever let him get a foot in the door. Which means that ANY communication whatsoever is highly inadvisable. All it will take is you falling into the trap of yelling at him or arguing with him -and VOILA! – you’re right back where you started.
I know you already know this, but it’s just so important to remember that there is no “soft” version of the No Contact Principle: rather, it’s an extreme “cure” that admits of no compromise or half-measures. Cutting out 99.9 percent of a malignant tumor might sound like good work, but you don’t have to be a veteran Oncologist to know that it’s precisely the .1% that will end up killing you!
Haha, that’s actually not a bad analogy! Perhaps we can start referring to this procedure as a “radical spathectomy”! Which means, of course, that there’s no excuse for getting namby-pamby with your scalpel, Warrior Woman!
At any rate, Duped, I just wanted to give you a little “daily pep talk”! But aside from that, its nice to see you making so much progress and finding some degree of happiness in your life. It’s about time!
Love and best wishes to you.
Dear Constantine,
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Great analogy!!!!
Keep in mind, too, that RAT POISON is 99.9% PURE WHOLESOME CORN MEAL…. LOL
BBE, I used to donate hhigh quality livestock females to Heifer Project, International. A friend of mine also who was a Vet would go to South America every year and donate his time taking care of livestock in 3rd world countries for them…but then they got “big” and they didn’t want livestock donations any more but wanted $$$$$$ and they got into the “touchy feely” feel-good eco carp and their CEO got a big salary and all that so I quit donating.
A few years ago I took a group of college students for the college where I worked to their “ranch” which is near my home and the animals at the ranch were SO poorly cared for and covered with flies I was absolutely upset. At least I was able to know they didn’t have any more of my stock or donations.
I am very careful where I donate my limited resources. I am not able to donate as much as I did before I retired and qualified for poverty—but every cent of what I do donate goes to where it will do GOOD not to someone who is out to take advantage of a non-profit tax status. Not all non-profits are bad, I don’t mean that at all, but when you INVESTIGATE them you get some REAL SURPRISES about which ones are great and do good and which ones are not all that great!
Hello Constantine: So happy to read you. I hope you are doing alright. I thought of you today and where you might be hiding. 🙂
Thanks for responding to me. It means a lot. xxoo
I copied and emailed your response to me up there ^ so that I can read it to myself whenever I want. It’s definitely worth hanging onto and I thank you so much.
Well, I just returned home. I got to my Daughter’s around noon and me and my Grand Daughter went to Baskin Robbins and got ourselves exactly what we wanted and then wandered over to the mall where we shopped until we dropped! hahahaha 🙂
It is always such a TREAT and an immense JOY in my world when her and I can have some time together. She is like a little ‘mini=daughter’ and it always amazes me how similar they are.
BOTH just a true joy and it has always been that way.
I don’t know what I am going to do when “IT” shows up around here again and I just know “IT” will, Constantine. I am not expecting the next visit to be so ‘amicable’ as the last as I have pretty much put up some pretty explicit charges and I fully intend to follow them through. I never say anything I don’t mean. I am one of those extraordinary people who only says what they mean and means exactly what they say. I have never been the kind you have to second question because I am always pretty straight forward and stand on my word. Unlike others we know of; right?
That is ONE THING that has never changed about me and will NEVER change. I MADE MYSELF and OWE NOBODY anything other THAN WHAT I SAY. How’s THAT for ‘big girl britches’? 🙂
I still have feelings for that person I used to know and it’s killing me inside. I don’t know or understand HOW but I do. I think it’s that ‘betrayal bond’ thing going on. Is that the next phase or what? Is it? I will be alright if I just keep FORCING myself to LIVE and not ruminate and dwell in yesterday. I have to let that dream go now. BUT HE WON’T. I just know he won’t. And the next time he pulls one of his surprise visits, will he succeed in killing me? Will he? I wonder, always. It isn’t easy living life like this: always wondering and waiting – I have told him a hundred times, if once, when he has threatened me: “Don’t threaten me, just bring it on. We can do this.” And I mean it and so does the local police department. They like me WITHOUT all the paperwork so he can be as transient as he wishes….
I blocked him several months ago from calling any of my telephones. I specifically BLOCKED HIM and all of the other part of the ‘circus’ that was trying to contact me FOR “IT”. One by one they all made it to the ‘blocked’ list and I absolutely REFUSE to speak to “IT” on the telephone. ALL HE DOES IS YELL AND RANT AND RAVE LIKE A CRAZY PERSON ANYWAYS. There is NEVER anything nice about hearing from “IT”.
HE WILL COME TO MY DOOR OR APPROACH ME OUTSIDE ON THE STREET. I always have my cellphone and have no problem dialing 9-1-1; it’s always a pleasure to meet ‘the men in blue’, around here…more like ‘family’ than cops. I don’t want to physically HURT him, Constantine. But I will tell you this much: I WILL DEFEND MYSELF. I won’t go out of my way to harm him, but I WILL DEFEND MYSELF.
You said to just stay inside and not open the door to the ‘boogeyman’. Somehow that goes against everything that has made me who I am, Constantine. 🙂 I think you already know that. You said don’t even speak to him through the door…
Well, I have no peep holes to look out and I am actually quite well ‘held up’…when people knock on my door, instead of opening it, I always say: “Who’s there?” I know his knock. But that doesn’t mean it can’t change. I ALWAYS ASK WHO IS THERE. And, if I ever am returned the response that it is “IT”, yes, he will have five seconds to get away from my door. ONE MINUTE RESPONSE TIME to my house. (I am so grateful).
I have been repeatedly asked if I think he would harm me.
Unequivocally, YES. I am NOT in the least bit ‘afraid’ of “IT” but that doesn’t mean “IT” won’t TRY. See my point?
I stick pretty close to home and that’s fine with me. I love my home and I AM retired now, so it’s not like I have anything NEEDING to be done; know what I mean? I just know it is going to come, sooner or later…
Like the ‘final showdown’; hm? It’s coming. I just know it.
You say not to think about it; just to move on…but, Dear Constantine, a person MUST keep alert and keep themselves safe. I am an old hand at this kind of stuff. He is definitely dealing with THE WRONG PERSON this time. I am not going to go out of my way to make any waves nor problems for “IT”. BUT: at my demise, “IT” will be dealt with and I have the full support of everyone involved. I AM ENTITLED TO LIVE THE REST OF WHAT LIFE I HAVE LEFT WITHOUT THE DRAMA OF A COURT BATTLE. I DONT HAVE THAT MUCH TIME.
When I said good bye, I informed “IT” that the best thing “IT” could do for “ITSELF” was to seek ‘counsel’. And, I meant it.
Only I am not going to fight this battle with what time I have left here on earth…I am going to spend the rest of what I have, loving my family; taking care of myself and making MYSELF happy, whatever that takes. With the honor and the grace and the dignity that this life, this gift, deserves.
I was spared when I had my heart attack for a reason and a purpose and while I used to think I came back to do numerous things, I have found that I was spared to come back to MYSELF.
This isn’t just about “IT”. “IT” was lucky that “IT” didn’t get shot right between the eyes when I figured it out about the attempt….I am glad “IT” was miles and miles and miles away…
I am not a violent person and always try to see the good in everyone, even when there isn’t much. THREATS on my life are NOT something I take lightly. I feel: “better to error on the side of safety than to be dumb and make yourself easy prey…”
I should have lived that philosophy when giving out my heart and my caring and my concern. Maybe I wouldn’t be in this emotional HELL I Have been living.
Yes, exactly my point: SILENCE is the ONLY appropriate thing to enforce, no matter how I feel. Eternal silence. BUT: “IT” isn’t going to stop. “IT” will do something else if it can’t get to me. I KNOW THIS. It’s the old: “If I can’t have you, nobody will…” thing with “IT”. I have been RUNNING away from it for almost two years, steadily, and “IT” just never stops. IT will stop for a little while and, like I said, usually about 3 months, before IT starts up again. IT always starts with ‘stalking’ and ‘strangers’ contacting me; or trying to…since “IT” is blocked and all the other victims are, that I KNOW OF, “IT” has a whole range of people over the years, contacting me and I just want it to go away.
So, this is my plan, I am going to be moving to a safe zone.
The only people who will know where I am are my family.
“IT” will NEVER find me and NC will be complete.
You see, everyone, I have loved “IT” for many years now.
Despite itself. That unconditional kind of love. Sure, “IT” doesn’t deserve it, but it wasn’t “IT” that I loved. It was “HIM”; the “HIM” that was there before it turned rabid.
As I left “IT” there, standing by ITSELF, saying good bye to it…
with not a tear in my eye…I told “IT” that I just didn’t know who he was anymore and that I wasn’t going to continue playing this game. That is was finished and over. “IT” tried to kill me. THAT used to be MY BEST FRIEND before the DEMONS took it over…..
I COMPLETELY understand you – completely. No reaction.
That is what it takes. It’s difficult, especially when you see “IT” is lost but I just am not doing this anymore. I just am not.
And I mean every word. PFA: covered; always. 😉 Don’t you worry, Constantine. hehehehe There is a whole UNIT here that would LOVE to drag “IT” off to the big house; trust me.
“I” want to personally turn the key and drive to the ocean so I can toss that key right into the bottom of the ocean! 🙂
How is that for a paradox? Me: putting away what used to be considered my best friend, at one point in time. Just an amazing, unbelievable kind of thing. Truly.
The ice cream date went sooooooooooooooo well! 🙂
They didn’t even charge me for the EXTRA HOT FUDGE!
How can you beat that with a stick?
I am okay. THANK YOU::::HUGS:::::SMILES::::
BLESS YOU CONSTANTINE. Yes: “I” am in charge.
I just so hate to do it….you know?
Excellent analogy! I saved your response and put it on my desktop so I can read it to myself over and over again.
It’s that .1% that becomes infected and starts that cancerous tumor all over again…I completely relate.
hahaha: “radical spathectomy” – how about that…
new surgical procedure; haahahahahaha
Love you Constantine…
May the Angels rest on your pillow…