A couple of months ago I had emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. I’d been feeling discomfort for some time, but put it down to what I was eating, or simply the fact there was a lot of flu going around. And then, one Saturday morning I awoke to excruciating pain in my abdomen. I’d been having little mini-attacks off and on since Christmas, but they had only lasted a few minutes and once gone, could be ignored and even forgotten. But that last attack simply would not stop. My daughter called an ambulance and once in the hospital they told me I needed to have my gallbladder removed immediately.
After the surgery, I still wasn’t feeling up to par. I was constantly nauseous and tired. I told myself, it’s just the after-effect of the surgery. My body is ridding itself of the anesthesia and the gas they used to aid in the surgery. And then, one week after the surgery, I had another attack, this time, without a gallbladder to cause the pain.
Back in hospital, they told me there were still stones in my digestive track. Through another procedure, they divested me of as many stones as possible, and to ensure any remaining stones left my body without getting stuck in a duct, they inserted two stents at the opening to my pancreas.
I thought I’d feel better immediately, but I still felt lousy. Nauseous. Uncomfortable. Tired. After three weeks, they removed the stents and one day after the surgery, I awoke and it was like magic. I felt energized. Like my old self again!
I mention that process because it was so like what happened to me while I was with the sociopath. At first, I didn’t notice the little anxiety attacks that kept undermining my peace of mind. I didn’t notice the ebbing out of my energy, the sucking away of my calm.
As the relationship progressed from its early beginnings of ”˜perfect love’ into the terror and horror of that imperfect lie in the name of love, I began to feel continuously out of sorts. Constantly tired, and sore. At one point, every muscle in my body ached, every joint pained me. Getting out of bed in the morning was a process of rolling slowly onto my side, easing my aching body over the edge of the bed and onto the floor so that I could slowly, painfully straighten up and begin a careful walk towards the bathroom. When I walked with my dog, my fists were clenched by my sides and no amount of concentration would keep them unclenched. In my chest, there was a constant, knife-like pain that wouldn’t ebb. Breathing deeply was next to impossible, and breathing freely a distant memory long forgotten.
I told myself, it’s just a flu-bug. It’s part of ageing. It’s stress. It’s anything but a reaction to the excruciating horror of living with his evil machinations undermining my well-being.
To cope, to keep myself sane within the context of that relationship, I began to amputate more and more of my emotional self. No matter what feeling I let go of, however, errant wafts of pain would trouble my mind like phantom limbs reminding an amputee of all he’d lost. As I tumbled further and further into hell, I thought my body was rejecting me, not because of the sociopath, but rather, because I was not ‘doing it right’, not ‘being enough’ for him. If only I could be more perfect. Be more flexible. More loving. More caring. Furiously I attempted to amputate everything about me until I had left to cling to was the lie of the ”˜love’ he fed me through every weave and warp of his deceit. Without relief from the constant diet of terror that was my life with him, I began to feel like my entire being was being eaten away, cell by cell, by some mysterious, unknown disease.
I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I didn’t dare go to a doctor. He’d told me any attempt to seek medical help would only make the mess I’d created in his life greater. Hearing only his voice roaring in my head, I lost my ability to discern between what made sense and what was sheer stupidity. I needed help but didn’t dare reach out for it, except through him.
I never once connected my unease to his discord. I never once acknowledged that he was the cancer eating away at my peace of mind. That was a truth that was too terrifying to face and so I turned inward, futilely attempting to cauterize the continuous bleeding away of my life-force by stilling the voice of reason buried deep within my mind.
And then he was removed by the police and I awoke to the devastation of my life.
At first, I didn’t want to look at what had happened to me. I wanted to hide my head in shame and sorrow, to chastise myself for having been so stupid, so blind, so naïve. But heaping self-denigration and blame upon myself would only have continued his abuse. Just as trying to make sense of his nonsense would only have kept his abuse alive in my life, I had to learn to turn up for me in all my wounded parts without judging myself for falling to pieces. I had to begin the process of putting my humpty, dumpty self together again with tender loving care.
I had to face the truth. I had been abused. Duped. Lied to. Deceived. Manipulated. Destroyed by the man who had promised to love me ”˜til death do us part, and who had then proceeded to spin the deadly web of his deceit into my demise.
I had to learn to love myself, exactly as I was. Tto ease my pain and sorrow, woundedness and terror, I had to learn to be at peace with where I was, to accept what I had done, and to forgive myself for having gone so far from where I’d meant to be.
In acknowledging that in loving him I had given up on me, I began to heal. Within two days of his arrest, my joints quit hurting. When I walked, my hands hung comfortably by my sides. The pain in my chest evaporated. In facing the horrible truth of what had happened to me, I began to claim the emotions I had so furiously amputated in my desperate desire to pretend that what he was doing was all about love.
What he did had nothing to do with love. And what I was doing while with him had nothing to do with love either. It had everything to do with abuse.
Since being freed from that relationship almost five years ago, I have learned to turn up for me, no matter where I am, or how I’m feeling. I have learned to love myself, warts and all and to embrace the truth of who I am, even when I feel like hiding from myself.
Today I know the truth and celebrate it every moment of every day. I am a woman of worth. A woman worthy of loving herself for all she’s worth, with all she’s got. In loving myself, no matter my condition, I have given myself the gift I’ve always searched for, unconditional love.
I passed out at work yesterday and had to go to the hospital. My body just shut down. I hadnt eaten and was dehydrated. My girlfriend came to the hospital and stayed with me. I made no attempt to call him. This is almost too painful to think about. The hospital social worker came and and talked to me and had an advocate from the domestic abuse center in our area come over and talk to me. I went over to my girlfriend and got a couple hours sleep. when I got home neither he or the baby were home. He called shortly after I got home and I told him I had been in the hospital. He said he was on his way. I was stupid enough to think that perhaps he felt some compassion in his heart and wanted to make sure I was alright. He brought the baby right in and left. Last night was his pool night and God forbid anything should stand in the way of that. God is good the baby was asleep and stayed asleep until he returned about midnight. I am at work and so grateful for the support of my coworkers. My boss called last night and we talked for a while. She has 4 boys and went thru a messy divorce several years ago herself so she understands. Once I get this move out of the way at least that will be one less thing to worry about. I have post partum depression. I am calling the dr today to see about some medication. My supervisor came over to me this morning and told me to just take it easy today. I really should be home but I may just leave early. I dont feel much better this morning but I am alive and thats good.
I am glad we are hearing from you. Sometimes it takes a big thing to happen for people to step up and help out. I hope you will stay in contact with the DV advocate. I am sure they will have lots of resources for you to use. There are professional people out there to help you through this crisis.
I was just looking for some resources for you when I saw your post. My offer still stands if you need more help.
Aloha… :o)
It’s good that you are going to see the doctor and are getting support from people at work. Keeping in touch with the Domestic Abuse Center advocate is a good idea, like Aloha said. Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom to realize we need to bring some changes in our lives. But the good point is you can only go up from there. You sound like a very strong woman and yes, it is good that you’re alive. Your baby needs you. I’ll be praying for you. Keep posting and let us know how you’re doing. *hugs*
Dear Livinglovingme,
I agree with Aloha and Ariadne, and am so glad that you contacted the DA advocate, and that your boss is so understanding, that hellps a great deal I am sure.
Seeing your physician for some medication is good too, but also be aware that it takes time for the medeication to kick in and that you ALSO need some psycho therapy (talk therapy) as well. It is important when you have been as LOW as you have been that you don’t take the medications without some therapy as well. ESPECIALLY if you have had thoughts of wanting to die or suicidal ideation of any kind.
I know that you may feel that you don’t have time or energy for therapy, but NOW is when you need it the MOST. Check with your Domestic Abuse advocate for some recommendations, even a support group will help.
USE ALL your available resources and sometimes when we are very low we don’t even SEE that we have resources available, as we are so overwhelmed with just putting one foot in front of the other that we become “blind” to anything except our current pain and stress.
BE KIND TO YOURSELF, be as kind to yourself as you would be to someone else in your situation. Make yourself EAT, and arrange for sleep–ask your friends for help with the baby if you must. No one has unlimited physical or emotional strength and when you are in emotional chaos it decreases your physical strength and when you push on in spite of the increasing tiredness your mind doesn’t think as clearly as you need it to. It is like a hamster on a wheel, the faster he goes, the quicker he gets NO WHERE, or the harder he falls when he is thrown off the wheel.
You have many people praying for you from this site and sending you positive energy and support. Please keep us informed how you are doing and we are rooting for you. ((((hugs)))) and always prayers!
Glad to hear from you. You’ve got a lot of people here pulling for you. We’ve all been there, it is so painful, these assholes are not worth it, but we loved them so much, believed all their lies, their manipulations, it’s so hard to let go of that hope. And when they let us down–which invariably they do, like when your S came by, dropped the baby off and just left–it is the bitterest of disappointments because we so hoped the lie was all real and when we realize it isn’t and never was, we have to face the loneliness–at first it feels like death–the fear, the insecurity, the hard things in life–even the good things in life–without that one person we used to believe with all our hearts would always be there for us.
And so we hope for that miracle. But the day comes when we accept that *that* miracle is never going to happen. And that’s when we start looking for another miracle, a different miracle, one we ourselves help create. Not necessarily a relationship with another man, although maybe that too, but a sense of purpose and meaning that we never would have had otherwise.
I don’t know. I know it is hard to find hope in the beginning. It just takes time. Be kind to yourself. Let others be kind to you. Right now just taking care of basic physical needs for you and your baby will probably take all your attention and in the meantime the healing will begin.
Livinglovingme. I was so relieved to read your contribution and I prayed for you last night. Take all the help that is offered to you and take special care of yourself.
Thank you all so much for your responses. I feel better today and my coworkers have been wonderful. Even my male boss came over to my desk today with an apple, banana and some pretzels. And everyone is making sure that I eat. There is a silver lining to the cloud. I was talking to a friend of mine about the move. I planned on getting movers, a potentially expensive deal. He is willing to show up with a bunch of his friends and move me if I will rent a u haul truck. God is good.I have spent so much money on this fool over the last year what with the move and having to buy new appliances I am just about tapped out so any savings is a blessing.
Alohatraveler, thank you for your offer. I am very happy to accept any help to get past this.
Yes, GOD IS GOOD, and when “God is all you have, God is all you need” if you keep looking up. I don’t think we can “lay down on the job” and not do our part, but if you reach out to the HELPING HANDS THAT ARE THERE, there will be enough. It is sometimes just difficult to see them when we are in such shock, under stress and in so much pain.
I think of an old joke about the guy in the flood who climbed up on his roof and prayed to God to save him. A little while later a boat came by and offered to take him off the roof, and the man said “No, I prayed to God and HE WILL SAVE ME.” A little while later a helicopter flew over rand offered to pull him up and he gave the helicopter the same response, Then another boat with the same response, and finally the waters rose up and covered him and he drowned.
When he got to heaven he said to God, “I prayed to you to save me and you didn’t, why not?” God replied, “I sent you two boats and a helicopter, why didn’t you get on one of them?”
Seeing and then USING our resources and the resources that I think God provides is very important to us. I know that I have rejected “help” that was available in the past, advice that I should have taken, all because I was either too “crazy” with stress to actually see them, or so self-willed that I wanted to “take care of myself by my self”—and accepting help is a gift that we can give to the giver, as much as it is a gift to us to be helped.
I am so glad that things are starting to pull together at this point and that your bosses and coworkers are pulling for you and your friends are there to help you. Reach out for those gifts of help and use your resources until you have your strength and sanity returned—and all of that will come, but right now, you need some help to cope with this insanity that you have been living through. I always thought giving help was OK, but that asking for help wasn’t OK–but now I know that both giving help and asking for help are wonderful ways to heal. God bless, you and your children.
I have tons of time on Saturday and Sunday. I will scour the Internet to see what I can find in your area. Did the Social Worker and Domestic Abuse advocate give you any resources. Those are probably the best place to start.
I think Donna gave my personal address? If she did, feel free to use it. I work from 3pm to 11pm most week days so I am almost always on in the morning.
in the meantime, focus on the goodness of the people that are extending out a hand. This is love and relationship.. not the stuff that your ex has been putting you through.
I am making meatloaf again. I love my Turkey Meatloaf. I have to work A LOT next week and my little slices of meatloaf remind me… I LOVE ME. :o)
How are you feeling today? Just wanted to add my support to you. I cannot tell you to please feel good, or feel grateful … I know how impossible that is right now. Just be kind to yourself, and know that every feeling you have is valid. The bad thing about time healing all wounds is that it takes … well, time. Time means waiting, and sometimes we get impatient with our own healing. I can hardly wait until I’m “well” again. Prayers for you today, and ((hugs)).