There was a time when all I felt grateful for was the absence of his voice, for just an hour or two from the phone.
There was a time when what I was most grateful for was knowing he was somewhere else, somewhere where I wasn’t.
There was a time when I was grateful not to think of him, for just a moment, or an hour, maybe even, if I was really strong, for half a day.
There was a time.
And now, the times have changed. The times have shifted, the sands have fallen differently, ever changing, in the hour glass of the passing of the time when he was all I thought of, all I saw, all I believed I would ever live with in my life.
The times they have changed.
Today I gave a presentation to a group of about 50 people on how to make a difference — in your life, in the life of your community, in this city, in the world. My presentation as on behalf of The United Way, an agency that helped me get counselling when I first was released from the hell of that relationship that almost killed me.
I am grateful, I told the audience, for the support of The United Way because, they, along with my friends and family who stood by me, gave me the tools and the help I needed to start rebuilding my life. To start reclaiming all that was lost and so much more.
That’s the thing about a relationship with a psychopath/sociopath. The relationship leaves you drained — of all resources, of all energy, of all sense of self. We survived their passing through our lives and in the end, we wonder, will we ever breathe freely again? Will we ever feel like ourselves again? Will we ever trust, love, give our hearts again?
Recently, I was teaching a self-esteem course at the homeless shelter where I work. I asked the students, what are you grateful for? One man, about thirty years old, answered. I’m grateful for going to jail. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Because of being imprisoned, I got sober. And that’s how I want to live the rest of my life.
The conman experience was one of the best things that ever happened in my life. Sure, going through that journey was hell. I despaired that I would survive. I’m lucky I did. But, in having come out of the other side, I know, without a doubt, that that encounter freed me from my self-limiting beliefs that were keeping me from living the life of my dreams. That relationship forced me to look at myself and claim — I deserve all the world has to offer. I deserve to be free.
These relationships are hell. They test us. Try us. Destroy our belief in ourselves. Destroy our faith in humanity. And in the end, they leave us looking for a miracle, trying to find ourselves beneath the painful memories that keep us stuck in believing, we will never be free.
It’s all in our perspective.
We can look at their passing through our lives as the worst thing that ever happened to us — or we can look at their passing through our lives as the most astonishing thing that ever happened to us. We can find the value in their passing through or we can stay stuck in believing they were all we are worth. We can dig into the dirt of the turmoil, the angst, and the pain they dumped upon us and wallow in its weight, or we can dig out from beneath the dirt and claim our right to stand, fully illuminated in the sun of our new day dawning upon the truth of who we are when we choose to live up to our highest good, freed from the belief we are not good enough, not well enough, not enough.
We are enough. Just the way we are. We give enough. Do enough. Are enough.
Coming through the hell of that relationship I have had enough of living small, of living under the lies of someone else’s disorderly conduct. I have had enough of being who someone else tells me I must be. I have had enough.
Freed from believing someone else had the right to determine my worth, I claim my right to live up to my true value. I claim my right to determine my worth by every word, every deed, every action I take today.
I am not the woman who was abused.
I am a woman who has claimed her right to live freely in the rapture of now. I am a woman who claims her right to be all she is meant to be when she ‘turns up, pays attention, speaks her truth and stays unattached to the outcome.’ I am a Woman of Worth. A real WoW!
You are too.
If you feel less than, other than, bothered by or determined by his insistence that your only value is based upon what you give him or bring to him or what he gives you or says you are, shake yourself free. Give yourself the gift of knowing — he is just a conman, or conwoman. Their only purpose in life is to live off the well-meaning intentions of those around them. Their only purpose is to find their value in the devastation they cause in the world around them.
You are better than that. More than he could ever imagine.
Shake yourself free of believing he was the ‘worst’ thing that ever happened to you and embrace the reality of his passing through your life — you are free. In freedom, you can make choices that support you, nurture you and celebrate your magnificence.
Don’t let one man take the present of you and turn it into a burden for years to come.
Give yourself the gift of freedom. Acknowledge the gift of wisdom that comes with having lived through the experience of a conman in your life. Gift yourself the knowing — you are more than he could ever have imagined. You are more than you ever dreamed of. You are free to be your most amazing self because he is gone and you have nothing more to hold onto. The beauty of holding onto nothing is — you have nothing to lose. And with nothing to lose you are free to be your most incredible, amazing, magnificent self. Holding onto nothing, no one can take your most amazing self away from you.
Live it up. Live it free. Shift your anger and regret to gratitude and Live your best life yet!
I am!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May your life be filled with abundance, love and joy.
Oxy, in reponse to your post to Sara,
its so creepy… the fact that there is no emotional connection at all….just an OBJECT….how sad not be able to make any real bond ….sometimes it takes a while to figure that one out….
Teacher, sara and Spirit,
Yes, it is “sad” that there are people who “play” others for their own gratification, and in different ways, some of them “get off” on playing others, some “get off” on the feeling of superiority, and some “get off” on the sex and/or control, or lthe humiliation….like Teacher’s “pr%$K tease” and like the others. They don’t they can’t “connect” except by control and/or exploitation. But I do NOT feel sad for them, because in spite of the genetic propensity and maybe some environmental kick in that direction, THEY HAVE CHOICES just like we do, and they KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG, they just don’t care.
So in the end, they choose to do this, knowing full well what they are doing, enjoying the glee they feel lfrom a successful accomplishment for them of “winning” in the games they play.
Sure, I know they are hollow, shallow and pathetic excuses for a human being (at best) and realize I was DUPED, HORN SWAGGLED, BETRAYED, TRICKED, CONTROLED but I choose not to let this RUIN the rest of MY LIFE.
I can ALSO CHOOSE—and I CHOOSE TO DISCONNECT FROM THEM. Without me being connected to them, witout my pain, THEY LOSE, I WIN.
Oxy, your right I agree its not SAD but sick and twisted… why is it only about the mind games, the fact they like to “win”….if they know right from wrong then why not choose right? when I was doing my research , they call it arrested moral development.
One of the first terms used to “name” what we call “psychopathy” was “moral insanity” and personally I think it fits the best of all, they are MORALLY INSANE, they have NO connection to morality or respect for right, good, just, or fair. If that is not moral insanity I don’t know what is.
Just as an “insane” person is out of touch with reality and cannot know the difference between what is and what they imagine or see or hear (that no one else can see or hear) the morally insane are out of touch with morality and cannot see that right, fair or just is anything but a loosing proposition, they want what they want right now, and don’t care who it hurts, or at worst, they ENJOY HURTING others.
At best they don’t care if you or anyone else suffers, and yes that must be an empty life. No matter what they get that they think will “make them happy” it never seems to do so for long.
But they are so convincing at being hurt, at being sorry..Oh those tear’s and the pity….I will never forget it.
Oxy…in reading your above posts….
“But I do NOT feel sad for them, because in spite of the genetic propensity and maybe some environmental kick in that direction, THEY HAVE CHOICES just like we do, and they KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG, they just don’t care.”
“So in the end, they choose to do this, knowing full well what they are doing, enjoying the glee they feel lfrom a successful accomplishment for them of “winning” in the games they play.
Just as an “insane” person is out of touch with reality and cannot know the difference between what is and what they imagine or see or hear (that no one else can see or hear) the morally insane are out of touch with morality and cannot see that right, fair or just is anything but a loosing proposition, they want what they want right now, and don’t care who it hurts, or at worst, they ENJOY HURTING others.”
AMEN!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!!! It’s like you steal the thoughts right out of my head. Thank you for sharing what I can’t seem to write as intelligently as you do. I too believe moral insanity is the best definition. When I first started doing research and found these terms were interchangable, it was like a light bulb went off. Morally corrupt/insane. PERIOD. Sums it up in a nuttshell.
I would tell my ex OVER AND OVER. You KNOW the difference between right and wrong. You have free will to make those CHOICES. And choosing to do WRONG again and again, just for your own satisfaction, proves that you have no soul or conscious.
Thank you for summing up exactly my thoughts and feelings. Such a relief that others think the same way I do. Such a sense of comfort for me.
One of the first terms used to “name” what we call “psychopathy” was “moral insanity” and personally I think it fits the best of all, they are MORALLY INSANE, they have NO connection to morality or respect for right, good, just, or fair. If that is not moral insanity I don’t know what is.
Opps…the last paragraph was yours Ox and I meant to have it was supposed to be at the top with the rest of it…anyway..thanks again for writing exactly how I feel.
Cat, I agree with your statement “I call them spiritual vampires. They take our energy, time, money, our soul if we let them. They drain us dry and then when they’ve taken it all, they look elsewhere. I told him, to his face at one point, that I saw this and understood it. He HATED that. It was truth, his truth and he didn’t like being found out. He wasn’t sorry by any means that he had done all of this. He was sorry someone had pegged him. I got that too.
Its scary one day on our way to therapy…. I told him I was going to bring up my concerns, he yelled at me at the top of his lungs… the whole ride there and while in there…. I cried I couldnt get a word in …he was “found out”. He became extremely jealous of my going to school(college) he always wanted me to ask for his “help” with my homework and even if I brought home an A or a B … (living with his BS mind you) I did not “deserve it” cause he is gifted and I am stoopid…. yes I told him I am stoopid for ever loving someone like “you”.
I dont remember who posted it but they do see the “light” in us and try desperately to steal it for themselves, totally empty though…they try but can’t so they move on and idealize someone else, Oh he has so many “friends” and I supposedly only have one…. I would rather have my 3 or 4 best friends I have known since kindergarten and a couple from my early twenties then a bunch of friends that I con or a (narc supply),do not put up with the bs for long…….
Dear Amber, thank you, and you are NOT the only one who feels or thinks this way—that is why we are here because others DO understand our experience.
Spirit, yep, they do NOT like being found out. In the movie, I psychopath” Sam Vaknin got all upset when the interviewer started to expose his FAKE PhD. Even though he had earlier on film admitted that his PhD was faked and that he had not had to go through a REAL PhD program, and laughed, onn the film he still was MAD at being exposed as a FAKE “dr.” LOL
They don’t make any sense do they?! LOL
I’ve been calling my ex that for some time now. I should have looked for teeth marks on my neck, except I think I would find more on my heart, in my mind, my psyche, anywhere he struck. I told mine the same and he hated it as well. What you did in the car was bust him and he didn’t like it. I know mine wasn’t sorry for what he had done; he was just sorry he had been busted.
You are amazing. That you could go to college and get those kinds of grade with him around is incredible. Whenever I did something, no matter what it was, mine did it better and I was stupid, or so he thought. (Go give birth, buddy.) It’s just another con game. I didn’t know I had nice neighbors until he left. I’m finding out I really can live without a man in the house to do a lot of things. I’m learning to do them myself. I’m not stupid either. Life is a lot better than it was.
I say thank you for this site every day. Whatever I say here, others will understand.