There was a time when all I felt grateful for was the absence of his voice, for just an hour or two from the phone.
There was a time when what I was most grateful for was knowing he was somewhere else, somewhere where I wasn’t.
There was a time when I was grateful not to think of him, for just a moment, or an hour, maybe even, if I was really strong, for half a day.
There was a time.
And now, the times have changed. The times have shifted, the sands have fallen differently, ever changing, in the hour glass of the passing of the time when he was all I thought of, all I saw, all I believed I would ever live with in my life.
The times they have changed.
Today I gave a presentation to a group of about 50 people on how to make a difference — in your life, in the life of your community, in this city, in the world. My presentation as on behalf of The United Way, an agency that helped me get counselling when I first was released from the hell of that relationship that almost killed me.
I am grateful, I told the audience, for the support of The United Way because, they, along with my friends and family who stood by me, gave me the tools and the help I needed to start rebuilding my life. To start reclaiming all that was lost and so much more.
That’s the thing about a relationship with a psychopath/sociopath. The relationship leaves you drained — of all resources, of all energy, of all sense of self. We survived their passing through our lives and in the end, we wonder, will we ever breathe freely again? Will we ever feel like ourselves again? Will we ever trust, love, give our hearts again?
Recently, I was teaching a self-esteem course at the homeless shelter where I work. I asked the students, what are you grateful for? One man, about thirty years old, answered. I’m grateful for going to jail. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Because of being imprisoned, I got sober. And that’s how I want to live the rest of my life.
The conman experience was one of the best things that ever happened in my life. Sure, going through that journey was hell. I despaired that I would survive. I’m lucky I did. But, in having come out of the other side, I know, without a doubt, that that encounter freed me from my self-limiting beliefs that were keeping me from living the life of my dreams. That relationship forced me to look at myself and claim — I deserve all the world has to offer. I deserve to be free.
These relationships are hell. They test us. Try us. Destroy our belief in ourselves. Destroy our faith in humanity. And in the end, they leave us looking for a miracle, trying to find ourselves beneath the painful memories that keep us stuck in believing, we will never be free.
It’s all in our perspective.
We can look at their passing through our lives as the worst thing that ever happened to us — or we can look at their passing through our lives as the most astonishing thing that ever happened to us. We can find the value in their passing through or we can stay stuck in believing they were all we are worth. We can dig into the dirt of the turmoil, the angst, and the pain they dumped upon us and wallow in its weight, or we can dig out from beneath the dirt and claim our right to stand, fully illuminated in the sun of our new day dawning upon the truth of who we are when we choose to live up to our highest good, freed from the belief we are not good enough, not well enough, not enough.
We are enough. Just the way we are. We give enough. Do enough. Are enough.
Coming through the hell of that relationship I have had enough of living small, of living under the lies of someone else’s disorderly conduct. I have had enough of being who someone else tells me I must be. I have had enough.
Freed from believing someone else had the right to determine my worth, I claim my right to live up to my true value. I claim my right to determine my worth by every word, every deed, every action I take today.
I am not the woman who was abused.
I am a woman who has claimed her right to live freely in the rapture of now. I am a woman who claims her right to be all she is meant to be when she ‘turns up, pays attention, speaks her truth and stays unattached to the outcome.’ I am a Woman of Worth. A real WoW!
You are too.
If you feel less than, other than, bothered by or determined by his insistence that your only value is based upon what you give him or bring to him or what he gives you or says you are, shake yourself free. Give yourself the gift of knowing — he is just a conman, or conwoman. Their only purpose in life is to live off the well-meaning intentions of those around them. Their only purpose is to find their value in the devastation they cause in the world around them.
You are better than that. More than he could ever imagine.
Shake yourself free of believing he was the ‘worst’ thing that ever happened to you and embrace the reality of his passing through your life — you are free. In freedom, you can make choices that support you, nurture you and celebrate your magnificence.
Don’t let one man take the present of you and turn it into a burden for years to come.
Give yourself the gift of freedom. Acknowledge the gift of wisdom that comes with having lived through the experience of a conman in your life. Gift yourself the knowing — you are more than he could ever have imagined. You are more than you ever dreamed of. You are free to be your most amazing self because he is gone and you have nothing more to hold onto. The beauty of holding onto nothing is — you have nothing to lose. And with nothing to lose you are free to be your most incredible, amazing, magnificent self. Holding onto nothing, no one can take your most amazing self away from you.
Live it up. Live it free. Shift your anger and regret to gratitude and Live your best life yet!
I am!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May your life be filled with abundance, love and joy.
Dear Spirit, we posted over each other.
Yea, lots of times peopple “excuse” the P behavior with “he’s an alcoholic/druggie/he had a hard childhood” etc. but the bottom line is THERE IS NO EXCUSE.
Genetics have been proven to play some part in it, as well as environment too, so there is both at work here, he “inherited’ the tendency for P and then had it reinforced by his poor up bringing BY a couple of Ps (one at least) in a dysfunctional home. So he got the double whammy.
All you can do from here on is to try to make your child’s life better and hope that the genetics are not too strong. It hurts like hell to lose one of them into that life style. I know, I lost one to his genetics which over powered the nurturing I tried to give him. My P-son is a monster, however, i do have one biological son who is a great guy, and an adopted son who is also a wonderful man. I think that God replaced the son I lost with one I love dearly and am proud to have in my life! So I am doubly blessed, though at times I felt like Job in the Bible, that I had lost everything.
Now I am recovering my joy! I’m glad you have such spirit so hang in there, do what you know is right and don’t let them give you a ration of crap or attack your baby! You go mama bear!
In his case he was adopted but I still think he learned it by being in dysfunctional home with maybe one Narc/P/ etc…plus yes with the genetic factor and no emotional bond/attachment at birth to anyone. The genetics as far as my child..I am comfortable saying that he is a mamas boy and alot like me a heart, moral reasoning… stands up for me when I am being taken advantage of … of course all kids lie but I can tell and he admits it and we talk about it the fear and dont ever be afraid to tell mom the truth about anything…
I think maybe that is the only part where I have been blessed in all this, and looking back I wanted no part of him or his dys func family but boy the plowed on through…. thinking maybe from the P that i was the “unstable” one not him…. yeah I did not come from the happiest of homes but yelling in my house was because we are loud hot tempered italians… no excuse but I am the only educated one in my family …it was my parents who told me find a man to take care of you, I was more independent but still naive and in love or so I thought , I always got sucked back in especially since he was “grooming me” oh we can have kids someday live on a little island…. was this my price charming or bull s—- frog …… .. oh they just want my son to have a brighter christmas… well I can provide that its pretty darn bright and sunny here in FLA ….
He used to tell me the lioness goes out to provide for the family that is his way of rationalizing taking advantage of me, he wanted to be waited on hand and foot….. oh and that he never has to pay rent ever and he is proud of this… oh and his wonderful genetics….
anyway I am glad to be rid of him , I may just change phone # or block his emails etc and yeah he owes me way to much, I can pawn his stuff, I never pawned anything in my life until I met him…..
Thank you oxy I always get such wonderful feedback and support from you!!! I send you hugs =)
I am going to work on my paper today and for the next 2 days its due on thursday!!! woo hoo
Oh I wont even get started on the “dog” poor dog… sometimes I think he needs doggy prozac… he is old…. but not mine mind you. HIS, MINE…not really mine but I will definately take care of him…he also is much less stressed …now we can all just “breath” !
Oxy.. you gave them a time limit, its past and gone.. just shows us we can not be so NICE…. sometimes… we end up with the short end of the stick…
oh well , my bf, is going through the same thing, I told her do not feel guilty selling it he left it , and you were paying all the bills?
are they really that entitled? come on… they do not care one bit about the stuff and he dosent care one ounce for his precious “dog” just another possession…..
Cat , Thanks for the post…=) I know its his way of keeping contact… his stuff! hold it with mine… LOL mine has to be sold so I can afford a place much smaller because he lived off me and I can not afford a two bedroom any longer we have to live like college students for a while my pre teen and I but I will be much happier with less anyway… its just stuff…. less to clean up ! my bright side!
okay, I’ve changed my nic from lostandfearful to one step at a time. more upbeat. and i have to remember to log in right away cause i keep losing my place.
@skylar – I just saw your post to me, on a page I can’t find now 😉
You ended it with ‘don’t worry’. TY for this. Cause I am crazy into worry.
There are serious problems beyond the spath. I still let her hijack my mind a part of each day. Today, as I was packing some stuff, it hit me as: ‘wow, someone did this to me ON PURPOSE.’
i am still in the process of deconstructing the lies of the spath – getting all the sock puppets, the mean fuckers and the sweet one i loved into one drawer. then i am going to light them on fire. no, just kidding, maybe I’ll kick them all behind the dryer where we know they will be LOST FOREVER.
there is a level of fright that rises when she has my head space. it’s pretty wild. I guess it will take a while to undo all this shit. and the fright informs all the other difficulty…making me less effective. I am a BIG problem solver. I am in a situation now though, where the problems feel TOO BIG to solve. part of this is that I have MCS and I am cognitively impaired by the chemicals in my environment.
there is one person behind all of this and that person is not someone I knew. I have seen her responses to others outing her. quite vitriolic, lots of gas-lighting and hardcore manipulation. when she thought i might out her one of her sock puppets got quite graphic. but you know i know where she is – and THESE people don’t exist. she’s not going to come after me. Have closed down my email and cell.
I still miss ‘him’. And as I try to deconstruct him, I realize that I can’t ‘kill’ him in my mind as he is part of me – he is the part of me that she mirrored back to me.
I do believe that she showed me what i really want in life. And I have very very little of it. I believed in the magic of it being possible with him. There were things missing and info not right, but i was willing to wait till we met (which was supposed to be early on, but… yadah yaddah yaddah…) to really be able to know who I was dealing with. Of course it never came to that and he died, and then the others died…blah blah blah….
sorry, ranted off on a side road there. I believe in magic. I WANT to believe in magic. made me a target. BUT one of the hardest things is that ‘he’ showed me what i really want- some things i had NO clear idea of, and I am left with the feeling that I WILL NEVER HAVE THOSE THINGS. EVER. It is very painful. And not because i was told that – although the sock puppets do go there. it’s that I have never been able to make these things happen, and i have let them sit below my emotional radar to some extent – not wanting what I ‘couldn’t’ have. But now they are up and I am aware and all the more overwhelmed with the pain of ‘never have’
I gave up for a while. I couldn’t deal with everything that was happening in my life. I just stopped trying. I feel so beaten down by life. Now, I am trying to rise up again. The situation is VERY scarey. And i am quite isolated.
And I keep getting this horrid feeling – that she is lurking here.
This is a crisis. There may be more down spiral to endure. I have no idea how i will get out of this desperate situation. one step at a time.
M.L. Gallaher
you say you are a woman who:
’turns up, pays attention, speaks her truth and stays unattached to the outcome.
Sounds like the perfect recipe for healing. I’m trying just to turn up, have problems with paying attention and I’m so attached to the outcome it repels anything that would like to come in…
I’m paying back a loan to the bank, and will be for the next few years….and the P spent the money I’m still paying back…how is that fair? and who said this life is fair? yaaargh I guess I’m just going through some bitter feelings at the moment…but I aspire to rising out of this, I swear I have to get out of this mire and into my life again
‘Sounds like the perfect recipe for healing. I’m trying just to turn up, have problems with paying attention and I’m so attached to the outcome it repels anything that would like to come in”’
I SO HEAR YOU! takes me 7 hours ever day just to sew my games face on. Aspire. Keep aspiring.
Spirit: A email from p’s family
I can certainly understand how difficult things are and have been for you with the P but am shocked that you would think that I would share your address with the P .
Please remember that it has been my wife and I have been saying for many years that you need to stay away from him if and untill he makes the decision and committment to get his sorry life together…
Our only interest in contacting you was to see if we could make the Holidays a little brighter for ( my son)
P’s Father
Dear spirit,
How are you going to handle the e mail? What does “a little brighter” mean? Money or have the child over to their house.
Did they share the address with him?
Are they NC with “sonny boy”? Are they enabling him? giving him money? etc.
I tend to “beware of Greeks bearing gifts” and not to accept “gifts” unless I trust the person who is offering them is not trying to use a “gift” to BUY control or to enhance their own image. Only gifts that don’t have strings attached.
I had a big ah ha… I keep having it over and over… and I don’t get why… that man that told me that he had Cancer.. I should’ve said good luck to you and Goodbye… instead, I was being kind and considerate… then he slam dunks me…
The reality check was when this freak asked me if I had HIV or any STD’s.. I mean good grief WHY did I continue talking to this man? WHY? Because I was being nice! Why was I being so nice? WHY? I was thinking this isn’t sounding good.. I don’t want to meet a man that is recovering from Cancer.. then this inquiring about my health .. when he is the ill one. I am healthy.. WHY did I continue talking with this man? Am I a people pleaser? Am I too nice for my own good? What is it???? Then I get my feeling tweaked when this person has the audacity to say that I am a bit old for what ‘he’ is looking for… YIKES! I stayed too long a the fair.. I am always giving them the benefit of the doubt and being kind and understanding and they zap me… now, this was nothing in the scheme of things.. but it shows how my being nice, ends up getting me slammed! Is this personality trait what gets me in these deals where I am taken advantage of? So do you need to be cold and not nice? Of what? Just self honest.. When he told me that he was recovering from Cancer.. and sent me photos where he was weak and about 20 pounds lighter.. not the vigorous man that I first thought that he was.. I felt sorry for him.. that is it! It played on my womanly emotions of carrying.. I thought he has been through alot …poor guy.. then he inquires of my health.. and I was offended but understood that he is concerned about catching something but it was all too soon, inappropriate and presumtous on his part that we would even have sex.. It makes me sick to my stomach that I set myself up for an insult .. about my age..when I bet if I met this man I wouldn’t even like him, be attracted or anything else… I have men 10 to 15 years my juniour flirt with me.. and I let this nasty man slam dunk me!
So girls and guys this has got to stop!