Research has suggested that some sociopaths may experience something like “sociopathic burnout,” characterized by a reduction in their antisocial behavioral output as they move through middle and older age. (This is a type of decline in production to be glad for.)
What this does not mean is that sociopaths “outgrow” their sociopathic orientation, anymore than a career thief outgrows his thief’s mentality.
“Sociopathic burn-out,” let me stress, is not to be mistaken for something as chimerical (and unrealistic) as the sociopath’s “personal growth.” One might be tempted to regard the aging sociopath’s “mellowing” as a signal of his perhaps, finally, “growing up;” of his acquiring perhaps, finally, a more mature grasp of his priorities; of his having learned, perhaps at long last, finally to appreciate and value his blessings (including you).
Don’t be deceived. The aging sociopath’s “mellowing” will have nothing to do with a maturation, genuine repentance or self-discovery process. In the end, it will be about “burnout,” and nothing more.
And “burnout” really isn’t so complicated. We all burn-out. All of us, as we age, lose energy, requiring, over time, that we grow more selective in the allocation of our decreasing energy reserves.
Accordingly, we might find ourselves, gradually, apportioning less of our energy to activities and behaviors that failed to tax us in our younger, indefatigable days.
And let’s not kid ourselves: The life of the exploiter is energy-draining. It may take a sociopath to chronically exploit others unconscionably, but it also takes a considerable toll of energy.
And so the sociopath, whose energy is as finite as yours, tires. As he moves past his prime, he finds that his shenanigans now come with a cost, a price, just as, at 40, or 50, you find that recovering from a bender isn’t as easy, as painless, as when you were 20, or 25.
Like the veteran Hollywood stunt man, the aging sociopath finds he can no longer pull off stunt after stunt without confronting an emerging reality: the satisfaction he gets from his outrageous stunts no longer necessarily (after all these years) supercedes the cost to himself, which grows bit by bit as he “ages” not out of his shallowness and lovelessness, but his energy.
The sociopath, in other words, hasn’t been humanized by age, merely depleted by age of the energy levels necessary to sustain his flagrant, sociopathic machinations.
And so, sadly, the aging sociopath will not, finally, come to love or genuinely respect you; he will not “evolve” a true, belated appreciation of everything you promised him that he foully besmirched in his previous immaturity.
Rather, increasingly fatigued and/or dependent, he will only value, as always and now perhaps more than ever, the convenience (if he’s lucky) that your companionship affords him in his now “mellower,” but really just more tired, incarnation.
(My use of “he” in this post and others is merely a convenience, and not meant to suggest that males have a patent on sociopathy. This article is copyrighted (c) 2009 by Steve Becker, LCSW. Thanks to TC for inspiring it.)
Done I think you are right. It is only the friends that they become intimate with that know the truth and they are all history….yes one of his married couple friends that I really liked said they were so glad that ‘Mikey’ had met a good person….duh
Done: Yes, and they don’t have any of the information on psychological disorders that we have. Some things can be helped along by “positive thinking,” but some things require a different approach.
If I knew all about vampires and one flew into my yard and landed on my doorstep, would I be trying to make friends with it? Suggesting that we cuddle on the couch? That I’d be okay with a hickey, but please don’t bite me?
Those of us who are paying careful attention are learning more and more about the nature of these highly disordered people and learning that we can’t change them ourselves any more than we can love a vampire or werewolf back into normalcy. And if you’re a fan of “Twilight,” that appears to be a dangerous manual for trying to redeem those who are just flat-out dangerous to the reest of us. A very seductive movie with a message that can keep us trapped against all objective information — if we apply it to our relationships with S/P individuals.
All of my ex bf “alcoholic psychopath dentist’s friends “, told me that he was a tight ass jerk and not worth the effort! They said he was always embarrassingly obnoxious to his partners at any social gathering and asked me “what the hell are you doing with him?”
My interpretation…”they are all trying to get rid of me because they are jealous!” NOT TRUE!! That was ONLY TRUE of his blood relatives, ex missus and his accountant and the wife (in it for the money). All the other friends were trying to warn me!
Done and Rune,
Now I’m picturing him not only brain damaged, but also as a vampire in diapers. Humor is a good way to “damage files” in your brain that produce ptsd. See
Thanks, Done you have a very smart little sister!
hicky from a vampire? but please dont bite – lmao going to bed on that — thanks to all of you for being here….
Done I tried to save him, really I did – right up till the bitter end goodnite
I missed a lot these past few weeks. Newlife, Matt is right, it would be better to start from zero than get divorced without a settlement and better to get the home that is not liened up. Also need a clause to protect you against his BK — ask your lawyer how that’s done in your state.
After a few weeks of thinking very little about the ex P, he’s been on my mind a lot the past few weeks.
Couple of reasons: I finally got the letter out that Matt recommended and he should have it by Monday. Worried about response, or lack thereof. And I’m dealing with a legal problem that started when he was around, bringing back memories.
Matt, I’m sorry for what you are going through with your Mom. I lost a parent last fall and I know how awful it is to wade through all the stuff the doctors are saying, along with all the ghosts of old sibling rivalries in the ICU waiting room. My heart and prayers are with you.
Something Matt said “My only goal is to see that he ends up back in prison and is no longer a threat to the general population.”
I’m having similar thoughts, Matt and everyone. If he won’t own up to the debt so that I can deduct it, I’m thinking I should report it as fraud to his PO. Yep, Matt, mine too was in inmate. If he won’t pay me back then the money was obtained by misrepresentations. Scheme or artifice to defraud.
This may apply to all of our S’s.
Like someone else said here, I feel a duty to the future victims of this creep. But for the jury to accept that the victim is just a normal person like them, it could happen to them too. Tough nut to swallow.
I wish mine would get caught for any one of the following:
1. Driving over the limit five nights a week, often in a blackout.
2. Fraudulent Insurance claim well over one hundred thousand dollars.
3. Lifelong tax evasion.
4. “Running a company” with his accountant that doesn’t exist.
5. Smoking dope with his son.
6.Stealing all my possessions and thieving whatever he can..
7. Lying in court.
8.Sexual harassment of his female staff (that’s why they sacked him), as well as rolling up drunk to work and being unhygienic in his dentistry.
9.Lying and conning women to exploit them and rip them off.
10. Animal cruelty.
I know he will never get caught for anything as I have given hard evidence to the tax and insurance and they are not interested and wont prosecute.. I know he has friends at the golf club who are detectives. Maybe they look out for him.
And I know the ex psychopath solicitor is still doing to other vulnerable women what he did to me. Taking their homes and all their assets and money.
Thinking of all that sets me so far back….I get mad as hell.
Lightning WILL STRIKE them……Karma, dumbluck, what goes around…… whatever you want to call it…..
I used to say I couldn’t wait for Karma to bite my S in the ass….
Now, I realize…..I am not in control and I am sure…..with what life dishes out…..the more I wish for it……the longer it will take.
It’s like wanting to get pregnant so badly……try, try, try, spend a fortune on fertility etc…..when nothing works and the couple let’s it go…….or adopts…….guess who ends up pregers?????
Let those thoughts go…..just have the faith that one day, you will wake up and have some news.
You will quietly say to yourself……’well….you shouldn’t have been such a bad person’!
I know the feeling of wanting it so bad……I have visions of my ex S being maimed by a shark……not killed…..just completely incapacitated…….Can I MAKE a shark go after him…..NO.
SO……..I have very much learned that what is supposed to happen in life does……I just can’t control any of it!!!!
Again…….They do not get out unscathed!!!!!
I know the destiny for my ex S is to remarry/dupe another unsuspecting and have a child…..
It bothers me to think this…..another woman…..well…..we are adults that make our own choices…..sad for her….but.
Another child by him……eeeekkkks! This is terrifiying!
We had talked about vasectomy….but all of a sudden towards the end……he refused, flatly refused……played the ‘manhood’ card……Oh, what an idiot!
When the Dr’s told me I couln’t be on Birth control and getting pregnant would kill me……He still wanted sex……but couldn’t be ‘bothered’ with condoms……I insisted, he baulked…..I cut him off! It was MY LIFE at stake, and we DIDN”T want more children.
I suggested again…..vasectomy…..NO WAY!!!!
He even brought up to a counselor, out of the blue, that he would like to have another child???? WTF????
Even after being told I couldn’t get pregers….it would kill me?
Oh…..OKAY……that was an easy way to ‘off me’. get me pregers! He would come out the grieving hubby left with all the children to raise and losing his beloved wife while pregnant.
Great story huh…..but the reality would have been (AND NO ONE WOULD HAVE SEEN IT) MuRDER BY PREGNANCY!
I can so see it! Nice try……
But yeah…..the point is….we just can’t warn the world… one could warn us, and those that did, we didn’t hear.
It’s very unfortunate all around.