This week we received the following email:
My daughter is married to a man I consider a psychopath. My daughter has not spoken with me for many months. She has totally changed her personality, voice, she says things she never would have said before, she attacks me to my friends. My daughter and her husband seem to have their own version of reality, truth, and morality that is not consistent with those outside her marriage or in the world. My husband doesn’t want to invite them to our house for the holidays or have anything to do with them. I feel the same way, too, because of their attacks and saying things that are not true about us. I have gotten advice on this blog to try and have a relationship with her no matter what (she needs us if she ever comes out of this relationship or if she comes out of the fog) and to not say anything negative about her husband. (The prior question.)
I really need more advice on what to do. She called my friends and has repeatedly said lies to them, then she called my husband at work and lied to her father. She has totally changed. I kept thinking she would snap out of it and go back to her “old self”. She used to have affection for us. She never would have lied to us or about us. Is this what happens when you live with a psychopath? Can they so change you that you see the world through their eyes or perspective? She used to be so happy and so much fun to be around. I don’t know how we could be around them now. Do you just agree with their reality and say you are sorry for things they said you did, even though you didn’t do them? It seems like a power struggle and the psychopath wins. It seems like the reason they are calling our friends is because they want to stir up drama and win some kind of “battle”. Our life was so even and no drama before our daughter met the psychopath. I am amazed how one person can affect so many lives for destruction, evil and suffering.
This is very hard to know how to respond to my friends, daughter and husband. Could you please give me some advice?
There are three questions here and I will try to answer each one:
(When you comment on this article please reference these question numbers.)
1. She never would have lied to us or about us. Is this what happens when you live with a psychopath? Can they so change you that you see the world through their eyes or perspective?
2. What do we do about a sociopath/psychopath’s smear campaign?
3. Can we still save our daughter?
Question #1 Is this what happens when you live with a psychopath?
The answer is definitely yes. This is what happens when you have any association with a psychopath, no matter how you know them and whether or not you live with them. This is why I strongly encourage family members to cut the sociopath/psychopath off. Sociopaths/psychopaths whole way of relating to the world is about power and control. This need for power and control is very personal. They do it one person at a time, one victim at a time. They do it very systematically with malice and forethought. When they succeed in hurting someone or getting another person to hurt him/herself or others, they step back, revel in it and say, “I did it again, s__t I’m great!” (they use a lot of foul language also.).
Never forget this
Sociopaths/psychopaths get off on controlling people and hurting people. That is why we don’t understand them, and are unable to predict their behavior. To let this sink in emotionally do the following: Next time you eat that piece of chocolate cake, have an orgasm, or watch your favorite team win at sports, focus your attention on the pleasure you feel, and say to yourself, “This is what a psychopath experiences when he controls or hurts another person.” Once you do this a few times you will have no problem understanding them or predicting their behavior.
Since sociopaths/psychopaths lack the brain wiring and chemicals necessary for love, they can only experience pleasure in relationships through power, control and sex. When a normal person says, I love you, he means he has affection for you and “cares” for you. We call it caring for a reason. When we love someone we take care of that person. If we really love someone we also take care of everyone in that person’s family.
When a sociopath/psychopath says, I Love you, he means I own you. When a sociopath/psychopath really “loves” someone they own everyone in that person’s family, including and especially parents, siblings and any children. When you own something you can take pleasure in it however you want. Again this is very up close and personal, There is nothing distant or impersonal about a sociopath/psychopath’s way of relating to others.
How do victims become psychopathic?
It is important to remember that all non-relative victims are to some degree tricked or fooled into the relationship. The need not to acknowledge the profound mistake causes them to lose contact with reality. Their brains are busy constructing the imaginary world they wish to be in. The victim therefore enters what may be called a hypnotic state. Hypnotic states involve shutting out reality and attending to only certain parts of it. In this state, the victim is easily manipulated. What the victim is willing to do may or may not be a reflection of who he/she is. The evil deeds may reflect the victim’s response to selective perceptions. For example, perhaps the daughter in the story above is now so confused about love that she believes the lies.
The process I describe above also applies to families. The less affected family members do not want to admit that their family has psychopaths (because usually there is more than one) in it. They want to have the perfect family as much as anyone else. They therefore normalize and justify ALL of the psychopath’s hurtful controlling behavior.
An ugly side of victim psychology
Since our drives are contagious, a person who is with a loving person becomes more loving. The person who is married to the power obsessed becomes more power obsessed. This can occur outside of conscious awareness. Part of being power obsessed involves delight in both aspects of victory-delight at being a winner and delight at the loss of the loser. People who are not power obsessed usually feel empathy for the loser. The brain power system turns off the brain empathy system.
Get away from that psychopath before his/her behavior rubs off on you more than it already has!
Question #2 The psychopath’s smear campaign
Please check out the other posts on this topic. A colleague recent told me a very similar story so I will address this again in detail soon. My inclination would be to ask the friends to tell their daughter and her husband not to call. If they call after being asked not to they may be prosecuted for harassment. That will put a stop to the drama. Please focus your attention on addressing this specific problem-the phone calls. The drama comes from the context of this problem. (Daughter in the clutches of a psychopath.) Try to make light the silly lies, that way the psychopath can’t win.
Question #3 Can we still save our daughter?
There may come a time when you will feel the need to let go and live the rest of your life as best you can. Only you can pick that time for yourself. Statistics show that the more psychopathic a person is, the more prone to life failure he/she is. In other words most psychopaths screw up, A truly successful psychopath is so rare that I have never verified a case- again it depends on how you define success. I mean this: all of their relationships are eventually broken, they lose their jobs, they have no real friends and they can’t manage money. They also suffer from ill health because they don’t take care of themselves, They also get into accidents and their life span is 15 years less on average. If the man in question here is a psychopath, he would be in the extreme minority if he is NOT cheating sexually or bringing them to the brink of bankruptcy.
The question here is whether this will take so long to run its course that the victim will lose herself completely. When that happens there is great risk of suicide when the relationship falls apart. So if you do decide to back off of the relationship, that would be time to set the record straight perhaps in writing something like: No matter how old you are you are still our little girl and we have loved you since the day you were born. Your choice of a partner has hurt us so much that we must ask that you not call us or have contact with us until this relationship ends. No matter what else happens, we will always welcome you back into our loving arms.
Has a sociopath/psychopath’s influence caused you to do things or be involved in things you regret?
Please comment below.
In regard to: I am amazed how one person can affect so many lives for destruction, evil and suffering. I had the benefit this week of talking with one of my ex-husband’s other victims. In comparing notes, it was clear, the man has harmed everyone who has had the curse of connecting with him. This is the mark of a person with psychopathic personality traits. Since he cannot love he can only do harm. He doesn’t know any other way of being! Just like an apple tree produces apples because that is what it does, the sociopath/psychopath hurts because that is what he/she does.
I just wanted to say that although I was fortunate to get rid of the relationship with my S fairly unscathed 5 months ago I felt and sometimes still do feel like I’ve often become like him. I too have expereinced am experiencing an overwhelming anger inside of me- very hateful feelings inside of me. I too have wished pain and misery on the other woman wishing evil things on her. And it’s not just her. It’s him too – but not anything fatal – no. I just wish that something would happen and he would go back to prison. It brings to mind a favorite episode of Law and Order where Annette O’Toole’s character says ” I want him to have to sit very quietly for a very long long time.” That’s how I feel about him. But I know this isn’t healthy and I know I have to get through this somehow.
So right now all I can hope that is it DOES gets better. Because even my closest best friend has said she’s seen me go from a very loving, caring person to very hate filled as of late.
I am just so angry! Like I never got to say what I wanted (not that it would matter to him) but I went from kicking his sorry @.......$% out to heading out of town for almost 2 months to where I am now not once really getting to “vent” what I felt.
OxDriver – Thank you for your words. I’m fairly new to the blog but I have noticed your great words whenever I am on the site and they truly make me feel better.
I will be trying so hard to PRAY.
Dear Gemini_Fairy,
I can relate to the anger, the hate and all the negative emotions. The desire for revenge, wanting them to hurt like they hurt me. But I also relaized that it was EATING my own soul.
Jesus said in the Bible to “pray for those that despise you, that use you” and after I got to the point with my mother that I TRULY hated her for what she had done to me, to my adopted son, and our family, I knew I had to get that kind of feeling out of me or I would lose my own soul.
I hated her, and my P-son, and I wanted the hate to stop. I would write down a prayer, like “God, please bless my mother and my son P” I did NOT feel it, I wanted to say, “God strike them with cancer or something worse” but I said aloud the words, I read them off the paper and said them aloud. I DID NOT MEAN A WORD OF IT, but I forced myself to do it anyway.
Eventually, believe it or not, I started to feel the hate leave, and to actually start to MEAN the words. I still don’t have a “squishy feeling” in my heart toward either my mother or my P-son, and am NC with them both, but I no longer hate them, or wish them bad things. I can pray for them and MEAN IT now.
Forgiving them–getting the bitterness and hate out of my heart toward them–does NOT include trusting them, or wanting to be with them, because I know they do not love me, they do not care for my welfare, and being away from them keeps me from suffering CONTINUAL INJURY which would open the old wounds and make new ones.
It didn’t happen over night, but slowly by WORKING on it I managed to make progress. My healing is getting better each day, and I know it is still “fragile” but each layer of happiness I add gives it more strength. Each day I “lift emotional weights” and learn new techniques (like setting boundaries) my “emotional muscles” grow stronger.
Hang in there Gemini_fairy, and read and read and read and read here —all the articles in the archives, get Robert Hare’s book, Without Conscience, and Sharks in Suits, and the Sociopath next door. Get themm all and read and learn the SIGNS that we call the RED FLAGS, and learn to recognize these in new people you meet or in others you already know. You can learn to see the signs, the FLAGS waving when people are the kind of abusers we have all met and experienced.
Learning from this terrible experience we have all been through is the BEST LESSON (though a hard one for sure) we could ever get. It will make us safer in the future. (((hugs))))
Hi Ox,
If you do not mind me asking, how long did it take to feel the hate leave? I sat down to pay my bills tonight and got so mad thinking about what I am still paying to get out of the debt the ex left me in. Then I think about how that $550 check came in time to pay the lawyer to file the deed and know God will help me overcome.
But really, how long? I fantasize that the OW is being loved and adored by the man who treated me like crap and ask myself, why is she so special? Why can he love her but not me? I know it probably isn’t true but i start thinking crazy thoughts like maybe he’s helping her with bills but he didn’t help me, etc.
I saw Huge Red flags and ignored them. Once the ex put in a workers comp claim for his shoulder surgery but he didn’t get hurt at work. The other time, he filed a tax return and claimed his sisters 2 kids lived with him…but they didn’t. He and his sister were going to split the money but the IRS didn’t buy it because he didn’t have the proper documentation. He ignored his credit card bill and i would pay it so he wouldn’t fall behind. I could go on and on. This should have warned me about his character.
I should hit myself over the head with a skillet for thinking the OW has it better than I did, right?
Yes Ox,
How long DID it take for you to feel the hate to leave? Here is what I have done 1. Read Women Who Love Psychopaths (EXCELLENT!!!) 2. Ordered the hypnosis cd from Sandra L. Brown’s website 3. Had a house cleansing and a blessing done and yet it (the hate) only has subsided a little bit. I feel the same as Iwonder “what is it about her?” (in this case btw her is a 19 year old girl who graduated from H.S. last year – I’m 34) that is better – even though I know this is probably not true. I just cannot wrap my mind around the age thing. If you have an extra frying pan Iwonder would you mind if I borrow it?
Dear Wonder woman!
Hit yourself TWICE for thinking that she has it any better than you did. LOL LOL ROTFLMAO
Gosh, I almost choked on that one I laughed so hard!
I would answer your question about “how long” if I KNEW. My sense of TIME is out of whack. Days and weeks and months ran together, there were times I didn’t know what month it was, much less what day of the week it was.
I remember I bought the RV in the first week of June and moved away from the farm, the tick bit me on July 5, 2007, and it was September 12 when I was diagnosed with the tick fever, I went to a court hearing sometime in August when my X DIL and the Trojan HOrse were arrested, around the first week of August I think. Sometime after that I went to two hearings in court for the THP and my DIL, I moved back home in December, just before Christmas 2007, sprained my ankle the day we moved the RV home.
Finally got up the courage a couple or three, maybe four weeks ago to move out of the RV and back into the house. Haven’t spoken a single word to mother, and that was on the phone since March or April of this year, maybe jUne, the day I cashed the check with my X-DIL for her and my son from the IRS.
I can remember an event was “about” a certain month or other event, but it all runs together. I’m not sure it was an “instantaneous” thing either, I think it left by degrees.
I can say one thing though, Wonderwoman, that when you see someone who will CHEAT others, even the IRS, they will cheat you if they think they can get by with it. People who are DISHONEST in one thing are DISHONEST IN ALL THINGS.
You may say, “well, everyone takes paper and paperclips, and pens and staplers home from the office” or “everyone cheats a little bit on their taxes”–NO, EVERYONE DOESN’T. Only the dishonest ones.
Sure, not everyone who takes a few pens and pencils from the office robs a bank later, any more than a kid who smokes a joint or two always ends up on heroin. But if a person is always HONEST you can trust them. If people are sometimes dishonest, I will never trust them.
The ONLY liar I want in my life is the one who says “NO” when I ask them “do these pants make my butt look big?” LOL
I don’t want a LIAR OR A THIEF…or anyone who is dishonest. If you cut out ALL dishonest people out of your “circle of trust,” I guarentee that there will be no Ps get close enough to hurt you ever again.
STop your fantasy of the OW being treated well, he will treat her just like he has treated you. Imagine that! LOL
Even though she’s only 19 and can offer him nothing. that makes me feel like she is. What is this bitter nastiness that I’m feeling? It’s worse on days like today Sundays through Tuesdays are hard.They’re his days off and the days he disappeared (probably with her) when he lived with me.
I hate him so much!!
Dear Gemini,
Well, do you remember how “dumb” you were at 19? I sure do. My late husband knew me back then when “I knew EVERYTHING” and we were good friends (He was 15 yrs older and had been a business partner for a short while with my bio-father) and I can even now remember sitting in a place in Hollywood CA called “Barneys’ Beanery” and pontificating on the reasons for “war and the world economy” (like I knew more about it than I did the dark side of the moon! LOL) and years later I asked him why he was so tolerant of a know it all obnoxious teenager, and he said “But you were so ignorant and so cute about it” LOL
Many girls that age are so sure they are so grown up and know so much about the world, yet men think it is “cute” cause they don’t make demands on the man, and they are “arm candy” and make the guy feel like a “real stud” and make him think all his friends think he must be some hunk to get a cool chick like that…so yes, she does have something to offer him. VANITY.
But it will NOT last, it is no deeper than a “pie pan” and I can tell you today that at 61 I am a much more interesting woman than I was at 19, and though I sure didn’t look like I did then, to the day of his death 4 yrs ago, my husband looked at me the same way he looked at me then, and loved me much much more. (He even still thought I was “so cute”)
The bitter nastiness that you are feeling is INJURY. The pain caused by the devalue and discarding. But do you remember the old joke about “third prize is 3 weeks in Burbank, and second price is 1 week in burbank, and first prize is you don’t have to go to Burbank?”
You got FIRST PRIZE in the contest with her, SHE GOT HIM!~ Think about it, what the heck did she “win”? A liar, a cheat, a piece of crap? Woman, get down on your knees and thank God and the Universe that he is GONE.! BOINK!
I know it hurts, I cried my eyes out when I told my P XBF to hit the road, I felt like no one would ever love me again, and woe is me, booooo hooooo, poor old me. But you know what, I am SO MUCH better off without that cheating SOB, and I am happy with me. I don’t need anyone else to “make me happy” I am HAPPY, if he was lying on the other side of my bed right now, I can vouch for the fact I would be sitting here crying instead of typing to you. Because he would have been with another woman the day before or the week before and he would be sleeping soundly and I would either know or suspect and be miserable.
The only male in my bed now weighs 18 pounds and wags his tail when I call his name. Maybe some day there will be another one who only has 2 legs instead of four but you know, if not, I”M STILL OKAY. I am better off without a SO than with a BAD ONE. At the time I kicked the guy to the curb though, you know what, I thought I would DIE on the spot. I didn’t. He’s nothing. Nada, zip, zero, less than nothing. A piece of whale dung. I deserve better than that. TOWANDA girlfriend! You deserve better than that too. (((hugs))))The pain WILL pass, but like labor pains, you have to work hard and push, breathe, and relax when you can, but it won’t go on forever. (((hugs again))))
Dear Ox,
Thank you again! As I said, you, and others have had far worse experiences than I have but nonetheless the hurt and anger and pain I feel from this has been unbelievable. And NONE of my friends “get it”. And I can’t explain it to them. I don’t know. I know it’s a process you have to work through but boy I wish it would stop hurting and intruding my thoughts like now – Today! It’s hard too because although I have been in the area I live in for almost 11 years I don’t have an extremely close knit group of friends and those I do have their own spouses and children and don’t have a lot of time. Most social networks are expensive and with the exception of getting up to go to work – it’s difficult most days. I’m sorry for the rant but I haven’t allowed myself to really do this with a community that has similiar expriences.
Thank you!
Dear G-Fairy,
Hun your comments, your experiences are COMMON to all of us former victims. They are so much alike in the way they treat us and WE are all very much alike in the kind of pain we feel. Almost none of us had any friend or family member that “got it”—I had one son who got it, and I am very very fortunate that I had even ONE person who did.
I was on another blog for a while, and over all it was a good blog, but was “managed” by some people who “had problems of their own” and there was agreat deal of flaming and crap, somewhat of it by the “managers” and If God-forbid, you even mentioned a “spiritual aspect” to healing, you were warned and then tossed off the site. I never got tossed off, I left before that happened, but I sincerely believe that without a SPIRITUAL ASPECT to your healing of some sort it is almost impossible to come through this without some serious problems. I think with a spiritual aspect you can not only come through it, but IMPROVE, GROW, SOAR! There has to be some meaning other than just “bad luck” in the people who allowed to do this to us.
Also, not I said “allowed”—they did it, but WE allowed it. WHY? So we must examine ourselves and see where we have a “hole” in our defenses against predators. I am in no way “blaming the victim” for what the Ps did, just trying to get to the bottom of my own psyche as to WHY I allowed all the pain that was inflicted on me before I said ENOUGH.
A lion can pick out the ONE animal in a herd of 1000 that has a slight limp a slight weakness, doesn’t feel good that day, is very young or very old, they pick out the WEAKER prey cause they are easier to bring down. So do the predatory psychopaths. So WHY was I a bit weaker than the rest of the herd? Well, since I experienced MULTIPLE P-attacks, it was different each time. Some Ps were in my family and one was a BF after my husband died, and some were buisness associates, and some were bosses, and some were co-workers. WHY didn’t I “catch on” sooner? Various reasons, but I think I see most of them now, I see WHAT MY WEAKNESSES were, so I have LEARNED AND GROWN, though quite frankly, sometimes admitting these weaknesses to myself, much less others was humiliating, shameful, and painful, but UNLESS YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO FACE YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR, REALL FACE YOURSELF, you can’t learn from the experience and are more vulnerable to the next one that comes along.
I had to take “remedial psychopath” classes for many years, but I think I GOT IT THIS TIME–I sure as heck hope so! LOL
I know you want the pain to end NOW, and IT WILL END, but I can’t promise you when, it just takes time, support and NO CONTACT WITH HIM but hang in there kiddo, it will get better (Hugs)))
Ox Driver,
I wrote out something awhile back. Half rant/half guidance/half telling my story that I haven’t really shared with many. I’m too ashamed that if people see it they will think badly of me and say I deserved it. There really is no particular category – do you think I should post it. I just really need to rant. I was doing okay when I left the state (after all of the drama) I went home to see my family for awhile.
While I was there the S tried to contact me. I didn’t respond. A week later (at the urging of a friend) I contacted him (this was before I knew what he was) because our – rather MY friend was sick in the hospital with Cancer and he wanted the S to know.
My mistake – it opened the door to a stream of text and phone calls for a week – one call in which he commented that we should “just go ahead and get married when I came back to the area.” It was so much easier to block him there but I knew I had to face my reality and life back in the area I have called home these past years.
He called me about 2 weeks after I got back at 1:00 a.m. all apologetic and saying he was a piece of crap and I’m an @.......$#hole followed up by “why don’t you let me come over.”
Of course I told him NO. Hardest thing in the world. That was 2 months ago – part of me believes he’s done calling – part of me wants him to but doesn’t (does that make sense?) I was doing okay for awhile ( I just started a new job) but lately – maybe because there has been NO CONTACT I have just been – like I said, angry, depressed, and plagued with thoughts constantly.
BTW this isn’t the rant I was referring to (LOL!!) but yet another release. Seems once I get started I can’t stop.
Thank GOD for this site!!!!