By Ox Drover
Someone was talking about how she should have seen what her ex-significant other was up to with all of his sweet words. He was in prison, and telling her how he had changed and found the light and how wonderful things would be when he got out. She knew what he had done to get in there, the bad acts he had committed, but she chose to believe his “sincere remorse.” Now she wanted to know why she had been so stupid.
She wasn’t “stupid—”she was using denial to protect herself from something so painful the thought of it “scared her to death.”
Years ago, when I was married the first time, my husband and I were friends with a couple. I felt close friendship with both the man and the woman. I knew that they had been separated once in their long marriage because she had caught him cheating, and that they had lived separate for a year or so before getting back together. I also knew that the woman would not put up with any more cheating on the man’s part. She had made up her mind that if he cheated again, that would be it. They would separate and divorce.
The life they had made as a couple was satisfying. They had an adopted son. The man had a good, steady federal job. They had a paid-for home and some land in a community they liked. She was a stay-at-home wife who enjoyed that role and kept busy with homemaking and taking care of their son.
After my husband and I separated, I was totally devastated and frequently I would take my two young sons and go to my couple-friends’ home to spend the weekend. They lived out in the country and raised meat animals for sale. Our children were friends, and I considered both the man and the woman to be my friends.
One weekend a month or so, my boys and I went to see them for the weekend. Just before dinner on a still, bright and light Saturday afternoon, the man mentioned he had some new animals in the barn that he wanted to show me. With the full knowledge of his wife, who was cooking dinner, we walked out to the barn to see them. While we were walking down the aisle my friend appeared to stumble and fall, and I tried to catch him, but then realized he was making a “lunge” at me, literally!
I gave him a firm “NO!” and backed away from him. He got a sheepish grin on his face and said, “Well, you can’t blame a guy for trying.” I said, “Yes, I CAN blame a guy for trying, but I love your wife and I will not tell her what you just did.”
We went back in the house and ate supper. After supper, the boys and I left instead of spending the night. I was disturbed by my “friend” lunging at me, but I felt that it was wrong to tell his wife what he had done because I knew it would hurt her. I doubted that he would tell her, so I decided to just stay away from him without someone else present.
About two weeks later, in company with another female friend of mine, I went to visit the couple for an hour or so, and the wife was very, very “cool” to me. I couldn’t figure out why she would treat me in such a manner. After we left, I started discussing the situation with the girlfriend who had gone with me, and she said, “Silly, he figured you would tell her even though you had said you wouldn’t, so he had beat you to the punch, and he told his wife that YOU made a pass at him.” DUH!
Well, obviously my friend had it figured out, and that was exactly what this serially cheating, unrepentant creep had done. He had told his wife (my friend) that I had made a pass at him.
His wife knew me pretty well, I think, and she knew I would not have in any way encouraged her husband to make a pass at me. She knew also that I was reeling from the separation from my husband in a divorce from hell, and she knew her husband was a serial cheater in the past. But she chose to believe him. She went into denial about what she knew or suspected was the truth—that her husband was lying to her (again) to protect his behavior.
She knew if she acknowledged the truth, that her husband was a lying cheat who would not stop trying to cheat, she would have had to leave him, and she didn’t want to do that. The pain and financial problems, the loss of the “lifestyle,” would have been too painful, so it was easier to deny what she knew was true, and to get mad at me, rather than accept the truth.
What would have happened, I asked myself, if she had believed what she knew, instead of what he said? What would the woman whose man was in prison have done if she really looked at his actions, rather than listen to what he said? They would have had to act on those truths, and because the very thought of acting on those things was so painful, they chose to believe the lie. It was the less painful option.
I, too, have chosen denial of the seriousness of the things that were true. I did not want to admit that someone was evil, that they will not change because they do not want to, that a lifetime pattern of doing illegal, immoral and mean things means that person is not likely to alter that pattern. I did not want to accept that truth.
Denial in the short term is a salve to the heart of the devastated one who cannot immediately accept the whole raw truth that, for example, their loved one has been killed in an accident. They must accept that truth a bite at a time, like eating an elephant. Short term, denial is protective.
Long term, denial is worse than dysfunctional. We must accept that they are “deceased” in order to be able to “bury the body” (so to speak), because if we don’t do that, the corpse of our existence starts to stink and rot. If we accept the truth, we must ACT on information instead of perpetually remaining in denial.
I never saw my couple friends again. I knew that there wasn’t any use in trying to tell her that her husband had lied, that I had not made a pass at him. If I had told her the truth and she had believed it, she would have had to ACT on it, or continue to deny it. She did not want to ACT, so she therefore continued to DENY he lied, and put the “blame on me.”
I do understand, though, how that woman felt. I stayed in denial for many, many years, rather than accept the truth about my psychopathic son and his lack of repentance for his crimes, including murder. Accepting that truth after decades of denial was difficult, and at times I asked myself why I denied it. I think the answer is that at the time, I thought it was easier and less painful. Looking back, I know I wasn’t stupid, but I did make a choice that, “knowing what I know now,” I would not make again. There is no use in beating myself up for not knowing then.
I know now. I make decisions now on what I know now.
Dear Whyme,
Thank you for those words of validation! I’m glad that your therapist is seeing progress in your “interior cosmetic surgery” (and I LOVE that phrase BTW!!!) because just since you have come here I have seen so much progress in your posts…you are as I’ve said about a couple of other people lately, started to “sound so sane!” LOL
I think that is such a great way to describe what we are doing is the INTERIOR Remodeling, and straightening out the wrinkles and lipo-sucking out the fat between our ears! LOL
Many of us have come here (most of us?) sounding completely INSANE! (at least sounding that way to anyone except the folks here on LF!!) but there are many of us that are starting to sound almost SANE again! LOL
Sure, it takes time and it takes energy and hard work to start to put our lives back together, our minds back together, mend our hearts, and health (physical and mental) and find a new focus toward the future. That’s a big job!
I bought a horse one time that had come from a previous owner who wasn’t too big on “feeding them.” Someone told me later that “any horse that can live through a winter on Mr. X’s farm can CLIMB TELEPHONE POLES WITH HIS BARE HOOFS” I sort of feel like the same thing with us, we can “climb telephone poles with our hands tied behind us.” We have survived—maybe with a few bruises and bumps, scrapes and cuts, but we SURVIVED!!!
We learned just how strong we really are, just how much we can accomplish when we set our minds to it. We also learned just how mean and miserable and underhanded some others can be, whether or not they would score 3 or 30 on the PCL-R doesn’t really matter—they are toxic and dishonest people and we don’t need that kind of person in our lives.
It doesn’t matter if they were toxic, mean, miserable, underhanded and dishonest because their mommy didn’t breast feed them, or because they were red-headed, or because someone bullied them when they were in second grade, the point is that they chose to do the things they did, no one forced them, and the things they did hurt us…again and again….and we chose to believe the lies they told, and sometimes in light of plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Okay, we can be mad at them. We SHOULD be mad at them, but we aren’t going to let that anger and rage at them keep us angry and raging for the rest of our lives, we are going to process that rage and anger, that JUSTIFIED rage and anger, and move on to the rest of our lives. We aren’t going to trust others without evidence that they are trustworthy, but we won’t live in TERROR, but we will take reasonable CAUTION in the decisions we make about other people. We WILL set reasonable boundaries about how we allow others to treat us.
We are going to live lives that are free of UNNECESSARY drama and abuse from others. DAMN! WHAT a concept! Wish I’d thought of that 50 years ago! LOL But now that I have thought about it, think I’ll practice sanity for a while and see how that works out!
didn’t mean to flummox you and I don’t know a lot about cogdissonance. Just that when you THINK one thing because you know it’s true based on all available and obvious evidence, but you FEEL like the opposite is true, that, to me, is cogdissonance.
All spaths make us feel this way. That’s why I want to learn to judge people by their fruit, rather than what kind of tree they seem to be. It’s very hard, because you want to be loving to those that seem to love you. It’s just part of who we are, it’s our nature. Furthermore, we are taught that all people are imperfect sinners and that we should “judge not lest ye be judged” My spath is clearly evil, I have no cog diss there. I can even feel compassion for him and still know that he is evil. In the dictionary, under evil, there’s his picture…
But other people in my life are not so easy to explain. I see lots of red flags and I can’t help but wonder if there can be more to it. Maybe I’m making everything too black and white? I know what Oxy would say, “boink, boink” with the skillet. Ouch!
OK OK OK. But I’m just doing my homework, crossing t’s and dotting i’s, making sure, but not letting my guard down.
it’s christmas that most commercial time of year.
my mom and gram – both with dementia – will never understand that i don’t celebrate – so i send them a card and a little something….but this year i have to deal with the dad situation too. first, i will find out if they are going south this winter, and if are, they i am thinking i will send him a card for xmas, too. tell him i couldn’t afford a present, but of course he would understand. i want to live in their house for a while this winter if they are gone. and then i want to sue him when i am on my feet – by sending him a card I will blindside him when i go after him for the money he stole from me. think this makes sense, and is okay to my heart…just a strategy.
please jump in and let me know if it has holes in it, or if i should do it a diff. way.
I don’t remember the details of how he stole your money, but if you want to sue him, then you don’t want to leave any evidence that you have been on good terms since he did it.
Cards are evidence, I’m not sure about staying in his house, unless you are taking care of your mom or her cat or dog.
thanks for the feedback sky. he’s an n, and i thought he might be easier to sneak up on if he thinks i am still licking his shoes.
oh, and he stole the money years ago – just took me a damn long time to realize that he was never going to pay it back…
became real obvious when he sold some property, hid the sale from me and bought another fucking big boat with the money. nnnnnnnnnnnnn….
Dear One,
The only thing I can say is make sure your statute of limitations in time doesn’t run out on the money he stole from you. I’d check and make sure what the statue is in your state.
I wouldn’t be in “their” house when you file the paper on him. LOL They may also use you living “rent free” in their house as a Sign of “how good we have been to her and she does us this way” (sues us) so watch out about that. My egg donor even tried to milk the Christmas gifts she had given me through the years (Like $6,000 one year and $1,000 another year cash–“If I don’t give it to you now, the government will get it when I die.” How is that for a reason to give a gift?)
I don’t have a problem with you suing him if he stole money from you. I don’t have a problem with you sending him a “friendly card” either.
hey oxy – hell no, i wouldn’t be in his house when i file!
there is no statute on this money. he swindled an inheritance that he was executor of. i have a trust lawyer who will do the case on spec..whenever i am strong enough. it will be a bitch of a fight. he’s a n 🙂 i also have to tie up his lawyer somehow – have to wait till spring for her to come back north – have her notarize my will or something – she’s an absolute baracuda and a friend of the family and i don’t want to to be in court with her. he’s vicious, but she’s so smart,skilled and smooth it hurts.
One,–My N brother did the same to me. The older brother warned me{when I arived to see my Mum, only to learn she died while I was on the plane.} that Bro no. 2 had gone to see my Dad in Hospital, -{Dad was dying, hed had a major stroke, lost the use of one side of his body, was blind in one eye, had dementia},and you know what my N younger bro did? He asked my dying Dad, who was “in extremis” if he ,Billy, could have his inheritance.THEN AND THERE before the old boy died, so that Bill could buy himself a Partnership in his Architectural firm.!!Which he did.
Asking a dying old man to sign documents when hes had a stroke, and is blind in one eye? Go figure,as you Americans say!!Hows that for a low act??Bill actually got more than my other Bro and me, but other bro took his extra share in the form of younger bros Mercedes car.
I was still owed something like 15,000 british pounds, but that year was the year of the credit squeeze, I felt sorry for Bro 2, and I let him off the money,,as I didnt think he could afford to pay me that extra 15,000 he owed to me from Dads estate.{Mum died only 6 weeks after Dad, and didnt make a will,so everything was divvied up into 3, except for my missing 15,000 pounds.I now see I was stupid to let my N. Bro off the hook, but hey, I felt sorry for him at the time.A lot of the stuff Mum had promised to me, the elder chauvinist bro got, he took the lot. Not worth fighting over.I wish now Id taken these things when Mum tried to press them on me 2 years before, but, hey, theyr only THINGS. Older bro was a lways an aquisitive little sod.Hope they make him happy.Somehow I doubt it!
Love to you all, Happy Xmas when it comes!! MamaGemXX
Thank you for this article Oxy,
I just wish I could get back all those years I spent in denial,
that’s what really hurts now.
Glad to hear you didn’t cut your finger this year!
What’s for dinner?