This week events in my life have and people I encountered got me thinking about the blaming of victims. Coincidentally, I discovered this quote from Attorney Wendy Murphy. She wrote this in a comment answering others who commented on her blog:
It doesn’t matter if Sandra Boss was a ‘gold-digger’ anymore than it matters that the mother of Michael Jackson’s latest victim ‘consented’ to her child being allowed to sleep at Jackson’s home. It’s equally wrong to rape a child – even if the victim makes it easier on the criminal to commit the crime because she’s ill, or dumb, or uneducated, etc. There’s no such thing as a criminal being ‘partly guilty’. There’s only guilty – or not guilty.
Victims can make bad decisions that we might think of as increasing their risk of being victimized – but the CRIMINAL law sees these things as vulnerabilities – not liabilities – because we don’t want criminals taking advantage of certain ‘types’ of people (even selfish ones). Civil tort cases are treated differently – where responsibility can be distributed among the parties. A crime victim is not a ‘party’ to the criminal case. So, the fact that a person might not protect him or herself well is never an excuse for ANOTHER PERSON’S crime – or a reason to give a harm-doer a discount. If it were – the law would effectively be indulging the idea that certain ‘types’ of people deserve to be victimized (or – put another way – certain ‘types’ deserve better protection from violence). Victims and perpetrators do not stand on equal moral footing.
Perpetrators are charged with crime while victims are presumed by the charge to have suffered harm. Because victims have not even been accused of criminal harm, they are not parties to the criminal case, and are not being judged on issues of guilt and responsibility. This reflects the principle that whether you’re a nun or a homeless prostitute – you are seen as equal in the eyes of the criminal law when you are injured by crime. For all these reasons, it is irrelevant whether Sandra Boss was marrying the name rather than the man – etc – and it is irrelevant whether Stephen Fagan’s wife had ‘issues’. No person ‘deserves’ to be victimized by violence – and unless we fiercely refuse to weigh the moral behavior of the victim in determining the guilt of the accused, we cannot possibly respect this core principle.
I agree with what Attny. Murphy says here. But I want to add that it is important for those who have had encounters with psychopaths to take stock of the experience and to question “Why me?” Asking then answering that question promotes healing, allows for personal growth and gives a person the opportunity to forgive him/herself for any mistakes that contributed to the psychopathic life disaster. Taking responsibility is empowering because it acknowledges the real control we have over the choices we make.
Today one of my friends wrote this to me, ”I fully accept that MY CHOICES which I made were the choices that hurt me, hurt others, etc. Actually, some of those choices I knew at the time were probably not “ideal” or “right” but I did them anyway, and of course they blew up in my face.”
I’ll say publicly to this friend, “I understand and believe you can make better choices/decisions in the future.” Because I believe it for you, I can also believe it for myself.
The degree to which we are able to extend our understanding to another’s mistakes determines how we accept our own. We don’t need to deny or excuse our own or another victim’s mistakes. We should instead hold each other accountable to do the real soul searching and to make better choices in the future.
JaneSmith – I think we can become saturated with the whole spath thing. But if it were not for this place and the doors it opened for me to see the truth and make the changes I would still be making bad choices and in the dark. Not only did I learn about personality disorders but realized I must deal with my issue’s. I think when alot of us first google sociopath or narcissist or physcopath we are in a pretty bad place at that moment. Not to many regular folks understand us or need to understand us. But Icontinue to learn and heal here. There are a few peeps here that have seen my progress. I am not jumping with joy or doing the moonwalk but so many things about me and my life experience’s have come together here. And Beverly was literally one of those cyber angels that was holding my hand back then. I remember she and I thot our X was the same dude!!!I remember some of her storys that made me bust out in tears and/or laughter. She told one about putting a letter she had written to her X spath in the mail slot in his door then latter changed her mind and got a long stick and retrieved it through the pet door feeling like a stalker and was afraid of getting caught…lol kinda like when I put my X,s cell phone in the microwave for 4 seconds and offered him my sympathy when he said something was wrong with his cell phone – hmm too bad…any who I am still here amd not ready to leave – this whole blogging concept is fun~~!!!
I am not ready to leave… scared I’ll just go back to my old patterns!!! Question out of context: I am having a great deal of trouble with the fact that I hated myself and thought I was ugly for the past 50 years, I am crying buckets of tears at the wasted time, I like myself now, but am grieving over what could have been… if I had been a confident woman I would not have hooked up with one loser after another, perhaps had more than one child, living in a nice home surrounded by kids, grandchildren, family, friends. Instead I’m sitting here every day and night by myself.
Another big problem that is causing me A LOT of pain and crying is… missing my daughter (who lives on the east coast, and I consider myself blessed that she is there and happy) but I keep going over in my mind all the times I yelled at her, or made her cry, or spanked her, or ignored her because I was obsessed with some loser. No wonder she moved so far away. We do have a good relationship considering we are 3000 miles apart, she says she loves me and misses me, but I am miserable.
Is that why I’m miserable? Or because I am alone? The whole thing is becoming overwhelming. I’ve called every gf I can think of, trying to reach out and find some company, and nothing. My sister is a bitch these days, and I don’t enjoy being around her much right now, hopefully that will pass.
So, what do I do? I’m putting everyone on the spot!! LOL
shabby – If I had not been gay maybe life would of been better, if I had not done this or that.. If I knew then what I know now I would be a millionaire..cant go back and change a thing , but I am not analyzing all my bad choices and mistakes so much, cause when I do it eats up right now. We must live in the present and the future. Your daughter loves you, but our children grow up and leave home ( if we are lucky) and they have lives of their own..One of the reasons I got mixed up with the X spath is cause I missed my sons so much – being a dad and taking care of them etc etc. I know about lonliness and that is a tuff one. But my lonliness and need to take care of and help and fix people always got me hurt and burnt. You dont have to leave here, your life is going through change, and you will be OK…I am getting to the point where I am ok alone – i love my solitude and there are always things to do or places to go if i want. sorry u r feeling sad – but hey if I can keep my chin up so can you……
A New Lily and Henry~
Oh my goodness Lily, I am totally frustrated by all the “good” comments here, LOL. 🙂 While I think I keep them straight fo rthe most part, there are so many wonderful, insightful, thoughtprovoking things said here I am always having to pick and choose who and what to respond to!! I have limited time given I am home on summer vacation with my 3 children (9 and 4yo twins) so they keep me busy these days!. As much as I don’t want to wish their lovely childhood away I do look forward to a time with more “leisure” time for me. 🙂
Henry, I say a HUGE “DITTO” to JaneSmith’s comment to YOU:
“I may not always respond to your posts but I read all of them. How can I not? They are overflowing with sweetness, compassion, wisdom and love. You are a sterling example of what it truly means to be a man.”
Could not agree more with that sentiment. I love reading your words because they have such a sincere genuine tone that is heartwarming. thank you for sharing all of your sweetness, compassion, wisdom & love” with us!
Hecates and Jane – you made my day 🙂
I am sorry to hear that you are going through a period of feeling lonely and longing to be with friends.
This is always a difficult thing to go through. And sometimes instead of experiencing what we feel is a positive “growth” experince by being alone and learning more about ourselves and feeling “better” about ourselves…We can almost turn on ourselves and beat ourselves up. I have been there and some times slip back into that same thing.
Don’t beat yourself up! Be thankful that although you can’t see your daughter as ofen as you would like that she is doing well. THAT IS something to be grateful for and give yourself some credit for that. You did something to be proud of as a mom…..She is doing good and that is something to think about. Maybe you did much better job at being a mom than you are giving yourself credit for.
Sometimes (when we are alone) it helps to do something that you never had an interest in before. Develop an interest in something that you can do alone and enjoy. For me, when my husband died 12 years ago it was gardening. I had all of this anger (that he had died) and I knew absolutely nothing about gardening but went out in front of my house and just started digging up the lawn! The physical part (the digging) was good for my pent up anger but once I dug up the yard I needed to learn about planting…..I had never planted anything but an annual or vegtables, in my life. I started learning about perenials. I found gardening to be similar to therapy for some reason. It worked well for me. However, gardening isn’t the answer, it could be anything you might enjoy. The thing is I never knew I would enjoy gardening until I tried it. And I never even had a clue that gardening could be good for the soul as well.
I hate doing stuff “alone”. And yet I found stuff I could do alone and be ok. One thing I could never do alone is go out and eat….Whats the point? I like to think of going out to eat as…….Well good food, good company, good conversation. So going alone wasn’t for me. But I did find a few things I could enjoy. A good estate auction. (love old stuff) and a fun place to people watch as well.
There is likely some stuff you can enjoy by yourself to. You just have to find out what that might be. And once you are busy doing this “stuff” you will be finding your friends will be calling you and you won’t even realize that it has been awile since you talked to them.
henry… you are right, I am living in the past, I do that a lot when I am alone. I guess it’s all in my attitude, I’m not being positive… and I’m getting back what I’m putting out there. I’ll work on keeping my chin up too!! Thank you!
witsend… good advice! I like working in the yard too… I just concentrate on keeping it mowed and clean, not really planting much, there was one out-of-control overgrown gigantic plant I attacked after I broke up with the alleged N, that was great, took me almost a year to cut it all back, too bad I don’t have another one to prune since I broke up with the loser (alleged S, I’m not medically qualified to diagnosis either of them) it’s too hot to go out there and do anything right now, blah. I don’t like to go out to eat by myself either, I guess I’m being a big cry baby, please ignore me… LOL
You are a great lady…emotionally honest and willing to be vulnerable to heal. To be honest, I STILL have trouble being alone. Sometimes it’s ok, and other times I dread it. If I feel the awful feelings of abandonment, I abhor being alone. Last night I was feeling especially alone, but I went to Mass (Catholic) anyway. On the way back down the aisle from communion, I ran into my aunt who invited me over for dinner. We visited on the patio after dinner and reminisced over old times (she’s 86). When I came home, I played a few games of Spider Solitaire and went to bed. I think the most difficult thing for me is that I was married for 25 years with children, and now that the family is all gone, I feel like I’ve lost my identity. I go through the motions, but I’m lonely alot, and expect I will be. I’m just the family type.
You are displaying a lot of courage. I do go out to eat by myself, and go to movies and bookstores and thrifting and out with friends occassionally, but there is an empty place that is there most of the time – it is even there when I do volunteer work, but I realize that this is so because the S in my life filled up the space that filled the addiction so I wouldn’t have to face reality.
Keep in touch with us who love you, and know that even though it will never be what we want it to be at all times, it will be what it is. It is called life.
Dear dear LF Friends (or as Janie would say, “Peeps”) your little “love fest” was wonderful and you know, it is great to know people who do understand you and “get it” about the Ps or Ss (whatever term you want to use) an dyea, I get tired of the subject sometimes and call a HALT to even thinking about them.
Other times, I want to read more and learn more about them and myself….
Sometimes I am bored, but mostly I think of something interesting to do (even if it is too darned hot to leave the house and go outside) This weekend a GF came and we spent both all day sat and sun cooking and making dishes with SQUASH (Know why you have to lock your car in Arkansas in July? If you don’t people will fill it FULL OF SQUASH!) I only have 3 plants and am harvesting 5 pounds per day!!! lAST NIGHT WE ATE ZUKINNI CAKE AND ICE CREAM! So my claim that you can put squash into anything except ice cream is no longer true! We laughed til tears ran down our faces.
People are “herd animals” just like my goats. If you take one goat and keep it by itself it will be VERY lonely and cry all of the time. When my first little kid was born this spring, she was born a single birth (not twins) and so she didn’t have anyone to play with (mama goats don’t play much) so she started playing with my little Jack Russell Terrier and she wantesd to play baby goat games of “let’s butt heads” and he didn’t know how, and he wanted to play let’s chew each other’s paws, and she didn’t know how to do that, but they finally came together to make up a dog/goat game they could both do and are now best friends.
So if we dont[‘ have friends afailable that know how to play the games we play, we might need to improvise and learn to play some new “games” with “new friends” that are a little bit different! go to a new place of worship, or go to a place you’ve never been before (an auction if you’ve never been) or a ball game, or a bazzar or a fair, or a women’s club, or a health club, or an adult center, or a museaum ior the library and volunteer, or a nursing home and volunteer, or a homeless shelter, or a political group, or an advocacy group, or a DV shelter, form a neighborhood watch, or look for a job as a dog walker or a houxe sitter or a baby sitter—be proactive in getting out to DO SOMETHING. You’d be amazed at hhow much you can gain by giving.
Go back and read Louise Gallager’s recent post on how she changed her life by giving to OTHERS. You guys are amazingly giving and caring.
BTW Chic, you are entitled to a pity-party once in a while but don’t do it too often or I will get the skillet out! LOL ((((hugs))))) and my prayers for all of you, always!