Pennsylvania State University, home of the storied Nittany Lions football team and its legendary coach, Joe Paterno, was rocked by allegations that one of Paterno’s former assistants, Jerry Sandusky, was charged with sexually assaulting eight young, disadvantaged boys.
The point of the article I posted earlier today, about former Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Fumo, was abuse of power. This sex abuse scandal is a variation of the same theme. Sandusky’s inappropriate behavior went on for years, probably because no one wanted to challenge a football dynasty.
According to the grand jury report:
• In 1998, Sandusky brought an 11-year-old boy into a Penn State locker room shower and behaved inappropriately. The boy’s mother reported it to Penn State University police. After a lengthy investigation, the Centre County District Attorney decided there would be no criminal charges.
• In 2000, a janitor saw Sandusky in the showers with an 11- to 13-year-old boy pinned against the wall, performing oral sex. He was distraught as he told his fellow janitors and his supervisor what he witnessed. But most of the janitors were new employees, and they were afraid that if they reported what had happened, they would lose their jobs.
• In 2002, a Penn State graduate assistant witnessed Sandusky having anal sex with a 10-year-old boy in the locker room showers. The graduate assistant told Joe Paterno. Paterno told his supervisor, Athletic Director Tim Curley. There were a few meetings, but no official investigation. In the end, all that happened was that Sandusky was told he could no longer bring boys to Penn State. Then, when the grand jury investigated, both Curley and the university’s Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Gary Schultz, downplayed the incident.
For more, read reporting in the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Ex-Penn State coach charged with sex crimes
Paterno says all at Penn State were fooled by Sandusky
Here in Texas we have the Castle law. I like it. You don’t have to wait until they are IN your house to defend yourself. AND, if they are breaking in your NEIGHBORS house or trying to kill at your Neighbors, you can take deadly protection.
Considering that it only takes less than HALF a second to cross a room and stab you or bat you senseless, knowing that you don’t have to wait sounds really good. It’s not like the police are going to come and save you, IF they decide to come at all. People don’t know this important fact: That POLICE do NOT HAVE TO answer your call for help. And if they don’t, you can’t sue them. So ya’ll BETTER get good at defending yourself. The calvary is NOT coming! Now saddle up YOURSELF.
you got it. It wasn’t his fault that his penis was wet and slippery and accidentally slid into their anus (repeatedly) when he was only hugging them.
I admit, I have a serious attitude problem tonight. I’m really disgusted. I’m soooooo disgusted. there aren’t words.
Katy, yep that’s it, Minimization, trivialization, big misunderstanding. Yep, smear campaign…the kids were promiscuous, that’s it, they led him on! He’s a VICTIM for sure.
With the “average” number of molestations/rapes done by “first time offenders” being between 110 and 300, there is NO TELLING just how many kids he molested. Charles “Jackie” Walls III in the Boy Scouts over a 20 year period did 1,500—yep, fifteen HUNDRED different kids, so there is NO TELLING just how many kids will come out of the woodwork, and it still won’t be ALL of them.
Just like the kids with the Catholic Church, I bet not one in a thousand has come forward. I don’t doubt that more will come forward, but I don’t even imagine that one percent of what he actually did will come forward, that’s the saddest part of all, but maybe for those that can’t come forward at least there will be some peace knowing he “got his” when he is locked up in a cell with BUBBA!
KatyDid, we also have the Castle Law and your home is your castle and that includes your car….also, being an “old lady” gives one a bit of wiggle room as well, but again, you have to be “in fear of your life” even in your castle. I’ve actually had to pull out my little friend twice in my life and once just having it visible was enough to discourage any further “problem” but I do very much believe that being able and WILLING to protect yourself is a very good idea with the MINIMUM AMOUNT OF FORCE NECESSARY TO PUT DOWN THE THREAT…whatever minimum amount of force is necessary.
They have fought that battle about people must be in fear of their life here in Texas. And the court ruled that no one can measure fear so the litmus test is the act AND the context according to the good ol’ orpman standard. (ordinary reasonable person)
Joe Horn shot the man who burgled the house next door, the burgler did NOT have a gun. Castle law protected Joe Horn b/c he THREATENED Joe and Joe thought the burgler would go get a gun and come back to kill him. When Joe shot him, that burgler was measured as 1.5 seconds to Joe. What are YOUR reaction times?
I have a telescope. I used it on the ranch to watch cows give birth and I could intervene if there was problems. I also used it to watch who was coming down our road. Telescopes are cheap and nice for watching stars as well. I don’t need it in the city but if I were rural like you, I sure as hell would have one.
yes serious attitude problem. you seem to be hell bent on TRUTH. I’d call that a problem all right. FOR THE SPATHS.
myself I am seriously PO’d. I totally empathize with Oxy about being triggered by this SOB. Everything about it triggers me. His STUPID voice sounding like a confused old man. BLAMING KIDS as if they don’t know the dif??? That’s what HE DID TO scare them into silence, telling them no one would believe them vs the BIG MAN ON FIELD.
Well, I am SO HAPPY that millions DO believe those kids. And I’m thinking this sort of thing is not the ONLY organization that did this to at risk kids. EVERY program needs to scrutinize their “heroes”.
Thank heavens I have healed enough to calm myself b/c I do believe if I saw My MF spath stbx husband, I’d shoot the SOB on site. He’s supposed to be signing our divorce papers, he went to my attorney and tried some shit, and he’s sent two email messages for my daughter where he acts the victim and is so pitiful. Triggers some major frigging nightmares. GGGRRRRR. and GGGGRRRR on all the abusers I’d suffered in my life. GGGGRRRR.
Shout it to the stars Skylar. I will join you.
(((Katy))))) I hope he will finally sign the paper, but you know, he has to get the last bit of DRAMA out of it that he can, that is to be EXPECTED, it is “SOP” (standard operating procedure) for psychopaths. Hang in there girlfriend! May the FORCE be with you! I know what you mean about this Penn State thing being a trigger, me too. Today was a better day though, and we got some RAIN! Much needed rain!
for the record to YOU ALL, no i would not kill, murder, or harm my husband in any way. he’s not worth it. but doesn’t mean i don’t FEEL. i’ve also shouted to his face that i wished so badly i were a man so i could beat the holy living crap out of him. it’s MY life that was nearly taken, it’s MY life that’s been threatened. and i am DONE taking the beatings. i have trained. nobody touches me again to rape me, beat me, drown me, smack me, steal from me, come into my home and ambush me. Nobody Never Again.
Yes Oxy. He told my attorney that he would sign. I have given him a sweetheart deal. He consulted with an attorney who told him the same thing, that he was so fortunate.
I know it’s him showing he can still be a shite, while pretending to care for my daughter whom he abandoned and TOLD her he didn’t want anything to do with her. But now pretending that never happened. YES, another tactic of his… rewriting history.
I keep my mouth shut and when I get the papers is the day my email address is shut down and my ph number changed and listed under a differnt name. (b/c thanks to the internet, even though it’s unlisted, it shows on a search.)
This is a very sad but very shocking truth, child molester’s are everywhere, this Penn State/ Sandusky event will bring more attention to the reality of child molesters than any other avenue I think, this has opened alot of eye’s to the fact that child molester’s dont have horn’s and forked tail’s but are normal looking people that so many look up to.
Personaly I never cared much for FOOTBALL , I never understood all the hype surrounding it. Maybe people will put down their beer’s and go check on their kids…