Pennsylvania State University, home of the storied Nittany Lions football team and its legendary coach, Joe Paterno, was rocked by allegations that one of Paterno’s former assistants, Jerry Sandusky, was charged with sexually assaulting eight young, disadvantaged boys.
The point of the article I posted earlier today, about former Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Fumo, was abuse of power. This sex abuse scandal is a variation of the same theme. Sandusky’s inappropriate behavior went on for years, probably because no one wanted to challenge a football dynasty.
According to the grand jury report:
• In 1998, Sandusky brought an 11-year-old boy into a Penn State locker room shower and behaved inappropriately. The boy’s mother reported it to Penn State University police. After a lengthy investigation, the Centre County District Attorney decided there would be no criminal charges.
• In 2000, a janitor saw Sandusky in the showers with an 11- to 13-year-old boy pinned against the wall, performing oral sex. He was distraught as he told his fellow janitors and his supervisor what he witnessed. But most of the janitors were new employees, and they were afraid that if they reported what had happened, they would lose their jobs.
• In 2002, a Penn State graduate assistant witnessed Sandusky having anal sex with a 10-year-old boy in the locker room showers. The graduate assistant told Joe Paterno. Paterno told his supervisor, Athletic Director Tim Curley. There were a few meetings, but no official investigation. In the end, all that happened was that Sandusky was told he could no longer bring boys to Penn State. Then, when the grand jury investigated, both Curley and the university’s Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Gary Schultz, downplayed the incident.
For more, read reporting in the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Ex-Penn State coach charged with sex crimes
Paterno says all at Penn State were fooled by Sandusky
Louise, psychopaths aren’t really “gay” OR “straight” —many of them will FARK anything, regardless of sex, species, or age. In other words, they would fark a snake if someone would hold it. Some DO like kids though, but it isn’t JUST KIDS it is anything or any one that they can CONTROL. Just like rape isn’t about sex it is about CONTROL, POWER, and it is also about “getting away with” the “forbidden.” I think the RISKYNESS of doing it where he might be caught is also a big turn on to Sandusky. THE POWER to be so IMPORTANT that you COULD get caught and make them keep their mouths shut. OMG what a turn on that must have been!
It’s a fallacy that men who like little boys are gay. For many years, this was used as a reason why homosexuals could not adopt children. Yes some pedos prefer male children but rarely would you find these predators to be homosexuals. These children are OBJECTS to them to be used however they want, not a male relationship. Like ALL spaths, they have NO conscience about the outcome of their behavior towards their vulnerable prey. In fact, they are angry that a child would not want the abuse. Entitlement. Rather, many times they perceive the child as taking advantage of them b/c the child is treated as “special”.
Louise ~ I just need to back up what Oxy & Katy just stated. It has absolutely nothing to do with being gay or straight. It has nothing to do with sex – it is all power and control.
And yes, I have NO doubt he molested his own children.
Agreed, and furthermore, they have no desire to be married except for that it provides a cover to their deviance. They know that people look with suspicion on a man who has never married…
According to Anna Salter, PhD, many pedophiles either marry women who have children, adopt children, or position themselves in a job or volunteer organization where they are brought into contact with CHILDREN.
The Boy Scouts of America have some of the strictest policies about volunteers NEVER BEING ALONE with a child, but even that policy was not enough to keep Charles “Jackie” Walls III from molesting 1,500 kids over a 20+ year period.
Years ago there was a case in Texas of a 10 year old girl who accused (falsely as it turned out) a young man of raping her. The man spent 11 months in jail awaiting trial before the girl finally told police she had “made it all up to get attention.” But because she had been alone with the young man he had no defense, it was her word against his, and he spent 11 months in jail awaiting trial and very well could have gone to prison for
many years, even being INNOCENT.
At the time we had some rental units on our property in which some young girls lived with their father, and I tried to make sure that my then-teenage sons KNEW that they must NEVER BE ALONE with either of these girls or even both of those girls. One of the girls was 13-14 “going on 30” and had a very fully developed figure. One of my son C’s “friends” who came over all the time was getting a bit too friendly with this girl (he was 18 or 20) and I tried to talk to the young man about his behavior around our pool with the girl. He just accused me of being a “dirty old woman” and I ended up having to tell this young man to leave and NEVER COME BACK….
While kids ABSOLUTELY need mentors, people who are WISE will mentor kids in such a way that there is not an easy opportunity for FALSE accusations of inappropriate behavior to get any where.
That song is definitely your theme song.
Today while I was lifting weights, I was thinking about how you talk about being SLIMED. Mostly, these days, I just want to go to church.
Yes, people who are wise will mentor so that false accusations are near impossible to claim. It’s not JUST to protect the mentors, it also makes the KIDS feel secure. It’s No surprise that Good policy has a Great bonus.
It’s how I separate the “do gooders” – those for whom their giving is all about feeding their need and make a big show about how wonderful they are b/c they took on a charity case – versus givers who live their lives with integrity and contribute b/c they see a need and are able to easily fill it.
When I was growing up, I had some neighbors who, for some unknown reason, did some pretty wonderful things for me. I don’t even think they thought a thing of it. I was their daughter’s friend who was eager to learn how to do the right things in life and I was hungry (well, actually starving). They just did what came naturally. They invited me to stay for dinner. They invited me to come along camping. They gave me a present for my birthday and Christmas. They attended my graduation and came to my wedding. They taught me how to drive a stick shift car, and gave me rides to school on cold Iowa winters, taught me how to drive the boat, how to waterski, how to cook a steak, how to drink responsibly, how to sew clothes, change my oil…. gosh now reliving these memories…I’m crying. My God. There’s so much I can’t list it all. What they did was everything to me.
But NEVER once, did they try to get me alone for “special” attention.
Yep, you guys are right, but I still wonder if this Sandusky even had sex with his wife. Or let’s say “normal” sex.
I don’t wonder b/c it doesn’t matter and it gives me a horribly ICKY feeling just to think about it.
Did you have a perspective why you wonder about such a thing? I’m thinking you have some kind of insight you are pursuing and are Not being voyeuristic.
I don’t wonder because I know that if he had sex with his wife, it was only as my spath called it: maintenance.
Spaths will only have the minimum possible sex with their wives or girlfriends. And they only do it so that the wife won’t leave or cheat. If they can find some other way to keep her bound to him, he’ll do that instead.
There is a reason for this. Spaths only like to do things that they consider illegal, illicit or immoral. These are the only sources of “pleasure” or “satisfaction” that they have. But since sex within marriage is sanctioned by authorities, it has no appeal. If anything, it is distasteful for that very reason. A spath could have clandestine sex with his wife’s identical twin sister and it would turn him on, but sex with the wife would not.
(hmm… that gives me an idea for twins to play a trick on a spath…). 🙂
After the first 7 years, my spath decided he would only have sex with me if I participated in some bizarre orgies (yes some orgies are more bizarre than others)!! So I was good enough for sex but only in the context of perversion or in a situation where he was undermining my perception of reality. That’s why I went celibate for the last 15 years.
I had a STUNNING figure for most of those years, but he went to have sex with my old, fat and hideous neighbor instead. LOL!!! See? I told you they like perversion.
This is the kernel of what being a spath is. They need to do evil for the sake of evil.
One might think that a pedophile is turned on by children, but I disagree. He is only turned on by forbidden fruit.