Finally, some nationwide exposure to the problem of sociopathic con men.
On Friday, June 20 at 10 p.m. (Eastern), the ABC 20/20, the network’s news magazine, will tell the story Katherine Underwood’s campaign often in disguise to collect the money owed to her by her former boyfriend, Budimir Drakulic. I am interviewed in the show explaining how it’s possible for someone to give her partner more than $410,000.
I broke the story back in April in an article for the Daily Mail:
Like a true sociopath, Drakulic never paid. But maybe he will now. ABC News hired a private investigator to track Drakulic, and then a process server to help Katherine garnish his wages. Here’s a preview of the show:
Woman dons disguises to get money back from ex, on ABCNews.go.com.
Lovefraud readers: Tune in. Tell your friends and family to tune in. Sociopaths live among us, and we all need to know how about these sweet-talking predators.
I wish you the best with this Donna……it’s SO SO needed. Thank you for spearheading what I hope will turn into a world wide awakening. The most powerful tool these losers have in their tool box is peoples lack of awareness that they actually exist and the damage they can do. I certainly saw the red flags (some of them anyhow) from the very first day. I just didn’t know how serious the warning was.
My best to you always……..Dotty
I have sent your website, along with many others to Dr.Phil, Oprah, Good Morning America and Maria Shriver, explaining to them that they need to make people aware. When I was duped by a sociopath, I researched this condition and learned many, many things and the best way is exposure. People still believe there is good in everyone. The majority of the world close their eyes. When I submitted my article to these people in the media, I requested they should start investigating on their own. I am in the process of completing my book about my relationship with the successful, charismatic sociopath I dated. It has been a two year quest to get it completed. I am so tired of people not believing what really happened. There is a fantastic article by Sandra L. Brown about how 60 million people in the US are affected by these predators. i have also seen you talk about it on another program. I choose to be a victor and not a victim because I took back my power by exposing him for who he really was. It was a very painful battle when I broke up with him upon learning he was placing sex solicitation ads on Craigslist while we were together.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to let others know about this subject matter.
This is so exciting!!! Finally!! Can’t wait to watch Donna!!!! The skeleton might finally come out of the human race closet!
Way to go to his gal…and to you, Donna! Good luck on the airing of your show tonight!
Years ago I watched a neat movie about a con man/ sociopath who took a gal for all her money and even got her to have her mom sell her home with promises of living with them in a huge upscale house…and then he vanished, leaving both broke and homeless.
In the story, the woman gets a PI to help her and she does some surveillance on her own, too. She literally runs into the sociopath on the street…AND he doesn’t even recognize her.
THAT was the moment that all of us victims so need to understand.
I anxiously await a replay link. Thank you!
Yes!! Great news that you’ll be “spreading the news” about this! One of my clients (a psychiatrist herself) asked me how it was possible for me, smart, educated, etc. to get “manipulated” so easily, and I wanted to laugh. I’m a woman, I thought… and we had lots of fun together. I loved loving him. It wasn’t all bad. Reading “The Psychopath Inside,” by James Fallon, actually helped more than all the hand-wringing of “Women Who Love Psychopaths,” “Dangerous Laisions,” “No Conscience,””Snakes in Suits”… I’ve read them all! Because James Fallon gave me more a biological explanation… of why my psychopath had no conscience – it’s his brain wiring. And his father was a psychopath too! When my ex-boyfriend was born, 30 years ago, his father drained his mother’s bank account and went a bought a “panty-dropper” car in Puerto Rico.
The issue for me was the PTSD of my own brain which made it continually cycle back to “why?”… and of course, by own brain wanting the “love blasts” that he could give, phony as they were. But now when my brain thinks of him, I just jump it into “butterflies” instead! I put myself completely in the butterfly exhibition at the county museum, and refuse to give him another thought. And I refuse to see or talk to him. He’s just a virus, who will continue to infect others.
I’m really excited and happy to hear that you’re going to have such a wide audience. You’re such an inspiration! I can’t wait to see it.
H.G. Beverly
Donna, I’m thrilled and grateful you found your Purpose. Kathy
I’m so looking forward to tonight. Watching Donna fulfill her destiny through the media. It’s awesome! Knowledge is power, and this has the potential to help so many people!
Wish I was able to view this! I’m at work, but maybe they’ll be another way to see this program. Thank you for having the courage and confidence to speak out!
Sometimes it just takes time: precious stolen time!
To get the much needed attention on this very personal, hurtful subject.
I am a writer, as you know, so I do not have cable! Please post the show or I will find it on the internet.
Much love to you,
Juliet Montague