For people who feel like their love lives are lacking, Valentine’s Day can be really miserable. I know. I spent far more years of my adult life alone than I spent attached.
Pining for romance makes us vulnerable to the sweet nothings of the sociopath. Of course, we don’t realize when we hear those smooth, silky words that they literally are nothings—empty promises. We think they’re the answers to our prayers. Our dreams come true.
Then, at some point, we shockingly discover that our “relationship” with Prince or Princess Charming is nothing but a cruel mirage. We’ve been tricked. We find ourselves once again single, but now we’re also carrying whatever additional devastation the sociopath has wrought—embarrassment, rage, doubt, illness, debt, a multitude of losses.
The pain and emotional turmoil are so overwhelming that we feel like we’ll never recover. Or, perhaps we passed through the worst of the trauma and now we’re just tired, too exhausted to care about Valentine’s Day. Or, we still want to fill that empty hole within us, but our faith in our own judgment is severely shaken. How can we feel better?
The answer is always to heal our own hearts. Much of my book, Love Fraud—How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan, is about discovering how to do exactly that.
Deciding to heal
The first step is deciding to heal. When we’re in the midst of the trauma, this may feel counterintuitive. We want somebody to do something about the sociopath. We want somebody to deliver us from our circumstances. We want somebody to fix us.
Unfortunately, it’s rare for the situation to change quickly enough to make us feel better. But we don’t have to wait for changed circumstances in order to begin healing. In fact, we shouldn’t wait, because that’s not the way the energy of life works. First we heal ourselves, then the circumstances change.
Pursuing healing requires conscious action, participation on our part. It is something we do, not something that we wait for. So how do we pursue healing? By purposely finding peace and moments of joy.
Peace and joy
Yes, we can find peace within us, even as the storm rages around us. You can use any method that is comfortable and comforting, such as quiet contemplation, meditation, prayer, religious services, walking in nature, listening to music, or any activity that brings a sense of stillness and calm.
At first, we may feel only fleeting moments of peace before we are interrupted by stressful thoughts of our circumstances. That’s okay. Keep trying, and little by little, you’ll find that you’re able to hold on to the peace for longer and longer periods of time.
Then, as you go through your day, look for moments of joy wherever you can find them. Maybe you find a sock that you thought the washing machine ate. Maybe you get a good parking spot. Maybe a clerk in a store is helpful. Maybe a friend takes you out to lunch. Notice those little treasures, no matter how small. And when you do, say a small prayer of gratitude—it can be as quick as the words, “Thank you.”
What happens when you focus on peace and joy? It reduces your stress, which deactivates your fight or flight response, which allows your body’s natural healing capacity to do its job. I’ll be talking more about this in a future blog post, but for now, know that focusing on peace and joy starts the process of change.
Healing your heart is always the answer. When we work on healing our hearts, miracles happen. When we create peace, harmony and health within us, our life circumstances improve as well.
I know this for a fact, because it happened in my life. I worked on changing my inner landscape, and as I made progress, my life got better. It took time, but I finally let go, emotionally, of the sociopathic ex-husband. As soon as I did, I met Terry Kelly, the man who became my new husband.
Terry and I are now in the midst of what we call “Love Week—”the celebration of our wedding anniversary and Valentine’s Day. We go out to dinner. We indulge in a one-pound box of chocolate and slowly nibble away, a couple of pieces at a time. Best of all, we exchange mushy sweet somethings, words that reflect our love and happiness.
True love feels like a miracle, but in reality, it is a direct result of a healed heart.
It’s also making me appreciate looking forward to having a kitchen…..Spath demolished mine 4 YEARS ago….yep……in Feb 2007…..the remodel started, but never finished…..
SO….now I don’t even have dishes or pots pans to cook in…..I’m heating up my lasagne in a tupperware bowl and cut it out of the pan with a plastic fork!
Totally duding it up….bachelor style.
Hens….I say get some smelly and spikey flowers….take them directly to HER…..hug her, wipe your tears and tell her how much your gonna miss them…..and PLEASE do keep in touch.
FAKE IT UP……over the top!
Good riddance!
You can get her in as much trouble as you get me in….I”M SURE!
Hi LL and Oxy,
how are you today. what your therapist said about “soul murder”, is so true, when I look back he did it many times to me, sometimes over such trivial stuff where he denied reality and gave some silly explanation about it. Begin to think of it, they were toying with us at every stage and we think it is simply a difference of opinion.
Hi Oxy,
thanks for the post to me and LL. we have to heed your advice. you are right maybe in a subconscious way I am still trying to remain in his life. however, when I said no to the 2 conferences this year in April and Septem, I was crushed for 2 days as I enjoy going to these meetings and making presentations of my work. It took me much courage to tell myself that the timing was not right for me. In a way I feel so much stronger now after having said NO to the meeting organisers.
so I am trying to fade away and I will be watchful about the emails, they are very reduced and have some work stuff – like – this scientific paper has referenced this or that etc and the emails are very dry and to the point and related to work. I will be very careful. Actually, I do not feel good from inside about him and this feeling is now lasting longer than the pain of losing the dream or even trying to chase after the dream, so I think I have made some progress.
I need to leave the site for awhile. I would love to continue to support and speak with you via email. If that is okay with you, please let Donna know that you’d like my email address.
I think you’re making GREAT progress! And I’m SO Proud of you!
Hello tobehappy,
I believe I understand clearly, the place where LL and others are coming from. I am not here to judge you in any way. We all make choices, some of them mistakes. However, like LL and some others, You had been somewhat of a guiding force for me in a sence. When I arrived here, I had already healed in some ways, however I was still fragile, vulnerable and insecure. I would look forward to both yours and Skylar’s posts, as you both seemed to possess the real essence of what it was to be so far ahead in the healing process. You projected incredible strenght and independence. You spoke so strongly about how you were able to get to the point of not needing or wanting the person who had been so toxic in your life, and what you had done to reach that point and accomplish so much for yourself and your sanity.
You had been a mentor of sorts. Not to put any responsibility on you, as I do know this was not your job, here. It just “was what it was”. Therefore, your new found thoughts, actions and information you are offering to us at this time is sort of like having the “rug pulled out”. If nothing else, you gave some of us a foundation. A perspective on hope and what we ourselves could achieve, if we followed some of your true words of wisdom, and wonderful advice. I remember you giving us really great ideas of how we could meditate, relax, release tension and the thoughts of the toxic person or people in our lives, and climb the latter the way you had climbed it to get to a peaceful and safe place. I am not trying to push any negativity onto you. It is not as if you have deliberately tried to hurt anyone here. But if you could open your mind and your heart just enough at this time, to understand and accept what we are trying to relay to you it could be a good thing all the way around.
Although it is none of my business, I would like to just say on behalf of LL, that it is in fact true that because of the new direction you are chosing to take, and in turn the affect it has on LL and some others, myself included, you would do best to keep your advise or opinions to yourself for now. It isn’t that we are being conditional here. We are now just to a place where we know better, and ironically you were one of the people here that helped us to get to this better place we are in. We need to keep going with our focus, on the same path, and there is no room for confusion because of the damage we have already suffered. I do so hope that you can understand, and that this does not hurt you, further.
Thank you for listening, and I do wish you nothing but goodness.
Much love,
Hi LL, I love your posts and feel so good after talking to you.
If you can ignore posts which bother you and still stay on the site, it would be of great benefit to both of us as we are in same stage of healing.
I can check for your email with Donna.
LL, I agree with Petite. Show yourself how strong you really can be. How much strength you truly posses, by taking what works for you, here and leaving the rest, and of course continuing to offer your exceptional support and knowledge with others. You have been an incredible asset here, whether you know it or not. You are undeniably an incredible, strong woman. You are needed and most appreciated, here!
Hi Eden and LL<
Eden agrees with me. Thanks Eden.
LL you are super strong and I have said this to you many times. let us not have to lose you, we value you far too much, so please stay here to guide us, yourself and to get the Boinks from Oxy when necessary.
Eden you are far ahead in recovery than me, if you have some advice for me, it is welcome, I am at the stage of grieiving the loss of the dream and will he change for the next one and give her my dream. getting stronger – however, need mental nourishment from LF site.
Hi Petite,
Hold that thought… I am starving as I just returned home from late night at office and need to eat. I will be back shortly, possibly 10 minutes. If you are gone for the night, you will find a post from me in the morning.
I do not live in USA, I am at the other end of the globe, I am in my clinic as it is post-lunch time.
take your time for dinner and write to me at ease.
I am not sure if you know my story, we are both doctors in 2 different countires, met at a conference, he was planning divorce, not yet then, he swept me off my feet, we met at 3 meetings over 1 year, he moved out of his house and started divorce work as planned in end 2010. told me of his past – involved him cheating 6 times, then he got STD and confessed to the wife, wife was mad – went for counselling (therapist said he had traits if Narcissism but no action was taken – he told me he did not think he had Nism) told wife he would not email to any of the past women, – 3 yrs later – he went to Europe for a conference and went to touch base with exGF in Europe who was now married with 2 kids, he wanted to prove to himself that there is no magic in these girls whom he cheated with, there were all normal people after all, told wife he went to meet her for this reason, wife freaked out that he was still in contact with ex-women and she told him – she did not love him anymore, she cheated on him and told the kids about the father’s cheating. from then they considered divorce.
Oxy and others here told me once a cheat – always a cheat and that he would lie and cheat with me also.
he had swept me off my feet, but over time I saw red flags of lack of empathy, always having his way, telling me one thing and then saying he did not remember what he said, that we should have a tape recorder, then again the lovebombing, again difference of opinion, he said we had cultural differences and make me try to make sense of his nonsense.
I told him no in Jan this year – that I was scared of him and
felt pushed in a corner with his reasonings and I could not continue in this manner.
so here I am – with a raw wound, trying to heal and learn that it was not true and try not to miss the dream.