I address this post mainly to my female audience because, in my experience, the pathology I’ll be discussing, while not exclusively male, is more often than not expressed by men against women.
I revisit here what I regard as an important relationship red flag: When you meet a man who seems to be “Mr. Perfect,” someone “you can’t find anything wrong with,” you need to take a good long pause; otherwise, trouble bodes.
Now I’m not talking about, or maligning, the experience of “great chemistry.” Great chemistry, even electric chemistry, where you hit it off instantly, is a good thing and sometimes a good omen.
But there’s an important difference between “great chemistry” versus the sense of having met and experienced “perfection.” The genuine Mr. Right, in other words, is a very different creature than Mr. Perfect, who almost always will be a quack.
There are a number of reasons for this. First, men perceived by the women they meet as “too good to be true” are often men with an agenda to be perceived as too good to be true. These men are often calculating narcissists or sociopaths for whom the game, the challenge, the principal goal, is to disarm their female [target] objects with their apparent, and compelling, perfection.
To advance their agenda these men may exhibit inordinately seductive qualities right from jump—inordinate levels, for instance, of charm, politeness, thoughtfulness, soliticousness, sacrifice and attentiveness (in a word, responsiveness).
But this isn’t a case of their being on their “best behavior,” as new partners normally are with each other; rather, it’s a case of their being on their best “contrived” behavior, their intent being to effect an impression of perfection as if they are cut from a different cloth—specifically, the cloth of male romantic perfection.
These men may want you to regard them as Princes heaven-sent; they may want you to feel that it took something like your lottery-like good fortune to have found them.
Many of them will be seeking the approbation of your social circle; they may want those around you to ask as with shaking heads, “Where did you find him?” “What planet did he come from?” “Oh my God, he’s like”¦perfect!”
These men will often “groom” you not unlike how the sexual abuser grooms his victims—with promises of his special attentiveness, gratification and protectiveness. This exploitive strategy is extremely potent as it accesses deeply-held fantasies to be perfectly loved, protected and embraced.
Other LoveFraud columnists and astute posters have correctly noted that not all of these men are consciously operating as predators. While true, it’s also important not to minimize just how many of these men are, consciously, operating with predatory agendas.
In either case, these are not men who love, respect, or even like women. Rather, they use women for ego-gratifying and ego-masturbatory purposes. And just as the thrill of a masturbatury experience fades fast, so too does the thrill that women give such men fade with often startling, disorienting suddenness.
While this dynamic may or may not confuse the exploiter, it will surely confuse the unalert woman.
In their “grooming” process, these men will often pull out all the stops: they may, for instance, be the best, most attentive lovers you’ve ever had while all the while they’re not actually enjoying the sex because they’re not present; rather, they are watching themselves, and watching themselves with you, as if they’re porno aspirants determined to make a name for themselves, determined to stamp themselves (to legendize themselves, if you will) in your mind.
Many of these men are desperate to be the fantasy of their perfect selves–that is, the fantasy of themselves as special, unique, memorable. And so they tend parasitically (and compulsively) to seek cooperative, vulnerable hosts (such as you) as if to hold for them, store for them their slippery, empty gestures at immortality. (I intend to flesh this idea out in a separate post, recognizing the incompleteness of my explanation.)
We’ve discussed some of these concepts before, but another of them bears repeating: Narcissists, sociopaths and their like will chew you up for the temporary ego-gratifying nutrients you can supply them in the short-term; and then, like a piece of chewing gum from which they’ve extracted all the sugar, they’ll spit you out, devalue and discard you, now that you’ve lost your flavor (and thus use).
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2009 by Steve Becker, LCSW)
Blueskies, JustAboutHealed…thanks for helping me articulate some of my points better than I did. Very eloquent and illuminating.
Also Blueskies, a really fascinating description of that tv show. wow. Thanks!
NewLife, Oxy, Tillie, Blindsided…sincerely appreciated your feedback. Many thanks!!!
NewLife…I’m following. You have so much to be proud of. About yourself. So much.
ANewLily – I post infrequently, so you may not “know” me but I just wanted to say that my prayers will be with you on October 2.
And Steve, your posts are always so incredibly spot on; they are very comforting to me with their insights, which always help me to understand a little better each time the psychological makeup of these predators. Thank you.
Dear Guys, first off, MATT, I am so sorry that you got shafted, but that is the way “business” is—-
Lily, dear Lily, we will all be with you in our hearts, minds and prayers.
The TV show thing about the demons sounds so RIGHT ON! They ARE parasites and actually seem to NEED A HOST in order to survive just as the TV versions do. that was a great analogy!
It is imperative you keep your mind in a good place……
It’s a very scary thing to belong to the ‘C’ club! I’m sorry you have been ‘initiated’.
There are a lot of great survivors in this wretched club…….YOU WILL BE ONE OF THEM.
A good majority of the healing takes place in the mind. I know you have been dealt the raw deal of health the past few years……but put it all behind you and allow your body to follow your mind with positive thinking…..
Don’t let the time ‘down’ take your mind down. Stock up of good reading, surround yourself with positive people/help/aid….reach out and accept the help.
There are blessings that will come from your journey….embrace them.
Your a wonderful, beautiful woman…….you need your emotional strength to fight the fight and be a warrior against the “C”.
Believe and it will happen.
You will be in my thoughts, I will send you strength and good mojo……
Stay strong my dear! Stay strong!
I know I get sort of fanatical when I read a book that feels insightful and I keep recommending it to everyone – so hopefully I’m not annoying everyone. But perhaps “The art of selfishness” should be on your reading list too.
At first it doesn’t seem like it offers any new insights at all, especially since it was written in 1937!! But I think it’s the WAY, that the author puts all these insights together, into one concise presentation with many different applications. It’s hard to explain, but the way he writes makes it easier to absorb the core of his message: “Never compromise yourself” and “No Ego Satisfactions.” Together, these two edicts form the base for the confidence that you know what is right for you and no one can guilt you into giving away your personhood. Much strength and peace comes from that knowledge.
You might be asking how that relates to cancer? I don’t know except that peace and strength of mind might feel good while you’re working on your physical health.
Love, hugs and prayers to you, Lily.
Skylar……our LF resident librarian!
I am a C survivor like Erin. You have survived being in the throes of an s. There is no doubt in my mind you will overcome this! I was diagnosed w/ stage 4 ovarian C when I was still married to the s. I knew I would survive no matter what. My mother died from C. I lost her when I was only 24. We at LF are survivors! We’ve all been through the test of fire, & came out the other side. You are in my prayers, & God will see you through this.
“In either case, these are not men who love, respect, or even like women”
Yes, you are so correct. You nailed this. I came to the same conclusion. I decided this man I am married to does not like women. I think he uses them sexually to degrade[all his sordid affairs] them and have them degrade themselves….which is what porn does also. IMO the reason so many of them are addicted to porn.
Dear LF friends,
Thank you for your compassionate and helpful responses. I’m sorry not to answer each one but my stomach and head hurt TOO MUCH.
I have been feeling serene about the cancer diagnosis since the beginning and I know that this challenge can be overcome, if I keep my positive attitude.
That is difficult because no matter how I’ve tried to “protect” myself from my brainwashed adult children, I have been largely unsuccessful.
Today was the worst of ever. I’m too sick to explain but Oxy knows — maybe she can explain what happened today so you can give me solace/and or advice? I know some of you share the grief of estranged children!
I don’t think I have any choice today but to accept that my children were indeed tainted with their father’s disorder — and likely suffer from it, too. Nothing else makes sense.
It will be extraordinarily difficult to keep my normal positive attitude but I WILL TRY!
Thanks beyond words for your prayers!!
PS These past 7.5 years of their estrangement from me have been FAR WORSE than the too-long “marriage.” I reacovered from “that” before I even found LoveFraud.
Knowledge gained: Children who grow up with a NPD parent do not grow up unscathed!