Well — what a week it’s been! Last Wednesday I received the all-clear from my biopsy, and what a massive relief it was”¦ So massive that I hadn’t fully understood how much I had been stressing over the whole episode. Yes, I know, it’s only natural to feel anxious over the potential of discovering a life-threatening illness, but I hadn’t appreciated just how much I’d been holding in, boxing off, pushing away so that I could deal with life on a day-to-day basis.
It took a good couple of days for the good news to sink in, and since then I’ve felt more ”˜alive’ and full of beans than I have done for a long time. It’s only now that I’m feeling lighter and brighter, that I realize just how tense and low I had allowed myself to become. I guess there’s a whole lot of truth in that old sayings “we don’t know what we don’t know” — and let me tell you, now that I do know how much better I’m feeling, I am ready to grasp life with both hands. I’m enjoying a newfound and sense of liberty and excitement, and I notice that I have a huge smile most of the time now — inside and out. I also have a new level of calmness and confidence that I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced before.
Minor Irritations
Funnily enough, I’m also experiencing a number of ”˜hiccups’ that I’m finding quite irritating — businesses closing just when I need to make an appointment, people not returning calls, my car breaking down, electrical equipment playing up. In previous times, I would likely have reacted one of two ways. Either I would have let it wash over me as if nothing had happened, or perhaps I would have scrunched up my face and clenched my teeth — but still not let anything ”˜bad’ escape my lips. Now though, and this last week in particular, I have certainly been expressing my frustrations! I don’t think I’ve ever really done that before — well, certainly not in the way I have been cussing and stamping my feet over recent days. And you know what? It’s actually been feeling pretty darned good!
Previously, you see, I’d learned and believed that the more I chose to focus on something, the more I would bring similar experiences in to my life. The fact is I still believe that to be true. What I believe I hadn’t fully appreciated in the process before though, was that I can still focus on the ”˜good stuff’ while also honoring very real sensations of irritation or frustration. Instead of doing that, however, I’d succeeded in pushing aside anything and everything that I’d deemed remotely ”˜negative’ within my experience, which simply resulted in me ignoring myself. In doing so, I believe I also succeeded in shutting down my own intuition. After all, if I wasn’t respecting the niggling feelings because I’d judged them to be in some way harmful, then surely it stands to reason that I’d been equally incapable of accepting the good emotions as well”¦?
Thoughts Create Experiences
So here’s the irony. Many years ago I studied and worked as a Louise Hay trainer, where the whole ethos is all about loving and accepting ourselves — exactly as we already are. It’s also about the notion that thoughts become things. That changing our thinking radically changes our experiences and, therefore, our lives. That negative or unconstructive thoughts will naturally create negative experiences — right? Yes, all of that makes sense (and I still hold true to that perception of the world) and yet at the same time I was consciously choosing my thoughts, I now believe that I was subconsciously squashing myself. Despite myself, therefore, I had been living against the principal of loving myself — exactly as I already am!
How on earth could I trust my intuition if I couldn’t acknowledge and accept every response and emotion that was true for me? How on earth could I expect myself to know — to truly know — the difference between what was good or bad for me, if I steadfastly ignored the signs to say that something is wrong? Yes, I could (and still can) choose my thoughts and create a more positive reality for myself — but in the process I couldn’t possibly fully know and accept myself within that positive reality.
Bottom line is, I wasn’t trusting myself. At least, that’s the way I see it now.
Now I’m really learning to trust myself — more so than ever before. And for me, that means allowing myself to feel, accept and express all manner of emotions. While I’m sure it may sometimes mean that a few of my responses may appear to be a little heavy handed while I get used to acknowledging the annoyances, I do believe that with practice I’ll find a level ground. And I also believe, that as I continue to recognize these little (or large) frustrations and express them honestly, that I’ll have less and less need for nuisances in my life. By which I mean, that the more I accept these ”˜not so positive’ emotions as they arise — without judgment, labels or blame — then surely the more and more I am trusting and accepting myself?
Surely that therefore means that I can expect — and accept — an even more fulfilling life than I am currently enjoying”¦?
So, I am grateful for all the annoyances that have been showing themselves this week. And, rather than think that perhaps my thinking is somehow flawed for such things to be turning up in my life, I’m choosing instead to know that these are all more opportunities to express myself with more authenticity.
I guess the one thing to be aware of, though, is to make sure I don’t start enjoying showing my fierce or annoyed self too much — otherwise I could turn in to a perpetually grouchy person! Note to self — frowning will create a whole new batch of wrinkles. Much better to just make sure the smiley lines become more deeply engrained 🙂
sooo much better hens. really!
you have a ‘puter in your house again?
Yap I do…you sound good onesteprs, I have thought of you often..
Good, its important to be connected, so that we don’t become isolated.
I am learning things. One of the things I realized tonight, is that one of my new jobs could just go away and I would be good with that. I don’t have to worry about it so much – it’s not so important, even though it is the one that pays best. The job is a bit stupid – complex politics and demanding. so, instead of stressing, i will just try to try. and if it doesn’t work, it’s okay.
🙂 muy proud of myself for this one.
And you, what are you up to? Gotten out to meet folks?
no stress – that is the best way to live if we can.
Nope I really have not done alot of socializing onestep..
I have been kinda sick, had to stay in the hospital a few days, a case of pancrea itis and two strains of tick fever,,, but am feeling much better. I am glad to be back with my friends here…
oh jeez hens, rest and get well! and take care of yourself. no beer! peace out…sleep well.
Tony, let me address your post above about being single…my husband died and I felt the same way, I was so lonely, vulnerable, and felt no one would ever love me again….I would be alone forever…boooo hoooo boooo hooo.
Well, that attitude is what got me involved with a psychopath..and I caught on and dumped him. I still felt unloved and unloveable, booo hooo
But then I started to get healthy from my experience with him, and a whole family (my family) of psychopaths and I realized that
ONE IS A WHOLE NUMBER being single is not the worst thing in the world and actually if I am healthy emotionally, mentally, and spiritually being “alone” is NOT equal to lonely.
I had to first learn to love myself before I could be in a healthy relationship with anyone. I had to appreciate my own company before other healthy people would appreciate it.
It has been a long hard road to recover, I’m 6 years out from the P BF and 5 years out from the worst of my family psychopaths…and I am learning to appreciate my own company and to not feel “lonely” just because I dont’ have a “partner.” My life is full, happy, interesting, peaceful and I enjoy it. Sure there are things that happen…the engine blew up on my little truck…there are flat tires, and broken feet, and parrot bites, and lost dogs in my life…but that’s just “llife” and none of those things DELIBERATELY targeted me…well except maybe the parrot but he’s a narcissist anyway! LOL
The healing with the psychopaths starts out about them, Tony, but it ends up being about US and making ourselves healthy and P-free. Finding meaning in what has happened to us and using that meaning to make ourselves safe in the future and content and happy. Keep on the healing road.
Dang Henry I hope you are better all 3 of those things are SERIOUS.
On the tick fever, just FYI if you do a complete tick check every 12 hours and get them off before that, they are not likely to pass on any diseases. I have mirrors that I use and it is the rare one that gets by me….check every inch of your body when you get up in the morning and before you go to bed at night…with the weiners coming in they may be bringing in ticks on their fur that will get on your bed, furniture and ultimately YOU.
Yea, no beer or other alcohol, and keep a watch on it….(((Hugs)))) and get better! It is lonely around here without our Henry!
Dear Hens, ((((hugs)))), and I am hoping neither (pancreatitis or tick fever) will return. Oxy is spot on as usual, specially on the alcohol…. 🙁
Dear One-joy, you seem doing better as well! That you can be relaxed thinking about something one would consider catastrophic (losing a well payed job for instance!) is HUGE progress (well, in my opinon). ((((hugs))))
A cheers with organic carrot- juice to both of you (to Hens as well!!) 🙂 !!
Dear Ox and Libelle,
Thank you for your concerns about my health. Yes alcohol is the first thing the doctors asked concerning my pancreas. I have a few addictions but booze was never one of them. Even when I am dancing nekked under the full moon I mite have 2 cold beers, maybe a total of a 6 pack per month if that, and an occasional glass of wine. When I talk about beer on here it is mostly in jest. So I have a ultra sound on my gall bladder next monday.
As for the ticks, well I wish Braid Paisly would Ckeck Me for Ticks, but until then I do it myself.
I think I have had this tick fever for a very long time, I get used to not feeling good and blame it on getting older. Anywho I am feeling optomistic that my health will improve now that I have a reason or diagnosis of why I have been feeling puny. I still work even when I dont feel the best, I have to…