Editor’s note: Lovefraud received the following e-mail from a reader whom we’ll call “Veronica.” She fears for her granddaughter’s life, and it appears that she has reason to.
I’m desperate and very afraid. I hope you can help and help quickly.
My daughter was married to a man, who by all accounts, appeared to be the most wonderful guy in the world. It wasn’t until after she left him that she finally confided in me as to the truth of their relationship and I was horrified. I know he is definitely a sociopath.
For 5 years he made her life a living hell. The only reason she stayed with him she said was because it was the only way to protect her daughter. She left him over a year ago, and filed for divorce in May of this year. She was also given an order of protection (which he has violated numerous times), as he threatened my daughter and told her he was going to take my grandchild out of the country. We even showed the judge a video this man had made using his cell phone of himself badgering and pushing my granddaughter when she was only 18 months old. He cried when he saw the video. He told the judge my daughter made him do that. He said that’s the method they were using to potty train her. I sat there stunned when he said that, but I thought the judge would see through such an obvious lie! They lived with me during that time, and none of that happened. My daughter asked the judge to let me testify and he said no.
In the end, the judge saw in him a loving father and would not give her sole custody without any contact with the father. This has proven to be a grievous mistake on the judge’s part.
Injuries and threats
Twice we have had to call the police because my 4-year-old granddaughter came home injured. The first time he kicked her. They took pictures, they talked to him and of course he said he had no idea how it happened. Then he started sneaking into my daughter’s yard at night. Parking two doors down at the abandoned house. Each time we tried to get a picture, all we got was his back or a blur as he ran away. The police said that proves nothing. I’ve seen him several drive real slow in front of my daughter’s house with the dome light on, giving us the finger or a sinister smile. He’s gone by the time the police get there. He drives different cars, a black 4 door sedan, a tan Camry, a red Aveo and a dark small truck.
On the 3rd of October he had visitation. When my daughter when to pick up my grandchild, my grandchild ran away and said she didn’t want to go with my daughter. “Daddy” picked her up and put her in my daughter’s car. When they were on the way home, my daughter asked my granddaughter why she acted that way and was told “daddy said if I didn’t do that he wouldn’t play with me anymore, but if I did, he would play with me every day.” My daughter called me and told me about the incident. Unfortunately, I got mad and called him. I asked him to stop using her as a pawn. Naturally he denied it. “I would never do that.” He kept yelling so I hung up. He called back and started yelling again. I said “Look, I just called to ask you to stop playing these games with her.” He said “You think this is a game?! I will show you the kinds of games I can play and you won’t survive.” He yelled, “Leave me alone” and hung up.
A few minutes later he sent me a text message. “You guys need to tell her if she continues to say things that aren’t true she’s gonna get in trouble. And apparently you need to think REALLY hard before you open your mouth about anything.” I know from past experience that was a threat to me and my grandchild. As it was a Sunday, I went early the next morning to court to get a protection order for myself. It was granted. However, it took almost 3 weeks to serve it as he kept avoiding the Constable.
Cigarette burn
On the 16th of October he again had visitation. When my daughter picked up my granddaughter in the evening and got her home, it was about bed time. As my daughter was helping her get her pajamas on, she saw blood and a sore in the middle of her back slightly larger than the diameter of a pencil. She asked how it happened.
“Daddy poked me.”
“Why did daddy poke you?”
“I don’t know, he said it was fair, but it wasn’t.”
“Why did daddy say it was fair?”
“I think he thought I poked him, but I didn’t. I kissed him on the cheek.”
“What were you doing when daddy poked you?”
“I was rolling the ball to (her half-sister).”
“Show me how daddy poked you”
She got up and took her index finger and poked my daughter as hard as she could in the back and moved her finger in a manner like you’d use to crush out a cigarette.
I was in the room and looked at the injury. Something didn’t look right so I went and got a magnifying glass. I said, this doesn’t look like a “poke” this looks like a burn. Because the local police had told us before not to call them, but to contact the police in the city where the incident occurred, we bundled her up and drove to my house and called the police from there. They came out and talked to all three of us. My granddaughter again showed the policeman how the injury occurred and they took pictures.
Two weeks later the detectives finally called him in for questioning. But naturally, he was shocked, he cried, he demanded to know who did it. He even brought in his other two daughters who said they had no idea she had been hurt. Even though my granddaughter had told the officers her older sister had kissed the owie to try to make her feel better. Obviously, he’s threatening her half sisters, too. The detective knew it was a cigarette burn, but here is what appears to be a loving father, so they let him go.
“Make us disappear”
Saturday, October 30th he saw my grandchild again. When she came home she told my mom and my daughter, “Daddy said if I tell the truth, he will kill us all and make us disappear.” We have no idea what to do. The police are starting to think we’re the crazy ones, so we didn’t call to report it.
Last night I got an urgent call from my daughter at 11:30 pm. She said he had been there messing with the outside electrical main box. She said first the back yard light went off, then came on, then various house lights went off and back on. She ran to the back of the house to look through the window at the junction box, but all she saw was him running away.
I went over and we looked at the box. It was obvious it had been opened. We got a padlock and locked it up, then spent most of the night awake with fear. The dogs went wild with barking at 2:30 in the morning. We couldn’t see anything outside, though. We have no idea what he has in mind, but we do believe he is planning to make good on his threat to make us disappear.
My daughter says she regrets divorcing him because now she can’t ensure my granddaughter’s safety. She said she would gladly put up with the abuse if it meant she could be sure her daughter was safe. I told her there would have come a time when not even living with the man would guarantee the safety of my grandchild. No one is safe from a sociopath, and I know it’s the hardest illness in the world to prove.
We don’t have money for security cameras or even a video camera. My mom who lives with my daughter is on Social Security, my daughter has been looking for work for a year and all she’s been able to do is sell cosmetics, and I don’t make enough to provide much support to them. We’re living in fear every day. After last night I don’t feel safe going home, as I live alone. There doesn’t seem to be any way to stop him and nobody is listening to us. Please, if you can help us. Tell us what to do now. We are all out of ideas and he’s got visitation again on November 12th. I fear most for my granddaughter’s life.
On finding the tracking device, since it is so small and you are probably not familiar with cars and car undercarriages take it to get an oil change which is a routine maintaince that most of us don’t do often enough, but requires a mechanic to get under the car, tell him that her X-husband is tracking her and stalking her and HE will find the thing as he knows what is normal under there and what is not and where to look.
You and your daughter CLEAN out the inside and let the mechanic look on the engine, and under the car and in wheel wells.
If it stops working, he may try to put another one on there so if possible garage the vehcile in a locked space.
I would search the child’s backpack, suitcase, etc. for a tracking device as well
Once you find the device, go directly to the police (along with the name of the mechanic that found it) and file a report, this is STALKING and is a good indication he is seriously stalking. You can’t prove probably that HE put it on there, but handle it carefully because there MIGHT BE finger prints on it, tell the mechanic to handle it carefully as well so he doesn’t leave finger prints on it.
Glad he didn’t get in to your electrical box! That’s a start and a notice to him that you know what the heck is going on.
This man is a CONTROL FREAK and he may become dangerous so keep the wasp spray handY!
Hello all,
We searched her car and my car a few weeks ago after I noticed somebody had been in my car while I was at the sheriff’s office trying to get my order of protection served. I found cigarette ashes in the coin box by the steering wheel and the light on the child’s seat turned on. We didn’t find anything in either car. The mechanic didn’t find anything. But there’s something beeping outside of my daughter’s house. We just can’t seem to figure out from which direction the sound is coming.
We did catch his car on the video, but since the camera got only the side of the car and not the plate, again we have no proof. However, we are keeping the tape, figuring if we can get the rest of him on film , that would be a little reinforcement to prove he was there.
My poor grandbaby woke up about an hour ago throwing up after having a bad dream. She said she doesn’t want to see him. She says she’s scared and doesn’t want him to hurt her again.
My daughter says she’s afraid to go to a shelter, because that leaves my 84 year old mother alone. My mom is mostly deaf and would never hear an intruder. My daughter says she knows “daddy” would go after my mom to bring my daughter out into the open. I believe she’s right. He’d go after me too, so I’m just not sure where we would go to be safe.
My mom is not in good health and could not handle being in a shelter too.
It’s that stupid custody agreement that is the problem. If my daughter doesn’t let him see my granddaughter, she can be arrested.
This is what happens when there’s only one family court judge in a county and nobody runs against him in the elections. He’s a bad judge. I watched him tell 4 moms they would have their children removed if they didn’t agree to visitation. I saw the 4 dads who were involved in those cases. It was so obvious the dads were lying! But this judge thought all the men were great including my ex son-in-law. He would not listen to one bad word spoken against these jerks or look at one piece of evidence the moms had. Pro-dad all the way, no matter what the evidence showed. OMG the one guy had just gotten out on bail for assault! Excuse me, but wouldn’t you think the judge would look at those charges and say “are you kidding? YOU want custody?” But instead he says, oh well, this man is going through anger management, so you need to give him a chance and not condemn him. This is a sick place to live.
Back to my immediate situation, I wish we had a garage to park our cars in, but those are rare in our part of the country.
We took a picture of the padlocks on the electrical boxes. I have been documenting things and sending those pictures and stuff to my friend. She is keeping a file on her computer, in case anything happens to me. I told her if he does something to me, she needs to print out all that stuff and run to the nearest police station with it. I’m trying to cover all the bases, you know?
Somehow, someway, there’s just got to be somebody with the proper authority who can help us keep my family safe.
Let’s just hope we find that person before something happens to us.
Thank you for all your help. I couldn’t deal with this without all of you.
Veronica – i just had a thought – check your grandbaby’s things, like her knapsack and shoes, for any kind of tracking device.
sounds like it is time to get another camera or move the one you have.
Has your daughter spoken to the shelter? Told them her story and concern about you mom?
This sounds pretty serious. Have you considered getting help from a security pro?
I had help from someone who really knew their business and it made a WORLD of difference to me.
The credential and experience might help you get a better response
from the system if you choose someone with good local standing….
Dear Veronica,
My prayers are with you. Is there a way your mom could move in with you for a while? Or that all of you could “bunk down” together at least on a temporary basis in either your daughter’s house or yours even if it meant getting some blow up mattresses for the floor? There might be safety in numbers with more eyes to watch out.
God bless. I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you all. (((hugs))))
Hello everyone,
Good news! “Daddy” was picked up for sale and transportation of marijuana! It’s a class 6 felony where I live. Also, he was driving on a suspended license, had no insurance, etc. Although he had a lawyer, he plead guilty, which must mean the evidence was more than he could lie his way out of.
My daughter is going to take this information and the doctor’s report regarding the burn on my granddaughter down to the court today and ask for no visitation, although we expect the judge will give him supervised visitation only. The CPS case is still open, which does work to our advantage. She will ask that “daddy” has to pay for those supervised visits, which are held at an approved parenting facility. If he has to pay, he won’t bother to see her. Money is difficult for him – from the fines and fees he was just assessed with (over $6000) he won’t have any money for a long time. (he’s also unemployed).
Also, his felony is a minimum of 3 months in jail even with a plea agreement. So if nothing else, we will have 3 months of peace! Hallelujah! These are the kind of violations we needed – he couldn’t lie his way out of them.
You know what caught him? The light on the rear license plate was out, which is a $127.50 fine around here. That little burned out light bulb just might get us heard in court at last.
Say a prayer the judge grants the “no visitation” order.
I’ll keep you posted. Hugs to all!
excellent Veronica!
Prayers are sent your way.
Wonderful, Wonderful veronica! You’ve got a prayer here!
Dear Veronica!!!!
GOD IS GOOD!!!!! Wonderful!!!!! This could not have happened at a better time! He may still stalk or harass you when he gets out, so be CAREFUL, and go ahead and get ready to apply for a no contact order or whatever it is called where you live, “restraining order”—of course that does NOT mean he will respect it, but at least you can have him arrested again. I would still have the cameras in place and any safety measures, notify the girl’s school, give them a copy of any “supervised only” visitation orders etc. so they won’t let him pick her up, etc.
Yes, I know I sound paranoid, but “just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t out to get you” so you KNOW this joker is a psychopath, he does not respect the law, and he will deliberately HURT A CHILD and use her to hurt her mother and you, so we know this guy is a BAD GUY, so BE VERY CAUTIOUS but do not live in TERROR!
Hopefully, he will get out, commit another crime (because he will have no money and no job) and go back to prison for a longer period of time. It is my prayer for your safety and your family’s safety! (((hugs))) God bless.
GREAT NEWS…..and I KNOW the feeling of how ELATED you must be!
The spath was also picked up with 10 lbs of pot…..in a hoedunk state several states away from me…..turn signal violation…..
He pled NOT guilty and it’s currently in front of the supreme court of xx state because he did get a good attorney.
Don’t fool yourself…..they got money! They may portray no money, because no work……but drug dealers ALWAYS have money.
Also, this must have happened a bit ago…..since the wheels of justice don’t turn quickly……arraingment, pretrial, motions yadayadyada…….
I found a very willing to listen DA, and I gave them everything I had……on spath……
You could contact the DA’s crime advocate in the local office…..and express your concerns…..(not emotionally, but your in fear and why)…..and due to these current charges, his behaviors are unstable……mention documentation WITHOUT any negatives…..(let them put together negatives).
A stalking and harassment order……all you need is to feel threatened or in fear. A DV order same…..what you have should be enough for D to apply for one also now.
AND the charges.
He NEEDS to know, by planted seeds……that you know…..in some covert way.
I would also suggest driveway chimes…..they are like 10 bucks and you can place them around your property line….they are wireless and they chime inside the house when the ‘plane’ is broken. No light goes on, just a sensor that alerts YOU. This will alert you to someone being on the property and you can grab the camera, call 911 and take some photos.
Don’t count on the 3 months away……he may get probation, even with a mandatory sentence…….
You can go onto your county police or sheriffs site and lookup the VINE alert program. It’s a program around the country that will alert victims of release of prisoners being held in custody. Either email or telephone. It’s anonymouse etc….
CAUTION: Don’t rely on this, it’s just another tool……the call is SUPPOSED to alert you PRIOR to their release……but sometimes you get alerted after. Just a headsup…..
I would hightly recommend going onto your county court records and accessing the criminal file…..If your county is not online, try Pacer.
It’s a govment run court records website, You do need a cc to get an account, but it’s 8cents a page of records…..I’ve done extensive searches and never been charged becuase it’s under 10 bucks. It’s a secure site, so don’t let the CC thing scare you. Print what you find.
You can search by case #’s or NAME. If his name is Jim…..type in JIM XX, then do another search under JAMES XX.
Do “ALL COURTS’ search, this doens’t limit it to your area……you may be surprised at other arrests…..
Heres a cheap website for security options…alert options.
I bougt a few of the blue LED motion lights to put at my rental…..funny thing…..when the business spath got near my rental unit…..he complained in court that I had SECURITY camera set up at the front door. THey are a bit intimidating.
All it is is a 10dollar blue sensor light, mounted at shoulder level. HA!
A deterent.
THey have stick on window/door sensors that chirp really loud when opened. At night you can set them and be aware of car breakin.
Stick them on the inside.
They are NOT high tech, just a 4 dollar deterent.
Wireless driveway alert system. $15.00. this is what I recommend getting.
I’d also position another camera.
If you spend $100 now…..it’ll save you later.
Also, get that GD to a therapist ASAP! She’s got something to tell…..and she’s scared, it’s coming out in her gut…..
My Jr did the same thing for years…..I NEVER picked up on it.
Go onto this link: http://www.harborfreight.com/general-merch/security.html?p=1
Keep calm, remain vigilant………and keep documenting….