UPDATED FOR 2024. Editor’s note: This story was submitted by the Lovefraud reader who we’ll call “Margie.” She was still in love with the jerk she met — even after learning he was a criminal.

One night I went to a bar by myself (but always knew someone there). I sat at the bar next to this lady I knew and started talking to her. Well Steve (my ex-sociopath—not his real name) was sitting next to her talking to her. I thought he was kind of cute so started flirting. He actually said to me that night, “I think I like you better,” like he had his sights on my friend first. He bought me a flower and all my drinks the rest of the night. Well that should have been my first and only red flag to run, but I didn’t! But stupid, naive me (never dealing with a sociopath before that is) fell for his good looks, as he was 6’1″, blond and blue eyes and had a football player’s body!
Well he told me he had to catch a bus in the morning to Fargo, ND to his mother’s house that he could not miss. I had NO idea he was just let out of prison! Well we proceeded to drink and get totally drunk that night and ended up at my cozy apartment that I lived in alone. The next morning we overslept and he missed his bus (which he should not have because he was to report to Fargo, ND to set up his parole!) and he wasn’t overly upset about it.
Read more: “Personality disorder” as an excuse for criminal behavior
So he stayed on at my house…the first couple of days I thought nothing of it but then I wondered, well, if you are not worried about getting to Fargo, why aren’t you finding a job then?! And at first he was so attentive — he would open the door for me — carry the groceries — cook and clean for me — etc — but was on the computer playing poker and needed his beer constantly like he hadn’t had it in years (which he hadn’t and I didn’t know that — yet!).
Well — finally — my snoopiness (detectiveness) got the best of me and I looked through his belongings in my car trunk. I found parole papers! And I thought — Oh my god! But I was already in Love (lust) with the jerk! So I thought, okay — he loves me — we can make this work — so what if he is on parole.
So for awhile, I went to work at my waitress job and picked up beer daily and we drank daily. I relaxed while he sat on the computer playing poker and smoking his cigs and drinking his beer. (He was also emailing many other women I found out later after only being at my place a week!) We then took a weekend trip to North Dakota that turned into a week long trip of me being stranded with no money up there and having to pawn off my 1/3 carat diamond ring to get gas to get home with. Then there was the matter of having to straighten out the bad checks mess he had conned me into writing for beer, food, etc — while in North Dakota (Not to mention the two bar tables he conned out of a bar owner, one of which has his pic on it when he worked there in college)!
And let me add, while he was wooing me at the bar when I met him, he had told me things like he had been a professional football player in Canada. He said he was a college graduate from Jamestown, ND (which was true when I talked to his ex-wife on the phone once), and many, many other lies of great magnitude!
Anyway, we get back from ND and things resume — I am job hunting cause I lost my job at due to us not being able to make it back from being stranded up there! I get a waitress job at Denny’s restaurant then and keep working and coming home with beer (what an enabler I was for god’s sake!) and drinking. All the while he is wooing me with comments like, “I will love you till the end of the earth,” and still cooking for me, etc.
Drums up a story
Then one weekend he drums up the story that they called him from his old professional football team in Canada and they wanted him back and that he had to leave for the weekend (which was Labor Day weekend) for tryouts again. Well as stupid as I was, I believed him (sort of) BUT was beginning to wonder at this point. Well he said some woman was coming to pick him up for this trip — and that is when I KNEW something was not right! My gut said check into this! So anyhow, I had also bought him bottles of vodka besides the beer — he asked me to go get him a little bottle before he left. He claimed he really didn’t want to leave me. Well he even got to the point of being teary-eyed (which was probably all a act now that I think about it) when he was saying goodbye. He packed my 4 man tent with him, which I don’t know why, but he had a lie for that too! This all happened about 2 years ago so it’s getting a bit fuzzy now trying to recall everything.
But, I was alone — he was gone — I had my computer. I had been married to a computer network engineer and was not totally computer illiterate and had a college education (B.S. in Psychology with a Criminal Justice minor). I started pulling up web pages he had been too and somehow was able to recover his password by using my credit card to pay for a website he had been too. By luck it was the same password he had used for hotmail and yahoo and everything! Jackpot!
I read everything in and out and figured out where he went! He met a woman from Narcotics Anonymous in Iowa and went to a church camp retreat with her that Labor Day weekend! Well as good as I am with my detectiveness (lol), I called Narcotics Anonymous and got her phone number (cell even!) and called her and him up! I called and harassed them ALL weekend to the point she said she was going to call her lawyer — and I said DO IT! Cause I knew I had him! He was running from the law — but she had bought in to all his lies and was treating me like crap! Well I even called the cops to go get him arrested at this camp — but do you think the cops believed me! HELL NO — DO THEY EVER! So I guess I had to drop it at this point.
But about a month later I got a call from her and she said — “Okay — I believe you now. He just took off to get some stuff of his in North Dakota and he never came back with the rental car so I filed grand theft charges. Well I gave her all the info she needed to find him but told her she better drop the grand theft charges cause she might be liable somehow for letting him take the car that was in her name! She must have listened cause I never heard he was charged with that, but all my work paid off and he went back to prison for 8 months for being AWOL!
Still in love with the jerk
But it doesn’t end here — I was still in love with the jerk! I wrote to him in prison (90 miles away) and we started corresponding to the point I was hooked again. I sent him stuff, money, letters, and visited faithfully like any good woman (blindly in love) would do! I went as far as finding a house close to the prison when he got work release so he could come visit me every chance he got! Then when he got out of work release, he moved in with me for a bit but was determined to find his own place. That I thought was a dead giveaway — he did not care for me after all.
He was saying his parole officer told him he had to do this and that. But a lot of it did not make sense to me since the other people I was talking to about this said differently. I had many more doubts in my mind at this time! So he got his own little apartment and then I moved from my house to an apartment closer to his. We hung out and drank a lot more, but there were times he wanted me to leave. Geez — I am not that stupid when someone is trying to ditch me!
Married in 3 weeks
Anyway, my suspicions grew and I would check up on him all the time. And then he started to be more distant. Then one day around the end of October around Halloween — he all of a sudden quit coming over, quit calling, an absolute no show! No word from him ever again — he would not answer my phone calls and he was never home. I then found out later he met a woman on singlesnet online and married her within 3 weeks of meeting her! Well I then followed him home after work one night and figured out where he now lived and then saw him and her together and figured out what she drove. I then figured out where she worked and followed her home from work one day and told her this whole exact story! That is when she said, “Thanks — I think.” But I did have many emails and phone calls from his family during this duration and even his own mother and daughter said I was better off without him! If that isn’t a sociopath — I don’t know what is!
Learn more: EFT Tapping to break your addiction to a sociopath
Lovefraud originally posted this story on Feb. 17, 2010.
Me too Erin…I had an HIV test in the summer and plan to get another one really soon! Since I was weak enough to let him back in…..UGH!!!
Just THAT part alone, and knowing he doesn’t use protection,…ugh…makes me HATE him. He could care less about spreading diseases!
And, when I had Mursa..and told him it could have been from HIM since he works with disabled adults…(those homes are filled with all kinds of diseases!)…he said..
“No woman EVER accused me of giving them anything!”
Probably a lie.
Its ALL a lie. And, yes…we were perfect victims!!! Sweet, good hearted ,loving, compassionate people.
My xmonster is a retired cop who is allowed to carry a gun at all times…so I am GLAD that he thinks HE broke up with me. Although, he told me (alias woman online), that his girl “kicked him to the curb”. (just for PITY probably)
But, really , deep down, he KNOWS that I caught him in lies and I don’t want to have ANYTHING to do with him.
I wrote him a “nice” letter after we broke up via text. I played all nice and thanked him “for loving me the best he knew how” but I was FIRM with the fact that “I will probably never see you or talk to you again”..(since he lives 40 miles away, thank God)….so “goodbye and good luck”.
I did that so he wouldn’t come after me with his guns.
He did call and text already a few times. I ignored the both.
They DON”T go away for good unless you REALLY unviel their mask!!! Once you catch them…they usually run.
Last summer…when I saw him on a sex site, advertising for group sex (!!!)….he texted me a few days later..
“Do me a favor and text me the site you saw my profile on..I Think that I may know who put it on there”
DUH!!!!!! THey will LIE about the friggin LIE!!!!!
Erin…we are SO much better off without them.
Don’t get sad…get ANGRY and STAY ANGRY…but not at YOURSELF….
Go into your shower and yell at him ….LOUD! Tell him how you feel about him! It helps!!!! ( I read that on a site of how to stop obsessing )
THEN, when you think of a situation of when he was lying or whatever…..play classical music as you think of the scenario.
THAT is supposed to reroute your neurons in your brain.
Yes..there is a way.
I told him once…
And…the law of Karma….what you gave..your love..you have.
WHat they gave…deception..THEY have to live with.
They might not show it…but they are really unhappy people.
BOth of mine admitted to me that they had to go on meds at one point.
My xhusb when his “stripper” dumped him suddenly…(moved out when he wasn’t there)
And,…with the xbf …when some woman, that burned his clothes and belongings..threatened to kill his “neice”.
They WILL get it back…what they throw out…boomerangs back.
My x’s brother said that he was “sweating me” when I dumped him.
Sure…he couldn’t meet another one fast enough!!!!
They CANNOT be alone..or without someone ADORING them.
hey kim,
Finally got rockin on getting stuff done and now, I’m pooped.
Guess with his nibs its all over but the shootin’ and my part in that is actually miniscule.
What a hell of a ride this is!
The process appears to be pretty straight forward over the first 6-8 weeks.
Its funny to look around and say, wow. Now I have all this time that taking care of the bored person who wouldn’t get off his *.* much isn’t spent on any more.
And then, getting what I thought I was wishing for with a tsunami of stuff to do.
Takes a while to get the energy level back.
Do you ever turn back into a human dynamo?
I wish. I’ve always been a little lazy…never seem to have really high levels of energy.
I’m glad to here you’re getting stuff done and being productive.
I’m no t clear on: Guess with his nibs its all over but the shootin’ and my part in that is actually miniscule.
Maybe i missed a part of your story.
tobe-I am going to get another HIV test. I had one in Jan of 2009 when I was stuck by a dirty needle. We were together at that time. We did not use condoms-ever, because I was on the pill and we were monogamous but I had no clue that there was a possibility that he was sleeping with someone else.
That’s why I am angry and totally grossed out big time. Sex is so serious and intimate and personal for me. I don’t take it lightly or casually and it makes me want to vomit. When the wife first told me that he was sleeping around on me too, I didn’t want to believe her and didn’t for a long time. After coming here and reading and talking, I consider it to be entirely possible at this point and it makes me want to vomit. Gross! Ugh!
I hear ya , Erin.. Sex to me, is so personal ..I never even talk openly about it with my g/f’s as they do…I’m really shy with sharing that with anyone….
I was really in denial that he was cheating…because we were always on the phone or texting when we werent together. But, when it ended ….I look back and see lots of “time slots” that he could have.
He’s not that great looking….tall, but “fat” according to my kids ..lol sortof football player broad shoulders….but not a “hottie”…so he may have not had so many availabilities..
but then again…..there’s alot of desperate women out there….that he could fool with his expensive car…..etc..
I don’t even want to think about that. It makes me sick.
I just think of what he is….and It’s sickening enough, even if he never slept with anyone else….he was using me and lying to me and FAKING the funk.
In fact…he even wrote me a text that I still have (200 of them saved in my old cell) that at work…he “fakes the funk” good.
UGH….he is just a LOSER…can’t believe I let him into MY LIFE.
“He who finds himself….loses his misery”
Yes, but when do you get bacl lost socks and car keys? LOL???
I know I can find myself, but it worries me that they might all be in the same place…..
Tobe-I am right there with you. I have NEVER been one of those women who could share sexual things with my girlfriends either. That was one of the things that we “had in common”. He was a gentleman with me-maybe because he was 16 years older. He was not into crazy stuff. I know that I am much better in bed than I thought. He has some problems with a little ED due to his and being diabetic.
I tend to have the vibe that he wasn’t out getting it on. He is not super attractive to a lot of people. He was 6’4” and 235-240 and he little belly on him and not much muscular. He had kind of gotten out of shape due to his job and having open heart surgery. Most women my age would think-why are you attracted to him. To me, he was gorgeous-silver hair, black eyes, fair skin and a little well groomed mustache. He always real short and well groomed. He actually did treat me like a princess but the few times we fought, sometimes he would say mean things.
The worst of it for me was him going home to someone else and he knew that. I am just angry that he was an emotional predator and knew exactly how to hold me in the relationship-even when I felt like it hurt too much and I didn’t want to do it anymore. I can honestly say that my anger is a result of his behavior at the time of discard and after. I WAS not expecting what he did for ANYTHING. We were actually making plans for our future after his divorce. When he moved in with me, I felt like I had him, finally. The big PROBLEM that I was NOT facing was that IF HE CHEATED ON HER, NOTHING WOULD KEEP HIM FROM DOING IT TO ME-maybe not now but later on. He could have waited until we were married and then started f***ing people. THE BOTTOM line is I will NEVER know if he was cheating on me. I don’t see how he could possibly have time, but I just don’t know and I don’t care.
I am just feeling so disgusting, knowing that he may have done it. It makes me want to vomit so bad that he could do something that special with someone else. A normal man would not do that. I’m sure his wife felt the same about him being with me. I’m sure that she wanted to believe that since he couldn’t get it up with her, that he couldn’t with anyone else either. I had told him that HE WOULD NOT BE SLEEPING WITH BOTH OF US. I told him that if he did with her, we were done forever.
God I just feel so freakin used and violated and disgusting. WORDS cannot describe how grossed out I am. That’s why I am convinced that I may never have sex again. The first guy I was with forced me when I had too much to drink. A*** knew that. He was gentle with me and the sex was always amazing. It is amazing how they can put on fake emotions though-when I told him about the first guy, he cried. That’s why I get upset sometimes-I think :he cried-how can someone fake those emotions.
LOL!!! cute…
I just saw that quote somewhere…and it hit me….
If I was really secure with myself and didn’t “violate my OWN laws”…I would have—
A- not had sex with him for a few months
B- asked more questions and confronted him with my doubts
C- once I saw disrespect and felt strong gut feelings….STOPPED seeing him at all
D- stayed just friends for a LONG time
E- Not been afraid to confront him with questions that
I was afraid to ask him about
F-never settled for his CONTROL tactics
E-never got involved with someone I work so closely with
F-KICKED HIM TO THE CURB FROM THE START..when I knew he was lying about little things
Well..the next relationship is going to start off TOTALLY different!
Hopefully, I will “know who I am and feel secure” before I let anyone NEAR me.
I have some goals to achieve this…
1- get into the best physical shape ever
2- lose some weight
3- fill my life with activities I enjoy
4- keep the good relationships and get rid of TOXIC people in my life…(already did this)
5- read all of the books on my LIST
6- get organized… TOTALLY with my house and gargage
7-go to lots of shows and fun things
8-spend time with good people
9-exercise everyday
10-take my Buddism course and meditation and yoga classes
How does THAT sound?