UPDATED FOR 2024. Editor’s note: This story was submitted by the Lovefraud reader who we’ll call “Margie.” She was still in love with the jerk she met — even after learning he was a criminal.

One night I went to a bar by myself (but always knew someone there). I sat at the bar next to this lady I knew and started talking to her. Well Steve (my ex-sociopath—not his real name) was sitting next to her talking to her. I thought he was kind of cute so started flirting. He actually said to me that night, “I think I like you better,” like he had his sights on my friend first. He bought me a flower and all my drinks the rest of the night. Well that should have been my first and only red flag to run, but I didn’t! But stupid, naive me (never dealing with a sociopath before that is) fell for his good looks, as he was 6’1″, blond and blue eyes and had a football player’s body!
Well he told me he had to catch a bus in the morning to Fargo, ND to his mother’s house that he could not miss. I had NO idea he was just let out of prison! Well we proceeded to drink and get totally drunk that night and ended up at my cozy apartment that I lived in alone. The next morning we overslept and he missed his bus (which he should not have because he was to report to Fargo, ND to set up his parole!) and he wasn’t overly upset about it.
Read more: “Personality disorder” as an excuse for criminal behavior
So he stayed on at my house…the first couple of days I thought nothing of it but then I wondered, well, if you are not worried about getting to Fargo, why aren’t you finding a job then?! And at first he was so attentive — he would open the door for me — carry the groceries — cook and clean for me — etc — but was on the computer playing poker and needed his beer constantly like he hadn’t had it in years (which he hadn’t and I didn’t know that — yet!).
Well — finally — my snoopiness (detectiveness) got the best of me and I looked through his belongings in my car trunk. I found parole papers! And I thought — Oh my god! But I was already in Love (lust) with the jerk! So I thought, okay — he loves me — we can make this work — so what if he is on parole.
So for awhile, I went to work at my waitress job and picked up beer daily and we drank daily. I relaxed while he sat on the computer playing poker and smoking his cigs and drinking his beer. (He was also emailing many other women I found out later after only being at my place a week!) We then took a weekend trip to North Dakota that turned into a week long trip of me being stranded with no money up there and having to pawn off my 1/3 carat diamond ring to get gas to get home with. Then there was the matter of having to straighten out the bad checks mess he had conned me into writing for beer, food, etc — while in North Dakota (Not to mention the two bar tables he conned out of a bar owner, one of which has his pic on it when he worked there in college)!
And let me add, while he was wooing me at the bar when I met him, he had told me things like he had been a professional football player in Canada. He said he was a college graduate from Jamestown, ND (which was true when I talked to his ex-wife on the phone once), and many, many other lies of great magnitude!
Anyway, we get back from ND and things resume — I am job hunting cause I lost my job at due to us not being able to make it back from being stranded up there! I get a waitress job at Denny’s restaurant then and keep working and coming home with beer (what an enabler I was for god’s sake!) and drinking. All the while he is wooing me with comments like, “I will love you till the end of the earth,” and still cooking for me, etc.
Drums up a story
Then one weekend he drums up the story that they called him from his old professional football team in Canada and they wanted him back and that he had to leave for the weekend (which was Labor Day weekend) for tryouts again. Well as stupid as I was, I believed him (sort of) BUT was beginning to wonder at this point. Well he said some woman was coming to pick him up for this trip — and that is when I KNEW something was not right! My gut said check into this! So anyhow, I had also bought him bottles of vodka besides the beer — he asked me to go get him a little bottle before he left. He claimed he really didn’t want to leave me. Well he even got to the point of being teary-eyed (which was probably all a act now that I think about it) when he was saying goodbye. He packed my 4 man tent with him, which I don’t know why, but he had a lie for that too! This all happened about 2 years ago so it’s getting a bit fuzzy now trying to recall everything.
But, I was alone — he was gone — I had my computer. I had been married to a computer network engineer and was not totally computer illiterate and had a college education (B.S. in Psychology with a Criminal Justice minor). I started pulling up web pages he had been too and somehow was able to recover his password by using my credit card to pay for a website he had been too. By luck it was the same password he had used for hotmail and yahoo and everything! Jackpot!
I read everything in and out and figured out where he went! He met a woman from Narcotics Anonymous in Iowa and went to a church camp retreat with her that Labor Day weekend! Well as good as I am with my detectiveness (lol), I called Narcotics Anonymous and got her phone number (cell even!) and called her and him up! I called and harassed them ALL weekend to the point she said she was going to call her lawyer — and I said DO IT! Cause I knew I had him! He was running from the law — but she had bought in to all his lies and was treating me like crap! Well I even called the cops to go get him arrested at this camp — but do you think the cops believed me! HELL NO — DO THEY EVER! So I guess I had to drop it at this point.
But about a month later I got a call from her and she said — “Okay — I believe you now. He just took off to get some stuff of his in North Dakota and he never came back with the rental car so I filed grand theft charges. Well I gave her all the info she needed to find him but told her she better drop the grand theft charges cause she might be liable somehow for letting him take the car that was in her name! She must have listened cause I never heard he was charged with that, but all my work paid off and he went back to prison for 8 months for being AWOL!
Still in love with the jerk
But it doesn’t end here — I was still in love with the jerk! I wrote to him in prison (90 miles away) and we started corresponding to the point I was hooked again. I sent him stuff, money, letters, and visited faithfully like any good woman (blindly in love) would do! I went as far as finding a house close to the prison when he got work release so he could come visit me every chance he got! Then when he got out of work release, he moved in with me for a bit but was determined to find his own place. That I thought was a dead giveaway — he did not care for me after all.
He was saying his parole officer told him he had to do this and that. But a lot of it did not make sense to me since the other people I was talking to about this said differently. I had many more doubts in my mind at this time! So he got his own little apartment and then I moved from my house to an apartment closer to his. We hung out and drank a lot more, but there were times he wanted me to leave. Geez — I am not that stupid when someone is trying to ditch me!
Married in 3 weeks
Anyway, my suspicions grew and I would check up on him all the time. And then he started to be more distant. Then one day around the end of October around Halloween — he all of a sudden quit coming over, quit calling, an absolute no show! No word from him ever again — he would not answer my phone calls and he was never home. I then found out later he met a woman on singlesnet online and married her within 3 weeks of meeting her! Well I then followed him home after work one night and figured out where he now lived and then saw him and her together and figured out what she drove. I then figured out where she worked and followed her home from work one day and told her this whole exact story! That is when she said, “Thanks — I think.” But I did have many emails and phone calls from his family during this duration and even his own mother and daughter said I was better off without him! If that isn’t a sociopath — I don’t know what is!
Learn more: EFT Tapping to break your addiction to a sociopath
Lovefraud originally posted this story on Feb. 17, 2010.
The goal is to get to the place where we dont need to be reminded – and we will one day- simply because we will know our worth as a person – we will value ourselves – and because the irony is ITS TRUE. We are all worthwhile and beautiful – and it truly starts from within.
Erin – BE YOURSELF. DO FOR YOURSELF WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. NOT OTHERS. BE YOU AND YOU WILL ALWAYS SHINE! That doesnt mean you wont have hardships and tough time, down times too – it just means you can finally be free to be the person you want to be…the skies the limit from the inside out!
To illustrate further Erin…I’m 50 now and my source of make up was a lipstick tube …. I learned to apply make up at 16…my mom sold make up at that time….I wore it for a year or so and then thought it was too phony and too much work…so hence the do all lipstick tube….in the last couple of years I’ve taken to using eye cover up and mascara REGULARILY… still no foundation as many succumb too at my age….I have many customers that don’t always LOOK there best but they haave the best hearts and intentions….like Oxy says … I can’t fix your imperceptions(not a word but hope you get that) but only hope your perceptions develop into acceptance of a healthy perception of you….not easy in this day and age of tv….ps I like to think I’m a healthy balance of girly girly and tough babe
“This part makes me nervous. They want me to leave a check for $2500 and they will hold it for 30 days while I come up with the cash. That makes me UNCOMFORTABLE!”
Erin! This is an area I know…if you were approved what is this?? Do not give them a check…wait until you have all the cash…another car will come around if that one is gone…
How much were you approved for? Is what you are coming up with difference between the cash you have now and the required down payment? Is this a legitimate dealer? Have you checked the BBB on them? Did they check multiple banks?
I would proceed VERY carefully and NOT leave them a check at all. Sorry if this busts your bubble…I would hate to see someone take advantage of you. Please let me know if I am wrong on any of the points or if you have additional information to consider…DO NOT let them pressure you by telling you this vehicle will be gone…
I originally going to post to you…
“I know I don’t want HIM back. I do miss the man I thought he was. I still get haunted by the ghost, but it is much better than it was. Sometimes it feels weird to just let go of him the way I have but, there really isn’t anything else to do.
Sometimes I think I hope I’m not making a mistake but I;m not and I can fight that thought through.
I am generally fearful of being alone forever and ever, but that is a long time and a lot can happen. I don’t have a crystal ball.
The days just have to roll on.”
This is EXACTLY how I feel right now and sometimes it brings me to tears…thanks for making me feel not so alone. I hope you find love again:)
Hey all. Another one bite the dust, the new guy I met on a dating web site turn out to be a big mistake nothing but lies, telling all that he think you wanna hear but actions wasn’t matching the words and like all of you guys said take your time, don’t sleep with the new guy too fast, get to know him first and their character will shine through and indeed it shined through, I spoke to him regarding his rudeness about being inconsiderate because he was the type that would say I’m calling you back and dont the type that would not respond to text just a butt hole. He told me he didn’t see where that was rude and a shouldnt be a problem. I learn from the (s) that one thing I’m gonna do with every man is not hold my tongue I’m gonna speak up about something that dont feel right if that chases a man away ok well be it. I can’t sit back an be walk all over any more to make a relationship work.
Well, I like to think out of this, I find an understanding of love that I never had before and that it not only changes my relationship with God in a magnificent way, it changes me for the better.
Love is not the posession of men nor is it only doled out to the most perfect beautiful women- it is as much a part of the true world as water- and as needed.
There is a miracle ongoing.
Guess I’ll have to wait and see how it all plays out…
MY boys, kinda feels like taking a walk with a friend and just talking about what it all feels like and coming to that point of agreement that says: Yeah, like that!
Have a beautiful spring day. Good walking with YOU on this path.
Dear Luv,
I’m glad you spoke up to this guy, but on the computer sites, they can pretend to be anything…remember that guy who is the Craig’s list killer?
Dating guys off the internet is quite risky I think…please reconsider doing this so this old woman won’t worry about you. (that’s me putting a “guilt trip” on you! Laugh) ((((hugs))))
Sorry for your recent experience –
Thank goodness you had the awareness and were able to spot the red flags. It really pays off to take your time – take it slow – no sex – have fun – see how he ACTs vs his words – see how he CHOOSES to treat you on a day to day basis. Respectfully responding to you and keeping his word and treating you right.
I also recommend not feeling the need to explain anything to them except “its not working for me” – some of them just want us to explain so they can make broken promises or make a fake effort to be the way you are expressing you want him to be. When you say its just not working for me – you dont have to get involved in all the banter. Just walk away after telling him its not working for you – youre looking for a different experience.
And I TOTALLY agree with Oxy – be VERY careful on internet dating sites – predators run amuck there!
When its right, you will see that there really are men out there who can respect and treat a woman right — although I must say — I see it more and more in older men (over 40) and less and less in men 30 and younger – they just dont make em like they use to…But they are out there —
Glad youre ok and know what you want and deserve and arent settling! Thats the way to go!!!
As you know, a few weeks ago after I broke up with the monster..I looked to see if he was on a dating site…something he swore he doesn’t do.
There he was. So, I did a crazy thing and put on an alias profile and winked at him. He responded and we chatted. Then I deleted it so he wouldn’t find out and sue me for harrassment! It was worth the 15.00!
He immediately called “me” Sweetie, babe, and gave his email address and phone number!!!
Then we chatted and he thought it was the real ME! I convinced him otherwise. He tested me and asked me a name of a street in his town, where I said I was from. I googled it quickly and convinced him I was someone else! lol He knew I didn’t know that town and its streets.
Anyway…he started talking all about HIMSELF. Asked me NOTHING. He bragged about what he owns..what he makes..and lied about where he lived to her!!!
So…no internet dating for me!!!! Too easy to HIDE behind texts and phones and dating sites!!
I think that was valuable confirmation for YOU! For several reasons…..he showed HIS true colors….but covertly
But also the WHY to stay off dating sites….cuz he aint the only hodunk listed…..
Sites are for ‘packages’…..we are lured by the pretty package and bows, then we meet and eeesssshhh!
I think we should collectively reveal their screen names on the dating sites to each other….and we can go in and mess thewithem!!! Do the counter controll and back at em…..lead em on,, use ALL of their tricks, call em sweetie and tell em sweet nothings and talk all sexed up and ‘grab’ em, get em all hyped up and then stand em up several times….and then tell em they arn’t worthy of ‘me’, I wouldn’t meet you if you were the last man alive……..do this a few times to em….and make em doubt this online dating just like we do!!! Make em think everyperson they contact online MAY be another stand up psycho babe…..