
UPDATED FOR 2025. Editor’s note: Lovefraud received the following email from a woman who is herself a mental health professional about the layers of shame and guilt that she feels. Names have been changed.
The sociopath has an amazing ability to determine who can be manipulated or is vulnerable. When I separated from my sociopath, I had to recognize how I was conditioned as a child to be trusting and compliant. I was rewarded when I took care of others; my parents wanted a kind child. Their shaping was successful and I care very well for others.
What I lacked was the ability to care for myself and to discern who deserved my care, who would return the love and respect that I gave. Lack of this discernment exposed me to many abusive personalities. I became a magnet for abusive personalities and I did not know how to transcend betrayals of abusive people. My upbringing induced a delusionary state that if I were kind, this kindness would be returned.
More exploiters
After I left my abusive marriage, I was completely vulnerable and kept attracting more exploitive and abusive personalities into my life. I was shocked at the level of predatory behavior I encountered in landlords, therapists, accountants, attorneys, judges, magistrates —people who wanted to profit from my pain and vulnerability.
I was angry, confused and hurt that I had very little support. I appeared as the angry torn soul to the court system, and my ex was the funny, successful guy. My behavior was from the trauma of war I had endured and the frustration of trying to leave. I had learned to live with my sociopath, but I had no idea of how to deal with the corporate sociopaths: the legal system.
My marriage to an abuser
I married a successful man. The typical wine, dine and travel occurred before our marriage. After our marriage, the lies about his first wife, the lies of his divorce and extramarital affairs, and on and on, began to take a toll on my spirit. I became angry and defensive. My husband became repulsive to me.
I didn’t want to bring healthy friends to my home, because I didn’t want to defend or admit to the shame of what I felt. I covered my shame with anger. My anger helped me cope and I was afraid if I faced the shame, I would crumble. I remained in the denial state for protection and to keep an appearance of a family for my stepdaughter.
Traumatized and tormented
My sociopath would traumatize me further by making the home a chaotic environment. He had to keep me in this state to remain in control. My life was enviable to the outside world, but I was tormented and tortured by financial, emotional, verbal and in the end, physical abuse.
My therapist supported me, but he did not know how to help me. There were times when I wondered if I would be able to work again. I didn’t know where to turn or how to help myself. I tried spiritual healers; they also took my money with little support or help. Some even blamed me stating, “You stayed too long.” I found that professionals who were treating me wanted to project the cause of my emotional state upon me. Thankfully, my anger carried me away from these individuals and I did find those who could help me process, explain and understand the tools of the abuser.
The false self
A healing concept I discovered through Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Parents is the false self. This concept of a false self is purposefully reinforced by a dysfunctional parent or in my case, my abusive partner. Others call the process brainwashing.
This false self kept me in a state of helplessness. My ex would shape this false self by stating, “You need to be on medication,” “I don’t mind if you are fat, all my women gain weight,” “You are always so negative,” “You are so uptight,” “No one will love you like I do,” “There should never be a dish left in the sink.”
Internal numbing
My childhood shaping of kindness and respect left me with very little skills. I had been taught to ignore dangerous red flags and make excuses for mean behavior, work harder to fix it and to please others to gain their respect. Without protective emotional skills, I developed an internal numbing when I experienced these betrayals.
In this numb state the abusive words and comments began to shape my own opinion of myself, feeding the false self. This false self had a constant internal message that I wasn’t enough, didn’t do enough, wasn’t pretty, wasn’t perfect, etc.
Abusive people know how to pick a flexible, vulnerable soul. With each assault, my false self continued to grow, like a cancerous tumor. The strength that I had when I came into the marriage disappeared. The daily assaults of chaos, verbal, mental and emotional abuse, feed the monstrous false self, which echoed his words and thoughts that I was damaged goods.
Feeling damaged
Isolated by shame, without support of friends and family, feeling damaged, I began to go deeper into my state of denial. My ex would also gather his tribe of admirers who would reinforce his comments and behaviors. Sociopaths also have the ability to coerce friends and family members who are similar to them, to join them and inflict more harm on the mate who is vulnerable.
When I left, I stumbled upon an email written about me by one of his friends. This friend had never met me, but stated in his email, “Gary is a nice guy, he just has a crazy wife.”
Read more: Healthy shame, toxic shame and sociopaths
When I began to see that the relationship was doomed, he would not change and that I was in danger, I had no support group. I listened to a few who said, “Get out before you die.” If I had known of Lovefraud, I would have read that you must have a plan and save money before you get out. I slept on so many couches, lived in my office and cried daily because I was so vulnerable.
I often wonder if it was the legal system or my ex who wounded me so deeply. I believe it was the legal system. I could leave my ex. The abusive legal system hit me by surprise and there was no help or way out of it. I knew that my ex was damaged and would never change, but I thought I lived in a country dedicated to justice and there was a just legal system that would protect the vulnerable, especially when they were paid so well. These sociopaths tried to put the last nail in my coffin instead of upholding the law of the land.
Peeling away the layers
Part of my healing involved peeling away the layers of anger, shame and guilt I had plastered around me. The criticism of my ex, his friends, his family, judges, magistrates, accountants, the words of therapists, healers, jealous co- workers and neighbors haunted me. I knew this wasn’t me.
I began to understand this is their tool to inflict injury. I learned to ignore them and to practice positive self talk when I sensed I was absorbing their energy. I would not allow myself to focus on the pain, but instead on the goal I wanted to bring into my life.
I listened to motivational speakers. I could not listen to music at first and I gradually began to reintroduce music back into my life. I drew my inner being and then drew layers around her and began to identify how these abusers had thrown their hatred upon me and how I had absorbed it. This drawing exercise helped me to understand my personal triggers and I was able to consciously recognize these triggers when they were being used by abusive people.
Painful memories
When I exposed these painful memories, I would ask God to remove the pain. I listed all who had harmed me and how they had harmed me. I prayed for the ability to let this go and to forgive. Amazingly, the pain would lessen.
I worked with a doctor who practiced biofeedback and neurofeedback (another important tool to release the emotional pain), chiropractic medicine, and acupuncture. These techniques were necessary and I did not need to talk about the pain, which would trigger my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and I was not judged by anyone.
I have had to be gentle on myself. I left when I could, and did the best I could. I have to forgive myself for getting into such a mess physically and financially.
Layers of shame and guilt
I am aware of the parasitic sociopaths and can recognize much earlier when I am being manipulated or a boundary has been violated. I also listen to and ask for opinions of friends if I feel confused about a person or situation. I recognize that I am an easy target because of my nature and I continue to keep my eyes open and leave relationships where I am not valued.
I continue to peel away layers of shame, guilt and self doubt that were cast upon me by disordered abusive people who berate and punish the vulnerable.
Learn more: Overcoming Shame — How to feel worthy of love and respect
Lovefraud originally posted this story on March 8, 2012.
Infants have the unique ability to learn any language they hear without effort, without teaching. They are flexible and can become anything they see others being or doing. They are charming and charasmatic. They are intrepid and manipulative. They also shit their diapers and can’t clean it up.
Infancy is a wonderful time in a person’s life. But we have to make a choice, learn a language to communicate, choose our values and an identity WITHIN the social structure we live in. Take responsibility and clean up our shit.
Otherwise we stay in a chaotic flux without roots. Without values, we have no identity and our lives are meaningless and shallow; and boredom is always on the verge of driving us insane. Fear of disintegration is a constant companion, so the infantile mind looks to others for values and roots, drama and excitement. A sociopath’s values are things they can see and hear because they see that other’s value those things. An integrated person’s values are about how people and things make us feel when we connect with empathy.
Yes infants are amazing because they are on the cusp of their potential. To remain always on the cusp would be hell. Eventually what doesn’t grow and mature, decays.
Knowing the words but never hearing the music is the perfect analogy because the music touches the heart and that’s where transcendance happens.
If any psychopath ever transcended past his psychopathy and actually grew up, would he ever want to go back to being a psychopath? I think not.
More on HIV disclosure. Again, with the x-spath, I d not have it from his mouth that he is HIV+. It was first, a sense early on that he was hiding something. Then, discovering an online profile of his, in which a “matching question” was “would you date somebody with a sexually transmitted disease?’ Googling this profile name revealed several porn sites and a penchant for unsafe sex.
The simple fact that he dumped me the day after I told him doctors thought I might be HIV+ and thereafter that he never discussed HIV with me while we remained in contact should have been enough evidence as to what he was hiding, but I was still buying into the x-spath’s “reserved and proper British” mask…
Of course the good thing here in retrospect, is that it ended before any physical health damage was done to me, or financial damage. In addition, this situation underscored that gay men will date and have sex without being open about their HIV status.
Last summer, I met a guy who was attractive, charming and had sexual magnetism. Thus, with the knowledge and advice gained from this site, I proceeded with caution. The first red flag was an unusual reaction. This guy asked me about “dating drama,” something he told me he was trying to avoid, I told him the x-spath story. Immediately after the part about me saying that I was convinced the x-sptah was HIV+ and did not tell me, this guy got up from the table and said he needed to go to the rest room…
A week passed between this date and our next, as I went on a trip. My second night back, he was at my place and immediately wanted to engage in unsafe sex. This “relationship ” lasted until the next day…
My x-spath certainly fits your theory of emotionally immature. Nearly 40 now, he still dressed like a teenage boy and all of his online profiles are very, very juvenile, i.e, favorite things in life “boys, beer, travel and sleep.” He also states that he has “given up the adult world…” in reference to his becoming a flight attendant.
In fact, to me his online profiles are embarrassing. One in particular is so much so, the correct word is “pathetic.”
BBE: I certainly hope that if you had any type of physical contact with this ‘being’, in a sexual way, that you have had an HIV screening test done by now.
It is a LAW that all people testing positive and/or may be at risk pre notify their partners prior to having sex and MUST use protection. Anything other than that may constitute a charge of murder with intent. It isn’t so much the positive/negative test result as it is the intent. And that is exactly the way the law looks at it. What was the ‘intent’. “Intent” does NOT cover those people who are ‘mentally ill’ such as in psychopathy, because they are not in control of their actions. They will almost always avoid prosecution based upon their mental state. HOWEVER, does that mean we are to allow these people to run loose and enjoy the same sexual freedoms as people who do NOT have this disease? Especially if their intentions are purely evil? There absolutely needs to be better regulation of these types of people. ESPECIALLY considering their over sexed, evil, natures.
If a person INTENTIONALLY tried to infect someone, THAT is equivalent to putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger. That is as much of a mind fark act of violence as it is an actual physical one.
There are people who support HIV people against their stigmas and that is good. While they are at it, they should teach the sufferers better things to do with their disease than to use it to create evil and havoc on unsuspecting people. Yes, I know people like this. I am sorry to say.
I would guess most people with HIV/AIDS would be a little on the psychopathic side or they wouldn’t have engaged in risky behaviors in the first place, much less try intentionally sharing it and finding immense glee in doing so. But then, that is just my personal opinion, isn’t it?
We need to pay more attention to our ‘gut feelings’ rather than the one’s in the heart, sometimes. Especially when it comes to our own physical safety and/or health. THAT is where the line needs to be drawn. It is all good and fine that ‘we care’ and ‘we hang in there’ and ‘we understand’…blah blah blah, but when OUR LIVES are being put at risk because of someone elses ugly behaviors, it is time to not just ‘get away’…it’s time to RUN AWAY as quickly and as hurriedly as a person possibly can.
Blessings to you BBE….
Well, BBE….DID YOU? The “unsafe” part?
That was one of the biggest laughs I’ve had in the morning since a while… So, basically the logic is that we need spaths to lay off people for a global financial crisis caused by spaths in leading positions in top banks, and spaths to send our boys and gals to war to fight against other spaths, and we would need spaths in political and justice leading positions in order to put the dumb spaths in jail…
Euhm… No spaths would mean no Hitler, no Stalin, no Pol Pot, no Kim Yung, no Mao, no Idi Amin, no Saddam, no Khadafi, no Taliban, no Bernie Maddoffs, no New Gingrich, etc, etc, etc,… Less wars, less genocides, less nuclear grandiosity, less financial crisis.
The above was the most circular argument I’ve ever read, and as a math and science teacher it’s a no go. Even my 15 year old pupils would recognize they’d fail my subject if they came up with such dribble
One of the best teachers I ever had taught students critical reasoning. No ideas/opinions were dismissed. Rather they were discussed using various critical reasoning skills. I loved it b/c students were not pressured to followed the teachers opinion, but to form their own and Most important…TEST their opinion. It was fun to see the aha moments in young students eyes. The teacher was NOT always correct. People have OPINIONS that are Not reasonable! And even when they know the flaw in their logic, people usually don’t revise their opinion. Wow. Big life lesson. I think such a seminar would be SO valuable in the battle against spaths.
I am fine HIV wise. I agree with you too regarding HIV and sociopaths. In another post yesterday night (and I think one several months ago) I mentioned seeing a study indicating that around 33% of those HIV+ are sociopaths. This number is supported by the fact that 50% of those HIV+ regularly engaged in unsafe sex, usually anonymous.
In my experiences, the 50% who become 50% positive by “accident” (condom break, judgement lapse while drunk…) are typically well adjusted and honest about their status.
Interestingly, it is the promiscuous and reckless ones that seem to have issues about “disclosing” and constantly object to the “stigma” of being HIV+.
Take a look at this; you will probably find some of the comment shocking:
No and the whole situation made me very uncomfortable, which is good. There was one red flag I did not avoid…
BBE, Good for you. I figured you turned him down, but had to ask since you didn’t say. 🙂 LOL
One of the groups of people who are fast growing in numbers of HIV and other STDs are people my age….50+ because they are NOT using safer sex practices…or monogamy either.
A friend of mine contacted an STD and I was talking to him at his request about it. (He and I have been close friends since childhood) and I was giving him the SAFER SEX stupid! Lecture. LOL and he said, “Oh, I don’t like to use a rubber. I don’t have sex with someone I don’t know well enough to not use a rubber”
I actually LAUGHED OUT LOUD, and I said (ah la Dr. Phil) AND HOW IS THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU? LOL Sheesh.
I really do wish I could get it through is thick head that he HAS to use a condom. His STD isn’t gonna kill him, but he will spread it and it might kill someone else. It is HPV.