Editor’s note: Lovefraud received the following story from a woman who we’ll call Lorraine. She is 51 years old and lives in Australia. The name of the man she was involved with has been changed.

I became involved with David, 49, after joining up to the dating site in September last year when I was emotionally down after a divorce and being on my own for awhile. I have heard both good and bad stories about online romances and was fully aware of women being ripped off financially. Well that was never going to happen to me, for I am too smart for that. But quite clearly not too smart for being taken emotionally.
Within days of placing my profile complete with photo of myself I had received lots of requests for contact by men, most not suitable at all. Amongst the requests was one from a man whose profile was flawless. A person professionally employed with a good Christian background. Fit and healthy and having a teenage daughter in his care much of the time.
I accepted his contact request and we clicked straight away. Had lots in common, both employed in the medical profession, both had three children, he three grown daughters, me — three grown sons. Both loved walking, cycles, the outdoors, markets, gardening, same type of music. We chatted merrily away, night after night for hours, about anything and everything including things one only tells one’s closest friends.
For three weeks, until one nice pleasant but very quiet weekend afternoon, I went online and he was there. He said it would be nice to meet and have my company for a chat for an hour before he collected his daughter from his ex-wife’s. Sounded safe enough. And it was. I even thought he was nicer in person. When I left he asked if he could give me a kiss, and I accepted the small peck on the cheek. How lovely. What a gentleman, I thought. It left me wanting to see him again. The second time a week later when he invited me to his house he had lovely mood candles burning, a gorgeous meal prepared and the right soft music on. And there was that chemistry between us and he told me that he thought I was “hot.”
Notch on the bedpost
Very romantic and easy to communicate with. I was on another planet. But also I was vulnerable and found myself really liking and trusting David. And as the evening went by one thing led to another! Just perfect. Who could ask for anything more!
But make no mistake, once I had become a notch on his bedpost the conquest was over for him. The game had been played. And he was already well on his way in grooming his next victim online.
I know he is very selective, he picks only good, honest women with high morals, that way there are far less risks for him. And he told me nothing. Zero. He just stopped communicating with me. End of story.
I was left totally and utterly shattered and emotionally scarred by it. I saw him online chatting to others but he refused to acknowledge me.
So I chose to confront him personally. I jumped in my car and I drove the one hours drive to his place. (I knew he was home because he was online chatting to someone else at 10 p.m. but would not return my request for contact.) He was shocked to see me — totally. He could not look me in the face. He fidgeted and behaved much the same as a naughty boy who has been caught out but was too scared to admit it. He tried to maintain composure. He said that he is grieving for his mother who is dying from cancer. And that there isn’t anyone else and that he just wanted to be by himself. Then he stated that I was intelligent, good-looking and will find someone else. And he added, “We’ll both be fine. Everything will be alright.”
Talking with other women
The first time I initially had contact with David last year and after a couple of weeks chatting online he suggested communicating through MSN via internet email as it is more personal and that I didn’t need to go on the dating site to communicate as they are full of strange people wanting contact. He then hid his profile and I thought maybe I was special because he had given me his undivided attention. He then removed me from his “contacts” on the dating site.
But when I checked the online dating site, usually very late at night, there he was online, no doubt conversing to other women. I do recall in about the second week of chatting to him on the net and before I actually met him that David mentioned that he was on some type of suicide watch for a friend and may need to go in a hurry. Well that call came and he said he had to go and help his friend in need. The next evening on the net I remember him referring to it when asked by me, he said that it was a long, long night. “Someone was drunk in their car, and there were lots and lots of tears. But everything would be alright,” he said.
I was not to know then just how significant this was until weeks later when going over things again and again in my head. It all fell into place.
“Lots and lots of tears” obviously meant female. And I have now worked out that this female was likely a person he became involved with as he began chatting to me online. When her usefulness ceased, that is, he achieved his notch on the bedpost, he told her their relationship would not work. Yet another poor deluded soul, led to think there could be more but let down in a cold, callous and calculating manner.
Life lesson
So from all of this I strongly felt that David needed to be taught a real life lesson. Users on these dating sites are real life people with real feelings and emotions. I felt he needed to hurt, and in exactly the same way he was hurting vulnerable women who would open up to him — like myself.
Does not matter if you think you are the sharpest tool in the toolbox. If you are new to these dating sites — beware. You are raw meat. Ready for the taking. Long time players will regularly scour the new additions and quickly request contact before others do.
Read more: Online seduction and the dangers of online dating
Then when I began to play him at his own game I was terrified he would catch on straight away, as I find it near impossible to lie and keep a straight face. But remember that online, on internet dating sites, all that is being conveyed is around 25 percent of the actual communication.
The other person cannot see you, or you them. And I know that body language counts for around 75 percent of what is being conveyed. Could I do this? Could I carry off the lie? Well as it happened — yes, I could. Wasn’t as difficult as I thought. If he could see me he would have known, but he couldn’t.
I became Jo
I placed a new profile on the dating site and became “Jo” in late January 2010, and made up a background similar to my own. I felt myself writing what I knew he would want to hear. I needed him to take the bait. And he did. Almost instantly. It only confirmed to me what I had already discovered over recent months that did not quite add up.
David’s first contact with Jo was the day after his mother, whom he supposedly adored, died. Strange behaviour when one is grieving! Chatting on line for one hour to “Jo,” whom he knew nothing about, yet telling her that he had no one to hug!!!!!!
Then telling Jo that he has been on the site for over two years and hasn’t had any luck, and hasn’t had a date in 14 years! I thought and what about me, or the others, whom he just so readily discarded!!! Liar!
Also in the three weeks of being Jo online, David at no stage asked what line of work Jo was in, or even where Jo lived, which was good in one way, because I did not need to lie, however it did highlight how he was so self-focused.
My aim of playing him at his own game was to keep him interested, wanting more, wanting the real deal. Getting him to ask me to his place would be even better as I knew he would go to some length to get it right. Mood candles, soft music and red wine!
Agreed to meet
It happened just the way I planned on Friday evening, February 12, 2010. Three weeks after chatting to him online and developing a rapport, he was clearly very eager to meet Jo. No less than six times throughout chatting to him on Friday early evening he hinted at Jo meeting him with comments such as, “I had a delivery of wine today — come let’s try one.” “I might ask you over — or let my hormones take over.” “There’s at least seven bottles of red to choose from here — come choose one.” “You deserve a back rub for daring to talk about my mum and how I feel about it — no one else wants to know it happened.”
After stringing him along for awhile, Jo agreed to meet him at his place and he gave a very detailed description of how to get there in exactly the same way he had to me. Jo then left him with the final message of “Looking forward to meeting you. You sound so nice and friendly.” And, “I shall arrive in my nice shiny black convertible, shall I?” And he said, “So off ya go and come on over — much more fun talking than typing.” Of course Jo then did NOT turn up.
At 10:50 that night, David left a message for Jo online: “David wonders what happened to Jo — hope you weren’t snapped up by crocodile, not been fed to a shark — and that you didn’t do this to wind me up — though that would seem very out of character from the chats we had — catch you whenever I s’pose.”
And: “P.S. I would really like to honestly know what happened and why — so please chat and tell me.”
Just perfect, I thought. It would leave him now wondering why and maybe feeling rejected, just like I had.
Advice for Internet dating
Now, my advice to anyone new to any of the Internet dating sites is to first check out how long the other person has been on the site. If more than a few months, beware. Secondly, when you are communicating with someone on these sites, remember you are actually only getting about 25 percent of the communication. You do not see them or their body responses; all you get is a motionless computer screen. Thirdly, it might be wiser and safer to communicate only with other new users, and stay well away from those who have joined many, many months ago or years! Let the alarm bells ring.
When I joined again as Jo several months after the first time, there were again the same large group of men whom had requested contacts with me the first time!!!
In conclusion, David has an obsession with these sites, much the same way as an addict has to gambling or a smoker to smoking. The addiction is either about gaining power over women or is a sex addiction. Yet, in real life David functions at a high level. He does have friends and is quite social, even having a weekly home church group meeting at his house. Yet on the chat line he says he is alone and feels unwanted.
David lives in a fantasy world, in a made up one, when on the Internet. The real sad part of all of this for me is that underneath the entire act David puts on, he seems like a lovely man who is highly confused and has lost his way with reality.
Net addiction
Through personal research I have now found some good sites on the Internet that outline what “net addiction” or “Internet dating addiction” or “cyber-addiction” is. Internet addiction is a growing, serious public health issue. And those that are addicted can be quite callous towards unsuspecting others. America has even considered this cyber-addiction to be included in the DSM V of Mental Health Disorders. It can be seen as the new growing social cancer of our century.
But how David could do this to innocent women, and repetitively, knowing he has three teenage daughters himself, is beyond comprehension. How would he like it if one of his daughters fell foul to someone just like him?
Finally, if my story can just stop this from happening to other females then that is a bonus. If what I did by becoming the player myself hurts him like he has clearly and deliberately hurt many women over a lengthy period of time then I will be very happy indeed. And my job is done.
So regardless of where you live, not just Australia, let the Internet user beware. It could cost you significantly emotionally, which will take you a long time to recover from.
Playing “The Player”
Everyone comes into one’s life for a reason. And I now firmly believe David came into mine because I was the right person to take him on and turn the tables on him. By playing “The Player,” it gave me the chance to regain my self-esteem and confidence and gain some kind of closure. My aim was to show him that one cannot use and emotionally abuse innocent people who initially come online and are often very vulnerable by those who are masters at “the game.”
I think I will stay well away from the Internet dating sites for the time being. I need to heal and become the calm, relaxed person with the happy disposition I was before.
Learn more: Survivor’s guide to healthy people and healthy relationships
Lovefraud originally posted this story on April 2, 2010.
There is a registry number you can contact/ or email address for victims of inmates…..they will call or/and email you when his status changes….at least this will give you a heads up of any transfer, release etc.
Your a smart woman……HIT IT GIRL!
You’ll geterdone!
Sapersky is a program that removes stuff like that.you might be able to get a free trial.
If you can’t, look for a way to hit a reset point on your computer prior to the date you got the virus- that might work and delete all temporary internet files and cookies- daily.
Substituting bananas for a day. maybe I will swing from the light fixture later.
Asked the attny about the PTO. The problem is nobody is sure they know who he is.
I told the guy I don’t care. Get one.
He is out in six months.
I have a lot to think about.
silver – the library is giving me more computer time 🙂
have mucho malware on my computer. and everytime i open an internet connection i get whacked again. will talk to the tech – i can’t pay him, but maybe he can tell me the process – it’s very complicated for this virus, i have been researching.
nobody is sure who he is? that’s chilling.
Dear Silvermoon,
“nobody is sure who he is”–CHILLING is the word. No one knew who “clark Rockefeller” was either and there is most likely at least TWO MURDERS in his background….
Contact VICTIMS services in your town/county/state or at all those levels if there are those levels. THEY were WONDERFUL for me.
As far as someone who “no one knows who he is” I would contact the FBI on this one, and maybe with his X-wife and you working together you might get more results. Still may not get any results, but you might.
As well as I would also contact 20/20, date line, and dateline Mystery, America’s most wanted, and anyone else I could think of in the way of media. City and state newspapers as well as local TV. We have a thing called “7 on your side” from our local station 7, they help people who “can’t get help” from anyone else. I can see a local news show saying
“Wives numbers 1 and 2 don’t know to whom they are married and local DA’s office refuses to prosecute their husband because no one knows who he is, even though he is in jail for X crime.”
This guy may not currently have a name attached to his body but he has fingerprints and DNA so who knows, maybe there will be someone interested enough to help you.
Stir up some pity from the press and make the DA’;s office look like unfeeling creeps for not doing more.
I got a lot further with the parole board by offering to SCREAM their name from the capitol steps if they ILLEGALLY RELEASED the Trojan Horse on Parole and guess what, they canceled his parole for another few months anyway. The woman at victim services is the one who told me the name of the law and number that they were VIOLATING. I got results! TOWANDA FOR VICTIM SERVICES!!!!
No. Nobody is sure.
Yes its chilling.
But I think its most likely he is who I found and traced back because the behavior fits a P so , so well.
Started in early teens. Typical.
Who ever he is, who he has said he was seems consistent around the globe.
Very sobering. Very.
Much to think on.
I want to think fast, but I can’t.
Wives 4 and 5 are thinking about putting up a my space page….. we think we will find out there are more than we know……
What would I tell the FBI?
That he lies to women? Not illegal.
Bigamy isn’t up to them, its a local/state matter.
They already know they don’t know who he is!
And, they have him in custody!
Dear Silvermoon,
My space, Face book, web site, whatever you can pput up, any and everything! Aslo I will have to look up the link but there is a FIGHT BIGAMY website, let me see if I can find it and I will post it to you here. Or just google “fight bigamy” and see what you can find out there and LINK to them, or do ALL of the above. Anyway, you might find more than you think. That Clark Rockefeller guy lived under that jfalse name for at least 12 years and until he was arrested for the kidnap of his daughter from a supervised visit, he would have gotten away with it probably forever. Good luck. You have at least 6 months til he gets out, he may be wanted by Interpol, who knows. Contact anyoone and everyone who might be looking for someone. Good luck!
Silvermoon, We were posting over each other.
What to tell the FBI?
Sure bigamy is a STATE crime, and the local DA is not doing their job of prosecuting him, so contact your STATE’s ATTORNEY GENERAL’s office and complain about the local DA not doing his/her job.
Tell the FBI that this guy is lying about who he is and you think he is some international terrorist or whatever you think you could back up in ANY way. Again if he has traveled over the world as I think you indicated he has, and used different aliases, he MUST BE A SPY. Call the FBI, HOmeland security, or whoever you can think of.
The point is to raise some SMOKE until someone in some agency says FIRE!!!! and starts to look for whatever is going on.
My guess is bigamy is not his biggest CRIME….if someone would look deeper. And if his idenity doesn’t fit, thenb he is hiding behind an alias for someone who DOES exist and who DID commit some crime that they might be looking for.
Just an idea, paranoid of course, but just cause you are paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t dangerous.
Oh Ox,
You have NO IDEA how paranoid I am!
I am sure he is American by orign although not what he says.
I think he really spent more time in Jail than anywhere else.
I think I will know more soon and what to do will be clearer.
I want the annulment. I want to go safely and quietly on with life.
If I succeed at what I am trying to accomplish, I guess he will come back to haunt me and it won’t be nice.
He didn’t marry me for love. So it will be fine to wait for me to do the work and come back to get his share.
How to kick him to the curb so hard he goes down and away?
1. Keep him in jail as long as possible
2. get lost in plain sight
3. Don’t do what he would expect
4.Safety in numbers – start a website about him-
5. I always wanted a german shepherd