Many, many people who have been romantically involved with sociopaths have told me that the sex was the best they ever had. In my latest video, I explain why.
Watch Lovefraud Lesson #6: Sociopaths and sex on the Videos page.
Not sure what it is that makes you light up to them. I think it would be hard to describe that. It’s like my dark prince picker… I can’t say how precisely I notice them instantly over other people, I just notice them instantly. First time I saw ex-spath was while he walked by on the street while I sat on the landlady’s porch in hte rocking chair reading. I sat on the porch expressly each day to watch streetlife. I saw plenty of people go by, and I started to recognize them of course… but the moment he walked by it’s like I noticed him more. I can’t say why but he was more noticeable to me.
Until recently I thought my picker was an attraction picker, now I’m not so sure. I’m starting to think of it as a warning picker rather, and at the very least that’s what I’m using it for now. Uneasiness, nervousness and feeling somewhat overpowered are sensations of warning, and I may just have confused those feelings for decades with attraction. On the other hand, it’s not a picker that could help me pick out all types of spaths, because I can think of several possible spathic men that never stood out in that way to me and I felt a gut disdain for as soon as they approached me. I feel instantly repulsed somewhat by these. I guess it’s the being slimed part that I notice during interaction. I don’t notice those in a crowd, but they sure make themselves known soon to me. The dark princes, or rather black holes, I do notice, and maybe that’s just what my picker responds to: their darkness.
Spaths have pickers too. Some people will be far more noticeable to them than others, will stand out to them. They may refer to them as perfect prey, but imo just like my picker does not notice some spathic types, their picker does notice other prey as much. Of course they solve that by being opportunists.
So what does their picker notice? I don’t think you can ever know. It might even be something different each time again. But I do think it’s something on the temperament level, something you cannot really alter or change. It isn’t what you wear, nor your attitude, nor how much you smile. I do suspect though it might have to do something with authenticity and genuineness. Maybe you just look very very ‘real’ to a spath’s picker; someone who’s not hiding herself behind a mask. Maybe you just seem to shine like a bright sun to them, nothing but light.
12 years ago
that’s sweet. thank you.
I remember you mentioning your picker. I usually have one too. And it’s getting better.
I think you may be right about genuineness. I don’t wear much of a mask, and since they ARE ALL ABOUT A MASK, they notice that.
Not that I can’t, be a phony, I can, it’s just a drag.
On the other hand, how about the guy who came up to me from behind and asked me if I wanted to see his parrot? I was just walking down the street.
There was a guy selling toys at a convention that BF and I attended. (We sell toys and we had a booth.) He said he was raised a Mennonite and he was hitting on me hard. He told me it was because of my hair. He said, Mennonite women hide their hair. Many cultures hide their women’s hair. Hair can create envy. Honestly though, if you saw my hair when I haven’t straightened it, it looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket. My BF hates it. lol.
12 years ago
You barely or hardly even need to see a person’s face. It’s a total picture, kindof an aura if you will. You probably have experienced yourself that some people just draw your eye for no apparent reason. They enter a room, or you enter it, and there’s a bit of a crowd, but a certain person draws your attention, even if you are looking at their back. It hardly even has to do with attraction, because you can notice women as well as men in that way without being attracted to them.
Some manage to get attention with their simmering darkness, no matter how much they are smiling and seem to have fun; and then there are people who seem to light up a place even when they’re not smiling.
I actually know I’m often considered to be the latter. The first time I realized it was about twelve years ago. I was at a party with my best friend, a friend of his and her Russian boyfriend. I was friendly to her and her boyfriend, offered them some drinks, asked some questions, but not chatty at all. In my mind it had been a very relaxed evening. At some point I went dancing for a bit, but more to the side of the dancefloor. I certainly was not seeking anyone’s attention. Later my best friend revealed to me that the Russian bf of his friend had told him he thought of me as intrusive and in his face. His complaint actually did not match my behaviour at all. I was stunned. I told my friend: that’s nuts! I was anything but intrusive and in his face. My best friend then agreed it wasn’t my fault at all. He said I could have snuck in a corner and as quiet as a mouse and still would make that guy feel as if I was taking up too much space and light in the room, because I was like a sun and would always be noticed, and that the Russian must have been terribly insecure because my presence alone threatened him.
It attracts good people, often shiny people themselves, but it also attracts dark people who don’t like light and want to stamp it out if they could. I know that’s what the sliming spaths like the bf of my friend tries to do. First time he ever met me, he basically started to insult and belittle me in front of my best friend, something she later agreed to. I sometimes get men acting out obnoxious to me out of the blue; people I don’t know, haven’t talked to, haven’t bumped into. Suddenly they tap on my shoulder and start trying to put me down. I guess that might have been what that aggressive Maroccan was attempting to do couple of days ago.
What I hadn’t realized before the ex-spath that there are also the ones who pretend to be someone who loves me and hope to put me down that way. Now I know and recognize the signs of those who try to put out the light in a sneaky way – through flattery.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure it’s not your fault, nor something you can alter. I don’t think it’s something weak or vulnerable either. I’m pretty sure it’s something they envy and hope for the opportunity to stamp out. And if you want to know what it is I think it’s better to ask people who actually love you and know you, than spaths, because spaths will never admit that they envy you for something that you breathe and exhume as you pass them by.
12 years ago
I saw a lot of he’s just like me in my wife when i found out about her spath entanglement. i also saw a lot of your just like me in his letters to her before she had him thrown back in prison. i think they use the mirror in reverse once they have you firmly believing in your similarities. i saw a lot of ” i can lie to you cause you lie to your husband” crap.
12 years ago
wow this page of comments was (is) such a trigger for me. I broke down halfway through reading them.
I did a search for “sociopathic sexual abuse” and found my way to this particular page.
It is weirdly unsettling buy somehow, comforting? reading all the comments.
I have been in a relationship with a sociopath for 3 and half years now. I have been trying to get him out of my life for over a year.
He snared me with sex. There was a time, at the beginning, that I thought it was the best sex of my life. Heck, it may very well have been.
But, it lacked the intimacy. At first I didn’t notice that. At first I didn’t care! I met him online, only 4 months after my marriage of 15 years had ended.
Ten years younger than me, handsome, fit, and oozing a sexuality (or something, Looking back, I’m not so sure that it was sexuality he was oozing) that I was instantly attracted to, I’m sure I was a prime target. Heck, I must have been, because he managed to mess up my head so bad that even now, knowing what he is and what he is not, knowing all the bad things that he has done, the lies, the craziness, the drug use, etc, etc., even knowing all that I still find myself thinking about him, and have let him come back time and time again….
In the beginning it was wonderful, yes. Intense, hard and crazy, but wonderful. Over time it grew increasingly rougher and rougher.
There were times he raped me. Said awful things to me. Hurt me. And yet I was still attracted to him. Still wanted to have sex with him.
But here’s the real crazy part, maybe even what he feels the most proud of, he finally just stopped having sex with me. It’s like he turned me into a sex fiend (for him) and then took it away. I KNOW he enjoyed turning me down. I could see it in his cold dark eyes. He turned me into a fiending junkie for his fake sex. Fake because it wasn’t real. It was all an act.
An act to entrap me. And it worked.
But I want out. I want him out of my head. I will do it, I know I can. I’ve finally reached the point, and this has only recently happened, that I can no longer have sex, or even be attracted to a man that has turned me down so much. Ha! I hope he didn’t see that coming! Because I don’t know if I could handle that too (the withholding of sex) as just another one of his manipulative ploys.
I hope, I pray that this new “right” way of thinking, this feeling of being repulsed by him now will give me the strength I need to get past him and over him. I think it will take a long time for me to feel sexually “normal” again.
Ox Drover
12 years ago
Welcome damandarespec,
As soon as you leave him, he will most likely come back with the sexual “carrot” again to lure you back in and then rinse and repeat. Sex/no sex….
So, I suggest when you do make the NO CONTACT choice, you stick to it 100% and do not let him back in, because if you weaken and give him “another chance” it will back fire in your face big time.
Read here and learn, because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and you must take back the power you have given over to him.
You WILL eventually get him out of your head and you will be “normal” again….DIFFERENT maybe but that’s okay because it will be different in a wiser way, a better, stronger way. God bless and again, welcome to Love Fraud.
Oxy and Skylar, my ex spath told me when we started dating in 20120 that she told her friends ‘Hes the best sex I’ve ever had.’ However, knowing now how promiscuous she is and how spaths use sex not as an emotional connection with someone, but a s tool for power and control, it does sting to know she probably used the same balsa wood, plastic compliment with other partners. I recently found out from a mutual friend, not long after she and I met and stopped dating, she threw herself at and made the first move on my friends ex. She really pressed to spend the night with him and he said no twice. The third time was when she started to get more desperate she she showed up at his house with an overnight bag and without him knowing it, was naked and in his bed. So guess what happened next? My friend said she doesn’t blame him one bit for engaging with her. her words were ‘If she’s going to show up, uninvited after he says no twice and she’s naked in his bed…we’re all adults here. She knew what she was doing and got EXACTLY what she wanted.’ Now, granted, we weren’t together at that time so she was free to do what she wanted as well as I was. But….don’t think I’m stupid enough to believe that you have been in love with me since the day we met when you pursue a man to the point where you actually have to get undressed in his room after he tells you no to you spending the night with him TWICE and then try and convince me I gave you the best sex ever. There’s a name for women like that…and now I’m convinced that is that very name.
As far as spath’s and their ability to want to contact someone weeks, months or even years after the breakup? I’m not so sure. If you two knew what was said between my ex and I, and then what she was saying to a mutual friend about me (she called me, in so many words, unstable), I think you both would agree that my ex spath (who also has characteristics of borderline personality disorder – boy did I find a gem with this one!) won’t take a chance in contacting me. Mutual friends who knew her and knew of her (I met this woman in 2009, saw the red flags then….and was dumb enough to think in 2012 we could have a functioning relationship – WHOOOPS!) say they’re convinced she’ll try and reach out to me at some point. My therapist is convinced she will also. Spaths and BPD’ers share similar traits and one is they thrive on the chaos they bring to people’s lives an find themselves so bored they’ll reach out to anyone. It’s like once you’re in their mental Rolodex, you’re there FOREVER! ANyway, just thought I’d present that to both of you and see what you’re thoughts are. No right or wrong answer, just want an outside perspective. Hope you’re both doing well!!!!
12 years ago
it’s par for the course. They all do that. They give us the best sex ever and then they withhold it. (well, some of them give us great sex, others just give bad sex, but the plan was always to withhold it.)
Meanwhile, rest assured that he is having sex with multiple other partners. They could be male or female, paid or unpaid, it doesn’t matter.
As Oxy said, they do tend to come back once they think you are trying to get free of them.
This is because it was never about anything but power, control and manipulation.
12 years ago
I agree with skylar. Having had many abusive , controlling partners before age 31 , when I met the guy who turned my life and brain into a 3-ring circus , the start was fast , he asked me to move in with him within 24 hrs , wanted to cut me off from everyone , told me I was wonderful and showered me with surprise gifts and trips , and the sex was better than I had ever had. Then he wanted 3-somes , and more , he would buy me things , things I could never afford for myself , as bribs. When I confronted him with the fact that I knew what he was doing , he blew up , and withheld everything.He had/has sex with ANYONE male or female , is a drug addict and is fake as a botoxed tooth-bleaching sociopath can be , and I hope there is Karma , because I still think of him , even though I am no longer attracted to him , and the cherry on top? He used to be a social worker until he started getting intimate with the people he was supposed to help. But , it wasn’t his fault , they started it/forced him.Sheesh. Now a days , I want to just be alone.Running to get checked for std’s all the time starts to be more than embarassing.
12 years ago
botoxed tooth bleaching sociopath ~! oh my thanx for the chuckle
Tea Light
12 years ago
Slowlybut, thanks for this like Moon I had to laugh – knowing the absurd vanity of my abuser- at the botox etc. Very well done to have escaped. Peace and love to you,x
Not sure what it is that makes you light up to them. I think it would be hard to describe that. It’s like my dark prince picker… I can’t say how precisely I notice them instantly over other people, I just notice them instantly. First time I saw ex-spath was while he walked by on the street while I sat on the landlady’s porch in hte rocking chair reading. I sat on the porch expressly each day to watch streetlife. I saw plenty of people go by, and I started to recognize them of course… but the moment he walked by it’s like I noticed him more. I can’t say why but he was more noticeable to me.
Until recently I thought my picker was an attraction picker, now I’m not so sure. I’m starting to think of it as a warning picker rather, and at the very least that’s what I’m using it for now. Uneasiness, nervousness and feeling somewhat overpowered are sensations of warning, and I may just have confused those feelings for decades with attraction. On the other hand, it’s not a picker that could help me pick out all types of spaths, because I can think of several possible spathic men that never stood out in that way to me and I felt a gut disdain for as soon as they approached me. I feel instantly repulsed somewhat by these. I guess it’s the being slimed part that I notice during interaction. I don’t notice those in a crowd, but they sure make themselves known soon to me. The dark princes, or rather black holes, I do notice, and maybe that’s just what my picker responds to: their darkness.
Spaths have pickers too. Some people will be far more noticeable to them than others, will stand out to them. They may refer to them as perfect prey, but imo just like my picker does not notice some spathic types, their picker does notice other prey as much. Of course they solve that by being opportunists.
So what does their picker notice? I don’t think you can ever know. It might even be something different each time again. But I do think it’s something on the temperament level, something you cannot really alter or change. It isn’t what you wear, nor your attitude, nor how much you smile. I do suspect though it might have to do something with authenticity and genuineness. Maybe you just look very very ‘real’ to a spath’s picker; someone who’s not hiding herself behind a mask. Maybe you just seem to shine like a bright sun to them, nothing but light.
that’s sweet. thank you.
I remember you mentioning your picker. I usually have one too. And it’s getting better.
I think you may be right about genuineness. I don’t wear much of a mask, and since they ARE ALL ABOUT A MASK, they notice that.
Not that I can’t, be a phony, I can, it’s just a drag.
On the other hand, how about the guy who came up to me from behind and asked me if I wanted to see his parrot? I was just walking down the street.
There was a guy selling toys at a convention that BF and I attended. (We sell toys and we had a booth.) He said he was raised a Mennonite and he was hitting on me hard. He told me it was because of my hair. He said, Mennonite women hide their hair. Many cultures hide their women’s hair. Hair can create envy. Honestly though, if you saw my hair when I haven’t straightened it, it looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket. My BF hates it. lol.
You barely or hardly even need to see a person’s face. It’s a total picture, kindof an aura if you will. You probably have experienced yourself that some people just draw your eye for no apparent reason. They enter a room, or you enter it, and there’s a bit of a crowd, but a certain person draws your attention, even if you are looking at their back. It hardly even has to do with attraction, because you can notice women as well as men in that way without being attracted to them.
Some manage to get attention with their simmering darkness, no matter how much they are smiling and seem to have fun; and then there are people who seem to light up a place even when they’re not smiling.
I actually know I’m often considered to be the latter. The first time I realized it was about twelve years ago. I was at a party with my best friend, a friend of his and her Russian boyfriend. I was friendly to her and her boyfriend, offered them some drinks, asked some questions, but not chatty at all. In my mind it had been a very relaxed evening. At some point I went dancing for a bit, but more to the side of the dancefloor. I certainly was not seeking anyone’s attention. Later my best friend revealed to me that the Russian bf of his friend had told him he thought of me as intrusive and in his face. His complaint actually did not match my behaviour at all. I was stunned. I told my friend: that’s nuts! I was anything but intrusive and in his face. My best friend then agreed it wasn’t my fault at all. He said I could have snuck in a corner and as quiet as a mouse and still would make that guy feel as if I was taking up too much space and light in the room, because I was like a sun and would always be noticed, and that the Russian must have been terribly insecure because my presence alone threatened him.
It attracts good people, often shiny people themselves, but it also attracts dark people who don’t like light and want to stamp it out if they could. I know that’s what the sliming spaths like the bf of my friend tries to do. First time he ever met me, he basically started to insult and belittle me in front of my best friend, something she later agreed to. I sometimes get men acting out obnoxious to me out of the blue; people I don’t know, haven’t talked to, haven’t bumped into. Suddenly they tap on my shoulder and start trying to put me down. I guess that might have been what that aggressive Maroccan was attempting to do couple of days ago.
What I hadn’t realized before the ex-spath that there are also the ones who pretend to be someone who loves me and hope to put me down that way. Now I know and recognize the signs of those who try to put out the light in a sneaky way – through flattery.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure it’s not your fault, nor something you can alter. I don’t think it’s something weak or vulnerable either. I’m pretty sure it’s something they envy and hope for the opportunity to stamp out. And if you want to know what it is I think it’s better to ask people who actually love you and know you, than spaths, because spaths will never admit that they envy you for something that you breathe and exhume as you pass them by.
I saw a lot of he’s just like me in my wife when i found out about her spath entanglement. i also saw a lot of your just like me in his letters to her before she had him thrown back in prison. i think they use the mirror in reverse once they have you firmly believing in your similarities. i saw a lot of ” i can lie to you cause you lie to your husband” crap.
wow this page of comments was (is) such a trigger for me. I broke down halfway through reading them.
I did a search for “sociopathic sexual abuse” and found my way to this particular page.
It is weirdly unsettling buy somehow, comforting? reading all the comments.
I have been in a relationship with a sociopath for 3 and half years now. I have been trying to get him out of my life for over a year.
He snared me with sex. There was a time, at the beginning, that I thought it was the best sex of my life. Heck, it may very well have been.
But, it lacked the intimacy. At first I didn’t notice that. At first I didn’t care! I met him online, only 4 months after my marriage of 15 years had ended.
Ten years younger than me, handsome, fit, and oozing a sexuality (or something, Looking back, I’m not so sure that it was sexuality he was oozing) that I was instantly attracted to, I’m sure I was a prime target. Heck, I must have been, because he managed to mess up my head so bad that even now, knowing what he is and what he is not, knowing all the bad things that he has done, the lies, the craziness, the drug use, etc, etc., even knowing all that I still find myself thinking about him, and have let him come back time and time again….
In the beginning it was wonderful, yes. Intense, hard and crazy, but wonderful. Over time it grew increasingly rougher and rougher.
There were times he raped me. Said awful things to me. Hurt me. And yet I was still attracted to him. Still wanted to have sex with him.
But here’s the real crazy part, maybe even what he feels the most proud of, he finally just stopped having sex with me. It’s like he turned me into a sex fiend (for him) and then took it away. I KNOW he enjoyed turning me down. I could see it in his cold dark eyes. He turned me into a fiending junkie for his fake sex. Fake because it wasn’t real. It was all an act.
An act to entrap me. And it worked.
But I want out. I want him out of my head. I will do it, I know I can. I’ve finally reached the point, and this has only recently happened, that I can no longer have sex, or even be attracted to a man that has turned me down so much. Ha! I hope he didn’t see that coming! Because I don’t know if I could handle that too (the withholding of sex) as just another one of his manipulative ploys.
I hope, I pray that this new “right” way of thinking, this feeling of being repulsed by him now will give me the strength I need to get past him and over him. I think it will take a long time for me to feel sexually “normal” again.
Welcome damandarespec,
As soon as you leave him, he will most likely come back with the sexual “carrot” again to lure you back in and then rinse and repeat. Sex/no sex….
So, I suggest when you do make the NO CONTACT choice, you stick to it 100% and do not let him back in, because if you weaken and give him “another chance” it will back fire in your face big time.
Read here and learn, because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and you must take back the power you have given over to him.
You WILL eventually get him out of your head and you will be “normal” again….DIFFERENT maybe but that’s okay because it will be different in a wiser way, a better, stronger way. God bless and again, welcome to Love Fraud.
Oxy and Skylar, my ex spath told me when we started dating in 20120 that she told her friends ‘Hes the best sex I’ve ever had.’ However, knowing now how promiscuous she is and how spaths use sex not as an emotional connection with someone, but a s tool for power and control, it does sting to know she probably used the same balsa wood, plastic compliment with other partners. I recently found out from a mutual friend, not long after she and I met and stopped dating, she threw herself at and made the first move on my friends ex. She really pressed to spend the night with him and he said no twice. The third time was when she started to get more desperate she she showed up at his house with an overnight bag and without him knowing it, was naked and in his bed. So guess what happened next? My friend said she doesn’t blame him one bit for engaging with her. her words were ‘If she’s going to show up, uninvited after he says no twice and she’s naked in his bed…we’re all adults here. She knew what she was doing and got EXACTLY what she wanted.’ Now, granted, we weren’t together at that time so she was free to do what she wanted as well as I was. But….don’t think I’m stupid enough to believe that you have been in love with me since the day we met when you pursue a man to the point where you actually have to get undressed in his room after he tells you no to you spending the night with him TWICE and then try and convince me I gave you the best sex ever. There’s a name for women like that…and now I’m convinced that is that very name.
As far as spath’s and their ability to want to contact someone weeks, months or even years after the breakup? I’m not so sure. If you two knew what was said between my ex and I, and then what she was saying to a mutual friend about me (she called me, in so many words, unstable), I think you both would agree that my ex spath (who also has characteristics of borderline personality disorder – boy did I find a gem with this one!) won’t take a chance in contacting me. Mutual friends who knew her and knew of her (I met this woman in 2009, saw the red flags then….and was dumb enough to think in 2012 we could have a functioning relationship – WHOOOPS!) say they’re convinced she’ll try and reach out to me at some point. My therapist is convinced she will also. Spaths and BPD’ers share similar traits and one is they thrive on the chaos they bring to people’s lives an find themselves so bored they’ll reach out to anyone. It’s like once you’re in their mental Rolodex, you’re there FOREVER! ANyway, just thought I’d present that to both of you and see what you’re thoughts are. No right or wrong answer, just want an outside perspective. Hope you’re both doing well!!!!
it’s par for the course. They all do that. They give us the best sex ever and then they withhold it. (well, some of them give us great sex, others just give bad sex, but the plan was always to withhold it.)
Meanwhile, rest assured that he is having sex with multiple other partners. They could be male or female, paid or unpaid, it doesn’t matter.
As Oxy said, they do tend to come back once they think you are trying to get free of them.
This is because it was never about anything but power, control and manipulation.
I agree with skylar. Having had many abusive , controlling partners before age 31 , when I met the guy who turned my life and brain into a 3-ring circus , the start was fast , he asked me to move in with him within 24 hrs , wanted to cut me off from everyone , told me I was wonderful and showered me with surprise gifts and trips , and the sex was better than I had ever had. Then he wanted 3-somes , and more , he would buy me things , things I could never afford for myself , as bribs. When I confronted him with the fact that I knew what he was doing , he blew up , and withheld everything.He had/has sex with ANYONE male or female , is a drug addict and is fake as a botoxed tooth-bleaching sociopath can be , and I hope there is Karma , because I still think of him , even though I am no longer attracted to him , and the cherry on top? He used to be a social worker until he started getting intimate with the people he was supposed to help. But , it wasn’t his fault , they started it/forced him.Sheesh. Now a days , I want to just be alone.Running to get checked for std’s all the time starts to be more than embarassing.
botoxed tooth bleaching sociopath ~! oh my thanx for the chuckle
Slowlybut, thanks for this like Moon I had to laugh – knowing the absurd vanity of my abuser- at the botox etc. Very well done to have escaped. Peace and love to you,x