I recently had clinical contact with a client who left me with the unusually strong, immediate impression of “schemer,” “slick,” “full of crap.” He was instantly, aggressively ingratiating—less, I felt, from insecurity, as from ulterior motives, as if he were angling, at the outset, for an edge.
I had the uncomfortable feeling I get around intrusive salesmen who leave you feeling like an “object” from whom to extract a sale and commission.
I should mention that he was glib. Glibness is a trait often associated with certain sociopaths. My client was so glib, as a matter of fact, that for the first time in a long while the word “glib” actually popped into my head.
When I say “glib,” I don’t mean just fast-talking, which he was. He was shallow, too. And for me, the combination of smooth, fast talking, underlain by shallowness, really captures “glib.”
He was something of a schemer, and it was fascinating to observe him deny or dismiss rife evidence of his historical deceptiveness, abusiveness and double-standards. And he did so with a striking lack of shame, and with much audacity, along with irritation (arrogantly conveyed) to have to even deign to respond to the history.
Now I’d like to shift gears (abruptly), and say something about the psychopath’s (or sociopath’s) alleged “look,” or “stare,” which has been described anecdotally in the literature. Its most obvious form is characterized by a certain crazed intensity (note some of the existing photos of Ted Bundy, and other serial killers).
There are also, I suggest, other, subtler forms of this look. In any case what this “look” transmits (in any of its forms) is something elementally predatory. It has an evaluatively predatory quality.
I suspect that many of you have had the experience of being watched in this way?
It’s more than a feeling of being scrutinized, because all of us scrutinize each other, and clients should be scrutinizing their therapists.
It is more, I think, the quality, or motive, of the scrutiny—again, a predatory aspect that engenders the experience of feeling invaded, and “sized up,” “measured” for ulterior purposes.
At bottom, this is a type of “look” that leaves one feeling watched, studied as an “object.” One experiences the “watcher” as if he or she is calculating, “How much can I have my way with this person? How susceptible is this person to my present interests in him or her?”
My client had this “look.”
He was a “watcher,” and as he watched me, I often had the disconcerting sense that he was less interested in what I had to say, or what I was saying, than in using the time I was speaking to further his evaluation of my vulnerability.
This feeling with, experience of someone, can be a signal. It can signal that something predatory is brewing, or occurring.
I’ve called this the “feel” of a sociopath, because sociopaths sometimes (not always) can stir-up this sensation in those whose paths they’ve crossed, or lives they’ve entered. To be sure, not all sociopaths evoke this experience; but some do, and it can be an uncomfortable, and not easily articulated experience. Depending on the circumstances, it can even feel flatteringly seductive (if still uncomfortable).
Take, for instance, a blind/first-date scenario, in which the exploitative-minded individual approvingly, hungrily, invasively and audaciously sizes-up his date, leaving her feeling flattered (hungrily desired) while at the same time uneasy?
This “sizing up,” “measuring” process too often belies not a hunger for love, and connection, but of acquisition, possession and/or conquest.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2009 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
I second and third what Oxy said about online. They can even be copying someone else’s writing and sending it to you!
Cutandrun…..my first meeting was exactly like that too…..only he decided I wasn’t that perfect. LOL! But just sitting and staring at me, when I expected to be greeted with kisses and hugs! UGH. UGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
There is an artical here, about How unrealistic a certain movie was in depicting a P. As I have continued my personal research , I believe the movie was right on the target!
A Highly succesfull P suave, capable of having a “normal ” Life even a “normal family” and fully capable of Killing at the same time. History Has our best examples. As does our Govt.
JAH – Oh, he wanted a kiss first thing alright – I was all kinds of nervous at first and dodged it and made it a peck on the cheek. So lots of staring at first, and then lots of kissing — what a fool I was, desperate and starving for affection – sure got it from the WRONG source!
This was a guy whom I met first when I was 15 – and my dad forbid me to date because he was Catholic. So we had some form of “trust”, deceitful as it was, in place already. Long lost romance, all that stuff. Ahhhhh, facebook – blessing to some, curse for others!!
To All,
The look was there, since the begging as he wanted to devore me, and in my stupidity I fell flatered as well, At the end of the relationship I was also stalked, I could not even answer a telephone call, even less use the phone when he was around. I also found out that when I was away from the house he used to redial the phone to see if I had called someone. Then he started calling anonimoulsly my bosses because he was accusing me of having affairs with any man that was around me. When we went shopping I had literaly to walk with my had down because if anyopne looked at me I was accused of been flirting with them. My life was a hell and I was living like a prisioner. Ofcourse with all this I was felling sickenning and lost a lot of weight. and became very attractive. My daughter came home on days from a shopping trip with me and in her innocense said: Dad mum is looking so good that no one looks at me, they look at her instead. Oh! my God.. that put me in prison even more. Needless to say that I had to resign my job and that is when I decide ..it is time to do something.
Ah! and what about the eyes when we made love…At tthe climax moment his eyes rolled back like a shark eyes when it stricks a victime. Anyone with this experience?
justabouthealed will read he article now..Good analogy the stock market..and its time to stop kind of throwing good money after bad.But wasting more time given the amount already invested..10 bloody years.
cutandrun……HOW WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dated mine when I was 15 up to the time when I just turned 16. he dumped me in typical N/S way and I was crying for a year, literally. But I thought I just wasn’t good enough. He kept contacting me over the years, finally caught me at a down time and after many emails and some phone calls I agreed to meet him…in a hotel room!!! DUMB.
But same thing….there was a huge level of trust, I thought I knew who he was at his core. (I did, a cruel love-bomber and dumper, but I didn’t know what I had on my hands!), that we shared values, etc. and was further thrown off by his huge financial success. By the time I actually met him, I was in deep.
I like to think that if I had first met him in a normal setting, I would have run for the hills. I really think I might have. I almost did anyway…..but then I was literally re-living my childhood, trying to make it come out right with HIM and also re-living the exact way my mom had treated me and trying to make it come out right too! (which is probably what attracted me at 15).
What a mess at age 56! I was so convinced that he was trustworthy and had actually loved me all those years that I ignored huge red billboards blocking my path!!!! I saw him 4 times, let him love bomb and dump me over and over. He was nasty, a sex addict, an alcoholic, on top of N/P. Narcissiopath fits him perfectly. Took more like two years of crying this time and now it is over. Some left over fleeting thoughts of revenge, or telling him off (again), but otherwise okay.
That site I keep referring to (no ties to me!) has a great article warning about old loves returning. Should have read that first!
I think it was you who referred us to the great site with assclowns huh?
Thanks…..been working my way through some articles there…Love it!
Have a great night!
JAH – wow – weird indeed! Mine was very short lived on both sides of the timeline though, which I guess I should consider a real blessing. Of course, when he found me on FB for the first time several months ago, it was all about “do you remember me” as we had only rollerskated one night when we met, exchanged phone numbers – he called a couple times – but then he was quick to tell me that one night he WALKED from his house to MY SCHOOL – (the next town over) just to see me cheer at a basketball game. Talk about a hook!
And as an additional attraction – my marriage is nearly void of any kind of personal connection at this point – I had married the man of my parent’s own choosing, maintained the family “image” – and now wondering if all along I had made the “wrong” decision regarding my husband, did I “force” him to marry me, and all these years he’s been resenting it – what would life have been like if I had stood up to my dad and dated this guy, would it have been “happily ever after” and suddenly I am running willingly into deep water over my head in full rebellion to my present life and family. Internal tornado!
But after about 3 months of this guy I can no longer deal with a double life and seeing lots of little inconsistancies – this S was not the sharpest tool in the shed, for which I am thankful – and I “cut and ran” before it got any worse.
Still dealing with the “life is boring” feeling and wondering if he is going to try again, but as more time passes I know what my response will be……
cutandrun: Thanks for sharing your story and congratulations on seeing things so clearly so quickly! You are a strong woman!
My marriage was at a low point too. I’m very sorry now about my lack of integrity that let me get involved with someone else, regardless of the seduction. Believe it or not, I had my husband’s permission. What a mess.
But gradually we kept getting more honest with each other and finally he confessed about his drinking and I let him know that I had actually fallen in love with the P (though by then it had been over for one and a half years and I was out of the FOG) and had suffered a betrayal bond. At that point, things rapidly got better. I had never known why my husband was acting the way he was, not caring much about me. Part of it was his respect for individual boundaries, but part of it was the alcohol. Once I knew what the problem was, everything made sense.
I was in such denial that once when I found a water bottle with vodka in it in our car, I was convinced (on my own) that somehow in our tiny town, a drunk had come into our car, left the vodka and our money!!! GEEZ. I just had no idea!
After we re-committed to each other, we actually “fell in love” again, and also re-established being each other’s best friend and we have a very active sex life now, tons of laughter each day, and support each other’s dreams.
STILL, without all the emotional drama, it does feel DIFFERENT. I also gave up my undercover work which also had plenty of excitement but too much exposure to trauma. I try to take care of my excitement needs through my job still, but facing challenges like fundraising, meeting fascinating donors, etc. Some are fascinating MEN, but I’m firm in my boundaries and integrity, no validation seeking and NO flirting, I’ve learned how to cut them off short without alienating a donor.
In fact, I’m so good about boundaries now that I really don’t get hit on anymore. We give off vibes we aren’t even aware of. My vibe now says I’m not interested. I only got involved with the P, but there was some flirting going on over the years, minimal, but I don’t even LIKE that. I consider a man flirting with a married woman an insult now. What does it say about what he thinks of my integrity?
I hope you are able to connect with your husband. Or end the marriage. But I realize life is complicated. But I tell you, I never imagined my marriage could go from us sleeping on different floors of the house to sleeping “spooned” every night.
That is sort of symbolic of how far we’ve come.
Love and hugs to you.
ErinB- you are welcome! You could write such a site yourself….you have a great way of putting things.