I recently had clinical contact with a client who left me with the unusually strong, immediate impression of “schemer,” “slick,” “full of crap.” He was instantly, aggressively ingratiating—less, I felt, from insecurity, as from ulterior motives, as if he were angling, at the outset, for an edge.
I had the uncomfortable feeling I get around intrusive salesmen who leave you feeling like an “object” from whom to extract a sale and commission.
I should mention that he was glib. Glibness is a trait often associated with certain sociopaths. My client was so glib, as a matter of fact, that for the first time in a long while the word “glib” actually popped into my head.
When I say “glib,” I don’t mean just fast-talking, which he was. He was shallow, too. And for me, the combination of smooth, fast talking, underlain by shallowness, really captures “glib.”
He was something of a schemer, and it was fascinating to observe him deny or dismiss rife evidence of his historical deceptiveness, abusiveness and double-standards. And he did so with a striking lack of shame, and with much audacity, along with irritation (arrogantly conveyed) to have to even deign to respond to the history.
Now I’d like to shift gears (abruptly), and say something about the psychopath’s (or sociopath’s) alleged “look,” or “stare,” which has been described anecdotally in the literature. Its most obvious form is characterized by a certain crazed intensity (note some of the existing photos of Ted Bundy, and other serial killers).
There are also, I suggest, other, subtler forms of this look. In any case what this “look” transmits (in any of its forms) is something elementally predatory. It has an evaluatively predatory quality.
I suspect that many of you have had the experience of being watched in this way?
It’s more than a feeling of being scrutinized, because all of us scrutinize each other, and clients should be scrutinizing their therapists.
It is more, I think, the quality, or motive, of the scrutiny—again, a predatory aspect that engenders the experience of feeling invaded, and “sized up,” “measured” for ulterior purposes.
At bottom, this is a type of “look” that leaves one feeling watched, studied as an “object.” One experiences the “watcher” as if he or she is calculating, “How much can I have my way with this person? How susceptible is this person to my present interests in him or her?”
My client had this “look.”
He was a “watcher,” and as he watched me, I often had the disconcerting sense that he was less interested in what I had to say, or what I was saying, than in using the time I was speaking to further his evaluation of my vulnerability.
This feeling with, experience of someone, can be a signal. It can signal that something predatory is brewing, or occurring.
I’ve called this the “feel” of a sociopath, because sociopaths sometimes (not always) can stir-up this sensation in those whose paths they’ve crossed, or lives they’ve entered. To be sure, not all sociopaths evoke this experience; but some do, and it can be an uncomfortable, and not easily articulated experience. Depending on the circumstances, it can even feel flatteringly seductive (if still uncomfortable).
Take, for instance, a blind/first-date scenario, in which the exploitative-minded individual approvingly, hungrily, invasively and audaciously sizes-up his date, leaving her feeling flattered (hungrily desired) while at the same time uneasy?
This “sizing up,” “measuring” process too often belies not a hunger for love, and connection, but of acquisition, possession and/or conquest.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2009 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
All night phone calls, even as the police here..sayimng tell them to get the cs spray Im coming for you! he then rang and said on way at 3.30am..and called police to report it and bugger me…ten mins later here he is kicking the back door in, rang police in minutes,and they serached but couldnt find him..he then rang and was able to repeat all me and the police had said!!
since then answer ohone message woke up to…saying he was attacked and only defended self, veiled threats about making allegations to the police..of assault, drug raids etc.in between he said tehre was nothing about his behaviour to warrant ebing removed and he said your having an affair..and I did love you!!
nothing now for hours, police still havent found him, as of that last message havent heard a word..wondering if this is it…he would normally go tom work afetr coming here..I ahte the unknown..maybe this is it..maybe cos I have stuck tio guns and not even spoken tidy he will stop.
Havent heard an
I have no doubt there were angels intercepting on your behalf, I think as soon as I made a move to fight back and expose my ex to friends and family…something spiritual came under me like a wave, and I felt I was protected and in this time frame I could really get away…support just appeared as if from nowhere..
I’m emotional also reading how you got away, because he treated you so violently and badly…and it’s so obvious you did not deserve any of that! but to know he couldn’t get to you again is how powerful you are, and it’s this experience in the presence of negativity that could kill you, you made a commitment to your own life and it turns around so powerfully from there…
And your little siamese cat knew also the seriousness of the situation! they always do….one of the rage moments for my ex was when he screamed at me “You love cats more than me…” because my cat’s showed more emotional intelligence than him !!!
You are experiencing one of those rare and beautiful opportunities to finally decide YOU are the creator of your own life. You can start today from anywhere step by step to create what it is YOU want for your kids….and let the grief pour…we are here to listen.
muldoon: are you reading? What’s going on? Can you go somewhere that he can’t find you? The police are going to find him. You & kids need to be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey all…yes reading..still no word..have managed to barracade the backdoor but dont think I am going to need it.Not a word since stupid oclock this morning..police still cant locate him.
Muldoon, I am really worried about your safety. Is there a safe place you can go that he wont know about? You need to be with someone, somewhere safe. Can a friend come and get you? You HAVE to get out of there.
Dear Muldoon,
You have been through this before, you can predict what the jerk will do.
I advise DO NOT ANSWER HIS RING if you can tell it is him, if you MUST answer the phone, the SECOND you know it is him HANG UP. DO NOT LISTEN TO A WORD HE SAYS, AND DO NOT REPLY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
Blue’s advice is good if you can get a friend to come over to stay or go somewhere else DO IT as quickly as possible.
He is going I think to try the same tactics he tried last time and will keep it up for a while, do NOT give in to either threats or pleas, but first of all KEEP YOUR KIDS AND YOURSELF SAFE. SAFE!!!!!! You do know he can be violent, as he has been violent in the -past. THEY DO NOT GET BETTER, and he considers you and the kids HIS PROPERTY, so he is angry. He is sneaky, and he is mean. BE STRONG Muldoon, you can do it, I know you can. You learned from last time, and if you allow him back there will be a next time. and a next and a next. HE IS EVIL.
I have nowhere or no one..but three of kids are 15 plus and they now the drill..bad as that sounds. I live three minutes form the police who arive within minutes..it would take him more than that to get through door.But I havemnt heard from him at all, since about 5am, so I think maybe it over untill he gets bored with freedom and decides he wants to see the kids..
I am freaked out now the adrenelin gone and a little bit sad that it went this way aagin..but I know now for absolute certainty, he will not change.
Oxdrover..its as if he wanted to leave, he was given the usual ultiimatums and told that I wanted him to go, he didnt really make an effort to bullshit which he sometimes has done..And when he left..nit a tear or anything so I think although the timing didnt suit him he never intended to be here long anyway.
We are safe and thankfully no schol so I am not on a shedule elaving and coming home at times.x
gettuing jittery now but taht is the unknown and lack of word.
Dear Muldoon,
Just wanted to answer you before I get off the computer and go back to work outside, STAY STRONG and STAY SAFE. I’m glad your kids are big enough that they are not terrified infants at least. I remember you do have one very young one I think.
Yea, they don’t like to stay one place too long sometimes, but when they get out of a place to go they want to return, ,so you have NOT HEARD THE LAST FROM HIM.
Glad you live so close to the cops, that at least is a plus. Glad there is no school either, but don’t let your GUARD DOWN.
Yea, when the adrenaline is gone there is that “shhot at and missed, chit at and hit” feeling of exhaustion that comes over us and not sleeping either. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF AND GET SOME MUCH NEEDED REST. All this stress I know is wearing on you—and you have lived under it for years so it will take some time for the effects to go away. At least though you learned from the last time.
That is the KEY to this. Keep reading the articles here Muldoon, go back through the old archives and keep on reading and learning. I know you know that KNOWLEDGE=POWER and you are TAKING BACK YOUR POWER!!!! You just sound so much much MUCH stronoger and deetermined this time and I KNOW YOU WILL SUCCEED. You have just taken the FIRST STEPS on the healing process and that is getting away from him. here is a long and difficult journey ahead for you, but being away from him is the BIGGEST HURDLE. You have had a life of chaos and betrayal from your birth family on up, but you are a TOUGH AND STRONG SUVIVOR and you are takign back your power, yourself, from those that have abused you. That is a powerful thing!!!! ((((HUGS))) and my prayers and my thoughts.
See you guys this evening when I get too tired to do anything except SIT in front of the cmoputer!
Thanks Oxdrover, you guys are all so cool. I thought more of it and thought every other time he was keen to be kicked out, thi time he was trying to saty puit and clearly had not lined up the next place to go, so maybe yes I havent heard the last cos of his ego being battered, I was kicking him out beforre the volonece nd for far less than he normally would do to get me to start…Yes feeel exhausted and on like a come down. Too hyped for sleep and havent eaten since the day before yesterday..but hey needed a diet.
yes feel stronger, Im immmune to it, havent shed a tear…..yet..