I recently had clinical contact with a client who left me with the unusually strong, immediate impression of “schemer,” “slick,” “full of crap.” He was instantly, aggressively ingratiating—less, I felt, from insecurity, as from ulterior motives, as if he were angling, at the outset, for an edge.
I had the uncomfortable feeling I get around intrusive salesmen who leave you feeling like an “object” from whom to extract a sale and commission.
I should mention that he was glib. Glibness is a trait often associated with certain sociopaths. My client was so glib, as a matter of fact, that for the first time in a long while the word “glib” actually popped into my head.
When I say “glib,” I don’t mean just fast-talking, which he was. He was shallow, too. And for me, the combination of smooth, fast talking, underlain by shallowness, really captures “glib.”
He was something of a schemer, and it was fascinating to observe him deny or dismiss rife evidence of his historical deceptiveness, abusiveness and double-standards. And he did so with a striking lack of shame, and with much audacity, along with irritation (arrogantly conveyed) to have to even deign to respond to the history.
Now I’d like to shift gears (abruptly), and say something about the psychopath’s (or sociopath’s) alleged “look,” or “stare,” which has been described anecdotally in the literature. Its most obvious form is characterized by a certain crazed intensity (note some of the existing photos of Ted Bundy, and other serial killers).
There are also, I suggest, other, subtler forms of this look. In any case what this “look” transmits (in any of its forms) is something elementally predatory. It has an evaluatively predatory quality.
I suspect that many of you have had the experience of being watched in this way?
It’s more than a feeling of being scrutinized, because all of us scrutinize each other, and clients should be scrutinizing their therapists.
It is more, I think, the quality, or motive, of the scrutiny—again, a predatory aspect that engenders the experience of feeling invaded, and “sized up,” “measured” for ulterior purposes.
At bottom, this is a type of “look” that leaves one feeling watched, studied as an “object.” One experiences the “watcher” as if he or she is calculating, “How much can I have my way with this person? How susceptible is this person to my present interests in him or her?”
My client had this “look.”
He was a “watcher,” and as he watched me, I often had the disconcerting sense that he was less interested in what I had to say, or what I was saying, than in using the time I was speaking to further his evaluation of my vulnerability.
This feeling with, experience of someone, can be a signal. It can signal that something predatory is brewing, or occurring.
I’ve called this the “feel” of a sociopath, because sociopaths sometimes (not always) can stir-up this sensation in those whose paths they’ve crossed, or lives they’ve entered. To be sure, not all sociopaths evoke this experience; but some do, and it can be an uncomfortable, and not easily articulated experience. Depending on the circumstances, it can even feel flatteringly seductive (if still uncomfortable).
Take, for instance, a blind/first-date scenario, in which the exploitative-minded individual approvingly, hungrily, invasively and audaciously sizes-up his date, leaving her feeling flattered (hungrily desired) while at the same time uneasy?
This “sizing up,” “measuring” process too often belies not a hunger for love, and connection, but of acquisition, possession and/or conquest.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2009 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
I’m currently trying to run away from my sociopathic mother – hence my name.
Being that the sociopath in my life is my mother, I suppose the stare is a little different. But boy do I know that look. Actualy, there are two kinds.
The first, and more frequent, is when I’m around her, I have this feeling that I’m being examined. It’s like those ghost shows on TV where people say there wasn’t anyone there but they felt like someone was in the room. I could be watching TV and just feel like someone was staring at me. Sure enough, I’d turn around and there was my mother quickly turning away like she’d been caught in the act. Creeeepy!
Or, she wouldn’t realize I could see her out of the corner of my eye and she’d just stand there examining me. It’s just wrong.
The worst is the few times my mother felt so elated about some scheme that she took her mask off and showed me her true self. It can even be on the phone! The tone in her voice. But how well I know that look of evil triumph.
The worst part about all of that is that, while my siblings well-know the staring thing, I’m the only one who knows the evil-triumphant thing. It’s a lonely feeling knowing the truth but being unable to prove it.
Both the N and the S I knew liked to tell stories that showed themselves in the best possible light. The S told stories IDENTICAL to your S’s stories. The stories you described were totally consistent with both his personality and lifestyle. They could be the same person.
The N was far more melodramatic. His stories were well embellished, long winded, and often included put downs of people who didn’t appreciate him sufficiently.
How old are you Running Away?
Elizabeth Conley, when you say N are you referring to a narcissist?
Yep, N = Narcissist = 1 Plum Short of a Fruit Pie!
I think the s I was with was also a n. First I thought he was only a n, but then my therapist said he is a s. I guess in his case they overlapped.
Yeah, they always show themselves in the light. They even gather a cult like audience of people who he perceives as “lesser” and he solicits admiration of these people.
In the s case he is a college professor. There is always a gaggle of art student girls admiring him. The funny thing is that he chooses these women by a certain look. The all look emaciated, dark haired with similar sad face features. It’s kinda scary. It could not be a coincidence.
He also appealed to young gay men. He seduced them with attention and confidence, but then he spewed homophobic hatred behind their back. Put them down and called them “clingy f*gs.
Just thinking about this makes me want to throw up. That nobody saw what he was really like.
I think that’s part of the crazy-making — when you finally see what they are, but nobody else does or wants to. Hell, my ex-S served time.
And who do you think two of his biggest cheerleaders are? You got it — the wife is a city cop and her husband is a state trooper. End of the day all you can do is save yourself.
Matt, mine had a criminal record and not one person saw this as an issue. With each new transient population the story was that he has been abused, he is TRYING to turn his life around SOOOO Hard. He then puts on a big show of being helpful in the “new” community and all the local social workers, police fall for his b.s. hook, line and sinker EVEN when he breaks another law subsequently!!
Yes, the crazy making is when you finally see you were played in just the same way you see them doing to others now. When you warn anyone, or hell even just tell the truth of your own story they have beat you to the pass. They have already been warned what a crazy person you are trying to ruin them..and with mine the added cherry on top of how sad he felt about me being so “vindictive” and “unforgiving” and how very worried he was the effect this may have on my health. Then when he got home he would say things such as “Oh and the next time if you try to take your life please could you at least get it right this time?”
but my oh my in front of others it was all roses.
And Elizabeth mine had a thing for rescuing women or appearing to as well. He was especially fond of hard working or accomplished single mothers. He liked to exploit their caring instinct for their children…that is before he robs you blind and ruins your health and the health of your children.
That is the worst part about the ex S. I cannot warn anyone in our community because he has them all charmed just like he charmed me. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s very sad to watch my friends be won over by this creep, and there is nothing I can do about it. He posted new snake pictures on our reptile site (where I met him). They were beautiful high end snakes. Everyone ooh’d and ah’d and say “you da man” and high fived him on the internet. And I’m betting those aren’t even his snakes. I think he lifted the pictures off some random breeders’ websites. It’s just unbelievable what lengths they will go through for power and attention. They are the consumate game players. That’s why we can’t beat them. They have made their whole lives about playing games and winning at them. They are so focused on winning that even when they are losing, they have the illusion they are winning. And when winning, they are already bored and planning their next game.
Even the army who allegedly investigated him for fraud and adultery still doesn’t grasp what he is. They talk about not being able to make him do “the right thing.” They think he is just doing the wrong thing. They don’t really grasp that his entire being is bad.
Matt —- Ox Drover …..to all:
Oh my heaven help me…..this is how I would describe my husband’s behavior at the settlement meeting last Friday. GLIB – yes by Steve’s description this is the right word. It gave me chills and I was filled with emotions I can only describe as – pity, fear, shame embarrassment. This is the man I loved for 22 years – father of my 2 children – and he was GLIB:
” No forensic accountant would be able to put the puzzle together on my businesses and understand how I have moved money around!”
“Don’t remember the names of other investors…… and the other guys are dead”
” I don’t bother putting a business plan together…. I get money and start a business – if I win, I win – I’ll make millions – if I lose – so I lose a couple bucks.”
Meanwhile, I never in my life dreamt he had hundreds of thousands of dollars running through his hands – debt or otherwise.
How did he keep this behavior hidden for so long….maybe not hidden but certainly not this outrageous. Do they really unmask after they have left and no longer have to portray a certain character to you?
I feel like he has been taken over by a Body Snatcher- I am dating myself by the old movie.
He does not seem to feel remorse or embarrassment for his greed.
Me and the kids lived typical lower middle class- he never shared any of his prosperity but wants me to take the debt- he seems almost proud he has pulled it off.
There has to be a judge that will see through him – or at least his lawyer would advise him to be generous to avoid IRS investigations.
Is a Narcissist ALWAYS a SOCIOPATH????
Is this Sociopathic behavior?