Clearly the LoveFraud community, better than anyone, can testify to the reality of sociopaths and the damage they can inflict on others.
Sociopaths exist. That is inarguable. The sociopath is someone, as we know, with a grossly deficient respect for the integrity and boundaries of others; someone who sizes others up principally as assets to be exploited for his or her own whims and needs. The sociopath is a remorseless user and taker.
At the same time, I think it’s worth noting that sociopathy, in general, makes for sensational copy, as a result of which estimations of its incidence in the general population are at risk, I would argue, of being dubiously, irresponsibly inflated.
Martha Stout, for instance, in her formerly bestselling The Sociopath Next Door, an otherwise rather unoriginal (in my view) layman’s introduction to sociopaths, capitalizes and, I suggest, exploits a spicy subject by suggesting that as much as 4% of the general population may meet criteria for sociopathy.
It’s unclear exactly how Stout derives her figure, but it strikes me (at best) as questionable, and more likely, as reckless. Certainly it’s in Stout’s interest, as an author, to sensationalize sociopathy, the better for her book sales. And a good way to do this, indisputably, is to suggest bloated numbers of sociopaths’ existence.
Four percent of the general population? Stout is suggesting that as many as one in 25 people with whom we cross paths may be sociopaths?
Even Robert Hare, Ph.D, the noted psychopathy researcher, estimates that upwards of 1% of the general population meets his very stingent criteria for psychopathy (psychopathy, in Hare’s terms, being synonymous with sociopathy). Compared to Stout’s figure, Hare’s seems much more reasonable. But even 1% strikes me as somewhat high.
These estimates suggest, for instance, that basically at any random gathering—in church, synagogue, a high-school basketball game, or town council meeting, you name it—we are likely to be sitting in proximity to a true sociopath, if not several?
It also suggests that, in the course of a day, or week, we’ll have crossed paths, if not rubbed elbows with, multiple sociopaths? Day after day, week after week, we are consistently crossing paths, if unknowingly, with sociopaths?
I struggle with this view, as someone who has clinically worked (and not irregularly, works) with sociopathic individuals.
My own gut, clinical and life experience leaves me suspicious that, as real and mumerically prevalent as sociopaths are, there is one sitting in every classroom on back to school night, and several in attendance at every school play?
As a matter of fact, I think possible exaggerations of the incidence of sociopathy do an injustice to the victims of real sociopaths. Nowadays, it’s common for anyone who deals with an insensitive, manipulative jerk to call that person a sociopath. You hear the label sociopath being permissively applied, in my view, to a wide range of people to whom it doesn’t accurately apply.
There has been a confusing, in my view, of sociopathy with other disorders, like narcissistic and borderline. Within personal relationships acts of aggressiveness, passive-aggressiveness, selfishness and abusiveness are now routinely (and liberally) ascribed to the offending partner’s sociopathy, as if a host of other explanatory sources of these problem-behaviors barely merits consideration.
Some individuals with borderline personality disorder, for instance, are capable of vengeful, cold-blooded behavior when they feel emotionally abandoned. A good example of a film portrayal of a borderline personality is Glenn Close’s performance in Fatal Attraction. Close could easily be misdiagnosed as a sociopath given her demonstated—and sociopathic-like—capacity for chilling, ruthless vengeance. But her desperation, and her rage stemming from her desperation, is a borderline personality tendency that better explains her calculated viciousness.
I’ve worked often with spouses of narcissistic personalities, who feel inordinately entitled to having their sensitivities and demands met. Narcissists will tend to react with an unsavory combination of contempt, rage, passive-aggressive and/or aggressive relatiation when disappointed (which is constantly). Often I’ll hear the spouses of such personalities refer to them as sociopaths, when their partners’ disturbance is more often related to narcissism than sociopathy.
My point, please don’t misunderstand me, isn’t to question the prevalence of true sociopathy—merely its estimated incidence as proposed by some experts. As a matter of fact, it’s highly unlikely that your next door neighbor is a sociopath, yet the title of Stout’s book would have you virtually anticipate this possibility.
Make no mistake, there are many ways that neighbors can makes themselves our nightmares without being sociopaths. When I lived in Mill Valley, CA in 2000, we had a neighbor who threw (I’m not kidding) a large, dead rat over the fence separating our properties into our backyard as I played catch with my lab. The rat landed with a sickening thud in front of my left foot, just as I about to make another heave of the frisbee. My courageous response, naturally, was to shriek like a terrified three year old.
This was just the latest in a series of hostile actions this neighbor took to express his displeasure with our existence. Was he a sociopath? I’m sure I called him one, and was convinced he was, but he probably wasn’t. He might have been a sociopath, that’s certainly possible; but as creepy as his action (and he) was, I’d hedge my bets that another problem better explained his belligerence. Maybe paranoia? Maybe some malignant form of acted-out narcissism? I’ll never know.
I do know that if this ever happens to me again—a rat’s being thrown into my yard while I’m standing there minding my own business—it will probably be more than my heart can take.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
I am so lucky to have fallen for a dumb a** it 🙂
wini Come outside and sit by my fire with me and we will just watch the flames and be still! love jere
Indogoblue: Sounds good to me.
I’m back and forth in this sight, then helping a friend with something …
Very well I shall warm the waters for your feet :)~
In our society, PSYCHOPATHY (Sociopathy/Narcissism), manifested by extreme charm, manipulation, exploitation, blaming, extreme sense of entitlement, inability to feel empathy or remorse, inability to love, and even inappropriate rage outbursts etc., is ADAPTIVE. Those people that have THESE combinations of personality characteristics succeed (in our society). Evolution teaches that, characteristics that are ADAPTIVE, increase.
It is my humble opinion (and also based on my experience, that the incidence of psychopathy is NOW much more than 4%. (It might have been 1% in Cleckley’s time, and might have been 4 percent some years ago) . . . but in my experience the incidence of psychopathy, NOW, in MALES, in NYC is about 30%.
If we are going to bump up the number figures with the males, then females get a bump up as well…. Before my socio experience, which opened my eyes to psychopathy, I can honestly say that I met many women who fit characteristics of anti-socials… at that time, I may have thought they were crazy, or difficult, or mean… but with my knowledge now of what I was dealing with, I can honestly say that I met many women who fit the profile having possessed several of the known traits. I agree with you that the world seems be slanted in favor of such people, and with the general lack of morals, values, integrity, accountability, selflessness, honestly and compassion… these people don’t stand out (in a bad way) in our world as they might have in generations past…. it’s a sad thing.
I certainly agree that the incidence of Psychopathy is females is MUCH higher also
Mr. Becker,
I too have problems with Martha Stout’s opinion that 4% of people are sociopaths. This in spite of the fact that I consider her list, “Thirteen Rules for Dealing with Sociopaths in Everyday Life” invaluable. I use it in dealing with several difficult personality types. I also use it with organizations that display narcissistic tendencies. Martha Stout stands out from the crowd because she offers solutions, instead of just sympathy. Sympathy doesn’t solve problems. Because Martha Stout goes beyond sympathizing with victims and bashing the personality disordered, her book is very valuable.
Not everyone who treats us as a sociopath would is actually a sociopath. It’s good to understand that there are people out there who act like sociopaths, but actually suffer other conditions. Knowing about these other conditions can help us live better. The other personality types may act like sociopaths, but they’re not. If we recognize them for what they are, we can deal with them more effectively than if we assumed every bad actor was a sociopath.
I think that if we through in the anti-social personality disordered and the narcissists along with the sociopaths, we come up with a figure close to 4%. Throw in all the DSM-IV Cluster B’s, and you get a much higher percentage rate. Together they explain most of the crazy-making in families, communities and organizations.
Between Martha Stout and M. Scott Peck, I’ve been less troubled by these folks than ever before. Since I’ve lived most of my life as a total patsy, that’s saying a lot. I suggest having a hard look at “People of the Lie”, in order to get a firm grasp on how to identify the whole “drama club”.
“Drama Club”? Yep, that’s what I call ’em these days. Once I figured out who they were and how they acted out, I didn’t hate my “crazy makers” any more. They are an active little bunch, but that’s ok. They stage productions, but I don’t have to buy tickets!
Like everyone, I’ve got 2 in my extended family, 2 in the volunteer organization I just “unvolunteered” from, and 2 in my church. They are as follows: a borderline, 2 sociopaths, a histrionic, and two narcissists.
Do they represent 4% or more of the people I know? Absatively! (Love that sniglet) Does it mean I have to let them run me ragged? No way! Sure, there are a few people out there who think I’m a real meanie for not supporting the drama club. There was a time when I would have cared deeply about these drama club devotees’ opinions. No longer. Freedom is a wonderful thing.
I think Martha Stout’s figure that about 4% of people are sociopaths is an astute and good approximation. I think also that how often we’ve encountered these individuals in our lives will skew our beliefs of the actual number of sociopaths running rampant in our society. Of course not every one person in a room of 25 people is going to be a sociopath… but I think it is harmful to underestimate the number of sociopaths, considering 75% of the prison population have been cited to have AsPD. and THAT’S just the sociopaths who got caught…. something of 1% of the American population are in prison. Considering that percentage, i think that saying 4% is an overestimation is hard to buy. The prevalence of Schizophrenia is close to 1% yet how many of us have personally known someone who is schizophrenic? Not me. And sociopaths fly much better undetected beneath the radar than schizophrenics, I’m sure. It’s something to think about.
personally, i suspect the % is higher. i am lesbian and the stat for gays and lesbians hovers around10% and i tell you, even though i am much more likely to know a greater number of gay people, i have run across waaay more disordered people in my life.