(This article is copyrighted (c) 2012 by Steve Becker, LCSW. The use of male gender pronouns is strictly for convenience’s sake and not to suggest that females aren’t capable of the behaviors and attitudes discussed.)
“Loyalty” and “the sociopath” are incompatible terms. We’ve discussed many traits of the exploitive personality, but let’s not minimize a very vital one: deficient loyalty. Clearly, deficient loyalty is a sociopathic characteristic.
A deficiency of loyalty can be disguised very well by clever, self-serving rationalizations. But you will not find the case of a true sociopath about whom you will ever be able to say: he (or she) was really, through and through, truly loyal.
Loyal? What does “loyal” mean? It’s actually pretty simple to define: when you are loyal, you “have the backs” of those who’ve “had your back.”
You “have their backs” because you want to “have their backs.” You are glad, if not grateful, for the chance to “have the backs” of those who’ve had yours. This is loyalty. It’s application feels good, and it feels consonant with the loyal individual’s “value system.”
Now, in some cases “loyalty” can lead to corruption. For instance, look at law enforcement: cops, corrections officers, will often “have each others’ backs—”they will often “go down” protecting their own even in scandals where, intellectually, they are well aware that laws were broken (by colleagues and friends), and the public’s trust violated. But they “have each others’ backs,” sometimes stubbornly and illegally. Their loyalty to each other may, in a rather complex way, sometimes contravenes other “values” they may have, such as ethical ones.
In a person of conscience, this may produce real conflict and stress. In someone with a weaker conscience, this may not be the case.
In some cases, the “whistle-blower,” who might “look” more honest and courageous than his seemingly more ethically-challenged colleagues, might be more sociopathic than his “corrupt” counterparts who, in snubbing authority and the law, maintain “the backs” of those who had his (or hers).
I am not judging this phenomenon in any way at all, just pointing out its sometimes complexity.
So “loyalty—”its demonstrations (and abdications)—can encompass serious moral complexity.
This is a case where, of course, not all evidence of disloyalty is a hot red flag of sociopathy, but “disloyalty” is absolutely a feature of the sociopathic personality.
And this is especially true: when “loyalty” becomes inconvenient, now we have something to evaluate. When it’s “inconvenient” to be loyal, watch the disloyal individual (and sociopaths) shed their capacity to “seem” loyal with a variety of disturbing rationalizations, and sometimes without even the need to explain. Watch them, in any case, emerge in their truer colors.
If there is a single quality, in fact—a single, true trait—whose presence alone virtually “rules out” sociopathy, it is arguably “loyalty.”
You simply cannot be “loyal” to those in your life who have been loyal to you—that is, be truly loyal to them even when it’s no longer expedient to be so—and be truly sociopathic.
As I said, true loyalty and true sociopathy are simply incompatible concepts, and will never describe the same individual.
To a Narcissist you are always only a prop. You are a part of the stage play, but only exist to aggrandize them…that is, if you are still under their sway. If you are good supply, you are primary supply, and you know your place as prop. You are valuable to the narcissist. If you tire of this arraingement, your value will decrease, and you will become secondary supply, or worse, disgarded supply, or even persecuted supply. As your self-esteem grows, and as you express yourself, as you find yourself, and realize yourself, you become less and less valuable to the narcissist, and more and more their betrayer, you become contemptable, because you have some-how stolen some of the unique and speciallness away from the narcissist….you have been a bad prop. This is a play on words, because narcissists have such a fragile ego that they literally lean on other egos to prop themselves up.
There is always the choice between saving the relationship at the expence of the self, or losing the relationship and growing a self.
Guys, I gotta tell you. I’ve been a bad prop. 🙁
🙂 🙂 🙂
Me too. I am a very bad prop. I always said and felt like their worst nightmare of a child. Not that there wasn’t much to appreciate, if I do say so myself. Myself seems to be the problem though.
Now where did you find this explanation of the narcisist? I have told my friend who is convinced her ex is a narcisist that she was a prop. I had never heard it said as you did above. That is just what I saw. I also want to know if you got the example from some straight shootin’ guidebook, why counselors don’t just lay it out like this for you so you can say “yes” that sounds like exactly what I’ve lived? Please don’t say it’s been a secret because of money. I don’t think I can take one more financial abuse at this time.
Wow skylar, what an “aha” moment.
I betrayed my spath several times. He is fully aware of it and called me on it. Serious betrayals.
Yet in every case he resumed the relationshit with me. Wanted sex. Started texting.
Each time I couldn’t figure it out. I was wondering, wtf, doesn’t he realize I betrayed him and I WANT HIM GONE and I WILL DO IT AGAIN?
So you are saying he was aware, and didn’t care, because its all part of the game? Seriously???
Eralyn, I’m sure I’ve read it somewhere in my studies. I think Sam Vaknin talks about “the prop”, but, I think that it’s just a good metaphor, and generally accepted allusion to being a narcissists partner.
Narcissists are split off from their true selves because the true self is not ideal. So, they creat a persona, or false self, and this is very much like a character in a play. They live in a fantastic world of ideal love, romance, heroism, etc. etc. etc. They are the authors of this ideal fantasy world. You can not fit into this ideal world unless you are the ideal prop to this ideal world, and being a prop means being objectified….not having a real role in the drama, because you exist only as an acoutrament to his fantasy…you must also, remain ideal, and that means, remain a fantasy and not become real…not have a self, and all the messyness that comes along with it….be a phantom, a figment of his imagination…don’t ruin the moment with a voice, or a request, just be a dream, in his drama.
This speaks to the narcississtic condition of leaving his props behind….while still asserting to “love” his props. His repeating the cycle with a new prop, and how the narcissist burns the victim to the ground, like an old house, when he leaves them behind….but, believes, his props are “coming down on their own, now…”
Steve, this article almost made me laugh…my son Patrick DEMANDS absolute “loyalty” from others, yet, he shiats on the very same people he demands “loyalty” from…
Example: When he was 17 he came and STOLE MY CAR to use to carry the “loot” when he robbed our friends’ business…then parked it back in my yard where I discovered the engiine warm the next morning and knew exactly what my car had been used for….DUH??? What car thief steals and returns the car?
So, I turned him in to the police who arrested him for grandtheft…
So who was DIS-loyal here? Why ME OF COURSE!!!! He still bears a grudge against me about that to this day.
He got a young girl to take her grandfather’s credit cards and he charged thousands of dollars on them, so when the bills came in…DUH??? The girl said “grandpa he was the one who used them” and so he LOYALLY BLEW HER BRAINS OUT because she had been “dis-loyal” to him.
Yet back when I was visiting with him, Patrick talked about the “prison code of honor” and that you “couldn’t snitch” or you would be killed….and that may be true, yet, I know for a FACT that prisons are FULL of snitches.
I also know that when I “disappeared” in the middle of the night and the ex cell mate of Patrick’s that he sent to kill me couldn’t find me, said ex cell mate went to PLAN B, leaving Patrick in the lurch!
No there is no “loyalty” among criminals and I think darned little loyalty among most people….and the RATS do start to swim for shore when the boat starts to sink…just like the SS Lance Armstrong boat is sinking now. The people who were “loyal” to him and kept their mouths shut apparently are no longer “loyal” to him.
Real honest to goodness TRUE LOYALTY is what you get when you buy a dog, and maybe, just maybe, you will have 2 or 3 people in your life that you know would be truly loyal to you and would never betray you no matter what….that is, as long as you were also as loyal and as honest, kind and caring.
It’s been said repeatedly “Sorry we aren’t the Waltons”. Huh? Or, “you should’ve had older parents”…. ? I see the stage and I danced around your paragraph (in my life) above watching the show. It’s strange to read knowing all the accidental “telling” things I have said that are spot on to your description. Why doesn’t anyone just SAY it like that?
I have a friend who is 50ish and when I met her we hit it off due to high conflict child custody cases. We got into the psychology of our spaths and then later speaking of what was used against us in court. She suffers from PTSD from the whole thing and we both were forced to relive awful stuff from our pasts. She felt her spath used her mothers suicide by shotgun in an attempt to make her crazy or at the least labelled crazy. I would listen to her and I couldn’t get out of my head how I didn’t believe her mother killed herself. After a while I told her some things I knew and had seen and what I felt about her mom and why just from what she herself had told me. Her moms death occurred when she was just 19 years old. She almost had an entire case disclosed to me that invalidated her moms suicide. She no longer believes with her heart and mind that her mom did it but in fact there’s some evidence her step-dad killed her mother. I felt like nobody ever just spoke to her directly and said flat out what I said. It really took a load off of her for her life.
we talk about how everything is a game of drama for them but I’m not sure we always realize how spot on accurate that description is, because we can’t imagine being so shallow, so 2-dimensional. Really, they have NOTHING that they value except the adrenalin rush of the game.
As Kim said, you can be a good prop or a bad prop. You can be good supply or discarded supply or the naughty supply, it doesn’t matter as long as it gives them drama.
Sam Vaknin said it best, “The narcissist doesn’t have friends or enemies, he only has supply.”
We are all plot devices, things to keep the game going so he can get off on the drama of it all. Without it, the boredom is too much to bear.
Very good and insightful article. The spath is only Loyal to themselves. They are parasitic in every aspect of their lives… just as a tick feeding off of its next victim…