We tend to speak of sociopaths versus non-sociopaths in pretty much either-or terms, despite recognizing that we fall along a spectrum of behaviors and attitudes that range from extremely unself-centered (even to self-sabotaging levels, reflecting poor self-esteem and weak self-protective defenses); to levels we would describe as dangerously exploitive (moving into the range of full-blown sociopathic personality, characterized by a troubling indifference to, and disregard of, others as separate human beings whose dignity deserves to be respected).
At bottom, as I have elsewhere written and stressed, the sociopath is a remorseless, chronic boundary violator; his regard for others’ dignity is minimal and shallow, if not missing. The function of his violating behaviors is to acquire something he wants with little, certainly no deep, regard for the damage he inflicts on others in his taking of it.
The sociopath knows that his behavior is “wrong” according to law and conventional standards of decency and, unless intellectually impaired, he knows “why” it is wrong from the same code of laws and standards.
He may be able to say, for instance, “It was wrong, or I know why it’s considered wrong, to have robbed that individual,” but he will rob him anyway, because he wanted the money and credit cards, and what he “wants” supersedes all codes of respect toward others.
Thus the damage he inflicts on others in taking what he wants is, at most, a secondary, non-ethical based consideration.
Just as importantly, if not more importantly, the sociopath’s understanding (intellectually) of the suffering he’s caused will leave him, unlike the non-sociopathic person, peculiarly (and tellingly) untroubled.
The sociopath, I can’t stress enough, is concerned with his gain, not others’ pain.
Now let me return to the point of this article. There are individuals with whom I work, not infrequently, whom I’d describe as, in some sense, “fall between the crack” personalities. These individuals have sociopathic tendencies. They are almost always chronically abusive one way or another.
Although they may not precisely meet every criterion of the textbook sociopath, still they exhibit, often (and historically) enough, the kinds of sociopathic abuses (and rationalizations of their abuses) that make them sociopathic enough to be avoided as assiduously as the full-blown sociopath.
Interestingly, these individuals can pose worse dangers than pure, unequivocal sociopaths for the very reason that it’s possible to find features of their personality that do not conform exactly to the textbook sociopath’s, leaving one dangerously more optimistic that her partner may be capable of the change and personal growth worth the wait, and suffering.
However, much more often than not, these individuals will lack this capability just as much as the clearcut sociopath lacks it. Yet their partners can find this especially hard to accept—that is, the virtual certainty that their sociopathically-inclined partner is as unlikely to make the kinds of critical reforms as the clearcut sociopath—because, in some respects, these “partial” sociopaths evidence certain capacities of sensitivity that encourage a seductive (but ultimately misguided) basis of hope?
Of whom am I speaking? I am speaking, for instance, of the individual willing to come to therapy. But you are much more likely to see this individual in a couples therapy situation than individual therapy (voluntarily). This is because in couples therapy he can more easily, craftily disavow his responsibility for the abuse he perpetrates than in individual therapy.
When you seek individual therapy, voluntarily, you are basically conceding that you are coming with some of your own issues to address that can’t so easily, entirely be pawned off on your partner. Certainly it’s possible for an individual to present himself in individual therapy, even voluntarily, on a purely manipulative basis, but this individual usually won’t stay in the therapy for more than several sessions and, moreover, he will quickly reveal signs of his flaky, dubious investment in the process.
So it’s quite rare to find a significantly sociopathically-impaired individual seeking individual therapy, sincerely, on his own. But I repeat: it’s quite common to meet these individuals in couples therapy, where they may also enjoy, on some level, the tension of the dynamic in the room—the challenge, in a sense, to compete for the vindication of their image and comparative innocence; to persuade the therapist of their partners’ craziness, or histrionics.
In short, the couples therapy environment can satisfy the sociopath’s tendency to gamesmanship, competition and manipulation. He can verbally flaunt his quickness, glibness, logic, gaslighting tendencies and, if he has them, his impressive analytic and persuasive powers; he can rise to the challenge of convincing the therapist who the really “whacked” party in the relationship is?
But let us not lose the thread of the article. We are speaking here not necessarily of the full-blown sociopath but the “partial” sociopath. And this, again, can complicate and, in some respects, worsen matters!
For the reason that, because he may not be a full-blown sociopath, he may be involved in the therapy with a “sort of—”perhaps a “partly genuine” wish—to salvage the relationship, and not necessarily for entirely selfish, manipulative reasons.
And so this can be especially confusing to his partner, if not the therapist. Who is this man? If he is showing up regularly for couples sessions, seems on some levels to love his partner, is capable of producing, seemingly, some sincere insights and some accountability for his destructive behaviors (at least in the sessions), doesn’t this suggest a candidate for some real, substantive change, if not transformation?
But the answer most often is, NO. To repeat, the individual of whom I speak is almost always, in the final analysis, no more capable of changing than the textbook sociopath, only his more human side creates the teasing prospect that he can, indeed, produce this change, when he won’t, and can’t.
Why? Why can’t he? Why won’t he?
Because he has too much of the sociopath in him. What is too much? This is hard to quantify. At what point along the spectrum is he too far gone to make meaningful, worthwhile, reliable changes, even though he may retain some genuinely humane qualities?
For the answer to this question, tune in to my next article.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2011 by Steve Becker, LCSW. My use of male gender pronouns is for convenience’s sake and not to suggest that females aren’t capable of the behaviors and attitudes discussed.)
Well, God bless you sweetheart!!! My stepmother was my guardian angel against my spath daddy. They eventually divorced and he nearly destroyed her, but she was the ONLY stable force in my life at all during those years, even though she often sided with spath daddy. Once she got out of the marriage though, she just grew and grew and is a fabulous person!
That’s a REALLY difficult thing to take on anyway, another person’s child, but when it’s a spath as a coparent. Oh WOW! I admire that about you!
That kid will never forget you if you can put up with it!
LL ~ Thanks so much! It is trying indeed, and being here helps A LOT!!
Doing my best to learn as much as I can and share with my husband who is an absolute sweetheart. He was so very battered and bruised by SSV, literally and figuratively. My only hope is that we can bring the 16 yr old boy to adulthood without becoming a full-blown spath himself.
It sounds as if you were blessed to have a loving stepmother to protect you. Thank goodness she got away from that man too!!
Gotta go get ready for husband to come home from work.
God bless!!
Okay, got to disagree with you a bit. YOUR psychopath is NOT THE IDENTICAL ONE WITH EVERY P, that is the point of Steve’s article I think….there are VARIATIONS and DEGREES…..it is not a case of “Is or ain’t” like either you IS OR AIN’T PREGNANT, no in between…..but you CAN be 1 day preg or 8 1/2 months preg (degree of preg) so a psychopath or not a psychopath isn’t IS OR AINT’ but can be a little bit P or a LOT P….if that makes sense….
SOME Ps I have known didn’t deliberately try to hurt others, but they hurt others and just either didn’t notice or didn’t care, but my P son—now that boy ENJOYS CAUSING OTHERS PAIN….and gets GLEE from it! My X BF P enjoys revenge, sometimes, but at other times, just doesn’t notice or care about pain caused by his behavior….and I’ve known other Ps who did what they want to do, and didn’t notice that what they did hurt others, and others that did notice, but just didn’t care….didn’t particularly enjoy hurting you, but if you were hurt….tuff! Eat the last piece of cake, knowing you hadn’t had any, but didn’t care because they felt entitled to it. Some would eat the last piece of cake and point out that they knew you wanted it…..some others would not eat it, but would smash it on the floor if they were too full to eat it, just to keep you from eating it.
My little darling P son would poison the cake and laugh while you seizured to death.
I have to disagree with you on this.
If the intent is not purposeful to cause pain, then why all the lies from the get go?
When we discuss love bombing here, we also discuss the sociopaths LIES, which are present from the get go. This is INTENTIONAL and it causes PAIN when it’s revealed.
Perhaps there are degrees on the scale of psychopathy/sociopathy, but I do not agree in that it is NEVER intentional, because it is, as so many here can attest too.
If i compare the two psychopaths i know enough my guess is that the “romantic” one is less malignant than my teacher.
The “romantic” one is more bon viveur, more interested in pleasure and pastimes. The teacher is more control freak, has less charming, is more openly aggressive and really enjoys torturing and feeling in control of others.
I observed the romantic one wanted fun and he would lie, manipulate, gastlight, whatever, but just in order to get his needs met, not because of pure sadism. Still, it’s true just this it’s not little dangerous.
LL, some psychopaths lie, but aren’t really AWARE that you are “hurt” by their lies….or even hurt by BEING lied to…because THEY would not be “hurt” the way you are hurt they can’t comprehend you being “hurt” or even really what “hurt” IS. Like Steve said, trying to teach a color blind person what “Red” is—or a tone deaf person what “tune” is—they are EMOTIONALLY “Deaf”/”blind”
So the PURPOSE of the lie isn’t to hurt, and they don’t even realize they HAVE HURT YOU….some of them…..OTHERS, seem to notice that you are “unhappy” (hurt) and they ENJOY seeing you unhappy/hurt/upset, like a situation where they have to have YOU LOSE, in order for THEM TO WIN…they ca’nt comprehend it seems to me that there can be a WIN/WIN situation….for them there has to be someone else lose for THEM to win. If that makes any sense.
I think the way Sky describes her X-P he was one that had to hurt others in order to “win”—and yours too sounds like a “hurt others in order to Win” kind of P—but not ALL of them are like that. Some just don’t CARE if you hurt even if they notice….and some are so dense and self centered they don’t even notice if you are hurting.
Like Dr. Robert Hare says, “you can teach them the words, but they cannot learn the tune.” So they can learn the word “love” but not have any idea that it is an active VERB and that certain ACTIONS go along with the word “love”—like nurturing and being nice to the person you love. LOL DUH!
My husband had that dog in the manger characteristic too. I think the reason he didn’t want me to have something that he DID NOT WANT for himself and would NOT COST him anything… was b/c he saw that as a LOSS for him b/c to him, if I got something I wanted, it meant I won. He deprived me not b/c he wanted it but b/c I could NOT be allowed to prevail, Not Ever. That particular characteristic is derived from envy.
Envy explained a lot. Made sense. Even his disloyalty to me, his wife, was to an extent similar to intense sibling rivalry. He was competing with me and I didn’t realize that was his game. But if you knew how his parents pitted their two boys against each other, it explained the envy and the pure hatred of his rival, that is ME who was the scapegoat that he gained approval from EVERYONE for “putting in my place”. I was the whipping boy for the one person he feared, his brother who knew childhood secrets that would destroy his precious community image.
Katy, that ENVY and therefore the need (as Dr. Leedom talks about the need) for CONTROL of others in some, if not all, psychopaths….and I agree with her on that. I think the first real head butting I got into with my P son was when he hit puberty and decided that he wanted CONTROL OVER ME, over the entire family for that matter….I saw it for a long time as “typical teenage stuff” —when in fact, it was MUCH MORE THAN THAT!
But ONLY in retrospect can I see that….at the time, it wasn’t easy to distinguish the difference between a “difficult” adolescence and a psychopathic one.
I still disagree. The reality that P’s LOVE to watch your tortured reactions tells me that they ENJOY the pain they cause.
To say that they don’t know lying doesn’t hurt people isn’t logical. ALL P’s lie. My ex spath wasn’t nearly as “bad” or rather as high on the psychopathy scale as Sky’s on that we will agree,, as he wasn’t into trying to KILL me, but because they don’t KILL you physically, doesn’t mean they aren’t intentionally doing it emotionally/sexually/financially/psychologically. Soul murder.
They KNOW what they’re doing, thus the all the duping they do. All the cover up. All the masking. Saying they don’t care is TRUE!< but saying they don't KNOW that they're doing it, I don't believe is accurate. How many have asked their P's not to do the same behaviors that cause pain over and over and they CONTINUE to do it?
Do you really mean to say that when they love bomb and KNOW they're lying they don't really "know" that they're doing it and that their intention is not to cause pain but just to "win"?
I don't believe that. They lie from the first sentence and they know they're doing it. My spath KNEW he was doing it, and not only did he KNOW he was doing it, he ALSO DIDN"T CARE that he was doing it.
They aren't so stooooopid that they don't know that their lies will not cause pain. If you want to categorize it as "winning" it's the same thing. They know what they're doing and they're doing it to "win". Which causes pain. It's intentional.
You don't do anything with the mindset of winning and not know what you're doing to make it happen.
Oxy, if we all agree that spath do what they do out of envy, then what part of that is not “intentional” ?
Envy is the desire to have the the quality, possession or attribute of someone else. Envy is most definitely focused on the person who has the possession. it isn’t focused on the quality, possesion or attribute, but instead it is focused on the person who has it. We have other words to describe desire for something that is not already the possesion of someone else. Envy, jealousy and covetousness are directed at the model holding the object. They a special forms of desire and they are destructive emotions.
Many of us have experienced schadenfreude. You expressed some of it yourself the other day with regard to your pedophile enemy who shot himself. I think we can agree, that you were pleased that he was no longer a threat and justice had been served through karma. That’s particularly satisfying. But as much as you felt that he should be punished, you didn’t go out and kill him yourself. You made that choice, and I’ll bet if you thought you would get away with it you still wouldn’t go kill him.
Envy is similar to schadenfraude because the envious spath wishes ill will on someone else, they wish for the person to lose so that they can win. It isn’t enough to share, or for the person to lose interest in the game. There HAS TO BE A LOSER, or the game is no fun. But the difference is that the envious spath actually goes out and makes it happen through cheating. So here is where the choice comes in. Any human being may feel envy, but the spath ACTS ON THAT ENVY. The feeling of envy is derived from a feeling that someone has more then he does. He just thinks that it isn’t fair. Life is only fair when HE has more. Life is only fair when others envy him. Schadenfraude is similar in that it is a feeling that someone got justice served on them and finally things are more fair.
You said, spaths know the words but don’t know the tune. true enough, but then you added that they don’t understand that actions go with love. SURE THEY DO. Mine did. he was so loving, took such good care of me, he was my freakin’ hero! He was always there for me and he was my Knight in shining armor. He could play the part. He knew the words and the actions. But he was a liar. Because he never felt the love. Consequently, he had to punish me as often as he rewarded me.
If you believe that there are sociopaths who are uncaring about the pain they cause, it’s because you are giving them the benefit of the doubt. That’s exactly what they want. They want to disguise themselves as inconsiderate jerks. The next step would be to say, “forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” And then we would have to, wouldn’t we?
It’s a slippery slope and I’m not going down it – again. I just spent 25 years sliding down that one. I learned my lesson.
Lastly, anyone here who remembers that moment, you know the moment when we extended our hand in love and compassion, willing to love with all of our goodness and then the shock of feeling a knife in your gut, KNOWS that the spath chose that moment because it caused the most pain. To be repaid for your goodness with evil is mind-blowing to a good person. The spaths all do this, it’s so much fun to watch the expressions on our faces.